Audio Output Device Array is of length 0 on safari - javascript

I am working on a video conferencing app that leverages Amazon Chime. I have followed the npm page of Amazon Chime SDK JS and managed to get the server response and initialized the meetingSession. However, the problem is when I try to get an array of audio output devices, it is an array of length zero on Safari whereas in browsers like Chrome and Firefox, it works just fine, and I get an array of non zero length. How do I solve this?
Here is what I have coded so far:
import {
} from 'amazon-chime-sdk-js';
const logger = new ConsoleLogger('MyLogger', LogLevel.INFO);
const deviceController = new DefaultDeviceController(logger);
// You need responses from server-side Chime API. See below for details.
const meetingResponse = /* Server response */;
const attendeeResponse = /* Server response */;
const configuration = new MeetingSessionConfiguration(meetingResponse, attendeeResponse);
const meetingSession = new DefaultMeetingSession(
const audioInputDevices = await meetingSession.audioVideo.listAudioInputDevices();
const audioOutputDevices = await meetingSession.audioVideo.listAudioOutputDevices();
const videoInputDevices = await meetingSession.audioVideo.listVideoInputDevices();
/* Rest of the code... */
When I log the lengths of the above arrays in the console, the length of audioOutputDevices array is zero
in Safari whereas it is non zero in other browsers.

The output/speaker device selection is not enabled by default in Firefox and Safari. So you have to change the default settings:
The below steps are tested on macOS Catalina (v: 10.15.7)
a) Firefox: This issue is discussed here:
In the url bar type about:config
Search in the searchbar for the property media.setsinkid.enabled and set it to true
Relaunch the browser and test (open the following link in the browser You should now see values in the drop down of Audio Output Destination
b) Safari (Tested on version: 14.1.2):
Make sure you see the Develop tab in the top right (if not then enable it "Safari > Preferences > Advanced" and then check "Show Develop menu in menu bar" at the bottom)
Navigate to "Develop > Experimental Features > Allow Speaker Device Selection" and make sure "Allow Speaker Device Selection" is checked
Relaunch the browser and test here
If you want to inform the user then you can have something like below(pseudo code):
ioDevices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
let outputDeviceSelectable = false;
for (let device: ioDevices) {
if (device.kind == "audiooutput") {
outputDeviceSelectable = true;
if (outputDeviceSelectable == false) {
show a pop up to the user to change the default settings

This is a known issue according to the Amazon Chime SDK FAQ: Firefox and Safari have known issues disallowing them from listing audio output devices on these browsers. While clients can continue the meeting using the default device, they will not be able to select devices in meetings.


Chrome does not prompt user for camera and/or microphone access even in secure context

I have a webpage served via https with the following script:
const userMediaConstraints = {
video: true,
audio: true
.then(stream => {
console.log("Media stream captured.")
When I open it in Firefox or Safari, a prompt asking for permission to use camera and microphone appears. But not in Chrome or Opera. There the access is blocked by default and I have to go to site settings and manually allow the access, which is set to Default(ask).
window.isSecureContext is true.
navigator.permissions.query({name:'camera'}) resolves to name: "video_capture", onchange: null, state: "prompt".
It looks like Chrome and Opera should show prompt, but they do not. I tested it on a different machine with different user that had no prior history with the website with the same result.
What could be wrong?
You've said you've tried Safari, which suggests to me you're on a Mac.
This issue on the Chrome issues list fits your description really well. (I got there from this on the webrtc/samples GitHub project.) It comes down to a Mac OS security setting. Quoting comment #3:
Please check in Mac system preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Microphone, that Chrome is checked.
(In your case since you want video, you'd also probably have to tick the box under Security & Privacy > Privacy > Camera or similar.)
It turns out, having video with autoplay attribute in HTML or similar lines on page load in Javascript prevent Chrome from showing the prompt.
HTML that causes this problem:
<video autoplay="true"></video>
Javascript that causes this problem:
localVideo = document.createElement('video');
My guess is that the issue has to do with Chrome autoplay policy. Perhaps, Chrome treats my website as providing bad user experience and blocks the prompt?
I removed <video> from HTML and altered Javascript to create a relevant DOM on getUserMedia:
let localStream = new MediaStream();
let localAudioTrack;
let localVideoTrack;
let localVideo;
const userMediaConstraints = {
video: true,
audio: true
.then(stream => {
localAudioTrack = stream.getAudioTracks()[0];
localAudioTrack.enabled = true;
localVideoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
localVideoTrack.enabled = true;
localVideo = document.createElement('video');
localVideo.srcObject = localStream;
localVideo.muted = true;;
And now I get the prompt.

how to hide/show a React component depending on device browser?

Looking to hide/show a component in a React/Nextjs/tailwind webapp depending on the device that the user is on (e.g. desktop vs tablet vs mobile) since there are certain keys on the keyboard available for desktop but not on table and mobile (e.g. the tab key). Don't want to do it by screen size since this is a device problem (no tab on keyboard) rather than a screen size problem
Initially I thought about getting device type (code referenced from another stackoverflow Q/A), but this seems to fail when the user is on a device such as an ipad and is using the Desktop version for that browser (e.g. Desktop safari and not mobile safari). Is there a better way to handle this such that it can properly check what device the user is on in order to be able to hide/show the react component?
const getDeviceType = () => {
const ua = navigator.userAgent;
if (/(tablet|ipad|playbook|silk)|(android(?!.*mobi))/i.test(ua)) {
return "tablet";
if (
/Mobile|iP(hone|od)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Kindle|Silk-Accelerated|(hpw|web)OS|Opera M(obi|ini)/.test(
) {
return "mobile";
return "desktop";
In JavaScript you can detect browser with JavaScript using window.navigator
Code example according to would be
var sBrowser, sUsrAg =
// The order matters here, and this may
report false positives for unlisted
if (sUsrAg.indexOf("Firefox") > -1) {
sBrowser = "Mozilla Firefox";
// "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux
x86_64; rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101
alert("You are using: " + sBrowser);
But for react there's another package you can use that is npm install react-device-detect
Code example would be
import { browserName, browserVersion }
from "react-device-detect"
After detecting browser you just conditionally render whatever you want to show

getUserMedia detect front camera

I'm using the 'facingMode' constrain in order to switch between the two cameras,
but I'm not able to fully decided whether the user end has an 'environment' camera (back facing camera).. it's not enough to to count the 'videoinput' of the returned promise of enumerateDevices function.
I tried searching for it and all I found was to use the video MediaTrack label and search for containing "facing back" string, which doesnt seem to be constant in all browsers (IOS for instance).
I'm sure there must be a better way :)
A second answer here. The selection of front (facingMode:'user') and back (facingMode:'environment') cameras is an issue for something I'm working on.
It's possible to tell which camera you're using if you have an open .getUserMedia() stream to a camera. stream.getTracks[0].getCapabilities() gives back an object with either a facingMode:'user' or facingMode:'environment' field in it. But you already must have a stream open to the particular device to get this.
Here's what I have discovered using multiple devices in a mobile-device test farm. These are the order of the device entries yielded by .enumerateDevices().
tl;dr: On iOs devices, the front facing camera is the first videoinput device in the list, and the back-facing camera is the second one. On Android devices, the front facing camera or cameras have the string "front" in their device.label values and the back facing camra or cameras have the string "back".
iOS devices
iOS devices running Mobile Safari: the device.label items are all localized to the currently selected national language.
The devices always appear in this order in the device array, with the front camera always appearing as the first device in the array with device.kind:'videoinput'. Here is the list of devices labels I got from every iOS device I tried, auf Deutsch:
audioinput:iPhone Mikrofon
Some iPhones have multiple camera lenses on the back. Nevertheless, the MediaStream APIs in Mobile Safari only show one camera.
You can tell you’re on an iPhone when
navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' iPhone ') >= 0
You can tell you’re on an iPad when
typeof navigator.maxTouchPoints === 'number'
&& navigator.maxTouchPoints > 2
&& typeof navigator.vendor === 'string'
&& navigator.vendor.indexOf('Apple') >= 0
Notice that iPad Safari now lies and claims it's an Intel Mac. It presents this User-Agent string:
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.1 Safari/605.1.15
Android devices
Android devices: the `device.label' items are not localized.
The devices I looked at had different device.label lists. But the cameras I found all had either the string front or back in the device.label.
A Pixel 3A running Android 11 has this list of devices.
audioinput:Headset earpiece
videoinput:camera2 1, facing front
videoinput:camera2 0, facing back
A Samsung SM-A205F running Android 9 has these devices in order.
audioinput:Headset earpiece
videoinput:camera2 1, facing front
videoinput:camera2 2, facing front
videoinput:camera2 0, facing back
This one enumerates two different front-facing selfiecams. The first one offers higher resolution than the second one.
A Samsung SM-G925I running Android 6.0.1
audioinput:Headset earpiece
videoinput:camera2 1, facing front
videoinput:camera2 0, facing back
And, by the way, the results of .getSupportedConstraints() don't help much: both iOS and Android give facingMode:true.
It's my experience, across a wide variety of mobile devices with English as their default language, that the device.label property you get back from enumerateDevices() contains the string 'front' or 'back' for the user or environment camera. But on some devices the string is in upper case. So you need to check for those strings in a case insensitive way.
Also, enumerateDevices() conceals the label values unless your user has granted permission to access media. In most browsers, the permission is sticky. That is, once a user has granted it to your web site, it stays granted. But on Mobile Safari devices the permission is not sticky: your user must grant it each time your page loads. You get your user to grant permission with a getUserMedia() call.
This code should let you know whether you have front and back cameras.
async function hasFrontBack() {
let result = {hasBack: false, hasFront: false, videoDevices: []}
try {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(
{video: true, audio: false})
let devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices()
const videoDevices = devices.filter(device => {
if (device.kind === 'videoinput') {
if (device.label && device.label.length > 0) {
if (device.label.toLowerCase().indexOf('back') >= 0) {
result.hasBack = true
} else if (device.label.toLowerCase().indexOf('front') >= 0) {
result.hasFront = true
} else { /* some other device label ... desktop browser? */ }
return true
return false
result.videoDevices = videoDevices
/* drop stream */
const tracks = stream.getTracks()
if (tracks) {
for (let t = 0; t < tracks.length; t++) tracks[t].stop()
return result
catch (ex) {
/* log and swallow exception, this is a probe only */
return result
Once you have this result, you can use getUserMedia() again without prompting the user for permission again.
To determine if we are using the mobile back camera, use this after the stream has loaded. Currently Firefox does not support getCapabilities(). Tested on MacOS/iOS/Android, Safari/Chrome/Firefox.
if (stream.getTracks()[0].getCapabilities) {
isBackCamera = stream.getTracks()[0].getCapabilities()?.facingMode?.[0] === 'environment';
I found a decent solution, still not perfect but can help.
determine by the MediaStreamTrack applied constraints:
As long as you are not using 'exact' while using 'facingMode', it won't be guaranteed..

How to disable javaScript in SFSafariViewController?

We can disable javaScript in WKWebKit using preference.
let preferences = WKPreferences()
preferences.javaScriptEnabled = false
let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
configuration.preferences = preferences
let WebViewKit = WKWebView(configuration: configuration )
But, Is there is any way to disable the javascript in SFSafariViewController?
let config = SFSafariViewController.Configuration()
config.entersReaderIfAvailable = true
let svc = SFSafariViewController(url: self,configuration: config)
I believe there is NO way to do it. Like what you've mentioned, WKWebView has javaScriptEnabled.
SFSafariViewController must have or gets the user configurations from Safari.
To disable it using Safari:
You can disable javascript in Mac OS X Safari by going to
Safari->Preferences (Command-,). Click on the Security tab and then
uncheck "Enable Javascript". Use the same process to turn javascript
back on later.
Meanwhile, Apple says in their doc
The user's activity and interaction with SFSafariViewController are
not visible to your app, which cannot access AutoFill data, browsing
history, or website data.
Also, based in SFSafariViewController.h, you can't do much.
So I guess it's understandable enough that you can't do further than what are there.
Hope it helps.

Alert when page opened not in Chrome

I'm trying to get an alert to pop up when the user opens my webpage in a browser other than Chrome. I have this:
if (/what to put here to make the below show only if the browser is not Google Chrome?/) {
alert( "Please use Google Chrome to access this site.\nSome key features do not work in browsers other than Chrome." );
Found this here as a possible condition:"Chrome"), but can't make it work. Please advise. :-)
As the comments above point out by referencing questions you can test for chrome in the userAgent. But you would want to reverse that:
let notChrome = !/Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent)
let alertMessage = "Please use Google Chrome to access this site.\nSome key features do not work in browsers other than Chrome."
if(notChrome) alert(alertMessage)
This will solve the problem unless the user is spoofing their userAgent. This is unusual though. To fully check you should also check for a feature chrome has AND the userAgent:
let notChrome = !/Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !("webkitAppearance" in
let alertMessage = "Please use Google Chrome to access this site.\nSome key features do not work in browsers other than Chrome."
if(notChrome) alert(alertMessage)
This should to it.
var isChrome = !!; // "!!" converts the object to a boolean value
console.log(isChrome); // Just to visualize what's happening
/** Example: User uses Firefox, therefore isChrome is false; alert get's triggered */
if (isChrome !== true) {
alert("Please use Google Chrome to access this site.\nSome key features do not work in browsers other than Chrome.");

