How to remove an infinite animation from a hidden element - javascript

The scenario is like this :
two adjacent element
A & B, overlapping elements(A has absolute positioning) both toggle between CSS transform scale(0) to scale(1) i.e when A is shown B is hidden
I have applied an infinite animation on A (SVG opacity changing grom 0.7-1).
When A is hidden, it's animation still seems to be working.
How to fix this without using display: none

You can remove a class with animation for A, and then, if the animation needs to be resumed, return the class with the animation again.

I think the best approach to do this would be setting animation: none or animation: unset when A is hidden. You can set up a watcher, like this one, to watch for A's property changes and then use an if conditional to check if it has reached its "hidden state." Then you can document.getElementById('its id').style.animation = unset
A bonus tip would be using else to set the animation property back to normal once it is "unhidden."


button hover no longer works after move animation

I am trying to create two buttons that will move up when clicked. My problem is that after the animation occurs, the hover animation for the buttons no longer work. From my research I have gathered that it is something to do with animation-fill-mode: forward but I have found no solution that will allow the buttons to animate properly. Here is my relevant code
Forward animations will cause the element to retain the style values from the last keyframe when the animation ends. Simple remove the animation-fill-mode attribute and your hover animation should work.
Im gonna take a random stab. There is a severe lack of info here...
On hover, set animation-name or I guess maybe animation-fill-mode to none.
.elem:hover {
whatever: settings-you-want;
animation-name: none;
I just did something similar.
The animation will take priority over hover.

CSS animation and transition switch

I have a loading bar program that has a circle moving from left to right with a #keyframes animation. That works just fine.
however, I have some JS JQuery that changes a bar below the animating circle.
After the progress bar reaches 100, it tells the CSS to add a class called .tocenter
I know it's actually adding the class becuase when I inspect element, the html has the .tocenter class.
The class makes the circle go to the center (left:50%) as well as turn blue.
The #keyframes animation, however, takes precedence and the transition to the center doesn't show.
I had an "animation-play-state: paused;" added to the .tocenter class, but it doesn't change the left or the background-color elements.
What should i do?

Force browser to trigger reflow while changing CSS

I am building non-jQuery responsive image slider based on CSS3 transitions.
The structure is simple: a viewport and inside relatively positioned UL with left floated LIs.
I am facing a problem in such situation:
User clicks "prev" arrow.
JS appends proper LI before currently displayed LI node.
For now UL has set CSS transition as none 0s linear to prevent animation changes. In this moment I decrease UL CSS left value by slider width (let's say: from 0px to -1200px) to make view the same as it was.
Now I am changing UL's transition property to all 0.2s ease-out.
Now I am changing UL's left property to trigger CSS3 animation. (let's say: from -1200px to 0px).
What is the problem? Browser simplifies changes and does not make any animations.
Stoyan Stefanov wrote about reflow problem at his blog here, but in this case trying to force a reflow on element doesn't work.
This is a piece of code doing this (I skipped browser prefixes for simplification): = 'none 0s linear 0s'; = '-600px'; = 'all 0.2s ease-out'; = '0px';
Here is fiddle to see problem in action:
Requesting the offsetHeight of an element does everything nicely. You can force a reflow using this function and passing it the element that styles have been changed on:
function reflow(elt){
And call this where reflows are needed. See this example:
EDIT: recently needed to do this, and wondered if there was a better way than to console.log it. You can't just write elt.offsetHeight as it's own statement, as the optimizer (Chrome's, at least) will not trigger a reflow because it is just accessing a property with no getter set, no need to even evaluate it. So, AFAIK the cheapest way to do this is void(elt.offsetHeight), as it does not know for sure if void has side effects or not. (could be overridden or something, idk).
function reflow( element ) {
if ( element === undefined ) {
element = document.documentElement;
void( element.offsetHeight );
It works OK with Chrome and FF, and seems to be the simplest and most portable way to do it ATM.

:not(:hover) not working with opacity

I have the following code:
-skrollr-animation-name: topbaropa;
#topbar:hover {
-skrollr-animation-name: topbarhoveropa;
It's supposed to fade the opacity of #topbar when scrolling gradually to 0.10, but when you hover #topbar the opacity goes back to 1, then mouse off goes back to 0.10.
The problem is, it doesn't work. It fades while scrolling, but doesn't go back to 1 on mouseover.
I've also tried instead of #topbar:hover { -skrollr-animation just using opacity: 1 but that doesn't work either =/
If anyone wants to actually see what I mean the link is
skrollr-stylesheets does not support interaction.
skrollr-stylesheets does not react to changes in the document. The stylesheets are parsed once and then applied. You can't add a class to an element and expect the keyframes to get updated.
Simply added a class on hover, and removed the class on mouse off.

how to stop CSS animation without javascript

This is the jsFiddle. What I would like is stop the box when it reaches its end position. I know there is a transition function available also but that does not seem to work. Are all animation functions type also available for transition? I am using rotate function in my actual work.
Just set animation-iteration-count to 1. A value of infinite causes the animation to be repeated infinitely. And remember to style the object the way it should be AFTER the animation (top: 200px;).
I've updated the fiddle:
More information is provide by the MDN:
Remove the infinite from animation:mymove infinite; and set the final place as top:200px. Demo

