How do I render DatoCms markdown text using WYSIWYG? - javascript

I have a DatoCms site using GatsbyJS, which includes a markdown editor field using a markdown editor.
This is formatted as bullet points on the back end.
However, on screen it renders as this
How do I make the text render correctly as bullet points?
Here is the code:
import React from 'react'
import { Link, graphql } from 'gatsby'
import Masonry from 'react-masonry-component'
import Img from 'gatsby-image'
import Layout from "../components/layout"
import SEO from '../components/SEO'
const SkillsPage = ({ data : { skillsPage }}) => (
<div className="showcase">
<h1 className="sheet__title">{skillsPage.title}</h1>
export default SkillsPage
export const query = graphql`
query SkillsPageQuery {
skillsPage: datoCmsSkillPage {
And the HTML output:

It seems related to styles issue. You can try to display them as a block or within a flex container.
One thing I've faced recently using DatoCMS and its WYSIWYG is that paragraphs are not displayed properly, not inheriting the line breaks. It can be easily fixed by using the CSS property white-space: pre-line to them to fix it. Maybe it fixes this issue too.
More information about white-space property can be found in MDN documentation.
With the new information provided, your issue is the way you render the content. You should use dangerouslySetInnerHTML to print automatically what's inside the WYSIWYG (markdown or rich text)
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: skillsPage.skills }} />
After this, if you have display or layout issues, you can check for the CSS properties that I've explained.
If you had an object/array to loop (array of skills) you should print them by:
{ => <li key={skill}>{skill}</li)}
More information about dangerouslySetInnerHTML from the official React documentation.


What's the best way to pass markdown to an Astro component as a prop

What I'm trying to do
A simple way to render the content of a markdown file when it's passed as a string to another component using .compiledContent (or even using .rawContnent)? Or even a better way than this as obviously usually in Astro we can use the <Content /> Component, but from my knowledge, I can't pass a component or this functionality to another component without using a <slot /> in the parent component.
I have some JS for the parent component and using a <slot/> instead of passing the props to the component would change things, so hopefully looking for a solution with using this.
My setup
Data stored in /src/data/experience as markdown files with a year and a description formatted as markdown in the content section of each file
A component called Tabs.astro which takes props of headings and contents which are both lists of strings
A page /src/pages/experience.astro with the Tabs component in it which is displaying this data
I take the below code to get the data from the markdown files and pass the years and descriptions to the Tab component.
import Tabs from "../components/Tabs.astro";
const jobs = await Astro.glob("../data/experience/*.md");
const years = => job.frontmatter.year);
const descriptions = => job.compiledContent);
<!-- My component taking the data to be rendered -->
<Tabs headings={years} contents={descriptions} />
And the component renders the info like so
<!-- Tabs -->
<div class="tabs">
<ul class="tabs-header">
{ => (
<ul class="tabs-content">
{ => <li class="tab">{content}</li>)}
My current solution
At the moment using .compiledContent gets me the correct HTML, however it is all in a string so the HTML doesn't actually render.
What I'm looking for
Is there a native way in Astro to pass markdown as a prop to a component?
If not is there a manual and recommended way in Astro to convert a markdown string and sanitise it to protect against XSS attacks? (if this is a risk in Astro when rendered statically?)
If not what are your most recommended ways to render markdown and sanitise it in JS?
Thanks so much for your time and help! I'm loving using Astro
p.s Also happy to concede and just use a <slot/> in my component if needed... ;)
Astro has a set:html directive you can use in combination with a Fragment like this
<Fragment set:html={post.compiledContent()}/>
After a bit of struggling with this myself, the current solution from the Astro docs for a single file without looping is the following.
Import your file with {Content as YourAliasName} from '../yourPath/'
Then just use it as a tag <YourAliasName />
Example from the docs for reference:
import {Content as PromoBanner} from '../components/';
<PromoBanner />

How to render clean html in Storybook 6 docs

I'm using Storybook to document some html components.
However, in order to create a story in mdx I have to use the Story component, meaning I can't use raw html and instead have to return my markup as a string:
import { Story } from '#storybook/addon-docs/blocks';
<Story name="Simple Button">
{`<button class="my-button">Download Now</button>`}
Which renders the source code as a string:
Is there a way I can return clean markup or have the source show as true html? The source showing quotes and lack of syntax highlighting makes for poor documentation.
It seems that since v6.0.0-alpha.22 you can render any custom source code in Storybook.
Using the Canvas block's params object you can set custom source for your story.
import { Story, Canvas } from '#storybook/addon-docs/blocks';
<Story name="custom source" height="100px" parameters={{ docs: { source: { code: `<button class="my-button">Download Now</button>` } } }}>
{`<button class="my-button">Download Now</button>`}
This renders the button in the story, and the source code uses raw HTML:

Pass in a stylesheet as a prop for a render in a functional component

I'm using Next.js, React, Styled JSX, and Postcss if that matters. I need to style an imported component for a specific page. Since the stylesheets are created for a specific component at the time of render, I figured I could just put the custom styles for the component in with the page specific resources and pass them in. But I'm getting the following error:
Expected a template literal or String literal as the child of the JSX Style tag (eg: <style jsx>{`some css`}</style>), but got MemberExpression
I have two functional renders in two separate directories and files, one a page and the other a component:
Keeping in mind that file/directory referencing is not mirrored from my environment because it's not the problem, here's my code:
import MyComponent from '../../components/MyComponent'
import styles from './styles.css'
import MyComponentStyles from './myComponentSyles'
const MyPage = () => {
return (
<div className="my-page-container">
<style jsx>{styles}</style>
<MyComponent styles={MyComponentStyles} />
export default MyPage
import styles from './styles.css'
const myComponent = props => {
return (
<style jsx>{styles}</style>
<style jsx>{props.styles}</style>
<div className="my-component-main-container">MyComponent</div>
export default MyComponent
How would I allow MyComponent to receive a stylesheet generated by another component?
Although this is not a direct solution to the problem, Styled JSX has a :global() pseudo selector that accomplishes the end goal of styling a component that is outside the scope of the current component. A working example for the given code is:
.my-page-container :global(.my-component-main-container){
color: white;
Here is what the Next.js documentation says for the :global() pseudo selector:
One-off global selectors
Sometimes it's useful to skip selectors scoping. In order to get a
one-off global selector we support :global(), inspired by css-modules.
This is very useful in order to, for example, generate a global class
that you can pass to 3rd-party components. For example, to style
react-select which supports passing a custom class via
import Select from 'react-select'
export default () => (
<Select optionClassName="react-select" />
<style jsx>{`
/* "div" will be prefixed, but ".react-select" won't */
div :global(.react-select) {
color: red
</div> )

Parse and Render external HTML in React component

I'm writing a React-based application where one of the components receives its HTML content as a string field in props. This content is returned by an API call.
I need to:
Render this content as a standard HTML (i.e. with the styles applied)
Parse the content to see if the sections within the content have "accept-comments" tag and show a "Comment" button beside the section
For example, if I receive the HTML below, I should show the "Comment" button beside section with id "s101".
<div id="content">
<section id="s101" accept-comments="true">Some text that needs comments</section>
<section id="s102">Some text that doesn't need comments</section>
What would be the most efficient way to parse and render the HTML as the content can get a bit large, close to 1MB at times?
How can I ensure that React does not re-render this component as it will not be updated? I'd assume always return "false" from shouldComponentUpdate().
Things I've tried:
Render the HTML with "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" or "react-html-parser". With this option, cannot parse the "accept-comments" sections.
Use DOMParser().parseFromString to parse the content. How do I render its output in a React component as HTML? Will this be efficient with 1MB+ content?
This answer comes from Chris G's code in the comments. I used the code with different sizes of documents and it works well. Thanks Chris G!
Posting the code here in case the link link in the comments breaks.
The solution uses DOMParser to parse the HTML content provided by the API call and scans it to find the content that should include the "Comment" button. Here are the relevant parts.
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
const HTML =
"<div><section but='yes'>Section 1</section><section>Section 2</section></div>";
class DOMTest extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(HTML, "application/xml");
const htmlSections = doc.childNodes[0].childNodes;
this.sections = Object.keys(htmlSections).map((key, i) => {
let el = htmlSections[key];
let contents = [<p>{el.innerHTML}</p>];
if (el.hasAttribute("but")) contents.push(<button>Comment</button>);
return <div key={i}>{contents}</div>;
render() {
return <div>{this.sections}</div>;
const App = () => (
<DOMTest />
render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

React is rendering md (remarkable) as a string

Below is a dummied down version of the component I'm pulling into another component.
import React from "react"
var Remarkable = require('remarkable');
var md = new Remarkable();
const Info = (props) => {
return (
<div className="pop">
{md.render('# Remarkable rulezz!')}
export default Info;
On the page it is currently rendering.
(the title passed as props, as a h1, and...)
<h1># Remarkable rulezz!</h1>
So it's literally rendering out the whole thing as a string, when I want it to behave like html.
How do I do this? Or have I missed the whole point of md?
If you for some reason need to render the html as-is using react you need to use dangerouslySetInnerHTML and wrap the content with any tag (div or span or something else)
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: md.render('# Remarkable rulezz!') }} />

