Promise.All returning empty - javascript

I have few api call requests which i am trying to create promises and then execute all using Promise.all but, its giving empty value instead of array. Below is my code.
function getUser(arrUser) {
var student = [];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (arrUser.length > 0) {
var promises = => {
return getRequest(userRequeset).then(result => {
console.log(student); //This is giving right details.
}).catch(error => {
Promise.all(promises).then(StuName => {
and this is how i am trying to get the values at once:
getUser('123').then(student => {
console.log(Student) //Coming as empty
getRequest is my api call nodeJs request module. What's wrong in my code?

All your promises fulfill with the value undefined since you're just logging the student names, but not returning them from the then callback. As you seem to be doing only a single request, the array will be [undefined], which is joined into the empty string.
Also avoid the Promise constructor antipattern:
function getUsers(arrUser) {
const promises = => {
return getRequest(userId).then(result => {
const students = JSON.parse(result.body).result;
return students[0].Name;
return Promise.all(promises);
getUsers(['123']).then(studentNames => {


Why is my apolloFetch call returning an empty query when called from within a promise.all?

I'm trying to use apolloFetch inside a Promise.all in my Node.js microservice but keep getting an error that the query is empty. The reason for using apolloFetch is to call another micro service and pass it an array of queries. Can someone give me some direction? My code is as follows:
const uri = "";
const apolloFetch = CreateApolloFetch({uri});
const QryAllBooks = {
type: new GraphQLList(BookType),
args: {},
resolve() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let sql = singleLineString`
select distinct t.bookid,t.bookname,
from books_tbl t
where t.ship_status = 'Not Shipped'
pool.query(sql, (err, results) => {
if (err) {
const str = JSON.stringify(results);
const json = JSON.parse(str);
const promises = [];
for (let p = 0; p < results.length; p++) {
const book_id = json[p].bookid;
const query = `mutation updateShipping
(id: ${book_id}, input:{
status: "Shipped"
{ bookid
bookname }}`;
//Below is the Promise.all function with the
//apolloFetch that calls another graphql endpoint
//an array of queries
Promise.all( => apolloFetch({p}))).then((result) => {
//this is the problem code^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
}).catch((e) => {
FunctionLogError(29, "Error", e);
module.exports = {
It looks like apolloFetch requires query - you are passing p
Promise.all(>apolloFetch({p})) )
Promise.all(>apolloFetch({query})) )
You also call resolve twice
To resolve all errors or success
const final_results = []
Promise.all( => apolloFetch({
}))).then((result) => {
}).catch((e) => {
}).then(() => {
You immediately resolve or rejects once the pool.query() callback starts:
if(err){ reject(err);}resolve(results);
So unless the query fails, you never resolve with the results from the apolloFetch calls, since the promise is already resolved with the pool.query() results. I guess you're missing an else block:
if( err ) {
else {
const promises = ...
PS: you can try using node.js' util.promisify() to turn pool.query() into a promise as well so you can just write something resembling: query(...).then(results=> instead of ahving to mix callbacks and promises.

Returning value from multiple promises within Meteor.method

After a bunch of looking into Futures, Promises, wrapAsync, I still have no idea how to fix this issue
I have this method, which takes an array of images, sends it to Google Cloud Vision for logo detection, and then pushes all detected images with logos into an array, where I try to return in my method.
var logosArray = [];
images.forEach((image, index) => {
.then(results => {
const logos = results[0].logoAnnotations;
if(logos != ''){
logos.forEach(logo => logosArray.push(logo.description));
return logosArray;
However, when the method is called from the client:'getLogos', images, function(error, response) {
the empty array is always returned, and understandably so as the method returned logosArray before Google finished processing all of them and returning the results.
How to handle such a case?
With Meteor methods you can actually simply "return a Promise", and the Server method will internally wait for the Promise to resolve before sending the result to the Client:
getLogos(images) {
return client
.logoDetection(images[0]) // Example with only 1 external async call
.then(results => {
const logos = results[0].logoAnnotations;
if (logos != '') {
return => logo.description);
}); // `then` returns a Promise that resolves with the return value
// of its success callback
You can also convert the Promise syntax to async / await. By doing so, you no longer explicitly return a Promise (but under the hood it is still the case), but "wait" for the Promise to resolve within your method code.
async getLogos(images) {
const results = await client.logoDetection(images[0]);
const logos = results[0].logoAnnotations;
if (logos != '') {
return => logo.description);
Once you understand this concept, then you can step into handling several async operations and return the result once all of them have completed. For that, you can simply use Promise.all:
getLogos(images) {
var promises = [];
images.forEach(image => {
// Accumulate the Promises in an array.
promises.push(client.logoDetection(image).then(results => {
const logos = results[0].logoAnnotations;
return (logos != '') ? => logo.description) : [];
return Promise.all(promises)
// If you want to merge all the resulting arrays...
.then(resultPerImage => resultPerImage.reduce((accumulator, imageLogosDescriptions) => {
return accumulator.concat(imageLogosDescriptions);
}, [])); // Initial accumulator value.
or with async/await:
async getLogos(images) {
var promises = [];
images.forEach(image => {
// DO NOT await here for each individual Promise, or you will chain
// your execution instead of executing them in parallel
promises.push(client.logoDetection(image).then(results => {
const logos = results[0].logoAnnotations;
return (logos != '') ? => logo.description) : [];
// Now we can await for the Promise.all.
const resultPerImage = await Promise.all(promises);
return resultPerImage.reduce((accumulator, imageLogosDescriptions) => {
return accumulator.concat(imageLogosDescriptions);
}, []);

Problems with optional promise that has nested promises

I have a server GET request where I am trying to create a promise from a function but it's not going too well. I need this promise to be optional, if that's possible, so that if the result is empty it should be ignored (I've marked where it shouldn't carry on with the function with the words IGNORE FUNCTION).
The idea is that it loops through the docs inside the snapshot, and adds them to an array calls jamDocs. Then if that array isn't empty it should loop through each jam and call an async function for each of them. This then sets the jam's hostName. When this is completed, the original promise should return the jamDocs.
If the jamDocs are empty, the whole promise should be ignored. Finally, after other promises are completed (there is one called profilePromise that returns a profile object), the jams should be assigned to the profile object, and the object sent back to the client with a 200 status code.
My code:
var jamsQuery = firebase.db.collection('users')
.where("hostId", "==", id)
var jamsPromise = jamsQuery.get().then(snapshot => {
var jamDocs = []
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
var jam = =
if (!snapshot.length) { // Error: Each then() should return a value or throw
} else {
var jamNamePromises = {
var jamRef = firebase.db.collection('users').doc(jam.hostId)
return jamRef.get().then(doc => {
if (doc.exists) {
jam.hostName =
return jam
} else {
throw new Error("yeah")
.then(function() {
return jamDocs
// Later on
Promise.all(profilePromise, jamsPromise)
.then(objectArray => {
var profile = objectArray[0]
myProfile.jams = jamDocs
return res.status(200).send(myProfile);
res.status(500).send("Could not retrieve profile.")
I get errors like: Each then() should return a value or throw and Avoid nesting promises. How do I fix this? Thanks!
Your then on this line doesn't return anything and also has nested promises in it.
var jamsPromise = jamsQuery.get().then(snapshot => {
You should refactor it, to move the nested promises outside of this then:
var jamsPromise = jamsQuery.get()
.then(snapshot => {
var jamDocs = []
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
var jam = =
if (!snapshot.length) {
} else {
var jamNamePromises = getJamDocsPromises();
return Promise.all(jamNamePromises);
function getJamDocsPromises(jamDocs) {
return {
var jamRef = firebase.db.collection('users').doc(jam.hostId)
return jamRef.get().then(doc => {
if (doc.exists) {
jam.hostName =
return jam
} else {
throw new Error("yeah")
If the result is empty it should be ignored (shouldn't carry on with the function). If that array isn't empty it should loop through each jam
Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be. Looping over an empty collection does nothing anyway, so you don't need a special case for that. Just continue normally with the empty array.
var jamsPromise = jamsQuery.get().then(snapshot => {
var jamDocs = []
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
jamDocs.push(Object.assign(, {id:}))
return Promise.all( {
return firebase.db.collection('users').doc(jam.hostId).get().then(doc => {
if (doc.exists) {
jam.hostName =
return jam
} else {
throw new Error("yeah")
I get errors like: Each then() should return a value or throw
You had forgotten a return in front of the Promise.all.
and Avoid nesting promises. How do I fix this?
There's nothing wrong with nesting promises, but in your case the .then(() => jamDocs) was not necessary since the Promise.all already resolves with an array of all the jams that the inner promises fulfill with.

use forEach() with promises while access previous promise results in a .then() chain?

I have the following functions with promises:
const ajaxRequest = (url) => {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {
const xmlParser = (xml) => {
let { data } = xml;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
let parser = new DOMParser();
let xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(data,"text/xml");
if (xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("AdTitle").length > 0) {
let string = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("AdTitle")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;
} else {
I'm trying to apply those functions for each object in array of JSON:
const array = [{"id": 1, "url": ""}, {"id": 1, "url": ""}]
I came up with the following solution:
function example() {
_.forEach(array, function(value) {
.then(response => {
.catch(err => {
I was wondering if this solution is acceptable regarding 2 things:
Is it a good practice to apply forEach() on promises in the following matter.
Are there any better ways to pass previous promise results as parameter in then() chain? (I'm passing response param).
You can use .reduce() to access previous Promise.
function example() {
return array.reduce((promise, value) =>
// `prev` is either initial `Promise` value or previous `Promise` value
promise.then(prev =>
ajaxRequest(value.url).then(response => xmlParser(response))
, Promise.resolve())
// though note, no value is passed to `reject()` at `Promise` constructor calls
example().catch(err => console.log(err));
Note, Promise constructor is not necessary at ajaxRequest function.
const ajaxRequest = (url) =>
.then((response) => {
return response;
.catch((error) => {
The only issue with the code you provided is that result from xmlParser is lost, forEach loop just iterates but does not store results. To keep results you will need to use which will get Promise as a result, and then Promise.all to wait and get all results into array.
I suggest to use async/await from ES2017 which simplifies dealing with promises. Since provided code already using arrow functions, which would require transpiling for older browsers compatibility, you can add transpiling plugin to support ES2017.
In this case your code would be like:
function example() {
return Promise.all([ (value) => {
try {
const response = await ajaxRequest(value.url);
return xmlParser(response);
} catch(err) {
Above code will run all requests in parallel and return results when all requests finish. You may also want to fire and process requests one by one, this will also provide access to previous promise result if that was your question:
async function example(processResult) {
for(value of array) {
let result;
try {
// here result has value from previous parsed ajaxRequest.
const response = await ajaxRequest(value.url);
result = await xmlParser(response);
await processResult(result);
} catch(err) {
Another solution is using Promise.all for doing this, i think is a better solution than looping arround the ajax requests.
const array = [{"id": 1, "url": ""}, {"id": 1, "url": ""}]
function example() {
return Promise.all( => ajaxRequest(x.url)))
.then(results => {
return Promise.all( => xmlParser(data)));
example().then(parsed => {
console.log(parsed); // will be an array of xmlParsed elements
Are there any better ways to pass previous promise results as
parameter in then() chain?
In fact, you can chain and resolve promises in any order and any place of code. One general rule - any chained promise with then or catch branch is just new promise, which should be chained later.
But there are no limitations. With using loops, most common solution is reduce left-side foldl, but you also can use simple let-variable with reassign with new promise.
For example, you can even design delayed promises chain:
function delayedChain() {
let resolver = null
let flow = new Promise(resolve => (resolver = resolve));
for(let i=0; i<100500; i++) {
flow = flow.then(() => {
// some loop action
return () => {
return flow;
(delayedChain())().then((result) => {

Map data from array into Promises and execute code on Promise.all() not working

I have an array like this
let array =[ {message:'hello'}, {message:''}, {message:''}]
I want to loop through it and at each item, I make a request to server to get open graph data, then save the fetched data back to array. Expected result
array =[
{message: {
url:'', title:'about'
url:'', title:'facebook'
And I need to execute something else after the async fully complete. Below code is what I think it would be
let requests = (item) => {
return new Promise( (resolve) => {
if ('link')) {
axios.get(getOpenGraphOfThisLink + item.message)
.then( result => {
// console.log(item.message)
// outputs were
//{url:'', title:'about'}
//{url:'', title:'facebook'}
Promise.all(requests).then( (array) => {
// console.log (array)
// nothing output here
The promise.all() won't run. console.log(array) does not output anything.
I see three main issues with that code:
Critically, you're only sometimes resolving the promise you create in the map callback; if'link') is false, you never do anything to resolve. Thus, the Promise.all promise will never resolve.
You're accepting array as an argument to your Promise.all then callback, but it won't be one (or rather, not a useful one).
You're not handling the possibility of a failure from the axios call.
And if we resolve #2 by pre-filtering the array, then there's a fourth issue that you're creating a promise when you already have one to work with.
let array = /*...*/;
let requests = array.filter(item =>'link'))
.map(item => axios.get(getOpenGraphicOfThisLink + item.message)
.then(result => {
item.message =;
return result;
() => {
// Handle success here, using `array`
error => {
// Handle error
Note how reusing the axios promise automatically propagates the error up the chain (because we don't provide a second callback to then or a catch callback).
Example (doesn't demonstrate errors from axios.get, but...):
// Apparently you add an "is" function to strings, so:
Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, "is", {
value(type) {
return type != "link" ? true : this.startsWith("http://");
// And something to stand in for axios.get
const axios = {
get(url) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve({data: "Data for " + url});
}, 10);
// The code:
let array =[ {message:'hello'}, {message:''}, {message:''}]
let requests = array.filter(item =>'link'))
.map(item => axios.get(/*getOpenGraphicOfThisLink + */item.message)
.then(result => {
item.message =;
return result;
() => {
// Handle success here, using `array`
error => {
// Handle error

