Javscript Jest test framework: when is a mock unmocked? - javascript

I want to mock a module and a function for a specific test. I have the following:
test("my test", () => {
some_module.some_function = jest.fn();
test("another test", () => {
My question is, when the test is finished, will both mocks be "unset" so that I can use the real implementation for my next test? Or do I have to explicitly remove all mocks myself?

when the test is finished will all of the mocks be "unset"?
Jest tests are sandboxed on a test-file basis, so ordinarily after all tests in that file have been run, all the mocks would be restored.
However, what you are doing there: some_module.some_function = jest.fn(); is not mocking via Jest's mocking mechanism, it is monkey-patching an imported function. This will not be removed by Jest.
You should be doing something like this instead:
import { some_function } from 'some-module-path';
test('my test', () => {
expect(some_function).toHaveBeenCalled(); // e.g.
After the discussion in comments, here is an example of doing a simple monkey-patch safely in Jest, so that it is restored for subsequent tests in the same file:
// foo.js -----------------------------------
export const foo = () => 'real foo';
// bar.js -----------------------------------
import { foo } from './foo';
export const bar = () => foo();
// bar.test.js ------------------------------
import { bar } from './bar';
import * as fooModule from './foo';
describe('with mocked foo', () => {
let originalFoo;
beforeAll(() => {
// patch it!
originalFoo = fooModule.foo;
fooModule.foo = () => 'mocked foo';
afterAll(() => {
// put it back again!
fooModule.foo = originalFoo;
test('mocked return value from foo()', () => {
expect(bar()).toEqual('mocked foo');
describe('with real foo', () => {
test('expect real return value from foo()', () => {
expect(bar()).toEqual('real foo');
Another alternative, you can mock the dependency and use the original implementation temporarily with jest.requireActual:
import { bar } from './bar';
import { foo } from './foo';
foo.mockReturnValue('mocked foo');
const fooModule = jest.requireActual('./foo')
test('mocked return value from foo()', () => {
expect(bar()).toEqual('mocked foo');
test('real return value from foo()', () => {
expect(bar()).toEqual('real foo');


How can I mock a class using jest?

How can I mock something to test something like the following codes. I tried to follow this official doc, but still not working for me https://jestjs.io/docs/es6-class-mocks#calling-jestmock-with-the-module-factory-parameter
// somefile.ts
export const myPublish = async (event: any, context: any): Promise<any> => {
const myExportHelper = await ExportHelper.getInstance({
// just some other stuff
// just some other stuff
await myExportHelper.transfer(arg1, arg2);
export class ExportHelper {
private readonly bucket: string,
private readonly read: AWS.S3,
private readonly write: AWS.S3
) {}
static async getInstance(props: {
param1: string;
}) {
return new ExportHelper(arg1, arg2, arg3);
async transfer(param1, param2) {
console.log('bla bla bla');
// testfile.test.ts
import { myPublish, ExportHelper } from '../somefile';
beforeEach(() => {
afterEach(() => {
describe('myTest', () => {
it('should run successfully', async () => {
// Arrange
const eventMock = {
Records: [
const mockActualExportHelper = jest.requireActual('../somefile').ExportHelper;
const mockGetInstanceImpl = () => {};
// this says cannot read property instances of undefined
const mockExportHelper = mockActualExportHelper.mock.instances[0];
// Act
await myPublish(eventMock, jasmine.any({}));
// Assert
expect(ExportHelper.transfer).toBeCalled(); // also not sure if this is valid to use ExportHelper
I think what you're looking for is not a mock. If you want to spy what functions are called, you will need to use the spyOn. In jest you can do the following:
jest.spyOn(MyClass, 'myMethod');
And you can also mock the implementation to subtitute the default behavior of a method, a generalist example can be like this:
jest.spyOn(MyClass, 'myMethod').mockImplementation(jest.fn());
With that said, I would rewrite the test to spy the methods from ExportHelper and avoid external calls:
import {ExportHelper, myPublish} from '../app';
beforeEach(() => {
afterEach(() => {
describe('myTest', () => {
it('should run successfully', async () => {
// Arrange
const eventMock = {
Records: [
// ...
jest.spyOn(ExportHelper, 'getInstance').mockImplementation(jest.fn());
jest.spyOn(ExportHelper, 'transfer').mockImplementation(jest.fn());
// Act
await myPublish('arg1', 'arg2');
// Assert
I just replaced this piece of code:
const mockActualExportHelper = jest.requireActual('../somefile').ExportHelper;
const mockGetInstanceImpl = () => {};
// this says cannot read property instances of undefined
const mockExportHelper = mockActualExportHelper.mock.instances[0];
jest.spyOn(ExportHelper, 'getInstance').mockImplementation(jest.fn());
jest.spyOn(ExportHelper, 'transfer').mockImplementation(jest.fn());
Because jest will track down and watch any of these method's calls and then we can use jest's matchers to test if both of them were called. And the mockImplementation will isolate any further calls to be maded.
One thing that I noticed while reproducing your example, is that the transfer method is not being treated as a method when you get the instance from getInstance and therefore, the tests will not pass. But I think this question is not in the scope of the topic. Dunno if just happens to me.

How to only mock

jest unit test question here. If I am testing function A, and function A uses function B,
import { funcB } = require('./FileB');
const funcA = () => {
const someData = funcB();
Does this mean that, in my unit test file testing funcA, in order to mock funcB, do i HAVE to import the function to mock it? which means the file wouldn't use that function but simply there for mocking purposes or do I have to mock the entire module in which funcB lives on and mock the implementation of that single function?
my goal here is, I dont want every single test in my unit test file to have funcB mocked, I only want it mocked on some test but not all while testing funcA.
So if i have 4 test and 3 of them need it mocked but 2 need its actuall implementation, whats a best way to approach this?
One possible solution - use spyOn and mockRestore for following implementation:
export const funcB = () => {
console.log('original implementation of B')
return 42;
import { funcB } from './fileb';
export const funcA = () => {
const someData = funcB();
return someData;
import * as fileB from "../funcab/fileb";
import { funcA } from "../funcab/filea";
describe('testing 1...2...3...', () => {
const spy = jest.spyOn(fileB, 'funcB');
afterEach(() => {
it('will test with mocked funcB', () => {
it('will test without mocked funcB', () => {
Here is a post about Jest mock and spy — mockClear vs mockReset vs mockRestore. I hope you'll find it usefull.
Answer for comment - do you mean sth like this?
const mockFuncB = jest.fn();
jest.mock("../funcab/fileb", () => ({
funcB: () => mockFuncB(),
then the test would look like:
it('will test with mocked funcB', () => {

Jest: Change output of manual mock for different tests within a test suite

Let's say I have the following two files:
// index.js
import { IS_IOS } from 'common/constants/platform';
export const myFunction = () => (IS_IOS ? 'foo' : 'bar');
// index.test.js
import { myFunction } from './index';
jest.mock('common/constants/platform', () => ({ IS_IOS: true }));
describe('My test', () => {
it('tests behavior on IOS', () => {
// --> Here I want to change the value of IS_IOS to false
it('tests behavior if NOT IOS', () => {
As you see my mocking function returns IS_IOS: true. I want it to return IS_IOS: false after my first test. How would I do that?
I also tried an adaptation of the solution here but I couldn't get it work, because there the mock returns a function:
module.exports = {
foo: jest.genMockFunction();
whereas my mock should return a boolean value which is not called inside the file I'm testing.
That's what I did here:
// common/constants/__mock__/platform
export const setIsIos = jest.fn(val => (IS_IOS = val));
export let IS_IOS;
// index.test.js
import { IS_IOS, setIsIos } from 'common/constants/platform';
describe('My test', () => {
it('tests behavior on IOS', () => {
it('tests behavior if NOT IOS', () => {
Oddly when console-logging, i.e. console.log(IS_IOS); I get the expected values. The test however seems to use the original value, i.e. undefined.
Add jest.resetModules() to the beforeEach() call of that describe() test suite:
describe('EventManager', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
Additionally I found A more complete example on how to mock modules with jest here

Proxyquire not stubbing my required class

I have a class AProvider that requires './b.provider'.
const BProvider = require('./b.provider');
class AProvider {
static get defaultPath() {
return `defaults/a/${BProvider.getThing()}`;
module.exports = AProvider;
b.provider.js is adjacent to a.provider.js and looks like
global.stuff.whatever = require('../models').get('Whatever'); // I didn't write this!
class BProvider {
static getThing() {
return 'some-computed-thing';
module.exports = BProvider;
In my test I use proxyquire to mock out ./b.provider as follows:
import { expect } from 'chai';
import proxyquire from 'proxyquire';
describe('A Provider', () => {
const Provider = proxyquire('../src/a.provider', {
'./b.provider': {
getThing: () => 'b-thing'
describe('defaultPath', () => {
it('has the expected value', () => {
However when I run the test BProvider is still requiring the actual './b.provider' not the stub and BProvider's reference to global.stuff.whatever is throwing an error.
Why isn't this working?
The answer as to why this is happening is as follows
proxyquire still requires the underlying code before stubbing it out. It does this to enable callthroughs.
The solution is simply to explicitly disallow callthroughs.
The test becomes:
import { expect } from 'chai';
import proxyquire from 'proxyquire';
describe('A Provider', () => {
const Provider = proxyquire('../src/a.provider', {
'./b.provider': {
getThing: () => 'b-thing',
'#noCallThru': true
describe('defaultPath', () => {
it('has the expected value', () => {
Running this test works perfectly.

Mock exported function in module

I have two modules which contain exported functions. "ModuleB" uses a function from "ModuleA". Now I want to test "ModuleB" and mock the used function from "ModuleA".
I use ES6 with babel. For testing I use karma and jasmine.
I tried using babel-rewire and inject-loader, but it just does not work. I'm kind of new to all this and I guess I'm just doing something wrong. So any help is appreciated!
export function getResult() {
return realResult;
import * as ModuleA from './moduleA'
export function functionToTest() {
let result = ModuleA.getResult();
// do stuff with result which I want to test
my test
it("does the right thing", () => {
// I tried using rewire, but this gives me an exception:
ModuleB.__Rewire__('ModuleA', {
getResult: () => {
return fakeResult;
let xyz = ModuleB.functionToTest(canvas, element);
Take a look to this library https://www.npmjs.com/package/mockery I thought It's exactly what do you want. Hope it helps!
Basically you have to use mockery in each test to mock your function, the only problem is that you must use require against import with the modules you want to mock. Look this example:
const moduleUnderTest = './moduleB.js';
const moduleA_fake = { getResult: () => { return "This is a fake result"; } } ;
describe("Mocking functions", () => {
it('Should be Fake Result', (done) => {
mock.registerMock('./moduleA.js', moduleA_fake);
mock.enable({ useCleanCache: true });
let ModuleB = require(moduleUnderTest);
let res = ModuleB.functionToTest();
res.should.be.eql("This is a fake result");
it('Should be Real Result', (done) => {
let ModuleB = require(moduleUnderTest);
let res = ModuleB.functionToTest();
res.should.be.eql("real foo");
You could see the complete example Here
For anyone who is interested in how it works with babel-rewire: The trick is to use __RewireAPI__.
import * as ModuleB from '../ModuleB'
import {__RewireAPI__ as ModuleBRewire} from '../ModuleA';
it("does the right thing", () => {
let moduleAMock = {
getResult: () => {
return fakeResult;
ModuleBRewire.__Rewire__('ModuleA', moduleAMock);
let xyz = ModuleB.functionToTest();

