discord bot that checks if the transfer is completed - javascript

I'm having an issue with my js code. I built a bot that makes a file to play in my server with the name of who joins, but it's too fast so I want to put something that stops the code until it finishes to make the file
client.on('voiceStateUpdate', async(oldState, newState) => {
if (!oldState || !newState) return;
const oldChannel = oldState.channel ? oldState.channel.id : null;
const newChannel = newState.channel ? newState.channel.id : null;
const user = await client.users.fetch(newState.id)
let nome = user.username;
let messaggio = 'E\' entrato '+nome;
say.export(messaggio , 'Cellos', 1, 'output.wav', (err) => {
if (err) {
return console.error(err)
online(newChannel, newState, nome);
function online(newChannel, newState, nome) {
if(newChannel === universoVoice && newState.id !== Botid){
const voiceChannel = client.channels.cache.get(universoVoice);
if (!voiceChannel) return console.error("The channel does not exist!");
voiceChannel.join().then(connection => {
}).catch(e => {

Try using await online(newChannel, newState, nome); in order to wait until the say.export function is completed


How do I delete a user's new message

I'm pretty trash at coding so I need a little bit of help. I'm trying to code my discord bot to delete someone's messages for one minute after they click a react emoji. It sounds simple but for my tiny pea brain, it's not. This is what I have got so far. It deletes all messages from different users and guilds it's in, forever. I want it so it only delete messages in one channel for one minute.
client.once('message', async userMessage => {
if (userMessage.content.startsWith(''))
botMessage = await userMessage.channel.send('Who here likes goats?')
await botMessage.react("👍")
await botMessage.react("👎")
const filter = (reaction, user) => {
return (
["👍", "👎"].includes(reaction.emoji.name) && user.id === userMessage.author.id
.awaitReactions(filter, { max: 1, time: 60000, errors: ["time"] })
.then((collected) => {
const reaction = collected.first();
if (reaction.emoji.name === "👎") {
userMessage.channel.send(`${userMessage.author}, how dare you. I guess no on here likes me. Hmmm, because of that I shall now eat all your messages! BAAAAAHAHAHHAHAHA!`)
setTimeout(() => {
client.on("message", async msg => {
if (author.msg.content.startsWith("")) {
userMessage.channel = await msg.delete();
}, 2000);
} else {
.catch((_collected) => {
Btw, the code is in discord.js!
Your problem is this chunk of code
setTimeout(() => {
client.on("message", async msg => {
if (author.msg.content.startsWith("")) {
userMessage.channel = await msg.delete();
}, 2000);
This is not how you use events.
A) Your message event is nested within another which could cause memory leaks.
B) To get the content you need to use msg.content, author.msg Is not a thing.
C) I assume your intention here: msg.content.startsWith("") is to always fire the if statement, in that case why not do if (true).
Here's how I would do it:
Create a Set in the namespace which will hold id's of users who's messages should be deleted
const toDelete = new Set();
If they react with a 👎 add them to the set.
if (reaction.emoji.name === "👎") {
userMessage.channel.send('Your message here');
if (!toDelete.has(userMessage.author.id)) {
On each message event check if the author of the message has their id in the set, If so delete their message
client.once('message', async userMessage => {
if (toDelete.has(userMessage.author.id)) {
return userMessage.delete()
if (userMessage.content.startsWith('')) {
// Rest of your code
I think your problem in understanding how everything works.
I took everything from discord.js documentation.
Type reaction command to see how it works.
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const TOKEN = process.env.TOKEN||"YOUR TOKEN";
const PREFIX = process.env.PREFIX||"YOUR PREFIX";
const bot = new Discord.Client();
bot.on("ready", async function(e) {
bot.on("message", async function(message) {
if (message.author.bot) return;
if (!message.content.startsWith(PREFIX)) return;
let args = message.content.slice(PREFIX.length).trim().split(/\s+/);
let command = args.splice(0, 1).toString().toLowerCase();
if (command == "reaction") {
let msg = await message.channel.send("Click on the reaction");
await msg.react("👍");
await msg.react("👎");
let filter = (reaction, user) => {
return ["👍", "👎"].includes(reaction.emoji.name) && user.id == message.author.id;
msg.awaitReactions(filter, {max: 1, time: 10000, errors: ["time"]}).then(collected => {
let reaction = collected.first();
if (reaction.emoji.name == "👎") {
return message.channel.send("downvote");
return message.channel.send("upvote");
}).catch(e => {
message.channel.send("user didn't vote");

UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: channel.createWebhook is not a function

This is my setuplogger.js file, and the bottom part is the code I have in my index.js. This code is supposed to create a webhook for the channel set as the logschannel, this webhook will send logs for every ban that happens in the guild. But the problem is that I keep getting the .createWebhook is not a function, I couldn't figure out how to fix this error so I just came here.
if (!message.member.hasPermission("ADMINISTRATOR")) {
return message.channel.send(`***Error:*** *You do not have* ***[ADMINISTRATOR]*** *permission.*`);
const logEnableDisable = args[0];
const logChannel = message.mentions.channels.first();
if (!logEnableDisable) {
return message.channel.send(`***Error:*** *${prefix}setuplogger <enable/disable> <channel>*`)
if (!logChannel) {
return message.channel.send(`***Error:*** *${prefix}setuplogger <enable/disable> <channel>*`)
if (logEnableDisable === 'enable') {
db.set(`${message.guild.id}_logChannel`, logChannel.id)
message.channel.send(`*Succesfully enabled logs to* ***${logChannel}.***`)
if (logEnableDisable === 'disable') {
const findLogchannel = db.get(`${message.guild.id}_logChannel`);
if (!findLogchannel) {
message.channel.send(`***Error:*** *Log channel has not been setup yet, use \`${prefix}setuplogger enable <channel>\`.*`)
} else {
db.delete(`${message.guild.id}_logChannel`, true)
message.channel.send(`*Succesfully removed logs from* ***${logChannel}.***`)
client.on("guildBanAdd", async (guild, user) => {
const channel = db.get(`${guild.id}_logChannel`);
const fetchedLogs = await guild.fetchAuditLogs({
limit: 1,
const banLog = fetchedLogs.entries.first();
if(!banLog) return console.log("It doesn't work.")
const { executor, target } = banLog;
if (target.id === user.id) {
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(`**User Banned**\fModerator: ${executor}\fUser: ${target.tag}`)
channel.createWebhook('Logger', { avatar: 'https://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/basic-ui-elements-circle/512/notepad_note_wrrte_pencil-512.png' }).then(webhook => { webhook.send(embed) });
It seems you're saving the channel's ID in the database (logChannel.id) and later, you're trying to call the createWebhook method on a string, not the channel. If you call a non-existing method on a string you'll receive an error; "channel.createWebhook is not a function":
const channel = '86924931458913231434'
const webhook = channel.createWebhook('Logger')
To solve this, you need to fetch the channel first so you can use the createWebhook method:
client.on('guildBanAdd', async (guild, user) => {
const channelID = db.get(`${guild.id}_logChannel`);
if (!channelID) return console.log('No channel ID');
try {
const channel = await client.channels.fetch(channelID);
const fetchedLogs = await guild.fetchAuditLogs({
limit: 1,
const banLog = fetchedLogs.entries.first();
if (!banLog) return console.log("It doesn't work.");
const { executor, target } = banLog;
if (target.id === user.id) {
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
`**User Banned**\fModerator: ${executor}\fUser: ${target.tag}`,
const webhook = await channel.createWebhook('Logger', {
} catch (error) {

Firebase admin deleteUser function not working

I'm trying to delete all the users in my auth and database using firebase functions. Here's my code for that:
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
credential: admin.credential.applicationDefault(),
databaseURL: "----"
export const listenToAdminCommands = functions.firestore.document('collection/{docUid}')
.onWrite((change, context) =>
const pass: string = '--';
// const before = change.before.exists? change.before.data() : null;
const after = change.after.exists? change.after.data() : null;
if(after !== null && after !== undefined) {
const adminCommandType: string = after['type'];
const adminCommandPass: string = after['pass'];
if(adminCommandType === 'deleteAll' && adminCommandPass === pass) {
//Admin control
function adminDeleteAllUsers() {
deleteAllUsers(' ');
return null;
function deleteAllUsers(nextPageToken: any) {
admin.auth().listUsers(1000, nextPageToken)
.then((listUsersResult: any) => {
//go through each one and check last time signed in
listUsersResult.users.forEach((userRecord: any) => {
const user: any = userRecord.toJSON();
const userUid = user['uid'];
console.log('Deleting user for data delete uid = ', userUid);
.then(() => {
console.log('Successfully deleted user', userUid);
.catch((error: any) => {
console.log('Error deleting user:', error);
if (listUsersResult.pageToken) {
// List next batch of users.
.catch((error: any) => {
console.log('Error listing users:', error);
When the function get executed, no user is deleted. It's like the function never worked. Am I missing something?
I'm not sure if this is the way to do it, but it's still not working. I tried to handle promises correctly, but I'm not sure if what I'm doing is correct or not.
export const listenToAdminCommands = functions.firestore.document('collection/{docUid}')
.onWrite((change, context) =>
const pass: string = '---';
// const before = change.before.exists? change.before.data() : null;
const after = change.after.exists? change.after.data() : null;
if(after !== null && after !== undefined) {
const adminCommandType: string = after['type'];
const adminCommandPass: string = after['pass'];
if(adminCommandType === 'deleteAll' && adminCommandPass === pass) {
return adminDeleteAllUsers();
//Admin control
function adminDeleteAllUsers() {
return deleteAllUsers(' ');
function deleteAllUsers(nextPageToken: any) {
return admin.auth().listUsers(1000, nextPageToken)
.then((listUsersResult: any) => {
//go through each one and check last time signed in
listUsersResult.users.forEach((userRecord: any) => {
const user: any = userRecord.toJSON();
const userUid = user['uid'];
console.log('Deleting user for data delete uid = ', userUid);
return admin.auth().deleteUser(userUid)
.then(() => {
console.log('Successfully deleted user', userUid);
return db.collection('users').doc(userUid).delete();
.catch((error: any) => {
console.log('Error deleting user:', error);
if (listUsersResult.pageToken) {
// List next batch of users.
.catch((error: any) => {
console.log('Error listing users:', error);

Discord.js currency to command handler

I am trying to move all of my currency/shop commands/ Sequelize database into the command handler from index.js (works perfectly in index.js file) but I am running into issues transferring data from the index.js file into the individual command files. Any help on how to properly integrate the index.js commands into the command handler would be greatly appreciated. I realize this is a lot to go through but it would really mean a lot to me if anyone was able to help me out
Reflect.defineProperty(currency, 'add', {
value: async function add(id, amount) {
const user = currency.get(id);
if (user) {
user.balance += Number(amount);
return user.save();
const newUser = await Users.create({ user_id: id, balance: amount });
currency.set(id, newUser);
return newUser;
Reflect.defineProperty(currency, 'getBalance', {
value: function getBalance(id) {
const user = currency.get(id);
return user ? user.balance : 0;
client.once('ready', async () => {
const storedBalances = await Users.findAll();
storedBalances.forEach(b => currency.set(b.user_id, b));
console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`);
client.on('message', async message => {
if (message.author.bot) return;
currency.add(message.author.id, 1);
if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
const input = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim();
if (!input.length) return;
const [, command, commandArgs] = input.match(/(\w+)\s*([\s\S]*)/);
if (command === 'balance') {
const target = message.mentions.users.first() || message.author;
return message.channel.send(`${target.tag} has ${currency.getBalance(target.id)}💰`);
} else if (command === 'buy') {
const item = await CurrencyShop.findOne({ where: { name: { [Op.like]: commandArgs } } });
if (!item) return message.channel.send('That item doesn\'t exist.');
if (item.cost > currency.getBalance(message.author.id)) {
return message.channel.send(`You don't have enough currency, ${message.author}`);
const user = await Users.findOne({ where: { user_id: message.author.id } });
currency.add(message.author.id, -item.cost);
await user.addItem(item);
message.channel.send(`You've bought a ${item.name}`);
} else if (command === 'shop') {
const items = await CurrencyShop.findAll();
return message.channel.send(items.map(i => `${i.name}: ${i.cost}💰`).join('\n'), { code: true });
} else if (command === 'leaderboard') {
return message.channel.send(
currency.sort((a, b) => b.balance - a.balance)
.filter(user => client.users.cache.has(user.user_id))
.map((user, position) => `(${position + 1}) ${(client.users.cache.get(user.user_id).tag)}: ${user.balance}💰`)
{ code: true }
converting balance command to balance.js
const { currency, getBalance, id, tag } = require('../index.js');
module.exports = {
name: "balance",
description: "checks balance",
execute(message) {
const target = message.mentions.users.first() || message.author;
message.channel.send(`${target.tag} has ${currency.getBalance(target.id)}💰`);
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getBalance' of undefined
Command Handler
client.on('message', message => {
if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix) || message.author.bot) return;
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/);
const commandName = args.shift().toLowerCase();
const command = client.commands.get(commandName)
|| client.commands.find(cmd => cmd.aliases && cmd.aliases.includes(commandName));
if (!command) return;
if (command.guildOnly && message.channel.type !== 'text') {
return message.reply('I can\'t execute that command inside DMs!');
if (command.args && !args.length) {
let reply = `You didn't provide any arguments, ${message.author}!`;
if (command.usage) {
reply += `\nThe proper usage would be: \`${prefix}${command.name} ${command.usage}\``;
return message.channel.send(reply);
if (!cooldowns.has(command.name)) {
cooldowns.set(command.name, new Discord.Collection());
const now = Date.now();
const timestamps = cooldowns.get(command.name);
const cooldownAmount = (command.cooldown || 3) * 1000;
if (timestamps.has(message.author.id)) {
const expirationTime = timestamps.get(message.author.id) + cooldownAmount;
if (now < expirationTime) {
const timeLeft = (expirationTime - now) / 1000;
return message.reply(`please wait ${timeLeft.toFixed(1)} more second(s) before reusing the \`${command.name}\` command.`);
timestamps.set(message.author.id, now);
setTimeout(() => timestamps.delete(message.author.id), cooldownAmount);
try {
command.execute(message, args);
} catch (error) {
message.reply('there was an error trying to execute that command!');
the bot sends an error from the command handler as seen above
EDIT: Cherryblossom's post seems to work. i have 1 more issue with immigrating the buy command though I dont know how to make the async work as async doesnt work in command handler. here is what i tried
const { currency, CurrencyShop} = require('../index.js');
const item = await CurrencyShop.findOne({ where: { name: { [Op.like]: commandArgs } } });
if (!item) return message.channel.send('That item doesn\'t exist.');
if (item.cost > currency.getBalance(message.author.id)) {
return message.channel.send(`You don't have enough currency, ${message.author}`);
const user = await Users.findOne({ where: { user_id: message.author.id } });
currency.add(message.author.id, -item.cost);
await user.addItem(item);
message.channel.send(`You've bought a ${item.name}`);```
What's happening is that in balance.js, currency is undefined. You need to export currency from index.js:
module.exports = { currency }
Also, in balance.js, you don't need to (and actually can't) import/require properties of other objects (getBalance, tag, id). Sorry if that doesn't make sense but basically you only need to require currency:
const { currency } = require('../index.js')
await can only be used in an async function. Edit the execute function so it is like this:
async execute(message) {
// your code here
When calling execute, use await. You'll need to make the message handler async as well:
client.on('message', async message => {
// code...
try {
await command.execute(message, args);
} catch (error) {
message.reply('there was an error trying to execute that command!');

Chunks of code being ignored. No errors, no logs. Might be API related

The code below doesn't give any errors but I have a weird bug anyway. I have four streams to aggregate twitter feeds to a discord channel. 3 of those often work. but whenever I run the code there is always a feed not coming through, no line is getting executed in that stream. This often happens with the IntelFeed and/or covid-19feed. When I wait for some time or repeatedly rerun the code it starts working. I think it may be due to the structure of the code (not having enough time to fulfill the conditions) or due to the API. But I can't confirm the latter one.
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const botconfig = require("./botconfig.json");
const { Client, RichEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const twitterFeedsModel = require('./models/twitterFeedsModel');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const mongoose = require('mongoose', {useNewUrlParser: true}, { useUnifiedTopology: true });
const Twit = require('twit');
const T = new Twit({
consumer_key: botconfig.consumer_key,
consumer_secret: botconfig.consumer_key_secret,
access_token: botconfig.access_token,
access_token_secret: botconfig.access_token_secret,
client.on("ready", () => {
console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`);
const stream = T.stream("statuses/filter", { follow: ["5402612", "1652541", "831470472", "26792275", "380648579", "426802833", "144274618", "31696962", "1642135962", "16561457"]});
const scr_name = ['BBCbreaking', 'Reuters', 'pewglobal', 'ForeignPolicy', 'AFP', 'AP_Politics', 'economics', 'dw_europe', 'BBCNewsAsia', 'RadioFreeAsia']
stream.on("tweet", function (tweet) {
if(!scr_name.includes(tweet.user.screen_name)) return;
const secondStream = T.stream("statuses/filter", {follow: "2985479932"});
const secondScr_name = "BNODesk"
secondStream.on("tweet", function (tweet){
if(secondScr_name.includes(tweet.user.screen_name)) {
const tweetContent = tweet.text.split(" ");
const filteredWords = ['thank', 'Thank', 'you', 'you.', 'you!']
console.log("It does include Breakin: " + tweetContent.includes("BREAKING:"))
if(!filteredWords.some(word => tweet.text.includes(word))){
console.log("It does include breaking (after if-statement): " + tweetContent.includes("BREAKING:"))
client.channels.get('645733080061181965').send('I found out this tweet covers important news')
} else if(!tweet.text.startsWith("#")){
client.channels.get("645733080061181965").send(`Hello <#283206528004259850>, there is a new tweet!`)
const thirdStream = T.stream("statuses/filter", { follow: ["14907733", "22465767", "18549902", "451432440", "97639259", "2343981858"]});
const thirdScr_name = ['rtvnoord', 'oogtv', 'dvhn_nl', 'P2000Groningen', 'polgroningen', 'Sikkom050']
thirdStream.on("tweet", function (tweet) {
if(thirdScr_name.includes(tweet.user.screen_name)) {
// intelstream
const fourthStream = T.stream("statuses/filter", {follow: ['3331851939', '2407993940', '1140336427550552000', '2790057867', '2315512764', '1517300821', '70529694', '62248461', '146958450', '85904241', '762565517026664400']});
const fourthScr_name = ['IntelCrab', 'IntelDoge', 'IntelAgencyNGO', 'lummideast', 'bellingcat', 'obretix', 'JanesINTEL', 'BarzanSadiq', 'ragipsoyly', 'leventkemal', 'OmerOzkizilcik']
fourthStream.on("tweet", function (tweet) {
if(fourthScr_name.includes(tweet.user.screen_name)) {
module.exports.run = client.on('message', message => {
if (!message.content.startsWith(botconfig.prefix) || message.author.bot) return;
const args = message.content.slice(botconfig.prefix.length).split(/ +/);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (command.length === 0) {
return message.channel.send(`I ain't gonna fill the command in by myself fam`);
if (command === 'add_twitter_feed'){
if (!args.length){
return message.channel.send("Please enter a valid value!")};
var twitterUsername_feed = args;
T.get('users/show', { screen_name: twitterUsername_feed.join() }, function (err, data, response) {
const twitterFeedVar = new twitterFeedsModel({
_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
twitterUsernameAddedToFeed: twitterUsername_feed.join(),
twitterUsername_idAddedToFeed: data.id,
.then(result => console.log(result))
.catch(err => console.log(err))
.then(doc => {
/*if (command === `savelist`) {
.then(doc => {
if (command === 'twitter_user_id'){
if (!args.length){
return message.channel.send("Please enter a valid value!")};
var twitterUsername_lookup = args;
console.log(`${message.member.user.tag} requested the ID of the following user: ` + twitterUsername_lookup.join())
T.get('users/show', { screen_name: twitterUsername_lookup.join() }, function (err, data, response) {
message.channel.send(`This is the ID of ` + twitterUsername_lookup.join() + `: ` + data.id)
if (!data.id) {
return message.channel.send(`Twitter user not found.`)
if (command === `hello`){
return message.channel.send("Hi there :)")
if (command === `feedlist`){
var scr_name2 = ['BBCbreaking', 'Reuters', 'pewglobal', 'ForeignPolicy', 'AFP', 'AP_Politics', 'economics', 'dw_europe', 'BBCNewsAsia', 'RadioFreeAsia']
return message.channel.send(scr_name2)
if (command === `reload`) {
message.channel.send(`Bot reloaded succesfully!`);
module.exports.help = {
name: "testtest"

