multi step form in react taking wrong validation - javascript

I am writing my problem as a fresh part here.
I made a multi step form where I have on dynamic filed in 1st form, that field is to create password manually or just auto generated.
So my multi step form is working fine going to and forth is fine, but I have to pass the fields to main component so it can check for validation, and I am passing that password too
Here comes the issue
When i pass the password field also then it takes the validation even when I have click on auto generated password
I am passing fields like this fields: ["uname", "email", "password"], //to support multiple fields form
so even not check on let me create password it takes the validation.
When i click let me create password and input some values then click on next and when I comes back the input field sets to hidden again to its initial state I know why it is happening, because when I come back it takes the initial state allover again.
i am fed-up with this thing for now, I have tried many things but didn't work below is my code
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import Form1 from "./components/Form1";
import Form2 from "./components/Form2";
import Form3 from "./components/Form3";
import { useForm } from "react-hook-form";
function MainComponent() {
const { register, triggerValidation, errors, getValues } = useForm();
const [defaultValues, setDefaultValues] = useState({});
const forms = [
fields: ["uname", "email", "password"], //to support multiple fields form
component: (register, errors, defaultValues) => (
fields: ["lname"],
component: (register, errors, defaultValues) => (
fields: [""],
component: (register, errors, defaultValues) => (
const [currentForm, setCurrentForm] = useState(0);
const moveToPrevious = () => {
setDefaultValues(prev => ({ ...prev, ...getValues() }));
triggerValidation(forms[currentForm].fields).then(valid => {
if (valid) setCurrentForm(currentForm - 1);
const moveToNext = () => {
setDefaultValues(prev => ({ ...prev, ...getValues() }));
triggerValidation(forms[currentForm].fields).then(valid => {
if (valid) setCurrentForm(currentForm + 1);
const prevButton = currentForm !== 0;
const nextButton = currentForm !== forms.length - 1;
const handleSubmit = e => {
console.log("whole form data - ", JSON.stringify(defaultValues));
return (
<div class="progress">
{prevButton && (
className="btn btn-primary"
{nextButton && (
<button className="btn btn-primary" type="button" onClick={moveToNext}>
{currentForm === 2 && (
className="btn btn-primary"
export default MainComponent;
please check my code sand box here you can find full working code Code sandbox

React Hook Form embrace native form validation, which means when your component is removed from the DOM and input state will be removed. We designed this to be aligned with the standard, however we start to realize more and more users used to controlled form get confused with this concept, so we are introducing a new config to retain the unmounted input state. This is still in RC and not released.
useForm({ shouldUnregister: true })
Solution for now:
break into multiple routes and store data in the global store
bring your steps into multiple forms and store data in a local state

use keepAlive and keep them alive:


Using jest to send text to an input field and update state

Working on a technical challenge again. I want to set up unit tests (don't have to, but I would like to).
Problem is when I try to use userEvent or fireEvent to send some text to an input field, nothing happens (my expect toEqual test fails. I noticed that when I commented out enough of my code to figure out what was going on, I got the error: TypeError: setUsername is not a function when I use userEvent to type some text into the input field.
I assumed this meant I would need to create a mock state (setUsername updates the username state). However, this didn't resolve the issue.
The component I am testing is a child of a parent component Index . So I also tried wrapping this child component under the parent component (the username state is passed down to the child from Index). This didn't resolve the issue.
Here's my code:
const one = <index>
describe("Step One", () => {
it("Can input text", async () => {
const mockSetState = jest.fn();
const component ={
setState: mockSetState,
state: {
username: "test"
const username = screen.getByTestId("username");
const email = screen.getByTestId("email");
await userEvent.type(username, "Emmanuel");
userEvent.type(email, "")
expect(mockSetState).toEqual({"username": ""});
// expect(email.value).toEqual("")
This is the code in Index:
const [username, setUsername] = useState('')
const [email, setEmail] = useState(null);
return (
steps === 1 ?
/> ...
Here's the code from One:
export default function One ({username, setUsername, steps, setSteps, setEmail, email, profilePic, setProfilePic}) {
const url = 'http://localhost:3000/api/getPic';
function changeHandler(e) {
function emailChange(e){
return (
<div className={styles.description}>
placeholder="What is your full name"
placeholder="Please enter a valid email"
username && isEmailValid(email) === true?
<Button data-testid="next" onClick={ () => nextStep() }>Next</Button>
: null
Any ideas

Implement Edit feature in a Note Application using react

I am trying to create a notes application wherein each note object contains a title and content. The user can add, deleted and update a note.
What I was able to achieve so far:
I am able to create a new note , push it into an array and also delete a note from the array . I am finding it a bit hard to edit an existing note.
This is how I want to implement the edit feature:
When the user clicks on the note, the data has to automatically fill into the input box, and the user can modify the data which is then saved into an object and pushed inside an array and then displayed onto the respective note.
When the user clicks on the Edit button, the note id is sent to the App component, the note is searched within the notes array and an object returned to the Create Area component. This object is then displayed on the input field. I'm using UseEffect() hook to display the object data on the input box, but I'm not able to edit the contents on the input box. Here's my code below:
If the user clicked the edit button, it sets the IsDone state to true in the Edit function. The edit function gets an object from the Notes component
import Header from "./Header";
import CreateArea from "./CreateArea";
import Note from "./Note";
import Footer from "./Footer";
import { useState } from "react";
function App() {
const [noteArray, setArray] = useState([]);
const [isDone,setDone] = useState(false);
const [editNote,setEditNote] = useState({
function AddOnClick(note) {
setArray((prevNote) => {
return [...prevNote, note];
function DeleteOnClick(id) {
setArray((prevNote) => {
return prevNote.filter((note, index) => {
return index !== id;
function EditNote(obj)
return { ...prevState,...obj}});
return (
<Header />
<CreateArea AddOnClick={AddOnClick} noteEdit = {editNote} editFunction = {EditNote}btnClicked = {isDone}/>
{, index) => (
EditNote = {EditNote}
<Footer />
export default App;
Notes.jsx: The id of the note is also included in the object that's passed to App component through the EditNote() function
function Note(props) {
const obj = {title : props.title,
content: props.content,}
return (
<div className="note">
onClick={() => {
<button onClick={()=>{props.EditNote(obj)}}>EDIT</button>
export default Note;
CreateArea: If the buttonClicked value is true, I'm calling the handleEdit() that takes the object sent from the EditNote() in App.jsx to saves it to to note object using useState() which automatically updates the input and text area field using with the help of useEffect().
import { useState } from "react";
function CreateArea(props) {
const [note, setNote] = useState({
title: "",
content: ""
function handleChange(event) {
const { name, value } =;
setNote((prevNote) => {
return { ...prevNote, [name]: value };
function addNote(event) {
setNote({ title: "", content: "" });
function handleEdit()
return {...prevValue,...props.noteEdit}
useEffect (()=>{
return (
<input name="title" id="title" value={note.title}onChange={handleChange}placeholder="Title"/>
<textarea name="content" id="content" value={note.content}onChange={handleChange} placeholder="Take a note..." rows="3"/>
<button onClick={addNote}>Add</button>
export default CreateArea;
The code runs well but now I can't add any more text on the input box,it just blocks me from doing it.I tried calling HandleChange() inside UseEffect(), that throws an error saying: Cannot read properties of target:undefined at HandleChange() I really need help how to implement edit.
I tried directly populating the input box and the text area field using document.getElementById.value = myValue even that does not seem to work

Is it possible to send the state to the page destination at the time of browser back with react-router-dom?

I'm using react.js and react-router-dom to create two pages. Form.js is the page where you enter your name in the form, and Confirmation.js is the page where you confirm the name.
I want to share the state of two classes. So, when you jump to another page from the link button, you will send the state at the same time. The sent state is received in the class constructor as this.state = props.history.location.state.
Many have omitted this code.
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import {Link} from 'react-router-dom'
class Form extends Component {
constructor(props) {
const histState = props.history.location.state
this.state = histState == undefined ? {name: this.state} : histState
render() {
return (
<input type="text" onChange={this.handleFormInputChanged} value={}/>
<Link to={pathname: "/confirmation" , state: this.state}>Send</Link>
class Confirmation extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = props.history.location.state
render() {
return (
<div>Your Name : <span className="name">{}</span></div>
<Link to={pathname: "/form" , state: this.state}>Edit</Link>
Now I can do what I want to do. However, I noticed that when the user pressed the browser back button on the Confirmation.js page, the state was not sent because it jumped to the Form.js page without pressing the Link component.
As a solution, I added the following code to Confirmation.js.
componentWillUnmount() {
this.props.history.push("/form", this.state)
However, when I do a browser back this way and receive a state in the class constructor, props.history.location.state is undefined. And strangely, after a while or reloading, props.history.location.state is set to state normally.
constructor(props) {
console.log("Form constructor", props.history.location.state)
I want to resolve the time it takes for state to be set as the value of props.history.location.state, is there a solution?
You can pass basic parameters as route segments, like /form/:username, or you could use a query parameter like /form?username=Hiroaki, but passing around data more structured or complex via the url or location history seems inadvisable.
I think you'd save yourself a lot of pain by using context or setting up a simple orthogonal store to keep track of it as the user navigates.
Here's a sketch of how you might do it with context. Assuming the provider is above the router in the component hierarchy, the form state will persist through navigation (though not through page reloads). (I haven't tested any of this code. This is just to give you a sense of it.)
const [formState, setFormState] = useState({});
<FormStateContext.Provider value={formState}>
<Form onChange={setFormState} />
const Form = ({ onChange }) => {
const formState = useContext(FormStateContext);
return (
<input name="username"
onChange={(e) => setFormState({ ...formState, username: })}
const Confirmation = () => {
const formState = useContext(FormStateContext);
return (
<div>Your Name: {formState.username}</div>
If your components aren't that big, you could do something like this instead of using a different route :
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import "./style.css";
const App = () => {
const [state, setState] = React.useState({isConfirmationMode: false});
const handleChange = e => setState({...state, []:});
const confirm = () => {
// Here send you data or whatever you want
// then redirect wherever you want, I just display the form again
setState({...state, isConfirmationMode: false});
const cancel = () => {
// juste display the form again
setState({...state, isConfirmationMode: false});
const displayForm = () => (
name : <input type="text" name="name" value={} onChange={handleChange} />
<button onClick={() => setState({...state, isConfirmationMode: true})}>Send</button>
return state.isConfirmationMode ?
<Confirmation name={} confirm={confirm} cancel={cancel} /> :
// Here I created 'confirm' and 'cancel', but you might only need 'cancel'
const Confirmation = ({name, confirm, cancel}) => {
return (
Are you {name} ?<br />
<button onClick={confirm}>Confirm</button>
<button onClick={cancel}>Cancel</button>
render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
Here is the repro on Stackblitz. The idea is just to either display the form or a confirmation depending on the state of a simple boolean (I separated the confirmation in another component but here it could be part of the first one).

Run some code in React after multiple async useState setters

I have a functional React component in which I am using useState to manage state. Normally, it's just a form with two fields - code and env - which the user can manually fill out and submit. However, when the component loads, I also want to check any querystring params and if the appropriate ones exist, I want to populate and submit the form automatically. That way, users can bookmark specific form submissions.
The problem I'm having is that, as we all know, useState setters are async, just like setState in class components. As both form fields are controlled by state, setting both values will kick off multiple renders, so where should I put the code to submit the form so that I'm guaranteed that both state updates have completed?
Here is the form:
And here is a simplified, sanitized version of the code I have:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import axios from "axios";
import queryString from "query-string";
import Form from "react-bootstrap/Form";
import Button from "react-bootstrap/Button";
import ToggleButtonGroup from "react-bootstrap/ToggleButtonGroup";
import ToggleButton from "react-bootstrap/ToggleButton";
import Card from "react-bootstrap/Card";
* this component will show a spinner or the results from the API when complete
const PortalDisplay = ({ data: portal, isLoading }) => {
if (Object.keys(portal).length === 0 && !isLoading) {
return null;
} else if (isLoading) {
return (
} else if (!! && !isLoading) {
return <div className="card-portal">data goes here</div>;
* main component
const PortalConfiguration = () => {
const [validated, setValidated] = useState(false);
const [code, setCode] = useState("");
const [env, setEnv] = useState("prod");
const [portalInfo, setPortalInfo] = useState({});
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
const params = queryString.parse(;
const onSubmitForm = (event) => {
const form = event.currentTarget;
if (form.checkValidity() === false) {
.then((response) => {
setPortalInfo({, ...{ baseUrl: baseUrl[env] } });
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
useEffect(() => {
if (!!params && !!params.portal && !!params.env) {
if (!/^[a-zA-Z]{3}$/.test(params.portal) || (params.env !== "prod" && params.env !== "demo")) {
console.log(`Specified portal parameters {portal: ${params.portal}} and {env: ${params.env}} are incorrect`);
} else {
// this is where i want to set the portal and env states and submit the form
}, [params.portal]);
return (
<h1>Your Portal Configuration</h1>
<Form noValidate validated={validated} inline className="form-portal" onSubmit={onSubmitForm}>
<Form.Group className="form-group-code">
<label className="sr-only" htmlFor="code">
Portal Code
placeholder="Enter Portal Code (e.g. 'FWU')"
onChange={(e) => setCode(}
<Form.Control.Feedback type="invalid">Portal Code must be three letters (a-z)</Form.Control.Feedback>
<ToggleButtonGroup type="radio" name="env" value={env} onChange={(val) => setEnv(val)}>
<ToggleButton type="radio" name="env" value="prod" variant="primary" className="btn-inline">
<ToggleButton type="radio" name="env" value="demo" variant="primary" className="btn-inline">
<Button variant="secondary" block="true" className="btn-inline" type="submit">
<PortalDisplay data={portalInfo} isLoading={isLoading} env={env} />
export default PortalConfiguration;
The line which is commented out and says "this is where i want to set the portal and env states and submit the form" is where I know I have querystring params passed and need to set both states, then submit the form.
FWIW, I have considered the usual answer to the question of how to deal with useState's asynchronicity, which is to handle it in useEffect, scoped to the particular state variable you are interested in. The two problems with that is that 1) I have two state variables that need to be updated so I don't think there's any guarantee that they will be updated in the order I called the setters, creating a possible race condition, and 2) I don't want to call this code every time that code or env updates, which can happen when the user manually interacts with the form. I only want it to be auto-submitted when the component detects the querystring upon loading.

Redux-form: display a list of errors on top of a page

I want to use Redux-form in a manner that changes input color & displays the actual error on top of the page. How do I access the list of current field errors outside the fields themselves?
You can't get the list of errors from outside of the render function given to the Field component. This is because errors are not stored in the redux store.
EDIT 26/12/2018 :
This answer is taking some age. ReduxForm now stores errors in the Redux store. Take a look to #nicoqh's answer which is using ReduxForm's selectors to get errors in any Redux connected component.
This answer is not totaly obsolete but it's not anymore the cleanest way to achieve this imho.
Solution 1: Use multiple Field for the same value
The first solution is to use multiple instance of Field for the same value. If multiple Field components have the same name and is connected to the same form name, they will all be connected to the same value and the same error handling.
So you can use a Field component and only render the error.
import React from 'react'
import {reduxForm} from 'redux-form'
const renderError = ({input, meta, ...props}) => (
<span {...props} className='error'>Error : {meta.error}</span>
const renderInput = ({input, meta, ...props}) => (
<input {...input} {...props} className={meta.error ? 'error' : null} />
const FormWithError = ({handleSubmit}) => (
<div className='errorContainer'>
<Field name='myInput' component={renderError} />
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Field name='myInput' component={renderInput} />
const validate = (values, props) => {
const errors = {}
/* calculate errors here by appending theim to errors object */
return errors
export default reduxForm({form: 'myForm', validate})(FormWithError)
Solution 2: Use the global error prop
A second solution is to use the global error props, but you will have to display the errors from the container component using reduxForm.
Pay attention that this is a total antipatern ! Global error prop is for field independent errors.
import React from 'react'
import {reduxForm} from 'redux-form'
const renderInput = ({input, meta, ...props}) => (
<input {...input} {...props} className={meta.error ? 'error' : null} />
const FormWithError = ({handleSubmit, error}) => (
<div className='errorContainer'>
<span {...props} className='error'>Error : {error}</span>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Field name='myInput' component={renderInput} />
const validate = (values, props) => {
const errors = {}
/* calculate errors here by appending theim to errors object */
if(Object.keys(errors) > 0) {
//You can concatenate each error in a string
for(key in errors) errors._error += key + ': ' + errors[key]
//or juste put the errors object in the global error property
errors._error = {...errors}
return errors
export default reduxForm({form: 'myForm', validate})(FormWithError)
Solution 3: Get errors from the store
You always can get errors from the store by applying your validate function on the value presents in the store. It can be not performant for heavy validation because it run through validation at each render, so it runs twice when a value change and one for nothing if some other props changes. It can also be dificult to do with async validation.
import React from 'react'
import {reduxForm, formValueSelector} from 'redux-form'
import {connect} from 'redux'
const renderErrors = errors => {
const errorNodes = []
for(key in errors) errorNodes.push(<span className='error'>{key}: {errors[key]}</span>)
return errorNodes
const renderInput = ({input, meta, ...props}) => (
<input {...input} {...props} className={meta.error ? 'error' : null} />
let FormWithError = ({handleSubmit, values, ...otherProps}) => (
<div className='errorContainer'>
{renderErrors(validate(values, otherProps))}
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Field name='myInput1' component={renderInput} />
<Field name='myInput2' component={renderInput} />
const validate = (values, props) => {
const errors = {}
/* calculate errors here by appending theim to errors object */
return errors
FormWithError = reduxForm({form: 'myForm', validate})(FormWithError)
FormWithError = connect(
state => formValueSelector('myForm')(state, 'myInput1', 'myInput2')
A last solution can be to store the errors in the store by implementing the componentWillReceiveProps and dispatching an action to update a list of error in the store but i don't think it's really a good idea. It's better to keep simple stateless component to render a Field component.
EDIT 26/12/2018 :
This last "solution" wasn't a good one at the time I've posted it. But since componentWillReceiveProps is deprecated in React, it's not a solution at all. Please don't do this in you application. I don't delete this for history in case this answer was linked somewhere.
You can use the state selectors provided by redux-form.
In particular, getFormSubmitErrors will give you the submit validation errors:
import { getFormSubmitErrors } from 'redux-form';
// ...
const MyFormWithErrors = connect(state => ({
submitErrors: getFormSubmitErrors('my-form')(state)
The original, unconnected MyForm component might look like this:
const MyForm = reduxForm({
form: 'my-form',
If you want to display the synchronous validation errors, you can use the getFormSyncErrors selector instead.

