Angular - Using a service property set by callback in another component - javascript

I am trying to use a DataService property myData that is waiting for callback. But it is undefined when I call in DataComponent. How can I access and use it there?
export class DataService {
public myData;
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {
this.load().then((data) => {
this.myData = data
load() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
(res: any) => {
(error) => {
export class DataComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private dataService: DataService) {
prepareData() {
ngOnInit(): void {
Here is the source code:

You are running into a race condition since this is an asynchronous function.
This change works:
Consider reading up on
Personally, I just have services return raw data and manipulate it elsewhere, but if needed you can tap into the response as I have shown i the updated example.
This question and answer are probably really a duplicate of this question...
What are pipe and tap methods in Angular tutorial?

your load() method is asynchronous, that means that it can return the response after 2 hours, so it will execute your callback after 2 hours, and you are asking myData synchronously which means that you are asking it right now, so it won't work.
you have to wait until the answer is returned, in your code there is no chance to accomplish this, so either remove yourData field and just subscribe it into the component, or create BehaviorSubject and emit value to the component


How to make subscribe method to run first & then proceed further

I am new to Angular and struck with subscribe method. I need to trigger subscribe first in which initialization of property is done. Please help me with this.
Here is my code..
#Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class JsonService {
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
//This fetch the json present in assets folder
url: string = `${window.location.origin}/assets/urls-list.json`;
getRestJson() {
#Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class UrlService {
fetchedJson: Array<any>;
constructor(private service: JsonService) {
fetchingJsonFromService() {
response => {
this.fetchedJson = response;
private static getValue(key: string) {
// use the key do some stuff with "this.fetchedJson"
and return only that value back to getServiceUrl()
return something;
public static getServiceUrl(key:string) {
const result = UrlService.getValue(key);
return result;
From debugging this code realized that "getValue()" is called first and the "this.fetchedJson" is undefined. Then the call goes to "fetchingJsonFromService()" where fetchedJson gets initialized which is too late. Kindly help me to solve this issue. It would be of great help.
"getServiceUrl(key)" - is called by multiple services throughout the application
Thanks a lot!! 😊
As getRestJson() is async you'll need to execute getValue() when it's response has arrived, which You can simply do by calling getValue() inside your fethcingJsomFromService()
fetchingJsonFromService() {
response => {
this.fetchedJson = response;
private getValue() {
// do some stuff with "this.fetchedJson" and return only that value to other method

Can't use result from subscribe angular

I follow this guide, and i try to do something similar at Unrelated Components: Sharing Data with a Service paragraph
Data Service:
export class MyDataService{
private messageSource = new BehaviorSubject(null);
currentMessage = this.messageSource.asObservable();
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {
setInterval(() => { this.changeMessage(this.resultFromRestCall()); }, 10 * 1000);
changeMessage(message: object) {;
const json;
this.http.get<object>(myApiUrl).subscribe(res =>
json['data'] = res['data'] //this is an example
return json;
export class MyComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private dataservice: MyDataService) {}
ngOnInit() {
message => {this.handleVarChange(message); }
handleVarChange(message) {
With this code i got "undefined" in handleVarChange log
Instead of calling this.handleVarChange(message); in subscribe I write console.log(message) i got my result correctly.
So, my question is if it's possible use the value coming from data service in some function of my component.
Thanks in advance
const json;
this.http.get<object>(myApiUrl).subscribe(res =>
// takes x amount of time to populate json
json['data'] = res['data'] //this is an example
// executed instantly after above request has been called
return json;
You are returning json before it has been populated, since the request is asynchronous.
Instead you can flip it around a bit, and call resultFromRestCall() first, and when you get the response, then call changeMessage():
setInterval(() => {
this.resultFromRestCall().subscribe((data) => {
}, 10 * 1000);
where resultFromRestCall simply returns an observable:
return this.http.get<object>(myApiUrl);
Also remember to clearInterval in OnDestroy!
Omit the .data in handleVarChange:
Instead of
handleVarChange(message) {
handleVarChange(message) {

Which RxJS type to use when a method may or may not fetch data asynchronously?

Imagine we have the following factory:
export class DataClassFactory {
private dataService: DataService,
) { }
public createThing(initialData?: InitialData): AsyncSubject<DataClass> {
let dataClass: AsyncSubject<DataClass> = new AsyncSubject<DataClass>();
if (!!initialData) { DataClass(initialData));
} else {
this.dataService.getData().subscribe((dataResponse) => { ReportRequest(dataResponse));
return dataClass;
We inject this factory, invoke the createThing method, and subscribe to the response in some component. I originally tried to use a plain Subject, but then I realized that in the case where we already have initial data, next() is called before the response is returned, so the subscriber in the component never gets that value.
My question is: is this correct situation in which to use an AsyncSubject, or is there a different/better way to handle this sort of method that has potential synchronous and asynchronous timelines?
I would do something along these lines
public createThing(initialData?: InitialData): Observable<DataClass | ReportRequest> {
if (!!initialData) {
const data = new DataClass(initialData);
return of(data);
} else {
return this.dataService.getData()
.pipe(map(dataResponse => new ReportRequest(dataResponse));
Whoever calls createThing would get an Observable to which it would have to subscribe.
This Observable would emit an instance of DataClass if initialData is not null, otherwise it would return and instance of ReportRequest as soon as dataService responds.

unable to assign data from response data in Angular

I have a function that should return an array of objects when called. The function looks like this
loadTodo(): Todo[]{
var data
this.http.get(`${this.API_URL}todos`).toPromise().then(res => {
data = res.json()
}, error => {
return data}
This results in unexpected behavior where data variable gets assigned correctly inside the success response block but is undefined when accessed outside the response block.
The function is assigned to a variable with type Todo[] and is invoked immediately when the variable is declared. I am quite new to TypeScript and Angular but not to JavaScript. Am I missing something with scope/closure of the function or is this issue related to TypeScript/Angular?
Whole class looks like this:
export class TodoDataService {
API_URL: String = 'http://localhost:3000/'
todos: Todo[] = this.loadTodo();
constructor(private http: Http) {
loadTodo(): Todo[]{
this.http.get(`${this.API_URL}todos`).toPromise().then(res => {
this.parcedTodos = res.json()
console.log('inside function')
}, error => {
console.log('outside function')
return this.parcedTodos
http.get() is asynchronous, which means that when you try to print parcedTodos outside the then callback, it will still be undefined.
Asynchronous programming in JS
It is happening because http calls are asynchronous.
You need to make sure you are accessing data only after call is completed.
export class TodoDataService {
API_URL: String = 'http://localhost:3000/'
todos: Todo[] = this.loadTodo();
constructor(private http: Http) {
loadTodo(): Todo[]{
this.http.get(`${this.API_URL}todos`).toPromise().then(res => {
this.parcedTodos = res.json()
console.log('inside function')
}, error => {
// This is where your call gets completed. Here you can access assigned data or call another function where you can access data.
console.log('outside function')
console.log(this.parcedTodos) // This is called before asynchronous call is completed. Thats why it is undefined yet.
return this.parcedTodos
Hope this helps.
this.http.get(whatever) is an async call.
Your data is undefined because you're accessing it before it is actually initialized. i.e. you're initializing it inside the success handler (the first argument to then), and probably are accessing it before initialization.
All you need to do is make sure you're doing so after the success or error handler. use Observable
I think that using res.json() not is neccesary because angular pipes already doing this works. Do you try to assign to variable res directly?
As others friends says, you are doing bad some things.
First: you must read about asynchronous methods
Second: use Observables importing rxjs/Observable; and follow its callbacks flow
export class TodoDataService {
API_URL: String = 'http://localhost:3000/'
todos: Todo[] = this.loadTodo();
constructor(private http: Http) {
loadTodo() : Observable<Todo[]>{
return this.http.get(`${this.API_URL}todos`);
And other class consummes this method
(response) => {
console.log("Future response", response);

How to use data from an observable in other methods?

I am working on an Angular4 app.
Here is a service I am using to get the data-
export class BookingService {
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
getMemberBookings(memberID: number): Observable<any> {
return this.http.get(''+memberID).map(response => response['bookings']);
And then in my component-
export class PrintButtonComponent implements OnInit {
bookings: any;
constructor(private service: BookingService) {}
ngOnInit() {}
downloadPDF() {
//pdf creation logic
getBookings(memberID: number) {
this.service.getMemberBookings(memberID).subscribe(data => this.bookings = data);
The problem is I want to use the data from the service in the downloadPDF method as there is other data in it that will be needed to create the PDF.
But when I return the data from the subscribe or set it to a property, it is giving undefined. I understand that this is due to asynchronous nature, but I dont want to put my pdf creation logic inside the subscribe method.
So how do I solve this problem? I am quite new to Angular and observables.
Thank you.
Since the code above doesn't involve multiple values per observable and doesn't require to stick to them, this can be done with async..await with no extra nesting:
async downloadPDF() {
await this.getBookings(memberID);
//pdf creation logic
async getBookings(memberID: number) {
this.bookings = await this.service.getMemberBookings(memberID).toPromise();
As any other RxJS operator, toPromise has to be imported.

