Why not my vue component not re-rendering? - javascript

I have a question why not this component, not re-rendering after changing value so what I'm trying to do is a dynamic filter like amazon using the only checkboxes so let's see
I have 4 components [ App.vue, test-filter.vue, filtersInputs.vue, checkboxs.vue]
Here is code sandbox for my example please check the console you will see the value changing https://codesandbox.io/s/thirsty-varahamihira-nhgex?file=/src/test-filter/index.vue
the first component is App.vue;
<div id="app">
{{ test }}
<test-filter :filters="filters" :value="test"></test-filter>
import testFilter from "./test-filter";
import filters from "./filters";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
data() {
return {
filters: filters,
test: {},
so App.vue that holds the filter component and the test value that I want to display and the filters data is dummy data that hold array of objects.
in my test-filter component, I loop throw the filters props and the filterInputs component output the input I want in this case the checkboxes.
<div class="test-filter">
v-for="filter in filters"
<p class="test-filter__title">
{{ filter.title }}
import filterInputs from "./filterInputs";
export default {
name: "test-filter",
components: {
filters: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
value: {
type: Array,
default: () => ({}),
// Check if there is a array in checkbox key if not asssign an new array.
if (!this.value.checkbox) {
this.value.checkbox = [];
so I need to understand why changing the props value also change to the parent component and in this case the App.vue and I tried to emit the value to the App.vue also the component didn't re-render but if I check the vue dev tool I see the value changed but not in the DOM in {{ test }}.
so I will not be boring you with more code the filterInputs.vue holds child component called checkboxes and from that, I emit the value of selected checkbox from the checkboxes.vue to the filterInputs.vue to the test-filter.vue and every component has the value as props and that it if you want to take a look the rest of components I will be glad if you Did.
v-if="filterType == checkboxName"
export default {
props: {
value: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({}),
options: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
methods: {
checkboxChanged(value) {
this.$emit("checkboxChanged", value);
v-for="checkbox in options"
{{ checkbox.title }}
export default {
props: {
value: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({}),
options: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
methods: {
checkboxChange(event) {
this.$emit("checkboxChanged", event.target.value);

I found the solution As I said in the comments the problem was that I'm not using v-model in my checkbox input Vue is a really great framework the problem wasn't in the depth, I test the v-model in my checkbox input and I found it re-render the component after I select any checkbox so I search more and found this article and inside of it explained how we can implement v-model in the custom component so that was the solution to my problem and also I update my codeSandbox Example if you want to check it out.
Big Thaks to all who supported me to found the solution: sarkiroka, Jakub A Suplick


v-for with model vuejs

I need to execute a v-for, however I do not know how to add a v-model for each different component inside of v-for;
v-for="(item, index) in profilePasswordItems"
This v-for will always be three items and I want to name the v-model's as: ['passaword', 'newPassword', confirmNewPassword']
How can I add those names dinamically for the v-model inside v-for?
I tried to do a list inside data() but it did not work. Something like that:
data (){
listPassword: ['passaword', 'newPassword', 'confirmNewPassword']
methods: {
method1 () {
The v-model directives cannot update the iteration variable itself therefore we should not use a linear array item in for-loop as the v-model variable.
There is another method you can try like this-
In the parent component-
v-for="(item, index) in listPassword"
<button #click="method1()">Click to see changes</button>
export default {
name: "SomeParentComponent",
data() {
return {
listPassword: [
{ model: "passaword" },
{ model: "newPassword" },
{ model: "confirmNewPassword" },
methods: {
method1() {
this.listPassword.forEach((item) => {
And in your ProfilePasswordField you can emit the input event to listen to the respected changes in v-model binding. For example, the ProfilePasswordField component could be like this-
<v-text-field :value="value" #input="$emit('input', $event)"/>
export default {
name: "ProfilePasswordField",
props: {
value: {
required: true
In the parent component's console, you should see the changes made by the child component.

VueJs 3 - Custom Input Component

I'm trying to build a custom HTML <input> component for VueJS3. I've been following this tutorial:
So far I managed to get the CustomInput.vue component to work and emit the modified value back to the parent App.Vue.
{{ label }}
<input type="text" :name="name" :value="value" #input="onInput" #change="onChange" />
export default {
name: 'CustomInput',
props: {
label: {
type: String,
required: true,
value: {
type: String,
required: true,
computed: {
name() {
return this.label.toLowerCase();
methods: {
onInput(event) {
this.$emit('input', event.target.value);
onChange(event) {
this.$emit('change', event.target.value);
What I don't understand is - how will the emitted events be detected by the parent App.vue component? I can't see it happens, and I can't find it in the tutorial.
My App.Vue looks like this:
<custom-input :label="'Name'" :value="name"></custom-input>
<div>{{ name }}</div>
import customInput from "./components/CustomInput.vue";
export default {
components: { customInput },
name: "App",
data: function () {
return {
name: "",
mounted() {
this.name = "Thomas";
Thanks in advance for any help :-)
This tutorial is for Vue 2 - for Vue 3 there is another tutorial (https://www.webmound.com/use-v-model-custom-components-vue-3/)
Emitting input event works in Vue 2 only - for Vue 3 you will have to emit update:modelValue and also use modelValue as a prop instead of just value.
You can do it right in your template.
<custom-input :label="'Name'" :value="name" #change='name=$event' #input='name=$event'></custom-input>
You can also use a method or computed with setter as well.

Error: "Error in v-on handler: "TypeError: this.filter is undefined"" in a list rendering in vue?

I am trying to build a component that creates filter buttons and then sends the type attribute in the filters object through the event bus to be handled elsewhere in my app. However, when I added the array of objects (filters) in the data section, I am getting an error of this.filter is not defined when I click on a button.
I would like to keep the filters array in this component because I am also trying to dynamically change the active class to whichever button has been clicked.
Am I missing something that has to do with props? Why am I unable to display the buttons when the data and v-for was on another component? These were the questions I have been asking myself in order of solving this issue.
v-for="(filter, index) in filters"
:class="{ active: index === activeItem }"
#click="emitFilter(), selectItem(index)"
{{ filter.name }}
import EventBus from '#/components/EventBus'
export default {
props: {
filter: { type: String }
data() {
return {
activeItem: 0,
filterResult: '',
filters: [
{ name: 'All', type: 'all' },
{ name: 'Holidays', type: 'holiday' },
{ name: 'Seasons', type: 'season' },
{ name: 'Events', type: 'custom' }
methods: {
emitFilter() {
this.filterResult = this.filter
EventBus.$emit('filter-catagories', this.filterResult)
selectItem(index) {
this.activeItem = index
My button component is used in a filters component
<FilterBtn />
import FilterBtn from '#/components/FilterBtn'
export default {
components: {
// data() {
// return {
// filters: [
// { name: 'All', type: 'all' },
// { name: 'Holidays', type: 'holiday' },
// { name: 'Seasons', type: 'season' },
// { name: 'Events', type: 'custom' }
// ]
// }
// }
As you can see, the commented section is where I had my filters originally, but I had to move them to the button component in order to add the active class.
I'm assuming you were actually trying to access the filter iterator of v-for="(filter, index) in filters" from within emitFilter(). For this to work, you'd need to pass the filter itself in your #click binding:
<button v-for="(filter, index) in filters"
Then, your handler could use the argument directly:
export default {
methods: {
emitFilter(filter) {
this.filterResult = filter
You are passing a prop called filter typed string to your component. When you output {{ filter.name }} you are actually referring to this property instead of the variable filter you create within the v-for loop.
Unless you passed a property called "filter" to your component, this property will be undefined. Therefore outputting filter.name will result in this error message.
Yea you dont pass an prop to your component thats why its undefined.
<FilterBtn filter="test" />
Here i pass an prop named filter with the value of test.
Sure you could pass dynamic props. Just bind it.
<FilterBtn :filter="yourData" />
I need to ask: Are you passing an object or an string?
Because you defined your prop to be a string, but you actually use it as an object
{{ filter.name }}
Maybe you should also set the type to Object.
props: {
filter: { type: Object }

Vue JS - Problem with computed property not updating

I am quite new with VueJS and I have been having trouble lately with some computed properties which do not update as I would like. I've done quite some research on Stack Overflow, Vue documentation and other ressources but i haven't found any solution yet.
The "app" is basic. I've got a parent component (Laundry) which has 3 child components (LaundryMachine). The idea is to have for each machine a button which displays its availability and updates the latter when clicked on.
In order to store the availability of all machines, I have a data in the parent component (availabilities) which is an array of booleans. Each element corresponds to a machine's availability.
When I click on the button, I know the array availibities updates correctly thanks to the console.log. However, for each machine, the computed property "available" does not update is I would want it to and I have no clue why.
Here is the code
Parent component:
<div id="machines">
import LaundryMachine from './LaundryMachine.vue';
export default {
name: 'Laundry',
components: {
'laundry-machine': LaundryMachine
data: function() {
return {
availabilities: [true, true, true]
methods: {
editAvailabilities(index) {
this.availabilities[index] = !this.availabilities[index];
Child component:
<div class="about">
<h2>{{ name }}</h2>
<img src="../assets/washing_machine.png" /><br />
<v-btn color="primary" v-on:click="changeAvailability">
{{ this.availability }}</v-btn>
export default {
name: 'LaundryMachine',
props: {
name: String,
machineNum: Number,
availableArray: Array
methods: {
changeAvailability: function(event) {
this.$emit('change-avlb', this.machineNum);
console.log('available' + this.available);
computed: {
available: function() {
return this.availableArray[this.machineNum];
availability: function() {
if (this.available) {
return 'disponible';
} else {
return 'indisponible';
Anyway, thanks in advance !
Your problem comes not from the computed properties in the children, rather from the editAvailabilities method in the parent.
The problem is this line in particular:
this.availabilities[index] = !this.availabilities[index];
As you can read here, Vue has problems tracking changes when you modify an array by index.
Instead, you should do:
this.$set(this.availabilities, index, !this.availabilities[index]);
To switch the value at that index and let Vue track that change.

Using sync modifier between Parent and Grandchildren Vue 2

Let's say I have a vue component called:
Note: All vue components has been simplified to explain what I'm trying to do.
<div class="input-group input-group-sm">
<input type="text" :value.number="setValue" class="form-control" #input="$emit('update:setValue', $event.target.value)">
<button #click="incrementCounter()" :disabled="disabled" type="button" class="btn btn-outline-bordercolor btn-number" data-type="plus">
<i class="fa fa-plus gray7"></i>
import 'font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css';
export default {
props: {
setValue: {
type: Number,
required: false,
default: 0
data() {
return {
methods: {
incrementCounter: function () {
this.setValue += 1;
Then in a parent component I do something like this:
<div class="row mb-1">
<div class="col-md-6">
Increment Value of Num A
<div class="col-md-6">
<reuseable-comp :setValue.sync="numA"></reuseable-comp>
import reusableComp from '../reusable-comp'
export default {
components: {
props: {
numA: {
type: Number,
required: false,
default: 0
data() {
return {
then lastly
<subform :numA.sync="data1" />
import subform from '../subform.vue'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
data1: 0
So, how do I sync a value between reusable-comp.vue, subform.vue, and page_layout.vue
I'm using reuseable-comp.vue is many different places. I'm using subform.vue only a couple times in page_layout.vue
And I'm trying to use this pattern several times. But I can't seem to get this to work. The above gives me an error:
Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "numA"
Okay I found a solution that worked.
In subform.vue, we change:
data() {
return {
numA_data : this.numA
So we now have reactive data to work with. Then in the template, we refer to that reactive data instead of the prop:
<reuseable-comp :setValue.sync="numA_data"></reuseable-comp>
Then finally we add a watcher to check if the reactive data gets changed, and then emit to the parent:
watch: {
numA_data: function(val) {
this.$emit('update:numA', this.numA_data);
Now all values from grandchildren to parent are synced.
Update (4/13/2018)
I made new changes to the reusable-comp.vue:
I replaced where it says 'setValue' to 'value'
I replaced where it says 'update:value' to 'input'
Everything else says the same.
Then in subform.vue:
I replaced ':setValue.sync' to 'v-model'
v-model is two way binding, so I made use of that where it needed to be. The sync between the parent-child (not child to grandchild), is still using sync modifier, only because the parent has many props to pass. I could modify this where I could group up the props as a single object, and just pass that.

