select the key and the value without the equal using regex - javascript

Hava a string like this:
"let key1=value1; let key2=value2;"
I want to select the key and value as groups using regex, I've tried using look around.
but it doesn't work with me, any suggestions?

The following regex should do the trick: (let (\w+) ?= ?(\w+);?)+.
Each let statement will be a match where the key will be the group 2 and the value the group 3.

The (?=\=) expression part is a lookahead, a zero-width assertion, it does not consume text but requires it to be present on the right. When you say (?=\=)(\w+) you want \w+ pattern to start matching on =. As \w does not match =, your regex always fails.
JavaScript (borrowed from How do you access the matched groups in a JavaScript regular expression?):
var myString = "let key1=value1; let key2=value2;";
var myRegexp = /(\w+)=(\w+);/g;
match = myRegexp.exec(myString);
while (match != null) {
console.log(match[1] + "," + match[2]);
match = myRegexp.exec(myString);

To be more specific, we could use (\w+) ?= ?(\w+);?+


regex match not outputting the adjacent matches javascript

i was experimenting on regex in javascript. Then i came across an issue such that let consider string str = "+d+a+", I was trying to output those characters in the string which are surrounded by +, I used str.match(/\+[a-z]\+/ig), so here what I'm expecting is ["+d+","+a+"], but what i got is just ["+d+"], "+a+" is not showing in the output. Why?
.match(/.../g) returns all non-overlapping matches. Your regex requires a + sign on each side. Given your target string:
Your matches would have to overlap in the middle in order to return "+a+".
You can use look-ahead and a manual loop to find overlapping matches:
var str = "+d+a+";
var re = /(?=(\+[a-z]\+))/g;
var matches = [], m;
while (m = re.exec(str)) {
With regex, when a character gets consumed with a match, then it won't count for the next match.
For example, a regex like /aba/g wouldn't find 2 aba's in a string like "ababa".
Because the second "a" was already consumed.
However, that can be overcome by using a positive lookahead (?=...).
Because lookaheads just check what's behind without actually consuming it.
So a regex like /(ab)(?=(a))/g would return 2 capture groups with 'ab' and 'a' for each 'aba'.
But in this case it just needs to be followed by 1 fixed character '+'.
So it can be simplified, because you don't really need capture groups for this one.
Example snippet:
var str = "+a+b+c+";
var matches = str.match(/\+[a-z]+(?=\+)/g).map(function(m){return m + '+'});

Match by regular expression to string replace by JavaScript

My string is like
I like to match any digit into second brackets from end by regular expression.
For this case, my target digit is 5 into [5].
I like to select where before pattern like
5blog5sett5ings5[5slider5][ and after pattern like ][5ima5ge5]
I will use it for JavaScript string replace. Text can be different but the before and after patterns are like that. For better understanding see the image.
I tried something like
but did not work.
I think you could just use a lookahead to check if there ] and one more [ ] ahead until end.
See demo at regex101
(be aware that lookbehind you tried is not available in js regex)
I guess you can use:
Regex Demo & Explanation
var myString = "5blog5sett5ings5[5slider5][5][5ima5ge5]";
var myRegexp = /\[(\d+)\][^\]]+]$/mg;
var match = myRegexp.exec(myString);
Use this:
^ is the begin of the string
.* means any character
\[ and \] matches literal squared brackets
(\d*) is what you want to match
[^\]]* is the content of the last couple of brackets
$ is the end of the string
See an example:
var str = "5blog5sett5ings5[5slider5][5][5ima5ge5]";
var res = str.match(/^.*\[(\d*)\]\[[^\]]*\]$/);

Javascript regular expression between brackets

Let's say in the following text
I want [this]. I want [this too]. I don't want \[this]
I want the contents of anything between [] but not \[]. How would I go about doing that? So far I've got /\[([^\]]+)\]/gi. but it matched everything.
Use this one: /(?:^|[^\\])\[(.*?)\]/gi
Here's a working example:
?: Non-capturing group
^|[^\\] Beggining of string or anything but \
\[(.*?)\] Match anything between []
Here's a snippet:
var string = "[this i want]I want [this]. I want [this too]. I don't want \\[no]";
var regex = /(?:^|[^\\])\[(.*?)\]/gi;
var match = null;
document.write(string + "<br/><br/><b>Matches</b>:<br/> ");
while(match = regex.exec(string)){
document.write(match[1] + "<br/>");
Use this regexp, which first matches the \[] version (but doesn't capture it, thereby "throwing it away"), then the [] cases, capturing what's inside:
var r = /\\\[.*?\]|\[(.*?)\]/g;
^^^^^^^^^ MATCH \[this]
^^^^^^^^^ MATCH [this]
Loop with exec to get all the matches:
while(match = r.exec(str)){
The content is in the first capture group, $1
(?:^|[^\\]) matches the beginning of a line or anything that's not a slash, non-capturing.
\[ matches a open bracket.
([^\]]*) captures any number of consecutive characters that are not closed brackets
\] matches a closing bracket

RegEx that will match the last occurrence of dot in a string

I have a filename that can have multiple dots in it and could end with any extension:
I need to use a regex to replace the last occurrence of the dot with another string like #2x and then the dot again (very much like a retina image filename) i.e.:
tro.lo.png -> tro.lo#2x.png
Here's what I have so far but it won't match anything...
str = "";
str.replace(/.([^.]*)$/, " #2x.");
any suggestions?
You do not need a regex for this. String.lastIndexOf will do.
var str = '';
var i = str.lastIndexOf('.');
if (i != -1) {
str = str.substr(0, i) + "#2x" + str.substr(i);
See it in action.
Update: A regex solution, just for the fun of it:
str = str.replace(/\.(?=[^.]*$)/, "#2x.");
Matches a literal dot and then asserts ((?=) is positive lookahead) that no other character up to the end of the string is a dot. The replacement should include the one dot that was matched, unless you want to remove it.
Just use special replacement pattern $1 in the replacement string:
console.log("tro.lo.lo.lo.lo.lo.png".replace(/\.([^.]+)$/, "#2x.$1"));
// "tro.lo.lo.lo.lo.lo#2x.png"
You can use the expression \.([^.]*?):
str.replace(/\.([^.]*?)$/, "#2x.$1");
You need to reference the $1 subgroup to copy the portion back into the resulting string.
working demo
var str = '',
replacement = '#2x.';
str = str.replace(/.([^.]*)$/, replacement + '$1');
To match all characters from the beginning of the string until (and including) the last occurence of a character use:
^.*\.(?=[^.]*$) To match the last occurrence of the "." character
^.*_(?=[^.]*$) To match the last occurrence of the "_" character
Use \. to match a dot. The character . matches any character.
Therefore str.replace(/\.([^\.]*)$/, ' #2x.').
You could simply do like this,
> "".replace(/^(.*)\./, "$1#2x");
Why not simply split the string and add said suffix to the second to last entry:
var arr = ''.split('.');
arr[arr.length-2] += '#2x';
var newString = arr.join('.');
'tro.lo.lo.lo.lo.lo.png'.replace(/([^\.]+).+(\.[^.]+)/, "$1.#x2$2")

Javascript regular expression matching prior and trailing characters

I have this string in a object:
[";NEW-7db5-32a8-c907-82cd82206788<", ";NEW-480e-e87c-75dc-d70cd731c664<", ";NEW-0aad-440a-629c-3e8f7eda4632<"]
What is wrong with my regular expression that it is picking up the preceding ; and trailing <
here is a link to the regex
this is what I would like returned:
["NEW-7db5-32a8-c907-82cd82206788", "NEW-480e-e87c-75dc-d70cd731c664", "NEW-0aad-440a-629c-3e8f7eda4632"]
here is a JSfiddle for it
Square brackets create a character class, which you do not want here, try changing your regex to the following:
Since it looks like you want to grab the capture group from each match, you can use the following code to construct an array with the capture group in it:
var regex = /<FLD>\w+;(NEW[\-\d\w]+)<\/FLD>/g;
var match = regex.exec(string);
var matches = [];
while (match !== null) {
match = regex.exec(string);
[<FLD>\w+;] would match one of the characters inside of the square brackets, when I think what you actually want to do is match all of those. Also for the other character class, [-|\d|\w], you can remove the | because it is already implied in a character class, | should only be used for alternation inside of a group.
Here is an updated link with the new regex:

