Vuex map state undefined when it's called from component - javascript

So, I attempting to update some data from component every time the state in vuex not null. I set up an API routes with laravel that returns user information after they logged in.
API routes:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth:api']], function () {
Route::get('profil', 'Api\UserController#profil')->name('profile'); // will returning user info
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
token: localStorage.getItem('token') || "",
user: {}
getters: {
isAuth: state => {
return state.token != "" && state.token != null
mutations: {
SET_TOKEN(state, payload) {
state.token = payload
SET_AUTH_USER(state, payload) {
state.user = payload
So in my App.vue, in created method, I commit SET_AUTH_USER with the http response as the payload if the token was exist.
<div id="app-layout">
import SectionAdvices from "./SectionAdvices"
export default {
name: "app-layout",
components: {
created() {
if (this.$store.state.token !== (null || "")) { //check token in vuex state
.then(res => {
if (res.status === 200) {
this.$store.commit("SET_AUTH_USER",; //set $store.state.user with response
} else {
this.$store.commit("SET_AUTH_USER", null); // set with null
.catch(err => {
so far, everything works fine. every time I refresh the page, as long as there's a token in my local storage, the user object will always have the user information.
<section class="advices">
<input type="text" v-model="name">
<input type="text" v-model="email">
import { mapState, mapGetters, mapActions, mapMutations } from "vuex";
export default {
name: "section-advices",
name: null,
email: null
created() {
if(this.isAuth) { //its returning true. the codes below was executed = // gives name data with "undefined" = // it's "undefined" too
Both name and email in SectionAdvices component was set as "undefined" although in Vue Dev tools, the user object does have these values. Did I call the api in App.vue inside wrong life cycle?

Can you try to use getters to take state data? Because of lifecycles. Getters are setting first when component page rendering

I found th solution, which is:
as what #dreijntjens suggested, I added watcher in my "SectionAdvices.vue"
watch: {
// watching for store.state.user changes
user: {
handler: "fillForm", // call the method
immediate: true // this watcher will exec immediately after the comp. created
methods: {
fillForm() {
if(this.isAuth) { // this is not necessary, just want to make sure. Once isAuth === true, codes below will be executed = =
So, the real problem is, when SectionAdvices.vue created and fetching data, store.state.user still an empty object. My API calls runs after this step, which is pointless. So, it's true I need watcher, to see any changes in user state and update the local data inside its component after that.


Vue 2: Set empty class as data property

I have a scenario in Vue 2 where I am initializing API classes as data properties on my component like so:
new Vue({
el: '#my-element'
data: {
apiUrl: apiUrl,
api: new ApiClient(this.apiUrl)
API Client:
class ApiClient {
constructor(apiUrl) {
this.apiUrl = apiUrl;
async getRequest() {
// Perform GET
This works just fine, but I have scenarios where I need to use two different API clients. If a certain prop gets passed into my component, I want to initialize that data property as secondApi, as an example.
In this scenario, I see myself using the created() hook:
created() {
if (prop === true) {
this.secondApi = new SecondApiClient(this.apiUrl);
In my data : { } object though, I'm not sure how to initialize this optional secondApi property properly (in the case that the prop is not passed in). Do I just set it as an empty object at first? It will always be a class object like apiClient. Is there an empty class data type?
Yes you can follow one of the below
Approach 1:
data() {
return {
apiUrl: apiUrl,
api: null // or you can even keep it as new ApiClient(this.apiUrl) if that's the default value
props: ['certainProperty'],
created() {
if (this.certainProperty === true) { // certainProperty is a prop
this.api = new SecondApiClient(this.apiUrl);
} else this.api = new ApiClient(this.apiUrl);
Sometimes there might be a delay in receiving the props so its better to follow the below approach
Approach 2:
data() {
return {
apiUrl: apiUrl,
api: null // or you can even keep it as new ApiClient(this.apiUrl) if that's the default value
props: ['certainProperty'],
watch: {
certainProperty(newVal) {
if (newVal === true) { // certainProperty is a prop
this.api = new SecondApiClient(this.apiUrl);
} else this.api = new ApiClient(this.apiUrl);
Note: You need to pass the props from parent component like
<child-component :certainProperty="true" />

Fetch Data using Vue http based on Router params

I have searched around for an answer to this and also followed the example on the vue router documentation but am still having issues. I am trying to do an http call on initial load of a component and then also watch the router params and update the 'get' call from vue-resource.
My vue component js looks like this...
export default {
name: 'city',
components: {
data () {
return {
city: null
mounted() {
watch: {
'$route': 'fetchData'
methods: {
fetchData() {
const cityName = this.$;
this.$http.get('http://localhost:3000/cities?short=' + cityName).then(function(response){ =;
}, function(error){
I have logged out the 'cityName' in my fetchData method and it always returns the right name, but when I append that 'cityName' to the http get call it is not returning the proper data. On initial load, remains null and then each time I update the route, the data returns with the previous city selected instead of the new updated city in the route. I have tried Vue's created property in place of mounted and the same thing happens. Any ideas?
Try changing your fetchData method to the following:
fetchData() {
const cityName = this.$;
this.$http.get('http://localhost:3000/cities?short=' + cityName).then((response) => { =;
}, (error) => {
The => function notation keeps this in context of the component.

Vuex Mutation running, but component not updating until manual commit in vue dev tools

I have a vue component that I can't get to update from a computed property that is populated from a service call.
<div class="animated fadeIn">
<h1 v-if="!loading">Stats for {{}}</h1>
<h2 v-if="loading">loading {{ feedID }}</h2>
export default {
data: () => {
return {
feedID: false
computed: {
return this.$store.state.feed.currentFeed
return this.$store.state.feed.status.loading;
created: function(){
this.feedID = this.$;
var fid = this.$;
const { dispatch } = this.$store;
dispatch('feed/getFeed', {fid});
That dispatches 'feed/getFeed' from the feed module...
import { feedStatsService } from '../_services';
import { router } from '../_helpers';
export const feed = {
namespaced: true,
actions: {
getFeed({ dispatch, commit }, { fid }) {
commit('FeedRequest', {fid});
feed => {
commit('FeedSuccess', feed);
error => {
commit('FeedFailure', error);
dispatch('alert/error', error, { root: true });
mutations: {
FeedRequest(state, feed) {
state.status = {loading: true};
state.currentFeed = feed;
FeedSuccess(state, feed) {
state.currentFeed = feed;
state.status = {loading: false};
FeedFailure(state) {
state.status = {};
state.feed = null;
The feedStatsService.getFeed calls the service, which just runs a fetch and returns the results. Then commit('FeedSuccess', feed) gets called, which runs the mutation, which sets state.currentFeed=feed, and sets state.status.loading to false.
I can tell that it's stored, because the object shows up in the Vue dev tools. state.feed.currentFeed is the result from the service. But, my component doesn't change to reflect that. And there is a payload under mutations in the dev tool as well. When manually commit feed/feedSuccess in the dev tools, my component updates.
What am I missing here?
In the same way that component data properties need to be initialised, so too does your store's state. Vue cannot react to changes if it does not know about the initial data.
You appear to be missing something like...
state: {
status: { loading: true },
currentFeed: {}
Another option is to use Vue.set. See
Since a Vuex store's state is made reactive by Vue, when we mutate the state, Vue components observing the state will update automatically. This also means Vuex mutations are subject to the same reactivity caveats when working with plain Vue
Hey for all the people coming to this and not being able to find a solution. The following was what worked for me:
Declaring base state:
state: {
mainNavData: [],
Then I had my action which is calling the now fixed mutation:
actions : {
async fetchMainNavData({ commit }) {
var response = await axios.get();
commit('setMainNavData', response));
Now my mutation is calling this updateState() function which is key to it all
mutations = {
setMainNavData(state, navData) {
updateState(state, 'mainNavData', navData);
This is what the updateState function is doing which solved my issues.
const updateState = (state, key, value) => {
const newState = state;
newState[key] = value;
After adding updateState() my data reactively showed up in the frontend and I didn't have to manually commit the data in Vue tools anymore.
please note my store is in a different file, so its a little bit different.
Hope this helps others!
Sometimes updating property that are not directly in the state is the problem
directprop: "noProblem",
indirectParent: {
"test": 5 // this one has a problem but works if we clone the whole object indirectParent
but it is a temporary solution, it should help you to force update the state and discover what is the real problem.

How to write to apollo cache from within React component with out losing context of "this"

I'm having trouble trying to read from apollo cache from within a react component the mutation works and writes to my server and returns the data but when passed to my update function it seems to lose the context of this when in inMemoryCache.js
"apollo-cache-inmemory": "^1.2.5"
"react-apollo": "^2.1.4"
"apollo-boost": "^0.1.7"
TypeError: Cannot read property 'read' of undefined
at ./node_modules/apollo-cache-inmemory/lib/inMemoryCache.js.InMemoryCache.readQuery
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { graphql } from "react-apollo";
import trim from "lodash/trim";
import AuthorForm from '../components/author-form';
import ALL_AUTHORS from "../graphql/getPosts.query";
import CREATE_AUTHOR from "../graphql/createAuthor.mutation";
class CreateAuthor extends Component {
state = {
errors: false
onSubmit(event) {
const form = new FormData(;
const data = {
firstName: form.get("firstName"),
lastName: form.get("lastName")
if (!data.firstName || !data.lastName) {
return this.setState({ errors: true });
firstName: trim(data.firstName),
lastName: trim(data.lastName)
async create(variables) {
const { createAuthor } = this.props;
this.setState({ errors: false });
try {
await createAuthor({
update: (cache, data) => this.updateCache(cache, data)
} catch (e) {
this.setState({ errors: true })
updateCache({ readQuery, writeQuery }, { data: { createAuthor }, errors }) {
if (errors) {
const { allAuthors } = readQuery({
defaults: {
allAuthors: []
/*eslint-disable*/ console.log(allAuthors);
render() {
return (
<AuthorForm onSubmit={this.onSubmit.bind(this)}/>
export default graphql(CREATE_AUTHOR, { name: "createAuthor" })(CreateAuthor);
is it to do with me binding this to the onSubmit button? if so what is the proper way to attach a function to a element without losing context of this within the component and still allow apollo cache to function properly.
I was losing the context of this because I was deconstructing the first argument. this is what I settled on in the end.
It throw errors when there were no allAuthors on the ROOT_QUERY object so added it to my return statement.
this doesn't feel like an ideal way of updating the cache shouldn't default param passed to readQuery prevent the error thrown.
updateCache(cache, { data: { createAuthor }, errors }) {
if (errors || ! {
const query = ALL_AUTHORS;
const { allAuthors } = cache.readQuery({
defaults: {
allAuthors: []
const data = {
allAuthors: allAuthors.concat([createAuthor])

load json of data into vuex store and access in component

I am trying to load a JSON file of content into my vuejs app and accessing it in my components. I am able to load the json into the vuex store by creating an API:
import Vue from 'vue';
const Http = new Vue();
export function getData() {
return Http.$http.get('./app/assets/content/en_uk.json')
.then(response => Promise.resolve(
.catch(error => Promise.reject(error));
and an action
export const getSiteContent = ({commit}) => {
api.getData().then(data => {
commit('siteContent', data);
I run getSiteContent on created function of the main vue instance
export default new Vue({
el: '#root',
created() {
render: h => h('router-view')
using the vue debug tool in chrome i can see the store
export const state = {
isSearching: false,
searchQuery: '',
siteData: {},
filteredComponents: [],
hasResults: false,
activeComponent: null
gets updated with the siteData.
This is part of the json:
"global": {
"project_name": {
"text": "Project title"
"search": {
"form_placeholder": {
"text": "Search..."
"no_results": {
"text": "Sorry no results for '{0}' was found"
"search_text": {
"text": "You are searching for '{0}' and there are {1} found"
When I try and access
computed: {
mumbo () {
in my component like {{mumbo}} I get cannot read property of project_name of undefined.
I feel like this is a time issue as it doesn't fall over when I set it to return
I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong or I am missing a connection to get this to work.
As you guessed the problem here is that Vue is trying to access the contents of siteData for that computed property while the data is still loading. Although siteData is a valid object initially, trying to access fails because siteData has no field global when the data hasn't loaded yet. To prevent the error, you will have to include a check like this:
mumbo () {
return ? : 'Loading...';
To illustrate the solution, here's a simple JSFiddle based on your code.

