How to download a json object as file? - javascript

I am currently trying to let the user of my website download a json object as a json-file.
With my following code i get the error message:
Error: Can't set headers after they are sent.
at SendStream.headersAlreadySent (\node_modules\send\index.js:390:13)
at SendStream.send (\node_modules\send\index.js:617:10)
at onstat (\node_modules\send\index.js:729:10)
at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (fs.js:168:5)'/about', ensureAuthenticated,
function (req, res, next) {
var jsonVariable = JSON.stringify(req.user);
var path_tmp = create_tmp_file(jsonVariable);;
Is there a better way to download a json object directly with no need to save it in the filesystem?

You can always inject some HTML into a page (or redirect to a page with some client-side JavaScript on it), and download it with the client. Just send the JSON string somehow to the new page you are redirecting to (it can even be a GET parameter), then download it with the following code (assuming the JSON string is in a variable called json):
var a = document.createElement("a")
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(
new Blob([json], {type:"application/json"})
) = "myFile.json"

var jsonVariable = JSON.stringify(req.user);
var path_tmp = create_tmp_file(jsonVariable);;
Send the data with res.json and use content-disposition to make it a download.
res.set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=example.json')
And don't do that (which is the cause of the error). You are responding with a download. You can't say "Here is the file you asked for" while, at the same time say, "The file you asked for isn't here, go to this URL instead".


create file for download on the fly within POST request

I am trying to figure out, if its possible to create a file without storing it in the drive, for only purpose to download it right away within POST request.
const specialRequests = async (req, res, next) => { // POST request
... // processing
let xmlString = ... // get processed xml string
// create xml file from that xmlString
// initialise download of the file, dont save it
let file = ???;
If its possible how it can be done
The download method is explicitly designed to transfer "the file at path".
You can create a download with some data, but you can't use that method.
res.set('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
res.set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="example.xml"')

Sending a file to the client from Node.js with Express

I have a unique situation in terms of difficulty.
I need to send HTML to the server, have the server convert the HTML to a PDF, send that PDF back to the client, and then download the PDF using client-side code.
I have to do it this way because I'm using client-side routing, so the only way I can access my endpoint that should perform this action is via a GET Request with Ajax or Fetch from client-side JavaScript. I am aware of res.sendFile(), but that attempts to render the file in the browser - I don't want that - rather, I want to be able to use client-side code to download the file.
Is it possible, then, to send a PDF file from temporary storage on the server down to the client, allowing client-side code to do whatever it wants to the file thereafter - in my case, downloading it?
I don't believe I have to provide any code because this is more of a theoretical question.
My issue stemmed from the fact that I could not just use res.sendFile() or from Express because the route was not being accessed by the browser URL bar, rather, my application uses client-side routing, and thus I had to make an HTTP GET Request via Fetch or XMLHttpRequest.
The second issue is that I needed to build the PDF file on the server based on an HTML string sent from the client - so again, I need to make a GET Request sending along a request body.
My solution, then, using Fetch, was to make the Get Request from the client:
fetch('/route' , {
method: 'GET',
body: 'My HTML String'
On the server, I have my code that converts the HTML string to a PDF, using the HTML-PDF Node module, and then, I convert that file to a Base64 String, setting the MIME Type and appending data:application/pdf;base64,.
app.get('/route', (req, res) => {
// Use req.body to build and save PDF to temp storage (os.tempdir())
// ...
fs.readFile('./myPDF.pdf', (err, data) => {
if (err) res.status(500).send(err);
.send(`data:application/pdf;base64,${new Buffer.from(data).toString('base64')}`);
Back on the client, I have my aforementioned Fetch Request, meaning I just need to tack on the promise to get the response:
fetch('/route', {
method: 'POST',
body: 'My HTML String' // Would define object and stringify.
.then(res => res.text())
.then(base64String => {
// Now I just need to download the base64String as a PDF.
To make the download, I dynamically create an anchor tag, set its href attribute to the Base64 String in the response from the server, give it a title, and then programmatically click it:
const anchorTag = document.createElement('a');
anchorTag.href = base64String; = "My PDF File.pdf";;
So, all together and on the client:
fetch('/route', {
method: 'POST',
body: 'My HTML String' // Would define object and stringify.
.then(res => res.text())
.then(base64String => {
const anchorTag = document.createElement('a');
anchorTag.href = base64String; = "My PDF File.pdf";;
The solution for using an anchor tag to trigger the download came from another StackOverflow answer. It's also important to note that Base64 Encoding is not very efficient. Better solutions exist, but for my purposes, Base64 will work fine.
It is also imperative to note that Base64 Encoding is precisely that - an Encoding Scheme, not, I repeat, not an Encryption Scheme. So if your PDF files contain privileged information, you would likely want to add token authentication to the endpoint and encrypt the file.

File copying using NodeJS

I am trying to copy a file from one location to another location. Here is my code below and I am calling this script like [1] http://localhost:8000/prdcopy/acbd.pdf
var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');
var express=require('express');
var app=express();
var path_upload = "/234.567.890.123/";
var path_prodn = "//123.345.678.999/sample/temp/";
var rstream = fs.createReadStream(path_upload + req.params.file);
var wstream = fs.createWriteStream(path_prodn + req.params.file);
rstream.on('end', function () {
wstream.on('close', function () {
var server=app.listen(8000,function(){
console.log("listening on port 8000...");
It copies the file properly however after copying the Firefox browser opens up a PDF reader. There is no file loaded in it though. This is my first node script and I would like to know what is that I am doing wrong. In IE it is not opening any PDF Reader window.
This is not necessarily an error.
With res.end() you are sending back an http response with no Content-Type header. What Firefox does in this case is detecting the .pdf at the end of the typed URL and assuming that the response will contain something that is displayable by the PDF viewer. This is not the case as you are not sending anything back (no body).
Try substituting res.end() with something like:
res.header("Content-Type", "text/html");
You will see that no PDF viewever is displayed even in Firefox. You could also use other res methods that automatically set the content type for you. For instance, to send a json response back substitute res.end() with:
status = {};
status.message = "Copied successfully";

NodeJS not trigger save file dialog in browser / EmberJS not receive file sent from server

My scenario:
I have an app written using MEEN stack (MySQL, ExpressJS, EmberJS, NodeJS). In a page, I have a form input. I am supposed to get the input data, send it to server, generate a PDF and display in EmberJS. The server is in NodeJS with ExpressJS, and the generated file is written to disk before getting sent to front-end.
My problem:
I cannot display the PDF file in EmberJS. Or rather, nothing is displayed. In my back-end with NodeJS and ExpressJS, I send a filestream of the PDF file back to EmberJS. Using a REST Client like Postman extension in Chrome, the dialog is called, and I can save the file. However, in EmberJS, no dialog appears, but I can see the content of the filestream using console.log in Chrome Dev Tools.
Why is it like this?
Below is my code for sending the file in NodeJS with ExpressJS.
generatePDF: function(req, res){
var details = req.body;
// #param details
// #return relative path to the file
inventoryController.generatePDF(details, function(relPath){
var filePath = path.resolve(relPath);
// This is the first method
// I explicitly specify the header for the Response Object
// and pipe the ReadableStream to the Response Object
// var name = path.basename(filePath);
// var mimeType = mime.lookup(filePath);
// res.setHeader('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename=' + name);
// res.setHeader('Content-type', mimeType);
// var fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath);
// fileStream.pipe(res);
// This is the second method (currently being used)
// using sendfile() of ExpressJS, the header is automatically set
The code in Ember.js for sending details to server and getting data back.
var doc = {
// some attributes inside here
var url='/pdf';
var request = Ember.$.post(url, doc);
if(data.status === 'ERR'){
// handling error
} else {
console.log('Successfully generated PDF.');
console.log(data); // I can see the filestream here
I think the problem lies that this isn't an Ember.js issue but a server issue, and how it's handled.
jQuery cannot save the file to disk, as it's a security risk. While extensions can override various security limitations, In Ember, or any other JavaScript framework (which uses jQuery) you cannot force a save as dialog as this is enforced by security. JavaScript cannot write to your local file format, (aside from html 5 local storage which is similar in many ways to cookies).
As such you cannot have a save as PDF. The only way to perhaps get that to work is allow the browser itself to capture the stream back and handle it:
You could try this plugin, but I'm not sure it works, and it's not recommended at all.
I'd recommend you just use a pure link from your browser and have the server send the file back in proper way, rather than an ajax call. You can either have a form submit it or a pure link with query string params.
Client Side:
<a href="/server/getFile?{"contentID"="123", "user" = "test#me"}>Get File</a>
<form action="/getFile" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" id="user" name="user" value="test#me" />
<input type="hidden" id="contentID" name="contentID" value="123" />
<input type="submit" value="Get File />
Server Side:
Add in the server the following headers:
res.setHeader('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename=<file name.ext>');
It might be a wise idea to also add a mime-type:
res.setHeader('Content-type', '<type>/<subtype>');
full code:
var filename = path.basename(filePath);
res.setHeader('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename='+ filename);
res.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/pdf');
// it's better to use a stream than read all the file into memory.
var filestream = fs.createReadStream(filePath);
Or if you're using express you could use this helper

How to set the name of a file in jquery

(This title may not be clear but whatever you read here is a refinement trying to get past the "quality standards" script, which seem to be a lot stricter based on the tags chosen)
On the client side is there any way in jquery to set the name of the file downloaded?
lets say on my server the file is stored as QXYZO123 , but the file is really information.xls , a spreadsheet. Even the hyperlink says information.xls as I have information linking the random file name to the original file name.
When the user clicks on the link, by default it will try to download the file name as stored on the server, QXYZO123, but I want it instead to say information.xls , how can I set this to suggest the file name to save as?
I call it a suggestion because based on the user's browser settings, it will either auto download with my filename suggestion or ask the user where to download and save it, with the filename suggestion
There is no setting file properties from JQuery directly. JQuery means some Javascript codes and Javascript is a client side script language. This means you can do something, only on client side, not on server side.
But there is some indirect methods to do this. First of all, only way to do this is setting the file name on server side. It depends on what language you are using on server side. Depens on server side language, You can write your own download web api. Pass the file name as a request parameter to your api and let it give you the file with your customized file name. I don't know what language you are using on server side but I prepared a serverside code with node.js that accepts customized file name in 'GET' request as parameter.
var sys = require ('sys'),
url = require('url'),
http = require('http'),
qs = require('querystring');
var path = require('path');
var mime = require('mime');
var fs = require('fs');
var server=http.createServer(
function (request, response) {
if(request.method=='GET') {
var filePath='path_to_your_file_in_your_server_file_system';
var filestream = fs.createReadStream(filePath);
var url_parts = url.parse(request.url,true);
var fileName= url_parts.query.fileName; //Taking your customized file name from GET request parameters.
var mimetype = mime.lookup(filePath);
response.setHeader('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename=' + fileName);
response.setHeader('Content-type', mimetype);
response.writeHead( 200 );
server.listen( 9080 );
When you run this server code with node.js you can get file with your customized file name from the url which localhost:9080?fileName=yourCustomizedFileName. As you see we are giving the fileName 'GET' request parameter in url. You can use javascript windows.location or something else to get the file with your customized file name on client side Javascript code.
Don't let the node.js code make you confused. The point of the solution is writing a downloading api which takes fileName parameter from 'GET' request, to send the file with this name to clients.
You can apply this node.js code for your server side language or research how to apply it. Probably, It won't be hard to find and apply it.

