Laravel and Flutter Notifications System - javascript

I Want to Build a Web App with Mobile App in one platform. So, Both of Them will use the Same Database which is MySQL.
I want to use Laravel as backend and flutter for mobile app
Also, I want to build notifications system "when the user does something he will get pop up notification"
and that is the problem.
I searched a lot about this but I found nothing.
for Laravel, I can use Pusher and it's pretty easy.
but I didn't found anything to integrate it to flutter.
I'm beginner at flutter. But i'm good at laravel.
it's okey if there is any other method to do this

For flutter there is package called flutter_local_notifications,
also there is pusher package
so you can use these 2 together, so when a user trigger an event with API, a listener will send notification to pusher, so the other user would listen to it using pusher package.
At this moment you got the notification on your mobile using pusher package, only then you can trigger local notification using the other package instantly.


How to Receive Push Notification on website using Parse JS SDK?

I have configured push notifications on Parse-Server & in Android app. But I am not able receive push notifications in a website using Parse JS SDK. They don't provide any method to subscribe for push notifications in ther JS APIs. There Documentation (JS) only talks about subscribing to mobile devices not browsers.
The JavaScript SDK does not currently support subscribing iOS and Android devices for pushes. Take a look at the iOS, Android or REST Push guide using the platform toggle at the top.
So, I concluded that web browsers can't subscribe just by using Parse JS SDK? So, how should I subscribe & receive Push notifications on a web browser from Parse Backend?
I haven't test but If I use ServiceWorker to get subscription & subscribe user to some channel, can I use the default Parse Class Installation for saving subscription & then use that (web) Installation in Cloud Code to send Push?
Parse-Server only supports iOS and Android push notifications. It doesn't even handle web sessions conveniently. There are no Installations for web, because you don't install things for web. There are Sessions, but those don't do anything for Push.
I have tested it and got achieved desired results via following. As Jake said, for web there are no Installations in Parse. So, in order to receive push notifications on the web, you have to
Register a Service worker to get pushSubscription and hande push, click events etc.
Save pushSubscription to server. It will be used to send pushes to Web.
Integrate Push notifications on Parse-Server (FCM etc) or web-push if you want.
Send push via Client SDK or Cloud Code, it must be received.
Further, the Installation class cannot be used for web pushes.

How to receive server side events similar to Facebook notifications

I am wondering on how to implement user notifications just like facebook does on its site. At the moment I am calling a php script using angular timer which tells me if any notification is available in the database. Is there any technique that I can use to push notifications to angular code?

Receive PubNub subscribe message and insert MongoDB database

I'm trying to develop a small system with a easy architecture. In this case I have one simulator that generate random data and publish this data on PubNub. Otherwise, i have too two subscribers: one web based dashboard and MongoDB database.
At this moment, I developed the simulator and the dashboard. The next stage is receive the PubNub subscribe data and insert into MongoDB.
My issue is how I can do this remotely? What is the framework that I should use? I saw many tutorials that start MongoDB DB by terminal on local machine, remotely how this works?
Someone can give me a full explication?
Note: I use PubNub JS SDK, my dashboard was developed in HTML, CSS and JS

I want to integrate pubnub with zendesk

is it possible to integrate zendesk to pubnub? I want to create a pubnub channel for each zendesk ticket, and when I respond to a ticket with some message I want to send pubnub api request to record that message at pubnub server.
basically, I want an user interface to handle customer queries, and this chat between user and me I want to save it at pubnub servers. Any idea?
Zendesk Custom App Using PubNub
You don't need Zendesk's source code (and you can't get it anyway). The right thing to do is to create a Zendesk app by using their REST API.
Within that custom app, you use PubNub's REST API or a PubNub SDK that is compatible with whatever Zendesk offers as languages to use for add-ons (Ruby, Node, whatever they offer).
This is a cool use case (Zendesk, Desk Freshdesk, etc) with add-ons because you can do things within Zendesk that use PubNub to react to actions and trigger other things to happen or notify other agents in Zendesk.
You can also create a standalone app (web, server or mobile) that can subscribe to channels that the Zendesk is publishing to and you can go the other way around. The standalone app can publish on a channel that the Zendesk add-on is subscribed to and react to that message as required. The what to do is limitless.
And the standalone app could just be some other product/service/platform that allows you to create a custom app:, Hipchat, Slack, Flowdock, Socialcast, Jive, Yammer, Workday, Zenefits, Zuora, whatever!
Here is a Zendesk custom app example to get you started.
Since you were referencing PHP, you might be creating a server side process that will interact with your Zendesk custom app so you will need PubNub PHP SDK. But you might be able to use PubNub JavaScript SDK within the Zendesk custom app.
Let us know if you need help taking the next step here after you get familiar with how to get started with a Zendesk app.

Meteor - Facebook Graph Api

I am creating a meteor app. I successfully implemented the facebook login but now the last feature I should implement is to create a chat (involving facebook messenger) between the page(admin) and the user. It should happen through the app. Could I do that with meteor or I should use javascript. The second question, if it is not possible with meteor is how to initialize the messenger conversation, if I by using the facebook user Id which I already know from the registration. I know that there are a lot of discussions about the graph-api but I could not find anything which includes meteor.
You can utilize in app deep linking to direct a user to the messenger.
the %s represents the user-id of the user who will receive the message!
Android as well as iOS will handle these requests properly.

