Javascript Object array get last array - javascript

I have a json object array I have two functions. One to get the last message and the other to get. I need to keep the outer format the same but only return the one message.
I am getting the Json from the Telegram api and I have a Node Express script to return the reformatted Json
Here is the full Json:
"ok": true,
"result": [
"update_id": 650787950,
"channel_post": {
"message_id": 258,
"chat": {
"id": -1001497153100,
"title": "TestBot",
"type": "channel"
"date": 1592256395,
"text": "test messge"
"update_id": 650787951,
"channel_post": {
"message_id": 259,
"chat": {
"id": -1001497153100,
"title": "TestBot",
"type": "channel"
"date": 1592256604,
"text": "next"
I have a function to store the object after an api call to Telegram:
this.messageData = data;
For the function to get the last message:
getlastMessage() {
I am trying to return the Json:
"ok": true,
"result": [
"update_id": 650787951,
"channel_post": {
"message_id": 259,
"chat": {
"id": -1001497153100,
"title": "TestBot",
"type": "channel"
"date": 1592256604,
"text": "next"
And for the function to get a specific update_id
getNextMessage(update_id) {
Again I am trying to get this format of a single message matching the passed in update_id
"ok": true,
"result": [
"update_id": 650787951,
"channel_post": {
"message_id": 259,
"chat": {
"id": -1001497153100,
"title": "TestBot",
"type": "channel"
"date": 1592256604,
"text": "next"
I am a little confused with the layers of object and arrays mixed.

Does this work?
const messages = {
ok: true,
result: [{
update_id: 650787950,
channel_post: {
message_id: 258,
chat: {
id: -1001497153100,
title: 'TestBot',
type: 'channel',
date: 1592256395,
text: 'test messge',
update_id: 650787951,
channel_post: {
message_id: 259,
chat: {
id: -1001497153100,
title: 'TestBot',
type: 'channel',
date: 1592256604,
text: 'next',
const getLastMessage = (messages) => {
final = {
ok: true,
result: [],
final.result.push(messages.result[messages.result.length - 1]);
return final;
const getNextMessage = (update_id, messages) => {
final = {
ok: true
final.result = messages.result.filter((msg) => {
return msg.update_id === update_id;
return final;
console.log(getNextMessage(650787950, messages));
You get the last message by returning the last element in the array, by getting the length of the array and -1
I used Array.prototype.filter() to find the correct object.

To get the last result you would need to go to results and return the last index:
function getlastMessage(resultObject) {
return {
ok: resultObject.ok
result: [resultObject.result[resultObject.result.length - 1]]
To get the message by update_id:
getNextMessage(update_id) {
return {
ok: resultObject.ok
result: [resultObject.result.find(message => message.update_id === update_id)]
Something along these lines

Using destructuring you can make your code a little bit more compact:
const someObject = JSON.parse(`{
"ok": true,
"result": [
"update_id": 650787950,
"channel_post": {
"message_id": 258,
"chat": {
"id": -1001497153100,
"title": "TestBot",
"type": "channel"
"date": 1592256395,
"text": "test messge"
"update_id": 650787951,
"channel_post": {
"message_id": 259,
"chat": {
"id": -1001497153100,
"title": "TestBot",
"type": "channel"
"date": 1592256604,
"text": "next"
const getNextMessage = (update_id) => {
return {
result: someObject.result.find(message => message.update_id === update_id)
const getLastMessage = () => {
const arrayLength = someObject.result.length;
return {
result: someObject.result[arrayLength - 1]
If you want to keep the result type as an array you can use filter instead of find and surround the last element of result array with square brackets, like this:
const getNextMessage = (update_id) => {
return {
result: someObject.result.filter(message => message.update_id === update_id)
const getLastMessage = () => {
const arrayLength = someObject.result.length;
return {
result: [someObject.result[arrayLength - 1]]


How to parse FractalTransformer with normalizr

I'm trying to use paularmstrong/normalizr on JSON that comes from FractalTransformer and whose nested childs have "data" attribute. Example of JSON:
"data": {
"object": "Offer",
"id": "5g6aqocew4qjzl40",
"real_id": 26,
"name": "Random Name",
"created_at": {
"date": "2019-06-18 11:13:08.000000",
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "UTC"
"readable_created_at": "1 year ago",
"site": {
"data": {
"object": "Site",
"id": "65zody8vj29vlegd",
"name": "Test Site",
"real_id": 1
"countries": {
"data": [
"object": "Country",
"code": "US",
"name": "United States"
"object": "Country",
"code": "DE",
"name": "Germany"
"meta": {
"include": [
"custom": []
Schemas I use:
export const offerSchema = new schema.Entity('offers')
export const siteSchema = new schema.Entity('sites', {}, {
processStrategy: (value) => {
return { }
idAttribute: (value) => {
export const countrySchema = new schema.Entity('countries')
site: siteSchema,
countries: [countrySchema],
Now the issue is that I remove 'data' from the site since it's just one object successfully, but I can't do it in the country case. Whatever I tried with custom processStrategy fails, as country is object that has data which is array (I assume this is where the issue is, going from Entity to Array). And in idAttribute function I always get complete array so can't determine the ID of single entry. So the end result is that the ID of countries is undefined. Any ides?
I actually managed with another approach. I added processStrategy on the parent, 'Offer' in this case, so all 'data' parts get stripped before they reach other child schemas.
const normalizrStripDataOptions = {
processStrategy: (value) => {
const ret = { ...value }
Object.keys(ret).forEach((key) => {
if (ret[key] !== null) {
if (ret[key].data && Array.isArray(ret[key].data)) {
ret[key] = [...ret[key].data]
if (ret[key].data && typeof ret[key].data === 'object') {
ret[key] = { ...ret[key].data }
return ret
export const offerSchema = new schema.Entity('offers', {}, normalizrStripDataOptions)
export const siteSchema = new schema.Entity('sites')
export const countrySchema = new schema.Entity('countries')
site: siteSchema,
countries: [countrySchema],

Filtering nested nested array

Hi have this array:
[ {
"Navn": "Long Island Iced Tea",
"Nummer": "2",
"Glas i ml": "250",
"Instruktioner": "",
"a": "Hæld is i glasset",
"b": "pynt med en skive lime",
"Ingredienser": [
"Type": "Spiritus",
"Del1": [
"Cointreau": 20
"Del2": [
"Gin": 20
"Del3": [
"Rom_Lys": 20
"Del4": [
"Tequila": 20
"Del5": [
"Vodka": 20
"Type": "Vand/Juice",
"Del1": [
"Cola": 40
"Del2": [
"Sprite": 20
"Type": "Mixer",
"Del1": [
"Lime_Sirup": 20
Its for a Cocktailmachine.
And i want to filter it by "Del1" searching for (example) "Rom_Lys" & "Cola" & "Vodka", and then output a new array with these specifications.
I tried searching the forums, but can't seem to find something useful. Played around with filter and includes, but cant come up with anything useful.
If you want to get items which are contains Cola, then you can use filter and some methods:
const filterWord = 'Cola';
const result = sampleData.filter(s =>
s.Ingredienser.some(s =>
s.Del1.some( e=> e[filterWord])));
An example:
let sampleData = [
"Navn": "Rom & Cola/ Cuba Libre",
"Nummer": "0",
"Glas i ml": "200",
"Instruktioner": "",
"a": "Hæld is i glasset",
"b": "pynt med en skive citron",
"Ingredienser": [
"Type": "Spiritus",
"Del1": [
"Rom_Lys": 40
"Type": "Vand/Juice",
"Del1": [
"Cola": 100
"Type": "Mixer",
"Del1": [
"Navn": "Isbjørn",
"Nummer": "1",
"Glas i ml": "200",
"Instruktioner": "",
"a": "Hæld is i glasset",
"b": "pynt med en skive citron",
"Ingredienser": [
"Type": "Spiritus",
"Del1": [
"Vodka": 30
"Type": "Vand/Juice",
"Del1": [
"Sprite": 60
"Type": "Mixer",
"Del1": [
"Blå_Sirup": 30
const filterWord = 'Cola';
const result = sampleData.filter(s => s.Ingredienser.some(s => s.Del1.some( e=> e[filterWord])));
If you want to check multiple key, then you can use hasOwnProperty method which checks whether the object contains desired key:
const filters = ['Cointreau', 'Gin', 'Rom_Lys'];
const result = sampleData.filter(s =>
s.Ingredienser.some(ingred => {
return Object.keys(ingred).some(k=> {
if (Array.isArray(ingred[k])) {
return ingred[k].some(s=> filters.some(f=> {
return s.hasOwnProperty(f);
And the example:
let sampleData = [ {
"Navn": "Long Island Iced Tea",
"Nummer": "2",
"Glas i ml": "250",
"Instruktioner": "",
"a": "Hæld is i glasset",
"b": "pynt med en skive lime",
"Ingredienser": [
"Type": "Spiritus",
"Del1": [
"Cointreau": 20
"Del2": [
"Gin": 20
"Del3": [
"Rom_Lys": 20
"Del4": [
"Tequila": 20
"Del5": [
"Vodka": 20
"Type": "Vand/Juice",
"Del1": [
"Cola": 40
"Del2": [
"Sprite": 20
"Type": "Mixer",
"Del1": [
"Lime_Sirup": 20
const filters = ['Cointreau', 'Gin', 'Rom_Lys'];
const result = sampleData.filter(s =>
s.Ingredienser.some(ingred => {
return Object.keys(ingred).some(k=> {
if (Array.isArray(ingred[k])) {
return ingred[k].some(s=> filters.some(f=> {
return s.hasOwnProperty(f);
Try using following code to filter the array.
var filtered = arr.filter(function(unique) {
for (var index = 0; index < unique.Ingredienser.length; index++) {
if (unique.Ingredienser[index].Del1[0].hasOwnProperty(selectedchoice)) {
return true;
return false;

trim JS object to remove extra params with curly braces

I have an object response here
result.joblist = {
"collection_job_status_list": [
"application_context": {
"application_id": "a4",
"context_id": "c4"
"creation_time": "15699018476102",
"progress": 100,
"status": "READY",
"phase": "ACTIVE",
"job_error": {}
"application_context": {
"application_id": "a6",
"context_id": "c6"
"creation_time": "15698648632523",
"progress": 100,
"status": "READY",
"phase": "ACTIVE",
"job_error": {}
"result": {
"request_result": "ACCEPTED",
"error": {}
Need to get rid of {"application_context": & ending } here, just need application_id":"a4","context_id":"c4" at the same level.
I have tried something like this, but not able to move ahead.
var newObj: any = {};
if (allJobs && allJobs.length > 0) {
// this.rowData = this.allJobs;
// this.allJobs = this.allJobs['application_id'];
//let ele:object = allJobs.application_context;
allJobs.forEach(ele => {
newObj = {
application_id: ele.application_context.application_id,
context_id: ele.application_context.application_context
return newObj;
You can use map and destructuring
Get the collection_job_status_list from result
Loop over the values take out the required values from application_context key and merge with remaining values
Build the same structure as original result
let result = {"collection_job_status_list": [{"application_context": {"application_id": "a4","context_id": "c4"},"creation_time": "15699018476102","progress": 100,"status": "READY","phase": "ACTIVE","job_error": {}},{"application_context": {"application_id": "a6","context_id": "c6"},"creation_time": "15698648632523","progress": 100,"status": "READY","phase": "ACTIVE","job_error": {}}],"result": {"request_result": "ACCEPTED","error": {}}}
let { collection_job_status_list, } = result
let modified ={
application_context: {
}) => ({, context_id, application_id}))
let final = {
collection_job_status_list: modified,
What you need here is a map. Reference:
Try modifying the code as below and you should have your expected output.
var newObj: any = {};
var newArray;
if (allJobs && allJobs.length > 0) {
newArray = => {
newObj = {
application_id: ele.application_context.application_id,
context_id: ele.application_context.application_context
return newObj;
Hope this helps :)
You need to use the map function
const result = {};
result.joblist = {
"collection_job_status_list": [
"application_context": {
"application_id": "a4",
"context_id": "c4"
"creation_time": "15699018476102",
"progress": 100,
"status": "READY",
"phase": "ACTIVE",
"job_error": {}
"application_context": {
"application_id": "a6",
"context_id": "c6"
"creation_time": "15698648632523",
"progress": 100,
"status": "READY",
"phase": "ACTIVE",
"job_error": {}
"result": {
"request_result": "ACCEPTED",
"error": {}
result.joblist.collection_job_status_list = => {
return {
"application_id": item.application_context.application_id,
"context_id": item.application_context.context_id
Or you can use map function along with shorthand es6 syntaxes
const result = {};
result.joblist = {
"collection_job_status_list": [
"application_context": {
"application_id": "a4",
"context_id": "c4"
"creation_time": "15699018476102",
"progress": 100,
"status": "READY",
"phase": "ACTIVE",
"job_error": {}
"application_context": {
"application_id": "a6",
"context_id": "c6"
"creation_time": "15698648632523",
"progress": 100,
"status": "READY",
"phase": "ACTIVE",
"job_error": {}
"result": {
"request_result": "ACCEPTED",
"error": {}
result.joblist.collection_job_status_list ={application_context}) => {
return {
The things you want to keep in your array depends on what you are returning from the map. You return the keys you want to keep. So if you want other items.
If you have an array A
A = [
nest: {
x: 1,
y: 1,
key1: 5,
key2: 7,
nest: {
x: 1,
y: 1,
key1: 5,
key2: 7,
nest: {
x: 1,
y: 1,
key1: 5,
key2: 7,
Let us assume you want x from nest, key1 and key2 in your final output. You will then do
const finalOutput = => {
return {
x: item.nest.x, // x from nest
key1: item.key1, // key1
key2: item.key2, // key2
But there are shorthand forms for doing this. Let's assume that the item we get in our map function is already divided into a nest and a rest variable. The nest contains item.nest and the rest is {key1: 5,key2:7}, then you can simply return x from nest and everything else from rest
const finalOutput ={nest,}) => {
return {
x: nest.x, // x from nest, // everything else

How to denormalize array in JS

I have a data set of the following form
let data = [
"id": {
"primary": "A1"
"msg": 1
}, {
"id": {
"primary": "A1"
"msg": 2
}, {
"id": {
"primary": "B2"
"msg": 3
I would like to transform it to
newData = [
"id": {
"primary": "A1"
"items": [
{ "msg": 1 },
{ "msg": 2 }
"id": {
"primary": "B2"
"items": [
{ "msg": 3 }
I think the method is something like the following, but am not sure how to check against undefined values in this case.
let newData = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (newData[i]['id']['primary'] === data[i]['id']) newData.push(data[i]['id'])
else newData[i]['items'].push(data[i]['msg'])
How can I transform the original data set to merge entries with a matching primary id?
One option would be to use .reduce() to create a new array from the existing.
I've added comments to clarify.
let data = [ { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 1 }, { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 2 }, { "id": { "primary": "B2" }, "msg": 3 } ];
let result = data.reduce((out,item) => {
let {id, ...items} = item; //Separate the "id" and "everything else"
let existing = out.find(({id}) => id.primary ==;
existing //have we seen this ID already?
? existing.items.push(items) //yes - add the items to it
: out.push({ id: {}, items: [items]}); //no - create it
return out;
}, []);
A couple notes:
You may notice that I've set the ID using id: {}, despite the id already being an object. This is because using the existing id object would create a reference, whereas {} creates a shallow copy.
I haven't specified the msg property anywhere. Instead, any properties that aren't id will be added to the items list (example below).
let data = [ { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 1, "otherStuff": "Hello World!" }, { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 2, "AnotherThing": true }, { "id": { "primary": "B2" }, "msg": 3, "someOtherProperty": false } ];
let result = data.reduce((out,item) => {
let {id, ...items} = item;
let existing = out.find(({id}) => id.primary ==;
? existing.items.push(items)
: out.push({ id: {}, items: [items]});
return out;
}, []);
That said, if you start to nest objects (other than ID), they will likely be included as references; ...items is only a shallow copy.
If such a case, consider something like JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(...)) for a deep copy. Be sure to read the link though; there are caveats.
You could also solve this in a concise way via the Array.reduce and ES6 destructuring:
let data = [ { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 1 }, { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 2 }, { "id": { "primary": "B2" }, "msg": 3 } ]
let result = data.reduce((r, {id, msg}) =>
((r[id.primary] = r[id.primary] || { id, items: [] }).items.push({msg}), r), {})
In more readable format it is:
let data = [ { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 1 }, { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 2 }, { "id": { "primary": "B2" }, "msg": 3 } ]
let result = data.reduce((r, {id, msg}) => {
r[id.primary] = (r[id.primary] || { id, items: [] })
return r
}, {})
The idea is to group by the id.primary and then once the grouping is done simply get the values via Object.values
Notice that this is one pass solution where you do not have to per each iteration do an Array.find against the current accumulator.

Filter nested object in ReactJS

I'm trying to filter an nested array of objects but it's not working as expected....
Here is my json:
"seasson_number": "1",
"episodes": [
"number": 1,
"video_url": "",
"name": "Testing"
"number": 2,
"video_url": "",
"name": "Testing"
"seasson_number": "2",
"episodes": [
"number": 1,
"video_url": "",
"name": "Testing"
"number": 2,
"video_url": "",
"name": "Testing"
And this is my function to filter by the seasson_number and get the episode name:
const episodios = this.state.seassons
.filter(seasson => {
return seasson.seasson_number === "2"; // sample number
.map(seasson => { =>{
return (
In your first map function, you should add a return statement:
map(seasson => {
return =>{
return (

