Palindrome creator using javascript and recursion - javascript

I need to create a function that takes a number and returns palindrome of this number, by summing its reverse number. For example 312 + 213 = 525. But what's more important, I must use recursion in this situation.
And, for example, number 96 needs like 4 iterations to become 4884.

The strategy is already explained in other comments. Here is a sample recursive JS-implementation that accomplishes your goal:
// Keeps recursively addding the reverse number until a palindrome
// number is obtained
function findPalindrome(num) {
numStr = num.toString();
revNumStr = numStr.split("").reverse().join("");
if (numStr === revNumStr) { // True if palindrome
return num;
} else { // Recursive part
return findPalindrome(num + parseInt(revNumStr))

You could
get number
convert number to string
get an array of digits
reverse the array
join the array
convert to number
add to original number
convert sum to string
iterate string and check if the value from the beginning is equal to the one at the end
if true return with sum
if false call function again with sum <-- This is the recursion part.


Truncate a number

function truncDigits(inputNumber, digits) {
const fact = 10 ** digits;
return Math.trunc(inputNumber * fact) / fact;
truncDigits(27624.399999999998,2) //27624.4 but I want 27624.39
I need to truncate a float value but don't wanna round it off. For example
27624.399999999998 // 27624.39 expected result
Also Math.trunc gives the integer part right but when you Math.trunc value 2762439.99 it does not give the integer part but gives the round off value i.e 2762434
Probably a naive way to do it:
function truncDigits(inputNumber, digits) {
return +inputNumber.toString().split('.').map((v,i) => i ? v.slice(0, digits) : v).join('.');
At least it does what you asked though
Try this:
function truncDigits(inputNumber, digits){
return parseFloat((inputNumber).toFixed(digits));
Your inputs are number (if you are using typescript). The method toFixed(n) truncates your number in a maximum of n digits after the decimal point and returns it as a string. Then you convert this with parseFloat and you have your number.
You can try to convert to a string and then use a RegExp to extract the required decimals
function truncDigits(inputNumber: number, digits: number) {
const match = inputNumber.toString().match(new RegExp(`^\\d+\\.[\\d]{0,${digits}}`))
if (!match) {
return inputNumber
return parseFloat(match[0])
Note: I'm using the string version of the RegExp ctor as the literal one doesn't allow for dynamic params.

How to create palindrome number from random integer

How to create a palindrome number from a random positive integer using a centred number palindrome?
When int S=244; return 424
When int S=12231; return 12321
When int S=2233; return 232 //drop 3 to make palindrome number
When int S=123432; return 23432 //drop 1 to make palindrome number
When int S=0000; return 0
//starting and ending with 0 is not a proper palindrome number in this code. e.g. 010, 02320 is not a palindrome number
I was thinking about making an array of the random positive integer then store the palindrome number in another array and finally return the palindrome integer
function solution(int S){ //S=1144 -> 141, so I need to drop 4...
const num=S;
const array=Array.from(String(num), Number); //array=[1,1,4,4]
const palinArray=[];
var palinNum=0;
//if num is already palindrome number
cost rev=array.reverse(); //rev=[4,4,1,1]
return plainNum;
//if num is not palindrome, check if num can transform to a palindrome
for(var i=0;i<array.length-1;i++){
for(var k=i;k<array.length;k++){
//I thought if switching array[i] integer to the array[i+1] interger makes entire number palindrome, switch it and move i+2 for next loop but makes no sense.
}//end for loop
So I think I still did not fully understand but I want to return the palindrome number of this solution function.

Square every digit of a number

I am trying to learn JavaScript but find it to be a bit confusing. I am trying to square every digit of a number
For example: run 9119 through the function, 811181 will come out, because 9^2 is 81 and 1^2 is 1.
My code:
function squareDigits(num){
return Math.pow(num[0],2) && Math.pow(num[1],2);
Correct code:
function squareDigits(num){
return Number(('' + num).split('').map(function (val) { return val * val;}).join(''));
I do not know why .map, .split, and .join was used to answer the question.
.split takes a string and splits it into an array based on the character(s) passed to it '' in this case.
("9119").split('') === ["9", "1", "1", "9"]
.map works like a for loop but takes a function as an argument. That function is applied to every member of the array.
["9", "1", "1", "9"].map(function(val) { return val * val;}) === ["81", "1", "1", "81"]
.join does the opposite of .split. It takes an Array and concatenates it into a string based on the character(s) passed to it.
["81", "1", "1", "81"].join('') === "811181"
Additionally, the && operator checks to see if the expressions on either side of it evaluate to true. If both expressions evaluate to true, only then will it return true. It always returns a Boolean though. I think you wanted to convert your values to string first using Number.toString() and then append them together using the + operator
return Math.pow(num[0],2).toString() + Math.pow(num[1],2).toString();
function squareDigits(num) {
// Convert the result to a number. "252525" -> 252525
return Number(
num.toString() // num === "555"
.split('') // ["5", "5", "5"]
.map(elem => elem * elem) "5" * "5" === 25 (Type coversion)
// Now we have [25, 25, 25]
.join('') // "252525"
There are several methods of this, but the first that comes to mind is to pass the number as a string, split it, then parse the numbers, square them individually, make them strings, and paste them back together, it sounds complex but makes sense once you see it
//function takes number as an argument
function convertNumber(num){
//the toString method converts a number into a string
var number = num.toString();
//the split method splits the string into individual numbers
var arr = number.split("");
//this variable will hold the numbers that we square later
var squaredArr = [];
//the for loop iterates through everything in our array
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
//parseInt turns a string into a number
var int = parseInt(arr[i]);
//Math.pow raises integers to a given exponent, in this case 2
int = Math.pow(int, 2);
//we push the number we just made into our squared array as a string
//the function returns the numbers in the squared array after joining
//them together. You could also parseInt the array if you wanted, doing
//this as parseInt(squaredArr[0]); (this would be done after joining)
return squaredArr.join('');
Basically you need single digits for getting squared values.
You could take Array.from, which splits a string (which is a type with an implemented Symbol.iterator) into characters and uses an optional maping for the values.
function sqare(number) {
return +Array.from(number.toString(), v => v * v).join('');
try these code..
function squareDigits(n) {
return +(n.toString().split('').map(val => val * val).join(''));
here + sign is convert the string into an integer.

Integer Comparison

I need to compare two Integers which could exceed Integer range limit. How do I get this in javascript.
Initially, I get the value as String, do a parseInt and compare them.
var test = document.getElementById("test").value;
var actual = document.getElementById("actual").value;
if ( parseInt(test) == parseInt(actual)){
return false;
Any options to use long ? Also, which is best to use parseInt or valueOf ??
Any suggestions appreciated,
You'd better to assign the radix. Ex. parseInt('08') will give 0 not 8.
if (parseInt(test, 10) === parseInt(actual, 10)) {
Leave them in String and compare (after you have cleaned up the string of leading and trailing spaces, and other characters that you consider safe to remove without changing the meaning of the number).
The numbers in Javascript can go up to 53-bit precision. Check whether your number is within range.
Since the input is expected to be integer, you can be strict and only allow the input to only match the regex:
(Arbitrary leading spaces, arbitrary number of leading 0's, sequence of meaningful digits or single 0, arbitrary trailing spaces)
The number can be extract from the first capturing group.
Assuming integers and that you've already validated for non-numeric characters that you don't want to be part of the comparison, you can clean up some leading/trailing stuff and then just compare lengths and if lengths are equal, then do a plain ascii comparison and this will work for any arbitrary length of number:
function mTrim(val) {
var temp = val.replace(/^[\s0]+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
if (!temp) {
temp = "0";
var test = mTrim(document.getElementById("test").value);
var actual = mTrim(document.getElementById("actual").value);
if (test.length > actual.length) {
// test is greater than actual
} else if (test.length < actual.length) {
// test is less than actual
} else {
// do a plain ascii comparison of test and actual
if (test == actual) {
// values are the same
} else if (test > ascii) {
// test is greater than actual
} else {
// test is less than actual

Javascript string/integer comparisons

I store some parameters client-side in HTML and then need to compare them as integers. Unfortunately I have come across a serious bug that I cannot explain. The bug seems to be that my JS reads parameters as strings rather than integers, causing my integer comparisons to fail.
I have generated a small example of the error, which I also can't explain. The following returns 'true' when run:
console.log("2" > "10")
Parse the string into an integer using parseInt:
javascript:alert(parseInt("2", 10)>parseInt("10", 10))
Checking that strings are integers is separate to comparing if one is greater or lesser than another. You should always compare number with number and string with string as the algorithm for dealing with mixed types not easy to remember.
'00100' < '1' // true
as they are both strings so only the first zero of '00100' is compared to '1' and because it's charCode is lower, it evaluates as lower.
'00100' < 1 // false
as the RHS is a number, the LHS is converted to number before the comparision.
A simple integer check is:
function isInt(n) {
return /^[+-]?\d+$/.test(n);
It doesn't matter if n is a number or integer, it will be converted to a string before the test.
If you really care about performance, then:
var isInt = (function() {
var re = /^[+-]?\d+$/;
return function(n) {
return re.test(n);
Noting that numbers like 1.0 will return false. If you want to count such numbers as integers too, then:
var isInt = (function() {
var re = /^[+-]?\d+$/;
var re2 = /\.0+$/;
return function(n) {
return re.test((''+ n).replace(re2,''));
Once that test is passed, converting to number for comparison can use a number of methods. I don't like parseInt() because it will truncate floats to make them look like ints, so all the following will be "equal":
parseInt(2.9) == parseInt('002',10) == parseInt('2wewe')
and so on.
Once numbers are tested as integers, you can use the unary + operator to convert them to numbers in the comparision:
if (isInt(a) && isInt(b)) {
if (+a < +b) {
// a and b are integers and a is less than b
Other methods are:
Number(a); // liked by some because it's clear what is happening
a * 1 // Not really obvious but it works, I don't like it
Comparing Numbers to String Equivalents Without Using parseInt
console.log(Number('2') > Number('10'));
console.log( ('2'/1) > ('10'/1) );
var item = { id: 998 }, id = '998';
var isEqual = ( === id.toString());
use parseInt and compare like below:
Always remember when we compare two strings.
the comparison happens on chacracter basis.
so '2' > '12' is true because the comparison will happen as
'2' > '1' and in alphabetical way '2' is always greater than '1' as unicode.
SO it will comeout true.
I hope this helps.
You can use Number() function also since it converts the object argument to a number that represents the object's value.
Eg: javascript:alert( Number("2") > Number("10"))
+ operator will coerce the string to a number.
console.log( +"2" > +"10" )
The answer is simple. Just divide string by 1.
"2" > "10" - true
"2"/1 > "10"/1 - false
Also you can check if string value really is number:
!isNaN("1"/1) - true (number)
!isNaN("1a"/1) - false (string)
!isNaN("01"/1) - true (number)
!isNaN(" 1"/1) - true (number)
!isNaN(" 1abc"/1) - false (string)
!isNaN(""/1) - true (but string)
number !== "" && !isNaN(number/1)
The alert() wants to display a string, so it will interpret "2">"10" as a string.
Use the following:
var greater = parseInt("2") > parseInt("10");
alert("Is greater than? " + greater);
var less = parseInt("2") < parseInt("10");
alert("Is less than? " + less);

