React hook setState causing infinite renders - javascript

I wonder why this gets stuck in infinite renders as soon as I set it's value coming from backend API.
I don't want to stop it using useEffect() as I need to use it to re render after the values have been assigned
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
// import FormCheckLabel from 'react-bootstrap/FormCheckLabel';
import './CheckForms.css';
// import Scrollspy from '../Scrollspy/Scrollspy';
import axios from 'axios';
const CheckForms = () => {
const [menu, setMenu] = useState([]);
const fetchList = async () => {
try {
const res = await axios.get(`http://localhost:5000/api/items`);
const list =;
// setMenu(list); // <-- This is causing ulimited renders ! //
} catch (err) {
return (
export default CheckForms;
I would really appreciate the help. Thanks.

you cannot place fetchList(); outside useEffect() because,
when component is mounted, fetchList() is called, it sets state and component rerenders.
again fetchList() is executed and again sets state and comoenent again rerenders. it forms an infinite loop.
you must do
or execute it on an event

you need useEffect for this. Otherwise fetchList will be called on each re render.
So your infinite loop comes from :
fetchList() => setMenu() => render() => fetchList() => setMenu() and so on ...
I don't want to stop it using useEffect() as I need to use it to re
render after the values have been assigned
useEffect(callback, [triggers]) second parameter is here exactly for that, control when a re render should happen, based on props/state changes


React component re-rendering many times

i have a react component thats keep re-rendering idk why but i think the reason is the data fetching
data code :
export function KPI_Stock_Utilisation() {
const [kpi_stock_utilisation, setKpi_stock_utilisation] = useState([{}]);
useEffect(() => {
axios.get("http://localhost:5137/KPI_Stock_Utilisation").then((response) => {
setKpi_stock_utilisation((existingData) => {
}, []);
console.log('data get')
return kpi_stock_utilisation;
this log displayed many times , and the log in the component too
component code :
import React from "react";
import { KPI_Stock_Utilisation } from "../../Data/data";
import { useEffect } from "react";
export default function WarehouseUtilisChart(props) {
let kpi_stock_utilisations =KPI_Stock_Utilisation();
let Stock_utilisation = (kpi_stock_utilisations.length / 402) * 100;
console.log('component render')
return (
im new with react i tried useEffect inside the componenets but its not working
Calling the react custom hook KPI_Stock_Utilisation several times will for sure render more than once.
in your case I suggest you use useEffect in the same component as I will show you.
import React,{useEffect,useRef} from "react";
import { KPI_Stock_Utilisation } from "../../Data/data";
import axios from 'axios';
export default function WarehouseUtilisChart(props) {
const [kpi_stock_utilisation, setKpi_stock_utilisation] = useState([{}]);
const stock_utilisation= useRef(0);
useEffect(() => {
axios.get("http://localhost:5137/KPI_Stock_Utilisation").then((response) => {
stock_utilisation.current = ( / 402) * 100;
//this will guarantee that the api will be called only once
}, []);
//you should see this twice, one with the value 0, and another one, the calculated data
console.log('component render',stock_utilisation.current)
return (
To note, if you call this component from more than one location, for sure it will render several times - keep that in mind.
On the other hand, all your variables should always start with a lower case and try to name your variables like this: instead of kpi_stock_utilisation change it to kpiStockUtilisation for a better coding practice
You got into infinite loop.
Its hard to explain why it doesn't work as expected, but I can try.
First of all, useEffect with empty array of dependencies works like componentDidMount and fires only after (!) first render.
So you have some value returned from your let kpi_stock_utilisations =KPI_Stock_Utilisation(); then it rendered, after this your useEffect fires a request and set state, setting of state trigger re-render and new value to return, this new value trigger your parent component to return let kpi_stock_utilisations =KPI_Stock_Utilisation(); might run again.
If you are trying to create a custom hook for fetching some info, follow rules of hooks
I hope it helped you

Invalid hook call error when trying to set state

I have a scenario where I am forced to call a trigger method to show a modal from two different places, one using a hotkey combination and another by clicking on a toolbar button. In order to do so I have the following code, where I call the triggerCustomLinkModal to set the state but then I am hit with the Invalid Hook call error.
import { useState, useCallback, useEffect } from "react"
import { Dialog } from "#blueprintjs/core"
const useLocalState = () => {
const [isShown, setIsShown] = useState(false)
const setState = useCallback((state) => {
const getState = useCallback(() => {
return isShown
return {
export const CustomLinkModalUI = () => {
const { getState } = useLocalState()
return (
<Dialog isOpen={getState()} />
export const triggerCustomLinkModal = () => {
const { setState } = useLocalState()
Expanding from Chris answer in the comments ( You can't use hooks outside React components. -> so you can't call useLocalState() inside triggerCustomLinkModal since triggerCustomLinkModal is not a React component ):
You don't really need the useCallback hook or even the functions itself. Aaccording to react docs :
React guarantees that setState function identity is stable and won’t
change on re-renders. This is why it’s safe to omit from the useEffect
or useCallback dependency list.
This also means that using useCallback hook to set a state it doesn't really make sense (because useCallback role is just to return a memoized callback)
What you basically need is a state set up in the closest parrent component and pass the setIsShown as a prop as well as the isShown function.
Your current implementation, even if it weren't for the error, it wouldn't refer to the same state since on each useLocalState() you are initializing a fresh new state (so you are not pointing to the same state in CustomLinkModalUI and triggerCustomLinkModal)

useEffect is running on initial load & on update - How do I limit to just changes?

In my code example, my useEffect is subscribed to postId, which is not changing at any point. Yet useEffect is still being run.
Is there a way to prevent this from running and only launch if I change it?
import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
import Vim from './Vim';
import './Main.css';
function Main():JSX.Element {
const [postId,updatePostId] = useState<number|null>(null)
const [content, updateContent] = useState<string>('default text');
const apiUrl = ''
// Detect change in PostID & go download it.
// Ignore if we are coming from null->number
console.log('Why am I running?')
function loadPost(pid:number):string|null{
// fetch from API, load post content
console.log('I can access:'+postId)
return null;
function backLinks():JSX.Element{
<div className="backlinks">
return (
<div className='main'>
<Vim content={content} />
export default Main
In fact in the first run, postId is null since you initialize it in that way. So you need to take care of that as well.
useEffect either accepts an array of dependencies or you could leave it empty. In the later case it just run once since there is no dependency, however in the first case it both listen for dependencies changing and also runs when the component mounts for the first time.
if (postId == null) return;
}, [postId]);
For a more general approach you can have something like below.
const [ready, setReady] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
if (!ready) return;
}, [postId, ready]);
The above solution is fair enough in most situations but I suggest you to handle it by creating a ref, assigning it to your DOM element and wait until that ref become available. So you are sure that your component is being rendered for the first time.
const isMounted = useRef(null);
if (!isMounted.current) return;
// do your fetch stuff here
}, [isMounted]);
<div ref={isMounted}></div>
This way you don't need an extra re-render since updating refs does not lead to a re-render.

Why setState(hook) in function component cause an infinite loop?

Here is the code:
import React, { useState } from 'react'
function App() {
const [a, setA] = useState(1)
return (
Error. Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop.
Why it can cause an infinite loop?
I think the reason is that function component just as a render function, so it will cause infinite loop when setState in render functions.
Is there any official explanation?
On each state update React will re-render the component and run all the function body, as the setA(2) is not enclosed in any hook or function and is a part of the function/component body. React will execute this on each render cycle. This make an infinite loop.
On Component mount React will set the state and go for the component update as the state updated, again there is state update React will again re-render the component. This cycle will continue until react reaches the re-render limit.
You could avoid this by wrap the state update in hook.
import React, { useState } from 'react'
function App() {
const [a, setA] = useState(1)
useEffect(() => {
return (
When calling setA you actually update a state variable and trigger a re-render of you component.
When the component re-render it will call setA (just before the rendering) and will trigger a re-render again.
Can you see the infinite loop ?
Traditionally you update a state variable into a callback (i.e when the user click on a button) or under certains conditions.
In your example, you can directly set a to 2
function App() {
const [a, setA] = useState(2)
return (
If you want to have the first render with a = 1, then immediatly have a = 2, you can use an effect which will be executed only once (because of the empty array for the second argument)
function App() {
const [a, setA] = useState(2)
useEffect(() => setA(2), [])
return (
Because you are setting a new value to the state with setA(2), so each time the component is rendered the state receives a new value, forcing the component to render again
const [rows, setRows] = useState([]);
return {
<Component data= {someData}
selectCallback ={ (rows) => {
setRows(rows); // if set State going infinity loop
Its giving infinity loop when trying to setState and if we didn't use the setRows then in console giving right answers means array of objec
Help appreciated.
Because calling setA(2) causes the component to re-render.

How to use useEffect hook properly with array dependency. I passed state from redux store and still my component renders infinitely

I am using useEffect hook and getting a list of users data with fetch call using function getStoreUsers which dispatches an action on response and stores shopUsers(which is an array) inside the redux store.
In array dependency, I am writing [shopUsers]. I don't know why it is causing infinite rendering.
Here is how I am using useEffect hook:
useEffect(() => {
const { getStoreUsers, shopUsers } = props;
getStoreUsers().then(() => {
}).catch(() => {
}, [shopUsers]);
I want to re-render component only when data inside shopUsers array changes.
If I write shopUsers.length inside array dependency. It stops to re-render.
But, let's suppose I have have a page which opens up when the user clicks on a userList and updates user data on next page. After the update I want the user to go back to the same component which is not unmounted previously. So, In this case array length remains the same, but data inside in of array index is updated. So shopUsers.length won't work in that case.
You can make a custom hook to do what you want:
In this example, we replace the last element in the array, and see the output in the console.
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { isEqual } from "lodash";
const usePrevious = value => {
const ref = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = value;
return ref.current;
const App = () => {
const [arr, setArr] = useState([2, 4, 5]);
const prevArr = usePrevious(arr);
useEffect(() => {
if (!isEqual(arr, prevArr)) {
console.log(`array changed from ${prevArr} to ${arr}`);
}, [prevArr]);
const change = () => {
const temp = [...arr];
return (
<button onClick={change}>change last array element</button>
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
Live example here.
Your effect is triggered based on the "shopUsers" prop, which itself triggers a redux action that updates the "shopUsers" prop and thats why it keeps infinitely firing.
I think what you want to optimize is the rendering of your component itself, since you're already using redux, I'm assuming your props/state are immutable, so you can use React.memo to re-render your component only when one of its props change.
Also you should define your state/props variable outside of your hooks since they're used in the scope of the entire function like so.
In your case, if you pass an empty array as a second param to memo, then it will only fire on ComponentDidMount, if you pass null/undefined or dont pass anything, it will be fired on ComponentDidMount + ComponentDidUpdate, if you want to optimise it that even when props change/component updates the hook doesn't fire unless a specific variable changes then you can add some variable as your second argument
const [isLoading, setLoading] = useState(false);
const { getStoreUsers, shopUsers } = props;
useEffect(() => {
getStoreUsers().then(() => {
}).catch((err) => {
}, []);

