How to get video quality control in HTML 5 player - javascript

I am using this HTML 5 player:
All the configurations above are working fine.
I am working on an application that requires youtube videos to be shown in my app.
But I am not able to see quality control when using youtube videos.
Is it possible here?
Can somebody please help?
Can someone suggest some other way to use videos in my app?

You can use html Iframe to display Youtube Videos.
Can select a video and get embeded link and add it to src of iframe we can choose the height,width and autoplay options


JWPlayer playing Flash Full-Screen

I'm using JWPlayer 7.5.2 and playing an M3U8 stream via Flash since apparently HTML5 won't support M3U8/HLS streams in the browser. I can get our M3U8 stream to play, but I can't get the video centered in the div or to go full-screen. The following link is an example of the problem (the link is dynamically generated):,%20August%2021,%202016&vodPathName=/vod/smil:Weekend_Sun_RB.smil/playlist.m3u8
The following is my code:
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. I tried everything I've read in the documentation and get the same issue. Do I need to use JWPlayer's API to resize it's player? If so, does anyone have an example using Flash?

Playing Youtube videos on my site in a custom HTML5 player

I want to play youtube videos on my website in a simple video tag. I am able to to extract encoded url of video from the video page source and IDM download video perfectly from the extracted URL, but when I provide this URL as a source to HTML5video` tag it's unable to play it. I am building my site in PHP so is there any programming tricks that can solve the problem?
The extracted url looks like this:,936120,9405194,9406003,9407806,9408142,9408589,9408705,9408710,9408734,9409172,9410706,9413005,9413148,945137,948124,952612,952637,952642&key=cms1&mime=video/mp4&gir=yes&upn=-2WTH-cn9eI&keepalive=yes&itag=136&signature=24A201BFCD6635313FEEB3F24C5221E64BDD00B9.6323BECAF51F631BE8E5043FFB41DD7EFAB0A009&sparams=clen,dur,expire,gir,id,ip,ipbits,itag,keepalive,lmt,mime,mm,mn,ms,mv,nh,pl,requiressl,source,upn&sver=3&redirect_counter=1&req_id=6e9a47dec8a4a3ee&cms_redirect=yes&mm=30&mn=sn-p5qlsns6&ms=nxu&mt=1432132295&mv=m&nh=IgpwcjAxLmlhZDA3KgkxMjcuMC4wLjE
Use Media Element Js and you can treat the embedded youtube as an html5 element. Actually taking the video source and putting it into a new player is against youtube's terms of service, but this fix should allow you to do everything (except remove youtube's branding, which they do not want).

Integrating .html extensions with VideoJS?

So i'm using the VideoJS HTML5 video player
on my in progress video streaming website.
The problem i've encountered is that the player has no problem playing links that end in the
(.MP4) extension. But the way my site functions is it acts as a video aggregator
by pulling links from various websites, the websites are similar to this one
taking that website link for example >
Notice how it ends with the .html extension and when you go to it, it has it's own unique video player, what I want to do is to be able to play that video in video js.
My aggregator saves links to the videos (.html , .php) and not the actual video file itself, is there a way of achieving this? or is it impossible? thanks!

Creating Subtitles with video hosted on Vimeo server

I need help with the Creating/Adding subtitles in sync with the video hosted on vimeo server. This video is embedded in a HTML page. I have the subtitles saved in .srt /.vtt / Notepad files.
Kindly suggest me the best possible options which can also used for commercial purpose. Please see the below image screensot
Customized player with vimeo is pseudo-impossible, but you can use subtitles with the follow link.
Your welcome:

Youtube type annotation in html5 videos

I have a video about style/trend tips and it features different clothes in it. I would like to link the clothes displayed in that video to its product page on online store. There is an option YouTube to do such thing using Youtube Annotation . But YouTube annotations does not provide linking to external link. So we cant link to inside youtube annotations we can only link to other YouTube videos.
So Is it possible to add YouTube type annotations to html5 videos ?
Try popcorn.js
Demo link: Demo Link
Documentation: Docs
Try - we offer a tool fit for commercial use

