React Native / Firebase - Creating unique username - javascript

So after a user has presses the register button, I want to send the data to a cloud function called Register().
The data that I send is first name, last name, date of birth etc.
I form the username by lower-casing the first name and last name and then joining them up. I want to check if the username exists, then add a number until unique username created. If the username does not exist (meaning its unique), create user account with email and password and store data in firestore.
I check if username exists by a username collection in Firestore with all taken usernames.
Right now the way I do this is with a while async loop at the client side but I want to move this to cloud functions for more security. I tried using the same method with async while loop but firebase cloud functions does not accept await in loops.
Any ideas on how to do this? Perhaps recursion? Any help would be much appreciated :)


Search for user by Username in AWS Cognito

Is it possible to find a user by searching with a Username in AWS Lambda? The GetUserCommand does not seem to accept a Username as a parameter. The input shape does not include a Username parameter. Am I misunderstanding?
GetUserCommand documentation.
The command you are referring to only needs an access token. Since the access token belongs to your user it will return information about her/him. You don't really need to provide a username. Would be kind of redundant.
If you want to get information about a user as an admin (so not as a user that is currently signed in), then you need another method: AdminGetUserCommand. There you can specify which username you want using AdminGetUserCommandInput.

Is there a Client.fetchUser() equivalent in Discord.js?

I was trying to find a way to get a User object from a user's ID alone. Client#fetchUser() seemed to be what I was looking for, referring to this
older question.
However that function is no longer in the Discord.js Client Object Documentation
And I can't seem to find a way of doing what fetchUser() is supposed to do. I need to create User Object from User IDs because I'm retrieving saved user data and need to be able to send messages to the users I'm retrieving from save data.
There are 2 ways to go about doing this:
Getting the user from the client.users.cache collection
const user = client.users.cache.get(UserID)
Fetching the user using the fetch() method in the UserManager of client.users
const user = client.users.fetch(UserID)
It seems they merged the functionality of UserManager#fetch()
into what I was looking for, in which it is described as
Obtains a user from Discord, or the user cache if it's already available.
id Snowflake
ID of the user
cache boolean true
Whether to cache the new user object if it isn't already
Returns: Promise<User>
So it'll either grab the user from the cache by ID, or retrieve it from Discord if it's not in the cache. I'm guessing they did this to make this functionality more efficient.

Getting a sub-collection by a specific field value in Firestore

How do I find a subcollection based on a field value? I am currently using this code but it doesnt work:
var user = db()
.where("nam", "==", this.state.passcode);
What I am trying to achieve is making a custom authentication, so giving a custom username and password to users (in this case just a passcode). So I decided to store those credentials in a separate sub-collection inside a document. How can a user authenticate by comparing the values of username and password with the ones of a sub-collection?
Another question, is sub-collection for credentials a good idea? Will it cost the same to me as if I would store those info in the document?
First of all, what you're doing right now is not secure at all. You should never store user credentials in a database, especially not one that's directly accessible to your web and mobile clients. To do this properly, you should be making use of Firebase Authentication to sign in users. (You tagged this question firebase-authentication, which refers to that product.) In fact, doing security properly is very difficult. Firebase Auth will make sure everything is done correctly.
Secondly, the query you have now will never yield any documents. That's because you're not passing anything to doc(), which means it will return a DocumentReference to a non-existent document with a random ID. If you meant to have some sort of unique identifier for each user, perhaps that's something you would want to pass to doc() so that each user's subcollection would be correctly identified.

Verifying user log email and password by looping through psql table

I am learning to code and am attempting to build a to do web application in node using Express (I think that's the right wording).
I have a table('users') in postgresql which stores user_id,email and password.
When a user logs in to the website I want to loop through the table and ensure the email exists and it matches the password and then the user can log in and when they're logged in - their unique user_id is assigned and brings up their previous to do lists.. I would like to incorporate knex also if possible.
I am at a loss how to do this and would appreciate any tips/pointing in the right direction.
Try something basic first
FROM users
email = _your_user_email
AND password = _your_user_password;
If the result you get back contains user_id or whatever you want returned, then the user exists. You can expand on this further by checking for email, and let the user know that the email exists but the password is incorrect, etc. Try the simple method first and see if this meet your need.
First of all, I would recommend you to name your id field for your users table as id.
It is best practice to name id fields as id and reference columns as <tablename>_id
(eg. table unique identifier for iter and clothes.user_id – foreign key to table users).
Secondly, it is highly NOT recommended to store your passwords as raw data inside of the database (security reasons).
It is a common practice to keep user passwords as hashed data.
For example, take a look at bcrypt package.
To select users (there is no such thing as "loop" in terms of database, it is called "query") you need to
create a query like
email = ''
and password = 'your password hash'
In terms of knex it can be written
.select(['id', 'email', '<any_other_field_you_need>'])
.where('email', '')
.where('password', 'your password hash')
Your query params (email, password) you can get from express body.
Make sure you are using POST HTTP method to send your request and pass your data as a body.
In case you don't know express – it's an npm package.
It helps in the creation of web-services. They have a hello world guide on their
official website. Feel free to check it out. Or just simply google "express tutorial for beginner" there are a lot of great tutorials over the internet about it. It's quite popular.

Invite new user to edit record in Firebase

I want to invite a new user (that not used the website before) to edit an existing Firebase record. (edit record of a location where I know the email address of the owner).
What is a possible approach?
Saving records should be generally protected by rules: email is verfified(!) and userId corresponds to a field in the record.
I could manually set up the user with password and random password first and save the userid in the record. But I do not see a way to set the email as verified (to allow later saving)? Even if I could, how do I sent a link to a user so he can sign in with his user credential.
There might be another way that I do not see. I would appreciate some direction. Thanks!

