Disable input field if is already filled Javascript (Sudoku) - javascript

I am bulding a Sudoku Solver. All fields of the sudoku can be edited. When the user clicks on "New Sudoku" some of those fields are filled with numbers. At the moment these "filled" fields can still be edited by the user. I want them to be disabled so that the number of the "filled" fields can not be changed.
I am a beginner and grateful for any help :)
My sudoku so far
function createField(event) {
let gridCont;
let fieldCont;
let sudokuBox = document.getElementById("sudokuBox");
gridCont = document.createElement("div");
for(row=1; row<=9; row++) {
fieldCont = document.createElement("div") //The 3x3 grid
fieldCont.classList.add("indexBig"); //gives index (3x3)
for(col=1; col<=9; col++) {
let dataCell = document.createElement("input")
function populateSudoku(JObject){
let fill = document.querySelectorAll(".indexBig");
JObject.sudokuJSON.forEach((bigCellEl, i)=> {
bigCellEl.forEach((cellNumb, j)=> {
if(cellNumb > 0){
//cellNumb.disabled = true; My first idea, but it doesn't work...**

You can use the readonly property:
fill[i].children[j].readonly = true;

You could attach event.preventDefault() to onkeydown for all the generated inputs:
const createNew = () => {
let inputs = document.querySelectorAll("input");
let random = Math.floor(inputs.length * Math.random());
let input = inputs[random]
input.value = Math.round(Math.random() * 10);
//attach prevent default on keydown
input.onkeydown = (event) => event.preventDefault();
<input type="text"/>
<input type="text"/>
<input type="text"/>
<input type="text"/>
<input type="text"/>
<input type="text"/>
<input type="text"/>
<input type="text"/>
<button onclick="createNew()">Click</button>


Increment and update value in the total number after insert new rows dynamically

EDIT: I have updated the code with the answers.
I have a increment function that is working fine. However:
1. I would like to set some limits based on the total number available in one of the span. For example, 10. So the incrementing can't be more than 10. #DONE
Another issue is that I am planning to have multiple rows and before I save I want to make sure if we count the increments in every row it should not be more than 10 as well. If it decrease the total number (span) dynamically would be nice.
I'm adding rows dynamically with the ADD button, how can I add news rows that actually work with the current functions? Mine rows just clone the first one and the increment function is disabled.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async function() {
document.querySelector('#addlocationdest').addEventListener('click', add);
function add() {
var x = 1;
var container = document.getElementById('destination');
var detail = document.getElementById('row');
var clone = detail.cloneNode(true);
clone.id = "destination" + x;
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
let elTotalQuantity = document.querySelector("#totalqty");
let totalQuantity = parseInt(elTotalQuantity.innerHTML);
function getSumOfRows() {
let sum = 0;
for (let input of document.querySelectorAll("form .row > input.quantity"))
sum += parseInt(input.value);
return sum;
for (let row of document.querySelectorAll("form .row")) {
let input = row.querySelector("input");
row.querySelector(".increment").addEventListener("click", () => {
if (getSumOfRows() >= totalQuantity) return;
elTotalQuantity.innerHTML = totalQuantity - getSumOfRows();
row.querySelector(".decrement").addEventListener("click", () => {
if (input.value <= 0) return;
elTotalQuantity.innerHTML = totalQuantity - getSumOfRows();
<div id="location" class="hide">
<div class="title">Transfer details</div><br>
<div class="line padded-s">Total Quantity: <span>10</span></div>
<label>New Total Quantity at this location: <span id="totalqty">10</span></label>
<div id="destination">
<div id="row" class="row">
<button type="button" class="decrement">-</button>
<input type="text" class="quantity" value="0" readonly/>
<button type="button" class="increment">+</button>
<a>Location: </a>
<input type="text" class="location" value="0" readonly/>
<label>Total being transfer: <p id="total-sum"></p></label>
<button type="button" id="addlocationdest">ADD</button>
<button type="button" id="removelocationdest">REMOVE</button>
As long as the total quantity is fixed at the beginning of the script-execution, this works. Otherwise, it would be best to save the actual allowed total quantity as an attribute, and observe it using a MutationObserver. That way you can update your max. value in your code dynamically, when the total quantity-attribute changes. You can define custom attributes by naming them "data-*" where "*" is a custom name.
Solution for your problem
You are using the same ID on multiple elements. What you meant were classes, so change id="increment" to class="increment", and the same for decrement.
Since we don't want to input something with the buttons, but add listener to them, I'd say it is better to actually use <button>. In forms, buttons act as type="submit", which we don't want, so we need to change it to type="button".
Since the rows and the total quantity actually belong together, it is wiser to place them together into one <form>-element. However, you can still group the buttons and inputs as a row together using <div>.
Now regarding the in-/decrementing of the row's values and the total quantity:
Save the allowed total quantity in a variable
Add event-listener to the corresponding buttons
If action is valid, change row's value
Update total quantity number to totalQuantity - getSumOfRows()
To add new rows dynamically, we create and setup such an element, and append it to the form. See the appendNewRow()-function below.
I have added the readonly attribute to the input-fields so that you cannot enter numbers via keyboard.
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
let elTotalQuantity = document.querySelector("#totalqty");
let totalQuantity = parseInt(elTotalQuantity.innerHTML);
function getSumOfRows() {
let sum = 0;
for (let input of document.querySelectorAll("form .row > input.quantity"))
sum += parseInt(input.value);
return sum;
function updateTotalQuantity() {
elTotalQuantity.innerHTML = totalQuantity - getSumOfRows();
function appendNewRow() {
let row = document.createElement("div");
let child;
// input.quantity
let input = document.createElement("input");
input.value = "0";
input.setAttribute("readonly", "");
input.setAttribute("type", "text");
// button.increment
child = document.createElement("button");
child.innerHTML = "+";
child.setAttribute("type", "button");
child.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (getSumOfRows() >= totalQuantity) return;
// button.increment
child = document.createElement("button");
child.innerHTML = "-";
child.setAttribute("type", "button");
child.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (input.value <= 0) return;
// button.remove-row
child = document.createElement("button");
child.innerHTML = "Remove";
child.setAttribute("type", "button");
child.addEventListener("click", () => {
document.querySelector("form .rows").append(row);
document.querySelector("form .add-row").addEventListener("click", () => appendNewRow());
<label>Total Quantity: <span id="totalqty">10</span></label>
<div class="rows">
<button type="button" class="add-row">Add new row</button>
QuerySelector only selects the first occurrence so you haven't really added a listener to the second "row". You should use querySelectorAll but, instead of unique ids, use classes.
<input class="increment" type="button" value="+" />
Now you can use document.querySelectorAll(".increment") to get all elements in an array.
You can traverse in the DOM by using parentElement. By knowing which button you clicked, you can traverse up to the form element and then select the first child - which is an input. A more dynamic way would be to use querySelector to select the input, in case the HTML change in the future. Anyway, that's how you can know which input to manipulate based on where the buttons are in the DOM.
I added two global variables, totalSum and maxSum. maxSum is fetched from your span element (which I assigned an unique id to). totalSum makes sure that all inputs combined doesn't exceed maxSum.
You had some duplicate code, so I refactored it into a new method: changeValue.
In all, I think the code speaks for itself.
Oh, this code doesn't take into account that the user can change the value inside the input. I will leave that for you to figure out with an "oninput" listener on each text input.
var totalSum = 0; // 3
var maxSum = 0
var totalSumElement = null;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async function() {
totalSumElement = document.getElementById('total-sum');
maxSum = document.getElementById('max-sum').innerText;
var incrementElements = document.querySelectorAll('.increment'); // 1
var decrementElements = document.querySelectorAll('.decrement');
addListener('click', incrementElements, incrementValue);
addListener('click', decrementElements, decrementValue);
function addListener(type, elementArr, func) {
for (element of elementArr) {
element.addEventListener(type, func);
function withinRange(newValue) {
var maxReached = newValue > maxSum; // 3
var zeroReached = newValue < 0;
return !maxReached && !zeroReached;
function changeValue(event, change) { // 4
if (withinRange(totalSum + change)) {
let parent = event.currentTarget.parentElement; // 2
let input = parent.children[0];
let value = parseInt(input.value) || 0;
if (withinRange(value + change)) {
input.value = value + change;
totalSum = totalSum + change;
totalSumElement.textContent = `Total: ${totalSum}`;
function incrementValue(event) {
changeValue(event, 1);
function decrementValue(event) {
changeValue(event, -1);
#totalqty {
padding-bottom: 1rem;
<div id="totalqty" class="line padded-s">Total Quantity: <span id="max-sum">10</span></div>
<input type="text" value="0" />
<input class="increment" type="button" value="+" />
<input class="decrement" type="button" value="-" />
<input type="text" value="0" />
<input class="increment" type="button" value="+" />
<input class="decrement" type="button" value="-" />
<p id="total-sum"></p>

how to get an array post values

In my script, I have input fields which are added dynamically. I have to get all input values using php but the problem in that $_POST['poids'] give me just the first value of input array, so just the first element of the array poids. This is my code:
$(function() {
var max_fields = 10;
var $wrapper = $(".container1");
var add_button = $(".add_form_field");
$(add_button).click(function(e) {
const vals = $("> .item input[name^=poids]", $wrapper).map(function() {
return +this.value
const val = vals.length === 0 ? 0 : vals.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
if ($("> .item", $wrapper).length < max_fields && val < 100) {
const $form_colis = $(".item").first().clone();
$wrapper.append($form_colis); //add input box
} else {
var err_msg = 'limit riched';
$wrapper.on("click", ".delete", function(e) {
<div class="container1" style="min-height:200px">
<button class="add_form_field">Add New Field ✚</button>
<form method="post" action="postForm.php">
<div class="item">
<input type="text" placeholder="Poids" name="poids[]">
<input type="text" placeholder="Longueur" name="longueurs[]">
<input type="text" placeholder="Largeur" name="largeurs[]">
<input type="text" placeholder="Hauteur" name="hauteurs[]">
<button type="submit" name="" class="btn btn-danger btn-responsive "> Send </button></center>
to get post (postForm.php):
$poids = $_POST['poids'];
foreach($poids as $poid) {
echo " -->" .$poid;
I hope that you undestand what I mean.
Thank you in advance
The problem is that you're appending the div with the new input fields to $wrapper, but that's outside the form. You need to put it inside the form.
$wrapper.append($form_colis); //add input box
$('.item', $wrapper).last().after($form_colis); //add input box
I'm no PHP expert, but by just browsing the code provided, it seems you're just searching for inputs with a name value of poids.
const vals = $("> .item input[name^=poids]",$wrapper).map(function() { return +this.value }).get()
Then when you create a bew input, you do not append poids to the input name.
const $form_colis = $(".item").first().clone();
Therefore, you will only find one with your method, and that's this one:
<input type="text" placeholder="Poids" name="poids[]">
So to solve this, inside the $form_colis method, add poids to it I do believe.

onchange not working with input field selected by class name

When I select the input field element by class name, the onchange event is not working. I want to change the value of the current changed input field. Codes are below:
// change current input field
function upperCase() {
// change current change input field
let x = document.getElementsByClassName('fname');
x.value = x.value.toUpperCase();
// call function when current element change
document.getElementsByClassName('fname').onChange = upperCase;
<input type="text" class="fname">
<input type="text" class="fname">
<input type="text" class="fname">
<input type="text" class="fname">
Please, I also want to change the value of the current change input field.
document.getElementsByClassName returns a collection of elements, but you're trying to access the value like a single element.
You need to access each individual element, like this:
let inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('fname');
inputs[0].value = inputs[0].value.toUpperCase();
or even better would be to loop through them:
let inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('fname');
for (let i of inputs) {
i.value = i.value.toUpperCase();
edit to add the event it should be the same idea:
function upperCase() {
// change current change input field
let inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('fname');
for (let i of inputs) {
i.value = i.value.toUpperCase();
let inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('fname');
for (let i of inputs) {
i.addEventListener('change', upperCase);
<input type="text" class="fname">
<input type="text" class="fname">
<input type="text" class="fname">
<input type="text" class="fname">
let x = document.getElementsByClassName('fname'); returns an array of objects, you need to work with the values of the array, for example:
let arrayFName = document.getElementsByClassName('fname');
for (let i of arrayFName) {
i.value = i.value.toUpperCase();
And the same happens with the onchange property:
for (let j of arrayFName) {
j.onChange = upperCase;
Hope it helps!
Replace your
document.getElementsByClassName('fname').onChange = upperCase;
const selectElement = document.querySelector('.fname');
selectElement.addEventListener('change', () => {
As others point out, when you have more then one element you should illiterate all and call function when it change. So basically something like this will do the work:
var x = document.getElementsByClassName('fname');
for (var i=0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i].addEventListener('change', changeToUpperCase);
function changeToUpperCase(t) {
this.value= this.value.toUpperCase().replace(/ /g,'');
<input type="text" class="fname">
<input type="text" class="fname">
<input type="text" class="fname">
<input type="text" class="fname">

Get multiple user inputs in one form field

I am trying to make a form field that asks the user which countries it has visited, and limit this to 10. So the user has to give ten inputs in one form field.
But when I click on the submit button it won't let the user enter a second time. It just calls the function that displays the first country that the user has entered.
How do I keep the values the user is entering in the form field and when the user has entered all the ten countries, then click on submit to call the function that would display all the countries?
function validateForm() {
var repeat = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var x = document.forms["form1"]["countries"].value;
<form id="form1">
Enter the countries:
<input type="text" id="countries"><br><br>
<input type="button" onclick="validateForm()" value="Click Me!">
It keeps on displaying that one country the user has entered 10 times, instead of letting user enter ten countries and then displaying then when clicking on submit.
This will do what you sketched out. I don't think it's a very good way of asking a user for 10 items, as there's no feedback as to how many they've entered, nor the ability to edit the items once entered, nor a way of clearing the list to enter 10 more. Also, this will never actually submit the list. But this meets the requirements as stated:
var repeat = [];
function validateForm() {
var countries = document.getElementById("countries");
if (repeat.length < 10) {
var x = countries.value;
countries.value = "";
if (repeat.length === 10) {
var hid = document.getElementById("list");
hid.value = repeat.join('|');
var ul = document.getElementById("display");
ul.innerHTML = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ul.innerHTML += `<li>${repeat[i]}</li>`;
document.getElementById("done").style.display = "block";
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById("click").addEventListener("click", validateForm);
<form id="form1">
Enter the countries:
<input type="text" id="countries"><br><br>
<input type="button" id="click" value="Click Me!">
<input type="hidden" id="list" name="listOfCountries">
<div id="done" style="display:none">
Countries entered:
<ul id="display"></ul>
Note that the hidden fields listOfCountries will contain the list of 10 countries, delimited by a pipe symbol "|". It's up to you to post that to a server.
You could use a global array for the countries and store until ten countries in the array.
function enterCountry() {
var input = document.getElementById('country');
if (input.value && countries.length < 10) {
input.value = '';
input.placeholder = 'insert ' + (10 - countries.length);
if (countries.length === 10) {
input.placeholder = 'ready';
document.getElementById('allCountries').innerHTML = countries.join(', ');
var countries = [];
<form id="form1">
Enter the countries:
<input type="text" id="country" placeholder="insert 10"><br><br>
<input type="button" onclick="enterCountry()" value="Click Me!">
<div id="allCountries"></div>
Hey you can get multiple input value on submit with jquery
$( "form" ).on( "submit", function( event ) {
console.log( $( this ).serialize() );

JavaScript form same values

How can I make a form so they cannot repeat the same values in the Input?
I tried a way like:
var text1 = document.getElementById('num1').value;
var text2 = document.getElementById('num1').value;
var textform = [text1,text2];
if (
text1 == text2 ||
text2 == text1
) {
alert("repeated numbers");
return false;
But this is gets me into two troubles:
- If I put no value, it will say: Repated Numbers
- If I want to make this for 100 form values, it takes a lot of code
You could give all of your text elements the same class, and grab their values by class name to simplify building the array of text values.
<input type="text" class="checkDupe" id="input1" />
<input type="text" class="checkDupe" id="input2" />
Then grab their values in javascript
var checkDupes = document.getElementsByClassName('checkDupe');
var textArray = [];
for(var i = 0; i < checkDupes.length; i++){
Now that we have an array of values that they entered, check to see if any of them repeat by sorting the array, and seeing if any two elements side-by-side are the same.
var dupes = false;
for(var i = 0; i < textArray.length; i++){
if(textArray[i] === textArray[i + 1]) dupes = true;
If we find any duplicates, let the user know.
if(dupes) alert('Repeated numbers!');
You could do something like this:
var text1 = document.getElementById('num1').value;
var text2 = document.getElementById('num2').value;
var textform = [text1, text2];
var seen = {};
textform.forEach(function(value) {
if (seen[value]) {
seen[value] = true;
In the code above, we loop over each value in the array. The first time we encounter it, we push it into a map. Next time (if) we hit that value, it will exist in the map and it will tell us we've seen it before.
If you give all the input's a common class then you quickly loop through them.
<input type="text" name="num1" class="this that number"></input>
<input type="text" name="num2" class="this number"></input>
<input type="text" name="num3" class="that number"></input>
<input type="text" name="num4" class="number"></input>
<input type="text" name="num5" class=""></input> <!-- we don't want to check this one -->
<input type="text" name="num6" class="number that this"></input>
<input type="text" name="num7" class="this that number"></input>
The JavaScript:
// get all the inputs that have the class numbers
var ins = document.querySelectorAll("input.numbers");
// a tracker to track
var tracker = {};
// loop through all the inputs
for(var i = 0, numIns = ins.length; i < numIns; ++i)
// get the value of the input
var inValue = ins[i].value.trim();
// skip if there is no value
if(!inValue) continue;
// if the value is already tracked then let the user know they are a bad person
// and stop
alert("You are a bad person!");
// track the value
tracker[inValue] = true;
You could also enhance this to let the user know which inputs have duplicate values:
// get all the inputs that have the class numbers
var ins = document.querySelectorAll("input.numbers");
// a tracker to track
var tracker = {};
// loop through all the inputs
for(var i = 0, numIns = ins.length; i < numIns; ++i)
// get the value of the input
var inValue = ins[i].value.trim();
// skip if there is no value
if(!inValue) continue;
// if the value is already tracked then error them
// mark the current input as error
ins[i].className += " error";
// mark the first found instance as an error
ins[tracker[inValue]].className += " error";
// save the index so we can get to it later if a duplicate is found
tracker[inValue] = i;
Here's a way of doing it that automatically picks up all the text inputs in your document and validates based on what you're looking for. Would be simple enough to expose the valid value and make this the validation handler (or part of one) that handles a form submission.
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<input id="num1" type="text" value="foobar1">
<input id="num2" type="text" value="foobar2">
<input id="num3" type="text" value="foobar3">
<input id="num4" type="text" value="foobar4">
<input id="num5" type="text" value="foobar5">
<button onClick="checkValues();">Validate</button>
function checkValues() {
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
arrInputs = Array.prototype.slice.call(inputs);
var valid = true;
var valueStore = {};
arrInputs.forEach(function(input) {
if (input.type == 'text') {
var value = input.value.toUpperCase();
if (valueStore[value]) {
valid = false;
} else {
valueStore[value] = true;
if (valid) {
alert('Valid: No matching values');
} else {
alert('Invalid: Matching values found!');
With jquery you can iterate directly over the inputs.
<input type="text" >
<input type="text" >
<input type="text" >
<input type="text" >
<input type="text" >
<input type="text" >
function checkValues(){
var used = {};
var ok = true;
$('form input[type="text"]').each(function(){
var value = $(this).val();
if(value !== ""){
if(used[value] === true){
ok = false;
return false;
used[value] = true;
return ok;
alert("repeated numbers");
Presumably the inputs are in a form. You can access all form controls via the form's elements collection. The following will check the value of all controls, not just inputs, but can easily be restricted to certain types.
If you want to include radio buttons and checkboxes, check that they're checked before testing their value.
function noDupeValues(form) {
var values = Object.create(null);
return [].every.call(form.elements, function(control){
if (control.value in values && control.value != '') return false;
else return values[control.value] = true;
<form id="f0" onsubmit="return noDupeValues(this);">
<input name="inp0">
<input name="inp0">
<input name="inp0">
For old browsers like IE 8 you'll need a polyfill for every.
You can simply get all inputs iterate them twice to check if they are equals
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
for (j = i + 1; j < inputs.length; j++) {
if (inputs[i].value === inputs[j].value) {
console.log('value of input: ' + i + ' equals input: ' + j);
<input value="56" />
<input value="12" />
<input value="54" />
<input value="55" />
<input value="12" />

