jquery stop form submisson on false condition - javascript

I am validating a duplicate value through ajax. if a duplicate is found then it alerts with an error but does not stop on submission.
$(function() {
$("#admno").on("keyup", function(e) {
var oadmno = $("#oadmno").val();
var admno = $("#admno").val();
if (oadmno != admno) {
type: "post",
url: "chkduplicateadmino.php",
data: $("#admno").serialize(),
success: function(data) {
if (data > 0) {
toastr.error("", "Duplicate admission no found", {
positionClass: "toast-bottom-right",
preventDuplicates: true
return false;
} else {
return true;


function not run again if status === false

iam trying to run my function again if the status of my json false but its not working
function checkIfCompleted(){
$('.btn').click( function(e) {
var url = "https://localhost/check/1";
url: url,
success: function(response) {
if(response.status === false){
You are adding click multiple times to the button, you are not rerunning the Ajax call
$(document).ready(function() {
function checkIfCompleted(cnt) {
var url = "https://localhost/check/1";
url: url,
success: function(response) {
if (response.status === false) {
if (cnt >= 5) {
throw new Error('too many retries');
} else {
} else {
$('.btn').click(function(e) {

Ajax callback is firing after function call

Hi Have a ajax call in a function thats called on date input change event to check if a date is already in use for User. the success in the Ajax call fires after the click function is finished.
How do I get the success results and continue on with the #datepicker change funtion as I need the json results for rest of function.
public ActionResult IsDateAvailable(DateTime date, int Id) {
var dateAvailable = !(_context.Trading.Any(t => t.uId == Id && t.TradingDate == date));
if (!(dateAvailable)) {
return Json(new {
status = false, msg = "This date already exists."
return Json(new {
status = true
$(document).ready(function() {
var message;
var isDateValid;
function CheckDate(para) {
var dateValid;
var mesg;
return $.ajax({
url: '#Url.Action("IsDateAvailable", "Trading")',
type: "GET",
data: para,
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
if (!(data.status)) {
message = data.msg;
} else {
isDateValid = true;
error: function(xhr, httpStatusMessage) {
alert(xhr + httpStatusMessage);
$("#datePicker").change(function() {
'display': 'none'
if (Id == 0) {
$("#alert").attr('class', 'alert alert-danger');
$("#alert").text('Please select a User.');
return false;
var date = $(this).val();
var para = {
date: date,
Id: Id
if (isDateValid) {
} else {
'display': 'none'
$("#alert").attr('class', 'alert alert-danger');
You should turn to being asynchronous. change your code to match with these:
function CheckDate(para) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return $.ajax({
url: '#Url.Action("IsDateAvailable", "Trading")',
type: "GET",
data: para,
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
if (!(data.status)) {
message = data.msg;
} else {
isDateValid = true;
error: function(xhr, httpStatusMessage) {
alert(xhr + httpStatusMessage);
checkDate(para).then(res => {
if (isDateValid) {
} else {
'display': 'none'
$("#alert").attr('class', 'alert alert-danger');
}).catch(err => { /* do something */ });
You just need to set async: false inside your ajax request. You can also remove the word return from the CheckDate, because of it's redundant:
function CheckDate(para) {
var dateValid;
var mesg;
url: '#Url.Action("IsDateAvailable", "Trading")',
async: false,
type: "GET",
data: para,
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
if (!(data.status)) {
message = data.msg;
} else {
isDateValid = true;
error: function(xhr, httpStatusMessage) {
alert(xhr + httpStatusMessage);

Show partial view model using Ajax - ASP.NET C# AJAX JQuery

I am looking to show a modal, I have my Modals as partial classes, so if you select the class .js-verify-songs it loads up the partial _VerifySong . If however there is an error, it should load up the error partial _ErrorMessage. And finally if you select .js-reject-song it should load _RejectSong partial.
Any idea how I would do this, please?
to show errors. Currently I have this in my Controller to handle errors:
public partial class SongsManagementController : BaseController
private const string NoDataFound = "No data found.";
private const string InvalidDataPosted = "Invalid data posted";
private const string InvalidRequest = "Invalid request.";
private const string VerificationFailedUnexpectedError = "The following song failed to verify due to an unexpected error, please contact RightsApp support.";
private const string ConcurrencyError = "The following song failed to verify as another user has since changed its details.";
[AuthorizeTenancy(Roles = "super,administrator")]
public async Task<ActionResult> VerifyNewSongs(List<VerifySongViewModel> verifySongViewModels)
// Not AJAX method - refuse
if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return RedirectToAction("NewSongs", "SongsManagement");
if (verifySongViewModels.NullOrEmpty())
// return error;
return Json(new JsonBaseModel
success = false,
message = InvalidRequest,
data = null,
errors = new List<string>
foreach (var verifySong in verifySongViewModels)
if (verifySong.WorkId == default(Guid) || verifySong.RowVersion == default(Guid))
return Json(new JsonBaseModel
success = false,
message = InvalidDataPosted,
data = null,
errors = new List<string>
$"Invalid data posted for following song.",
$"Song Title: {verifySong.SongTitle}",
$"Song Id: {verifySong.UniqueCode}"
var work = await _artistAccountService.GetWorkGraphAsync(verifySong.WorkId, includeWriterAmendments: true);
if (work == default(WorkGraphModels.Work))
return Json(new JsonBaseModel
success = false,
message = NoDataFound,
data = null,
errors = new List<string>
$"No data found for following song.",
$"Song Title: {verifySong.SongTitle}",
$"Song Id: {verifySong.UniqueCode}"
if (work.VerifiedState != Domain.Enumerators.VerifiedStateType.NotVerified)
return Json(new JsonBaseModel
success = false,
message = NoDataFound,
data = null,
errors = new List<string>
$"Song already verified.",
$"Song Title: {verifySong.SongTitle}",
$"Song Id: {verifySong.UniqueCode}"
work.RowVersion = verifySong.RowVersion;
var workAndAmendment = new WorkGraphModels.WorkAndAmendment
Original = work,
Amendment = null
var verifiedState = await _artistAccountService.VerifyWorkGraphAsync(workAndAmendment, GetLoggedUserId());
if (!verifiedState.ValidationErrors.NullOrEmpty())
return Json(new JsonBaseModel
success = false,
message = NoDataFound,
data = null,
errors = new List<string>
$"Song Title: {verifySong.SongTitle}",
$"Song Id: {verifySong.UniqueCode}"
else if (!verifiedState.DatabaseErrors.NullOrEmpty())
if (!verifiedState.FatalException)
// concurrency exception
return Json(new JsonBaseModel
success = false,
message = NoDataFound,
data = null,
errors = new List<string>
$"Song Title: {verifySong.SongTitle}",
$"Song Id: {verifySong.UniqueCode}"
// fatal
return Json(new JsonBaseModel
success = false,
data = null,
errors = new List<string>
$"Song Title: {verifySong.SongTitle}",
$"Song Id: {verifySong.UniqueCode}"
return Json(new JsonBaseModel
success = true,
message = "All songs verified successfully."
This is my Main View:
Layout = Request.IsAjaxRequest() ? null : "~/Views/Shared/_SentricLayout.cshtml";
var actionName = ViewContext.RouteData.Values["Action"].ToString();
#* calc full account code *#
var fullAccountCode = Model.WorkUniqueCode;
ViewBag.Title = "New Songs";
#section scripts {
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
#* DOM ready? *#
$(function () {
var selectFormDiv = $('.catalogSelector');
// clear all filter boxes and reset search.
$("#newSongsSearch").find(':input').each(function ()
if (this.type === "text")
#* edit catalogue button *#
$('#changeCat').click(function () {
var label = $('#catLabel');
if (label.is(":visible")) {
} else {
#* edit dropdown *#
$("#catalogueSelect").on("change", function () {
#* change display on select change *#
#* set up ajax post to controller *#
var model = {
AccountCode: '#fullAccountCode',
CurrentAccountId: $('#currentAccountId').val(),
CurrentRowVersion: $('#currentRowVersion').val(),
NewCatalogueId: $('#catalogueSelect option:selected').val(),
Action: '#actionName'
url: '#Url.Action("ChangeCatalogue", "ArtistAccount")',
data: JSON.stringify(model),
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (result) {
#* ajax worked *#
if (result.ChangeStatus === "Success")
var newSelected = $('#catalogueSelect option:selected').text();
#* update dropdown context *#
var newSelectedId = $('#catalogueSelect option:selected').val();
#* update rowversion *#
var newRowVersion = result.OldOrNewRowVersion;
#* return downdown context *#
var currentCatId = $('#currentCatalogue').val();
$('#catalogueSelect').select2({ width: '180px', dropdownAutoWidth: true });
error: function () {
#* failed *#
$('#errorMessage').html('There was a server error, please contact the support desk on (+44) 0207 099 5991.');
#* return downdown context *#
var currentCatId = $('#currentCatalogue').val();
$('#catalogueSelect').select2({ width: '180px', dropdownAutoWidth: true });
function loadPartialPage(url) {
url: url,
type: 'GET',
cache: false,
success: function (result) {
function getSelectedWorks() {
var selectedWorks = $(".individual:checked");
var works = [];
$.each(selectedWorks, function (key, value) {
return works;
// verify songs in bulk
$(document).on("click", ".js-verify-songs", function (e) {
var works = getSelectedWorks();
// reject songs in bulk
$(document).on("click", ".js-reject-songs", function (e) {
var works = getSelectedWorks();
function getSelectedWork(element) {
var work = new Object();
work.WorkId = getRowData(element, "id");
work.RowVersion = getRowData(element, "rowversion");
work.UniqueCode = getRowData(element, "uniqueworkid");
work.SongTitle = getRowData(element, "songtitle");
return work;
// verify one song
$(document).on("click", ".js-verify-song", function (e) {
var works = [];
// reject one song
$(document).on("click", ".js-reject-song", function (e) {
var works = [];
function verifySongs(songs) {
url: '#Url.Action("VerifyNewSongs", "SongsManagement")',
data: JSON.stringify(songs),
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (result) {
if (result.success) {
loadPartialPage($(".paginate_button.active a").attr("href"));
error: function(error) {
#* Pagination Async Partial Handling *#
"#indexPager a",
function() {
if ($(this).parent().hasClass('disabled') || $(this).parent().hasClass('active'))
return false;
return false;
function() {
var selectedValue = $(this).val();
return false;
#* Sorting Async Partial Handling *#
"#tableHeader a",
return false;
// Ensure that after paging and sorting ajax calls we re-bind
// the change event and hide the record count label.
$(document).ajaxComplete(function() {
$(".individual").on("change", determineActionButtonAvailability);
$(".selectall").click(function () {
$(".individual").prop("checked", $(this).prop("checked"));
// Search functions
$('.searchDivider').click(function (e) {
var isSearchShown = $(this).find('.caret').hasClass("caret-up");
if (isSearchShown) {
$(this).children('span').replaceWith('<span class="bg-white">Search <b class="caret"></b></span>');
} else {
.replaceWith('<span class="bg-white">Search <b class="caret caret-up"></b></span>');
$(".searchArea input:text").keypress(function (e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
$(window).resize(function () {
if ($(window).width() >= 1024) {
$(".searchArea input:text").keypress(function (e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
// Checks individual checkboxes and displays the count
$(".individual").on("change", determineActionButtonAvailability);
$(".selectall").click(function () {
$(".individual").prop("checked", $(this).prop("checked"));
//Disable Top Verify Button if two or more checkboxes are selected.
$('.verify-btn').prop('disabled', true);
//Disable Action Button in the columns when more than one checkbox is selected
$('.table-btn').prop('disabled', false);
$(".individual").on("click", function () {
if ($(".individual:checked").length > 1) {
$('.table-btn').prop('disabled', true);
$('.verify-btn').prop('disabled', false);
else {
$('.table-btn').prop('disabled', false);
$('.verify-btn').prop('disabled', true);
// When one or more works are selected, will enable the top action menu.
// Will disable when none selected.
function determineActionButtonAvailability() {
if ($(".individual:checked").length > 1) {
$(".verify-btn").prop('disabled', false);
if ($(".individual:checked").length > 1) {
else {
$('.table-btn').prop('disabled', false);
$(".verify-btn").prop('disabled', true);
// Enforce only numeric input in the Unique Id search textbox.
$(document).on("keydown", ".uniqueCodefield", function (e) {
var key = window.event ? e.keyCode : e.which;
var currentVal = $('.uniqueCodefield').val();
if (key === 8 || key === 9 || key === 13 || key === 37 || key === 39 || key === 35 || key === 36 || key === 46) {
return true;
} else if (key === 13) {
if ($('#newSongsSearch').valid()) {
return true;
return false;
else if ((key < 48 || key > 57) && (key < 93 || key > 105)) {
return false;
} else if (currentVal.length >= 10) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
#* Wire up the Search button click to perform an AJAXified search *#
$(document).on("click", "#btnSearch", function (e) {
// Only perform the search if the search criteria is valid.
if (!$('#newSongsSearch').valid()) {
return false;
var model = {
SearchModel: {
WorkUniqueCode: $('#SongCode').val(),
SongTitle: $('#SongTitle').val(),
CatalogueUniqueCode: $('#CatalogueCode').val(),
CatalogueName: $('#CatalogueName').val(),
AccountUniqueCode: $('#AccountCode').val(),
AccountName: $('#AccountName').val()
url: '#Url.Action("SearchNewSongs", "SongsManagement")',
data: JSON.stringify(model),
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (result) {
return false;
#* Wire up the Search button click to perform an AJAXified search *#
$(document).on("click", "#btnSearch", function (e) {
var model = {
SearchModel : {
Name: $('#ContractNameSearch').val(),
ContractType: $('#ContractTypeSearch').val(),
CreatedBy: $('#CreatedBySearch').val(),
DateFrom : $('#DateFromSearch').val(),
DateTo : $('#DateToSearch').val()
url: '#Url.Action("SearchContracts", "ClientSetup")',
data: JSON.stringify(model),
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (result) {
return false;
#section additionalStyles {
<article class="row">
<h1 class="pageTitle artistHeader fw200 mb20 mt10">#ViewBag.Title</h1>
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="panel panel-visible">
#Html.Partial("_NewSongsSearch", Model)
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="panel panel-visible" id="tableContainer">
#Html.Partial("_NewSongsList", Model)
I am unsure though how I would show a list of error in my error partial view. Also how do you load a partial view with Ajax?
Currently you click verify and it loads the spinner, but I would like to load a partial view which is a modal. I’ve used partials because it’s what was decided. I’m just unsure how to get them to load using Ajax.

event.preventDefault(); only works some of the time with submit form

I am using the Mailchimp API to submit a form. The goal is to prevent the default callback provided by Mailchimp. The majority of the time event.preventDefault() is behaving as it should. Then randomly it will not work:
$(function () {
var $form = $('#mc-embedded-subscribe-form');
$('#mc-embedded-subscribe').on('click', function(event) {
if(event) event.preventDefault();
function register($form) {
type: $form.attr('method'),
url: $form.attr('action'),
data: $form.serialize(),
cache : false,
dataType : 'json',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
error : function(err) { alert("Could not connect to the registration server. Please try again later."); },
success : function(data) {
if (data.result != "success") {
// Something went wrong, do something to notify the user. maybe alert(data.msg);
var message = data.msg
var messageSh = data.msg.substring(4);
if (data.msg == '0 - Please enter a value' || data.msg == '0 - An email address must contain a single #') {
$('#notification_container').html('<span class="alert">'+messageSh+'</span>');
} else {
$('#notification_container').html('<span class="alert">'+message+'</span>');
} else {
// It worked, carry on...
var message = data.msg;
$('.checkboxes, #mc_embed_signup_scroll').addClass('hidden');
setTimeout(function() {
document.querySelector('.popup-promo').style.display = "none";
take off ready function.
remove if on event
var $form = $('#mc-embedded-subscribe-form');
$('#mc-embedded-subscribe').on('click', function(event) {

Form does not submit in IE

I am working on a submission form that wont submit in IE. I did not write the code was wondering if there is something glaringly obvious going on here that IE dislikes.
{% if show_existing_form == False %}
{% endif %}
$('#new-user').click(function() {
$('#existing-user').click(function() {
var disable_submit = function() {
if ($('#publisher-submit').attr('disabled') !== 'disabled') {
$('#publisher-submit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
var enable_submit = function() {
if ($('#publisher-submit').attr('disabled') === 'disabled') {
var check_passwords_match = function() {
if ($('#password').val().trim() === '' || $('#confirm-password').val().trim() === '') {
} else if ($('#password').val() !== $('#confirm-password').val()) {
} else {
$('#email').change(function() {
'url': '/preview',
'type': 'POST',
'data': {
'check-username': true,
'email': $('#email').val()
'success': function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (data.exists === true) {
} else {
The problem is likely with one or both of these:
It looks like a submit button on one form is being used to submit another form, but the default action of the first is never cancelled. Try changing it to:
return false;
return false;

