How to convert a string of big number to integer? - javascript

JavaScript converts all the big numbers into scientific notation.
eg: '90938498237058927340892374089' this string when converted to an integer will come out like this scientific notation '9.093849823705893e+28'.
How can I convert the data type from String to an Integer and avoiding the scientific notation?

In JS all the numbers are treated as floating-point so in end, they end up with precision you can use try BigInt('90938498237058927340892374089') which will give you exact number from string to number.
apart from this, you can also have a look here Javascript - parse string to long
this link might be helpful for you.

Try to use BigInt type:
It returns BigInt number with 'n'-literal:


Convert string of currency to an integer of currency [duplicate]

I have an input field which accepts only integer. And I want to maintain the integer always with two decimal points like 10.00 or 4.00 .
I have already tried toFixed() and toPrecise() already both converts the integer to string.
var anum = 134;
anum.toFixed(2), //"134.00"
typeof(anum.toFixed(2)) //"string"
I want to maintain it as integer only and not string
Numbers, both in JavaScript and in the abstract, don't have a fixed number of decimal places. (Some kinds of computer numbers do, like Java's BigDecimal, but not the ones in JavaScript.) When you convert the input string to a number, the concept of the number of decimal places that were on the string disappears. If you want to remember that so you can use it when converting back to string, you'll need to store that information (from the input string) separately.

Is there a way to convert text to numbers in javascript then convert numbers into binary?

I need a way to convert a letter into a number and then be able to convert a number into binary. Does anyone know how to do this?
To convert a character into it's ASCII representation, use charCodeAt(0). For example:
'a'.charCodeAt(0); // 97
To convert a decimal number into a binary number, use toString(2). For example:
(122).toString(2); // "1111010"
This method has some issues dealing with negative numbers though. let me know if you will be dealing with them.
Like this:

I can't get proper uint32 number in javascript

i am trying to convert a long number to unit in JavaScript, but the result i got it different from the one i already have in c#.
var tt=431430059159441001;
var t=(UInt32)tt;//1570754153
var arr =new Uint32Array(1);
so could any body explain why there is difference.
That's because your number literal is rather a 64 bit integer, and that cannot be represented in JavaScripts regular Number type. The number type is a 64-bit precision floating point number, which can only represent integer values up to around 2**53. So I would recommend to just not use such a huge number literal.
A recent development in the JavaScript world is BigInts. If you can afford to use them, then your code is easy to fix:
var t = Number(BigInt.asUintN(32, 431430059159441001n));
console.log(t); // 1570754153
This is not about uints, but about floats. JavaScript uses floating point numbers, and your number exceeds the maximum range of integers that can safely be represented:
You cannot convert 431430059159441001 to unsigned integer in c#. Max Value of UInt32 is 4294967295. So the var t=(UInt32)431430059159441001; assignment gives Compiler error.
also 431430059159441001 is larger then max value of float number (javascript holds number with float format)

Convert to string nodejs

0xc4115 0x4cf8
Im not sure what data type this is so my question would be:
What data type is this and how can I convert it to something more manageable using NODE.JS?
you can convert Hexadecimal to Decimal by this
let hex_num = "0xc4115";
console.log(Number(hex_num)); #803093
In general you have the format 0x for hexadecimal, 0b for binary and 0 for octal. All this represent Numbers. JavaScript converts to decimal all of this types automatically. In case you want to do it yourself, you can use parseInt(number,base).

Transform hex to short and long

How can I transform a value like OxFF to short and long types. is there a standard function for this use?
JavaScript only knows about numbers which are floats.
You can use parseInt to parse that string into an integer.
It really is going to be a float but without a fraction.
Either pass the radix 16 or let JavaScript autodetect it:
parseInt("0xFF", 16)

