Discord Bot Say command Edit: With Permissions - javascript

I relatively new to javascript (.js) and would like some help with me latest discord bot.
Here is an example of the code i use:
if (command === "ping") {
msg.channel.send(`Pong! <#${msg.author.id}> my Ping is ` + bot.ping + `ms`);
Thank you for reading this and i hope you can answer my question 😁
My question depends on if you know discord.js well and if you know how to setup a .say command where it says the message i type in
Also, to prevent people abusing, i would like to know if i can say you have to have a permission level of 8 to use this command and it will not work if it is below 8

Try something like this:
if(command === "say"){
This only works if your prefix is 1 character long.
Your prefix is "." so it should work.

Please be aware that java and javascript are not the same language. You can read more about this here: Differences between java and javascript
Anyway, discord bots normally require a prefix to work properly and be aware when the message is directed to them or not, elsewhere they will send messages when they are not supposed to.
const PREFIX = "." // set the prefix
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log('Bot is on');
}); // this will log a message when the event 'ready' is triggered
client.on('message', message => {
let args = message.content.substring(PREFIX.lenght).split(" ");
switch (args[0]){
case PREFIX+'ping':
message.channel.send(`Pong! <#${msg.author.id}> my Ping is ${bot.ping}ms`);

Command Ping
client.on('message', async message =>{
const prefix = "!";
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if(message.content === '!ping'){
const msg = await message.channel.send("Checking for ping...") // Checking a message
var ping = Date.now() - message.createdTimestamp + " ms";
msg.edit("Pong ! " + message.member.user.tag + " my Ping is "`${Date.now() - message.createdTimestamp}` + " ms`");
// edit message from checking message to ping message


how to make my bot mention the person who gave that bot command

I am making a discord bot, and I want to do this: someone type -ping and the bot responds with #theuserwhotyped-ping.
I have no errors, I just don't know how to code it, and I don't find any solution on the Internet.
Here is the code I made:
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client();
const prefix = "-";
client.on("message", message=>{
if(!message.content.startsWith(prefix) || message.author.bot) return;
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(" ");
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (command === "ping"){
message.channel.send("#{user}); //this is the line which dont work
You can either use message.reply:
message.reply('typed ping');
It sends a reply, like #peter, typed ping.
Or use the message.author:
message.channel.send(`${message.author} typed ping`);
It sends a message like #peter typed ping.

DiscordJS Verify command

I want to create a verify Command with discord.js v12 which gives you a verified Role which is defined in a Configfile.
"token": "my-token",
"status": "a game",
"statusurl": "",
"statustype": 0,
"botmanager": ["285470267549941761", "743136148293025864"],
"prefix": "m!",
"server": {
"343308714423484416": {
"active": true,
"hasBeta": true,
"adminroles": ["533646738813353984"],
"modroles": ["744589796361502774"],
"premiumtoken": "",
"welcomechannel": "653290718248435732",
"welcomemessage": "Hey Hey %user% at %server%",
"welcomemsgenabled": true,
"leavechannel": "653290718248435732",
"leavemessage": "Bye %user% at %server%",
"leavemsgenabled": true,
"verifiedrole": "533646700712296448",
"ruleschannel": "382197929605201920"
My Code:
const Discord = require('discord.js')
const client = new Discord.Client()
const config = require('./config.json')
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log(`Bot started successfully in ${client.guilds.cache.size} Guilds with ${client.users.cache.size} Users and ${client.channels.cache.size} Channels`)
client.on("message", async message => {
if(message.author.bot) return;
if(!message.content.startsWith(config.prefix)) return;
const args = message.content.slice(config.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if(command === "verify") {
if(args.length == 0) {
let member = message.mentions.members.first();
if(message.member.roles.cache.some(r=>[config.server[(message.guild.id)].modroles].includes(r.id))) {
if(!member) {
return message.channel.send(new Discord.MessageEmbed().setColor(0xd35400).setTitle("Invalid User").setDescription("Please use the following Syntax:\n `m!verify <Nutzer>`"))
} else {
var role = message.guild.roles.find(role => role.id === config.server[(message.guild.id)].verifiedrole);
} else {
message.channel.send(new Discord.MessageEmbed().setTitle("Missing Perms!").setDescription("You're missing the permission to execute this command!").setColor(0xe74c3c))
console.log("Command used: " + command + " " + args + " | User: " + message.author.id + " | Guild: " + message.guild.id)
I removed the most Code so only this command is left. Important is, that this Bot have to be able to use at multiple Servers at the time.
What is wrong here?
OK, so lets make this a multi part answer. First "What is wrong here?" Well, for the most part your current code does not work because you don't use the brackets correctly. You are trying to close brackets that you don't open anywhere. You also use a few too many "if" statements in places where you don't need them.
Next is your concern about multiple servers. This is really not a problem if you write the code to be dynamic. The execution of the command is quick enough that you don't need to worry about two people trying to use the command and the roles getting mixed up.
What I would really advise you to do is take a look at this https://discordjs.guide/ and this https://discord.js.org/#/docs/main/stable/general/welcome
Now to the topic of this question, this is how you could do such a "verify" command. I also added a few notations into the code to explain what we're doing 🙂
client.on("message", message => { // You don't need the async here
// This is all working correctly
if (message.author.bot) return;
if (!message.content.startsWith(config.prefix)) return;
const args = message.content.slice(config.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (command === "verify") {
// We define the server constant as the part of the JSON that deals with the server the message came from
// This makes accessing those values easier
const server = config.server[message.guild.id];
// Your code here was also working
let member = message.mentions.members.first();
// Here we first define the moderator role
// Technicaly this is not needed but it makes the whole code a little easier to understand
// We need modrole[0] here because the modrole entry in your JSON is an array
let modrole = message.guild.roles.cache.find(r => r.id === server.modroles[0]);
// Here we check if the member who calls this command has the needed role
// We need to use the ID of the role to check
if (!message.member.roles.cache.has(modrole.id)) {
// If the user does not have the required role we return here
// That way you don't need to use the 'else' statement
// Creating the embed object in multiple lines improves readability
return message.channel.send(new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Missing Perms!")
.setDescription("You're missing the permission to execute this command!")
if (!member) {
// Here we check if a member was tagged in the command and if that user exists
// Same reasons as above
return message.channel.send(new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("Invalid User")
.setDescription(`Please use the following Syntax:\n '${config.prefix}verify <Nutzer>'`)
// Now we define the role that we want the bot to give
// Here we also don't need to do this but it improves readability and makes working with the role a little easier
var role = message.guild.roles.cache.find(role => role.id === server.verifiedrole);
// Here we add the role to the specified member
// We don't need to use the .cache here
// We can use something called "template strings" here so we don't need to combine multiple strings
// They allow us to put predefined values into the string
console.log(`Command used: ${command} ${args} | User: ${message.author.id} | Guild: ${message.guild.id}`)
If you want, that the command can be executed at multiple servers at the time you need to write the code in async/await. If you want to learn more about async you can get very good help especially for discord.js v12 here: Understanding async/await
you can get a command for a specifiq channel and give a role for acces to the server

Replace certain character in Discord.JS

Now, before you say that this has been posted before, I have a different situation.
With that out of the way, let's get on with the question.
I am making a Discord bot for a friend that does duties for the group and things like that.
Quick note too, I am using the Sitepoint version of Discord.JS because I'm a beginner.
I want the bot to send a message to a certain channel when the show gets canceled for a reason. For example, they would send something like this:
afv!cancel Roblox went down.
or something similar.
But every time it sends a message, every space turns into a comma like this:
:x: The show has been cancelled because: "Roblox,went,down.". Sorry for that!
Here's the index.js code that handles executing commands:
bot.on('message', msg => {
const args = msg.content.split(/ +/);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
const prefix = command.startsWith("afv!");
if (prefix == true) {
console.info(`Called command: ${command}`);
if (!bot.commands.has(command)) return;
try {
bot.commands.get(command).execute(msg, args, bot);
} catch (error) {
msg.reply('there was an error trying to execute that command!');
And the cancelled.js file:
module.exports = {
name: 'afv!cancel',
description: "in-case the show gets cancelled",
execute(msg, args, bot) {
if (msg.member.roles.find(r => r.name === "Bot Perms")) {
const reason = args.replace(/,/g, " ");
bot.channels.get('696135370987012240').send(':x: **The show has been cancelled** because: "' + args + '". *Sorry for that!*');
bot.user.setActivity("AFV! | afv!help", { type: 'PLAYING' });
} else {
msg.reply('you are missing the role: Bot Perms!');
By the way, upon executing the command, it prints this:
TypeError: args.replace is not a function
Thanks for reading! :)
From what I can see, here
const reason = args.replace(/,/g, " ");
bot.channels.get('696135370987012240').send(':x: **The show has been cancelled** because: "' + args + '". *Sorry for that!*');
you are making a const reason, wherein you try to handle that as a string and replace all commas with spaces. Unfortunately, even though it can be displayed in a string and looks to be one, in reality it is an array, so replace() won't work on it. To be able to use replace() you need to first transform your array to an actual string:
const reason = args.join().replace(/,/g, " ");
With that done you won't be seeing this pesky "not a function" error, and you can easily use reason to display your message:
bot.channels.get('696135370987012240').send(':x: **The show has been cancelled** because: "' + reason + '". *Sorry for that!*');

When creating a addMemberToRole I get this error: ReferenceError: mesage is not defined

When im coding the part of the discord bot that gives a role when activated i keep getting this error and im not sure if there is a bug i dont see but if you see it pls help me correct it!
Error message.
if(mesage.content.startsWith(prefix + "prune")){
ReferenceError: mesage is not defined
Section of script with problem.
if(mesage.content.startsWith(prefix + "prune")){
let args = Message.content.split(" ").slice(1);
let author = Message.member;
let role = message.guilds.roles.find('name', "Moderator");
Message.author.send("No arguments given.");
Full Script
const Discord = require('discord.js')
const Client = new Discord.Client
const prefix = "/";
Client.on('ready', ()=>{
console.log('Bot is online.');
Client.on('message', (Message)=>{
if(!Message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
if(Message.content.startsWith(prefix + "hello")){
if(Message.content.startsWith(prefix + "help")){
Message.channel.send("The only avaible command right now is /help and /hello.")
Message.author.send("This is only for test purposes!");
if(mesage.content.startsWith(prefix + "prune")){
let args = Message.content.split(" ").slice(1);
let author = Message.member;
let role = message.guilds.roles.find('name', "Moderator");
Message.author.send("No arguments given.");
Client.login("<Bot Token>");
All your code refers to Message, except this line which is mesage, not only mis-spelled, but incorrectly lower-case.
Making that consistent with the other things should fix the issue.
Note that JavaScript generally reserves capital letters for things like classes, lower-case for variables and arguments. As you can see here the syntax highlighter thinks this is a class and is colouring it accordingly. Lower-case message is the conventional argument name.
Change mesage (the typo) with message (not uppercase). Make sure to also change Message with message (again, no uppercase)

Discord Bot Creation for a Beginner

I have never coded a Discord Bot before but am familiar with Javascript so I figured I would give it a shot. I used the beginner files from this site Digital Trends but am running into some issues.
I have the bot running in my server and the basic command swapped from "!" to "?" and the included command "?ping" does return the expected response "Pong!"
I run a server where we start a video game each month and play through while discussing it along the way, similar to a book club. So I'm trying to create a channel where people can suggest a game using a bot command since I don't trust they could handle following simple rules on their own.
What I'm trying to figure out is how to go about taking a user command of:
?gs "Video Game Title" "Platform"
And having the bot delete the command and repost as:
#user suggested Video Game Title for Platform
While also adding reaction emojis "👍" and "👎" to allow other users to vote.
I'm not asking for anyone to do this for me, but to simply help point me in the right direction of how to code this with Discord in mind using JS (if possible)
Here is my current "bot.js" code:
var Discord = require('discord.io');
var logger = require('winston');
var auth = require('./auth.json');
// Configure logger settings
logger.add(new logger.transports.Console, {
colorize: true
logger.level = 'debug';
// Initialize Discord Bot
var bot = new Discord.Client({
token: auth.token,
autorun: true
bot.on('ready', function (evt) {
logger.info('Logged in as: ');
logger.info(bot.username + ' - (' + bot.id + ')');
bot.on('message', function (user, userID, channelID, message, evt) {
// Our bot needs to know if it will execute a command
// It will listen for messages that will start with `!`
if (message.substring(0, 1) == '?') {
var args = message.substring(1).split(' ');
var cmd = args[0];
args = args.splice(1);
switch(cmd) {
// !ping
case 'ping':
to: channelID,
message: 'Pong!'
// Just add any case commands if you want to..
args = args.splice(1);
This line is incorrect, args (being a string) has no .splice() method. (I often get .slice() and .split() confused, so this happens to me a lot too!)
Instead, use:
args = args.split(" ").slice(1);

