uploading app files on already existing Github repository - javascript

I made an app with Svelte Electron recently and unable to upload the app in this folder: https://github.com/daisykumar/tema-8
Is there a way I can do it? What file sizes do I need to reduce?


Electron vue app - using private repo to update app

I'm trying to use electron auto updater feature in my app. The publishing process works fine, I've configured my vue.config.js file correctly and inside a .env file I have my token stored. The problem is whith the bundled app, it will not open and will show a blank screen because to check for update it need the github token. I don't want to ship the token with the app source code and I don't have idea of how to solve this problem. Can anyone suggest me a reilable solution? I've read this old github issue but my vue electron app stop working if I obfuscate the code.

React JS not precaching all files from public folder

I'm currently learning PWA with React JS (create-react-app). I need to precache the files so it can be loaded when it's offline. But somehow all the files from public folder won't precaching so it's failed whenever I accessing my website offline.
all that status failed files was from public folder, while others like background3.jpg was imported from React src. I was told by my friend that it should be cached, but actually it didn't
As I understand it you can't modify service workers entirely freely in create-react-app without ejecting your app. Having said that there are dev libraries out there like react-app-rewired that allow to modify parts of the build process without ejecting. Currently facing a similar issue, this might help --
React (CRA) SW Cache "public" folder

Uploading a HyperApp web application to github, which files do I upload?

Hey all I have a restaurant web app I did and would like to upload it to github when I do so which files do I need to upload ? all? Do I need to do anything else such as compiling of any sort? Would this work the same with reAct projects ?
u need to upload all the files. It will be good to have a description in the read.me file which shows how to install and run the app.

Deploying react app in google cloud

I have a react project code. I want to deploy it on google cloud. I have a build directory in my project which has builds. Here is my project structure.
How can I deploy it on google cloud. Can someone please guide me. What all files from my project will I have to put there. I am very new to deploying apps online.
Will I need to just put the build folder or will I need to upload complete project there?
React apps are single page applications. Single page applications (SPA) can be hosted as a static website on google cloud storage. Here is the link for hosting a static website on GCP. Similarly, If you want to host reactJS app on AWS S3, here are the steps.
Host the index.html in the root folder of your bucket. Store your bundled react app.js file to sub folders and specify the path in index.html. You can also store other public assets in sub-folder hierarchy.

Creating basic apps with PhoneGap

I installed PhoneGap with nodejs, and I sent the create command to create a folder with the basic files needed for the first app. When I open the index.html file there is a script tag that points to a file called phonegap.js. The problem is that this does not exist in the folder, where is it? The app is running if built without that file or not?
That is my folder:
My object is to create a basic app working.
The file is created when you add a platform to your project (because its content is different for each platform)
For example, for an android project it should be in platforms/android/assets/www/phone gap.js.

