In MobX, why are side effects bad in render functions - javascript

Recently I was asked:
Why can't I write to mobx state in a render function
I know Mobx disallows it, and it isn't good, however I also know you can get around Mobx's check simply by waiting a bit, for example: Promise.resolve().then(() => observable.value = "test").
I've had bad experiences with debugging code in other frameworks when programmers caused side effects in functional functions (render-like functions). However, most of my bad experiences involve really complicated bugs I still don't fully understand, so I couldn't come up with a simple explanation of why this is bad.
In the end I gave a fairly terrible answer, and just told the other programmer:
It's bad, just trust me, don't try to do that, it'll cause problems later on
What is a better answer to the question 'why can't I write to mobx state in a render function'?
I am specifically interested in any concrete examples of code that would fail (unexpectedly) from this.
I created an example of code that mutates Mobx state within render functions. Each component sets the global curPageName.value state when rendered, and displays this variable, and a different component also displays this variable. It's rather terrifying, but it technically works:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { observable } from "mobx";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";
let curPageName = observable({
value: "test"
const Test = observer(() => {
Promise.resolve().then(() => (curPageName.value = "Test"));
return <div>{curPageName.value}</div>;
const Test2 = observer(() => {
Promise.resolve().then(() => (curPageName.value = "Test2"));
return <div>{curPageName.value}</div>;
class MainPage extends React.Component {
state = {
page: Test
render() {
let Page =;
return (
<div>Cur Page: {curPageName.value}</div>
<button onClick={() => this.setState({ page: Test })}>Test</button>
<button onClick={() => this.setState({ page: Test2 })}>Test2</button>
<Page />
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<MainPage />, rootElement);


React HOC: Pass data attributes to the first child/element of wrapped component

I have a hoc component like this:
export const withAttrs = (WrappedComponent) => {
const ModifiedComponent = (props) => (
<WrappedComponent {...props} data-test-id="this-is-a-element" />
return ModifiedComponent;
export default withAttrs;
and I use it like this:
import React from 'react';
import withAttrs from './withAttrs';
const SomeLink = () => <a><p>hey</p</a>;
export default withAttrs(SomeLink);
I expect to have an anchor tag like this:
<a data-test-id="this-is-a-element"><p>hey</p></a>
But the hoc doesn't add the data-attribute to the first element. Is there a way to achieve this?
But the hoc doesn't add the data-attribute to the first element.
It's not the HOC that isn't adding it, it's SomeLink, which doesn't do anything with the props the HOC passes to it.
The simple answer is to update SomeLink:
const SomeLink = (props) => <a {...props}><p>hey</p></a>;
That's by far the better thing to do than the following.
If you can't do that, you could make your HOC add the property after the fact, but it seems inappropriate to have the HOC reach inside the component and change things. In fact, React makes the element objects it creates immutable, which strongly suggests you shouldn't try to mess with them.
Still, it's possible, it's probably just a bad idea:
export const withAttrs = (WrappedComponent) => {
const ModifiedComponent = (props) => {
// Note we're *calling* the function, not just putting it in
// a React element via JSX; we're using it as a subroutine of
// this component rather than as its own component.
// This will only work with function components. (You could
// write a version that handles class components as well,
// but offhand I don't think you can make one HOC that handles
// both in this case.)
const result = WrappedComponent(props);
return {
props: {
"data-test-id": "this-is-a-element",
return ModifiedComponent;
/*export*/ const withAttrs = (WrappedComponent) => {
const ModifiedComponent = (props) => {
// Note we're *calling* the function, not just putting it in
// a React element via JSX; we're using it as a subroutine of
// this component rather than as its own component.
// This will only work with function components. (You could
// write a version that handles class components as well,
// but offhand I don't think you can make one HOC that handles
// both in this case.)
const result = WrappedComponent(props);
// THIS IS PROBABLY A VERY BAD IDEA. React makes these objects
// immutable, probably for a reason. We shouldn't be mucking
// with them.
return {
props: {
"data-test-id": "this-is-a-element",
return ModifiedComponent;
const SomeLink = () => <a><p>hey</p></a>;
const SomeLinkWrapped = withAttrs(SomeLink);
const Example = () => {
return <div>
<SomeLink />
<SomeLinkWrapped />
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root"));
root.render(<Example />);
/* So we can see that it was applied */
[data-test-id=this-is-a-element] {
color: green;
<div id="root"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Again, I don't think I'd do that except as a very last resort, and I wouldn't be surprised if it breaks in future versions of React.

Tests React component with jest and enzyme

i have components presented below. I am totally new in unit testing. Can anyone give any one give me advice how and what should I test in this component? I was trying to shallow render it, to check is text in h2 is present but i still getting errors.
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { Form, Field } from 'react-final-form';
import { useHistory, Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { loginUser, clearErrorMessage } from '../../redux/auth/authActions';
import Input from '../Input/Input';
import ROUTES from '../../routes/routes';
import './LoginForm.scss';
const LoginForm = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const history = useHistory();
const { loading, isLogged, errorMessage } = useSelector(state => state.auth);
useEffect(() => {
if (isLogged) {
return () => {
}, [dispatch, history, isLogged]);
const handleSubmitLoginForm = values => {
if (!loading) {
const validate = ({ password }) => {
const errors = {};
if (!password) {
errors.password = 'Enter password!';
return errors;
return (
<article className="login-form-wrapper">
<h2>SIGN IN</h2>
<Form onSubmit={handleSubmitLoginForm} validate={validate}>
{({ handleSubmit }) => (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit} autoComplete="off" className="login-form">
<div className="login-form__field">
<Field name="email" component={Input} type="email" label="E-mail" />
<div className="login-form__buttons">
<button type="submit" className={loading ? 'button-disabled' : ''}>
Sign in
export default LoginForm;
I am open for any advices :)
First of all, I am not recommending using shallow in your tests and here is a great article why.
I also recommend to check out react-testing-library instead of Enzyme as it is much nicer to use.
Now, to answer your question. You are using here hooks for redux and react-router, so you need to provide the necessary data to your componenent in test so that it can use those hooks. Let me show you an example test (that checks text in h2 element):
import React from 'react';
import { mount } from 'enzyme';
import {Provider} from 'react-redux';
import {MemoryRouter, Route} from 'react-router';
import LoginForm from './LoginForm';
describe('Login Form', () => {
it('should have SIGN IN header', () => {
const store = createStore();
const component = mount(
<Provider store={store}>
<MemoryRouter initialEntries={['/login']}>
<Route path="/:botId" component={LoginForm} />
expect(component.find('h2').text()).toEqual('SIGN IN');
Some explanation to this example.
I am using mount instead of shallow as I prefer to render as much as possible in my test, so that I can check if everything works together as it should.
You can see that I am not rendering my component directly, but rather it is wrapped with other components (Provider from react-redux and MemoryRouter from react-router). Why? Because I need to provide context to my Component. In this case it's redux and router context so that the data used inside exists and can be found (for example useSelector(state => state.auth) must have some state provided so that it can access auth property). If you remove any of them you would get some error saying that this context is missing - go ahead and check for yourself :).
See here for some details around testing with router context
As for testing with redux in my example there is a createStore function that I didn't define as there are a few approaches to this. One involves creating a real store that you use in your production application. This is the one that I prefer and colleague of mine wrote great article around this topic here. Other is to create some kind of mock store, like in this article. Again, I prefer the first approach, but whichever is better for you.
Answering your other question on what should you test in this example. There are multiple possibilities. It all depends mostly on you business case, but examples that I would test here includes:
Typing something into an input, clicking a button and observing that login is successful (by redirecting to new path - / in this case)
not typing a password and clicking a button - error should be shown
Checking if button class changes when it's loading
Do not dispatch login action twice, when already loading
And so on...
That's really just a tip of an iceberg on what could be written around testing, but I hope it helps and gives you a nice start to dig deeper into the topic.

dynamically import a React Component if that file exists, otherwise show a default message

I want to conditionally import a React Component if the file exists and if not do something else. For example show a default view or message.
I tried this:
let Recipe;
try {
Recipe = require(`docs/app/Recipes/${props.componentName}`);
} catch (e) {
Recipe = () => <div>Not found</div>;
However the linter is complaining that I should not try to dynamicaly require a file, but use a string literal instead.
Is there a cleaner approach to to what I'm trying to achieve?
The problem is this approach is that it kills bundle optimizations and includes all files from docs/app/Recipes/ into a bundle, even if they aren't used.
A better way to write this is to use <React.Suspense> and React.lazy:
const Recipe = React.lazy(() =>
.catch(() => ({ default: () => <div>Not found</div> }))
Which is used as:
<React.Suspense fallback={'loading...'}><Recipe/></React.Suspense>
A cleaner way to do this and avoid linter error is to have a map of possible components:
import Foo from 'docs/app/Recipes/Foo';
import Bar from 'docs/app/Recipes/Bar';
const componentsMap = { Foo, Bar };
const Recipe = componentsMap[props.componentName] || () => <div>Not found</div>;
In this case props.componentName can be validated if needed.
in fact there is. With the recent release of React v16.6.0 "lazy code splitting" was introduced. This is how it works, it makes sense to use it together with reacts' 'suspense':
import React, {lazy, Suspense} from 'react';
const Recipe = lazy(() =>import(`./docs/app/Recipes/${props.componentName}`));
function SomeComponent() {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<Spinner/>}>
<Recipe />
To handle the case that the component isn't found you can use Error Boundaries. You would wrap your component with it like this:
<Suspense fallback={<Spinner/>}>
<Recipe />
Best you read more about it directly on the react docs I linked above.
I have been troubled by this problem all afternoon, and now I have solved it:
If "../views/dev/dev.tsx" exists, import it, otherwise import '../views/not-found/not-found'
const requireCustomFile = require.context('../views/dev/', false, /dev.tsx$/);
let Dev = React.lazy(() => import('../views/not-found/not-found'));
if (requireCustomFile.keys()?.length) {
const keys: string[] = requireCustomFile.keys();
if (keys.includes('./dev.tsx')) {
const str = '/dev';
Dev = React.lazy(() => import(`../views/dev${str}`));
if dev.tsx not exit :
// ⬇️webpack report an error: Can't resolve module
// ⬇️webpack will not report an error until the load the module
const str = '/dev';

implementation of component did mount in stateless component

Im new to react, i'm trying to implement/learn stateless component, Im having difficulty in using component will mount in stateless component.
My code
const Terms = (actions, commonReducer) => {
componentDidMount() {
return (
<div className="jobUpdate">
<form onSubmit={(e) => {
e.preventDefault(); actions.userInput(document.getElementById('enteredVal').value)
<input type="text" id="enteredVal" />
<button type="submit"></button>
I know the stateless component does not have life cycle hooks, but wanted alternate approach to preform component did mount in stateless component.
Any help with this is much appreciated. Thanks in advance
You could always wrap the component in another component, using a pattern known as higher-order components.
A higher-order component (HOC) is a function that takes a component and returns a new component.
Perhaps the most widely used example of this technique is react-redux, which uses the connect() method to create components connected to the redux store.
Instead of creating your own HOC, there are also libraries out there that can do it for you, such as react-redux-lifecycle.
However, what you are attempting with this component is not a very common pattern -- it is much more common to instead keep the handling of business and data in a container component, and leave presentational components to inherit store actions and data from props. Check out Dan Abramov's Presentational and Container Components for a very good overview on how and why to break down components into these two categories!
Starting in React 16.8, you can accomplish the same kind of functionality using a useEffect hook.
In your specific example, we'd have something like this:
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
// other imports and declarations
function Example() {
// Similar to componentDidMount
useEffect(() => {
// This function will be run on component mount
}, []); // The second argument of [] tells react to only perform the effect on mount
return (
... your component
export default Example;
The docs do a great job of explaining this, and I'd encourage you to read up on it. Keep in mind that it's not exactly the same thing going on behind the scenes, and so the patterns will not be a one-to-one correspondence; but these patterns should help with the majority of your cases.
Just know the following basic ideas:
The first argument of a useEffect hook is a "side effect" function. It is always run after the first component's render, and then conditionally afterwards.
This "side effect" function can return a "cleanup" function. The "cleanup" function is run just before the next time the "side effect" function is run. It will always be run before unmounting the component.
The second, optional, argument of a useEffect hook is an array of dependencies.
If any value in the dependency changes, the "side effect" function will be run after the next render.
Anyway, in the meantime, here's a few patterns to emulate class component behavior.
componentDidMount + componentDidUpdate
useEffect(() => {
console.log("This line will be run after each render ");
componentDidUpdate when a given value changes
// get myValue from component props
const { myValue } = props;
useEffect(() => {
console.log("This line will be run after each render where myValue changed");
}, [myValue]);
componentDidUpdate when a given value changes, pt. 2
// get myValue from component props
const { myValue } = props;
const myCondition = myValue === "yes";
useEffect(() => {
console.log('This line will be run after each render where the returned value of the statement `myValue === "yes"` changes from false to true or true to false ');
}, [myCondition]);
componentDidUpdate when a given value changes, pt. 3
// get myValue from component props
const { myValue, myValue2 } = props;
useEffect(() => {
console.log("This line will be run after each render where myValue OR myValue2 changed");
}, [myValue, myValue2]);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("This line will be run only after the first render ");
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
// nothing will be run as a side effect...
return () => {
// but this will be run as clean up
console.log("This line will be run just before the component unmounts");
}, []);
componentDidUpdate (without componentDidMount)
import React, {useEffect, useRef} from 'react';
export default function MyComponent() {
// create a reference value which does not trigger a re-render when changed
const isMounted = useRef(false);
useEffect(() => {
if( isMounted.current === false ){
// on mount, set the ref to true
isMounted.current = true;
} else {
// the component is already mounted
console.log("This line will be run after each render except the first ");
return (<div />);
Hope this will be useful to someone.
Throw a dumb work around using HOC (high order component)
const withLifecycles = (MyStatelessComp) => class extends React.PureComponent {
static propTypes = {}
static displayName = "withPure(xxx)"
state = {}
componentDidMount() {}
render() {
return <MyStatelessComp {..this.state, ...this.props} />
then use it as
MyStatelessWithLifecycles = withLifecycles(props => {
return <Bla />
Though not sure what's the reason for a stateless component to have the lifecycles there, it's meant to be pure and simple (presentation only).

React Stateful Components without classes

In React, we can write components as pure functions. However, the problem with this is that you can't use it as stateful components because of the lack of lifecycle hooks and state. So, I wonder if is there any way to create stateful components without using classes.
Something that I found is the createClass helper. But, React has moved this helper into their own package in the release 15.5.0, link. Also, they recommend that you migrate them to JavaScript classes because classes are now the preferred way to create components in React. Therefore, I don't think that using this helper could be a good idea.
On the other hand, Facebook recommends the use of High Order Components (HOCs) which is an advanced technique in React for reusing component logic. HOCs are not part of the React API, per se. They are a pattern that emerges from React's compositional nature. But, I couldn't find a way to create common stateful components without classes.
Has anyone gone through this? Is there any way to use React as a some purely functional solution?
React supports this since version 16.8. From the documentation:
Hooks are a new addition in React 16.8. They let you use state and other React features without writing a class.
A simple example:
import { useState } from 'react';
function Example() {
// Declare a new state variable, which we'll call "count"
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
return (
<p>You clicked {count} times</p>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
Click me
For an example of how to use lifecycles, check out useEffect
Writing Stateful component without using classes is definitely a choice made by several developers. I recommend to use 'recompose' which has nice and easy implementation to write stateful components without class, yet apply state, both local and from store. Here is an example:
import compose from 'recompose/compose'
import withState from 'recompose/withState'
import withProps from 'recompose/withProps'
function MyComponent(props) ({
local: { prop1, prop2 },
return <div>{prop1}</div>
const defaultState = {
prop1: false,
prop2: false
const enhance = compose(
withState('local', 'updateLocal', defaultState),
withProps(({ local: { prop1, prop2 }, updateLocal }) => ({
setProp1: (newValue) => updateLocal(state => ({...state, prop1: newValue }))
export default enhance(MyComponent)
Maybe react-instance can become handy. Take a look at examples below.
Save state in local variable:
import React from "react"
import instance from "react-instance"
const App = instance(({ forceUpdate }) => {
let time = 0
const timer = setInterval(() => {
}, 100)
return {
render() {
return time
unmount() {
Save state in component state:
import React from "react"
import instance from "react-instance"
const App = instance(instance => {
instance.state = { time: 0 }
const timer = setInterval(() => {
instance.setState({ time: instance.state.time + 1 })
}, 100)
return {
render() {
return instance.state.time
unmount() {
I tried to create a simple stateful component named Comp without the usage of es6 classes.
Here is the code
Basically I'm linking the prototype of the Comp function (our stateful component) to the prototype object of React.Component and I pass down to it Comp's props to initialize it properly. After that you can use every function of the React.Component object on the Comp.prototype. I used some just an example. I don't know if this is the best way in the "most javascript" way to use react

