How to prevent event loop freeze on Nestjs? - javascript

I'm trying to create asynchronous task in NestJs. I want that after one request to some controller was made, my async task start begin your long job while loop, and then the node/nest process steel able to answer other requests of other controllers.
But when the async loop begin, all the other endpoints of Nest being freeze until de async task are done.
I already tryed to use setTimeout(), setInterval(), setIntermmediate(), queueMicrotask() and Promise.resolve()
My code:
// Async task:
private checkTime(baseTime: number, startTimeStamp: number){
const elapsedTime = - startTimeStamp
console.log(`Elapsed time: ${elapsedTime}`)
if(elapsedTime > baseTime){
console.log(`Time excced!`)
And I already try something like that:
queueMicrotask(() => this.checkTime(edge.baseTime, startedTimeStamp))
setTimeout(() => this.checkTime(edge.baseTime, startedTimeStamp), 0)

Use javascript generators
Code snippet:
function* longTask(time = 1000) {
const startTime =;
// divides the long task into smaller chunks
yield startTime;
while ( - startTime < time) {
// process(): excute a small chunk of the task
// and yields the control back to the caller
yield - startTime;
function completeLongTask(lt) {
const val =;
if (!val.done) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
function triggerTask() {
const lt = longTask();
Although the solution above works, I think you needn't use generators for your use case. See if this simpler solution works for you.
function checkTime(baseTime, startTimeStamp) {
const currentTimeStamp =;
const elapsedTime = currentTimeStamp - startTimeStamp;
console.log(`Elapsed time: ${elapsedTime}`);
if (elapsedTime > baseTime) {
console.log(`Time excced!`);
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
checkTime(baseTime, startTimeStamp);


How can I limit the call with throttle even after the window?

I want to limit the call of function not more than once in 3s.
but hope it can be invoked at first and delay all others after the wait.
My use case is, limit the sending requests and then batch all on in the waiting to third party services. but not for the first call, it's a pain to wait for the first call.
so I made a throttle with lodash like this
const maxThrottle = _.throttle(() => console.log(new Date()), 3000, { trailing: true, leading: true })
and the calls are:
console.log('start: ', new Date())
await setTimeout(100)
await setTimeout(3000)
what I expected:
start: 2022-09-04T06:58:01.099Z
start: 2022-09-04T06:58:01.099Z
2022-09-04T06:58:04.214Z // it is violating the speed of service which I want to avoid.
how can I do it with throttle? is it possible?
I can achieve the behavior with this code:
function limitSpeed(fn: () => void, wait: number) {
let calledAt: number | null
let promise: Promise<void> | null
return () => {
const timeLeft = calledAt ? wait - ( - calledAt) : 0
if (promise)
if (timeLeft <= 0) {
calledAt =
} else {
promise = setTimeout(timeLeft).then(() => {
calledAt =
promise = null
const maxThrottle = limitSpeed(() => console.log(new Date()), 3000)
console.log('start: ', new Date())
await setTimeout(100)
await setTimeout(3000)
while(true) {
await setImmediate()
start: 2022-09-04T07:22:13.621Z
It seems it is a bug of lodash. It is working perfect with underscore.
After replacement of underscore, the problem has gone.
I guess lodash doesn't handle the case of throttle after the trailing.
It will trigger immediately without wait with leading=true.
As of Sep 2022, lodash is no longer maintaining for two years. So I prefer switching to underscore if you have the same issue.

Sleep / delay inside promise.all

I am building a backend to handle pulling data from a third party API.
There are three large steps to this, which are:
Delete the existing db data (before any new data is inserted)
Get a new dataset from the API
Insert that data.
Each of these three steps must happen for a variety of datasets - i.e. clients, appointments, products etc.
To handle this, I have three Promise.all functions, and each of these are being passed individual async functions for handling the deleting, getting, and finally inserting of the data. I have this code working just for clients so far.
What I'm now trying to do is limit the API calls, as the API I am pulling data from can only accept up to 200 calls per minute. To quickly test the rate limiting functionality in code I have set it to a max of 5 api calls per 10 seconds, so I can see if it's working properly.
This is the code I have so far - note I have replaced the name of the system in the code with 'System'. I have not included all code as there's a lot of data that is being iterated through further down.
let patientsCombinedData = [];
let overallAPICallCount = 0;
let maxAPICallsPerMinute = 5;
let startTime, endTime, timeDiff, secondsElapsed;
const queryString = `UPDATE System SET ${migration_status_column} = 'In Progress' WHERE uid = '${uid}'`;
migrationDB.query(queryString, (err, res) => {
async function deleteSystemData() {
async function deleteSystemPatients() {
return (result = await migrationDB.query("DELETE FROM System_patients WHERE id_System_account = ($1) AND migration_type = ($2)", [
await Promise.all([deleteSystemPatients()]).then(() => {
startTime = new Date(); // Initialise timer before kicking off API calls
async function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function getSystemAPIData() {
async function getSystemPatients() {
endTime = new Date();
timeDiff = endTime - startTime;
timeDiff /= 1000;
secondsElapsed = Math.round(timeDiff);
if (secondsElapsed < 10) {
if (overallAPICallCount > maxAPICallsPerMinute) {
// Here I want to sleep for one second, then check again as the timer may have passed 10 seconds
} else {
// Proceed with calls
dataInstance = await axios.get(`${patientsPage}`, {
headers: {
Authorization: completeBase64String,
Accept: "application/json",
"User-Agent": "TEST_API (",
}); => {
console.log(`Count is: ${overallAPICallCount}. Seconds are: ${secondsElapsed}. URL is: ${}`);
if ( {
patientsPage =;
await getSystemPatients();
} else {
console.log("Finished Getting Clients.");
} else {
console.log(`Timer reset! Now proceed with API calls`);
startTime = new Date();
overallAPICallCount = 0;
await Promise.all([getSystemPatients()]).then((response) => {
async function insertSystemData() {
async function insertClinkoPatients() {
const SystemPatients = patientsCombinedData;
Just under where it says ' if (secondsElapsed < 10) ' is where I want to check the code every second to see if the timer has passed 10 seconds, in which case the timer and the count will be reset, so I can then start counting again over the next 10 seconds. Currently the recursive function is running so often that an error displayed related to the call stack.
I have tried to add a variety of async timer functions here but every time the function is returned it causes the parent promise to finish executing.
Hope that makes sense
I ended up using the Bottleneck library, which made it very easy to implement rate limiting.
const Bottleneck = require("bottleneck/es5");
const limiter = new Bottleneck({
minTime: 350
await limiter.schedule(() => getSystemPatients());

Why does setInterval never run, in my NodeJs code that streams an generator to file?

I have this situation in my NodeJs code, which calculates permutations (code from here), but no matter what I don't get any output from setInterval.
const { Readable } = require('stream');
const { intervalToDuration, formatDuration, format } = require('date-fns');
const { subsetPerm } = require('./permutation');
function formatLogs(counter, permStart) {
const newLocal = new Date();
const streamTime = formatDuration(intervalToDuration({
end: newLocal.getTime(),
start: permStart.getTime()
const formattedLogs = `wrote ${counter.toLocaleString()} patterns, after ${streamTime}`;
return formattedLogs;
const ONE_MINUTES_IN_MS = 1 * 60 * 1000;
let progress = 0;
let timerCallCount = 1;
let start = new Date();
const interval = setInterval(() => {
console.log(formatLogs(progress, start));
const iterStream = Readable.from(subsetPerm(Object.keys(Array.from({ length: 200 })), 5));
console.log(`Stream started on: ${format(start, 'PPPPpppp')}`)
iterStream.on('data', () => {
if (new Date().getTime() - start.getTime() >= (ONE_MINUTES_IN_MS * timerCallCount)) {
console.log(`manual timer: ${formatLogs(progress, start)}`)
if (timerCallCount >= 3) iterStream.destroy();
iterStream.on('error', err => {
iterStream.on('close', () => {
console.log(`closed: ${formatLogs(progress, start)}`);
But what I find is that it prints 'done!' (expected) and then the script seems to end, even though if I put a console.log in my on('data') callback I get data printed to the terminal. But even hours later the console.log in the setInterval never runs, as nothing ends up on file, besides the output from the on('close',...).
The output log looks like:
> node demo.js
Stream started on: Sunday, January 30th, 2022 at 5:40:50 PM GMT+00:00
manual timer: wrote 24,722,912 patterns, after 1 minute
manual timer: wrote 49,503,623 patterns, after 2 minutes
closed: wrote 49,503,624 patterns, after 2 minutes
The timers in node guide has a section called 'leaving timeouts behind' which looked relevant. But where I though using interval.ref(); told the script to not garbage collect the object until .unref() is called on the same timeout object, on second reading that's not quite right, and doesn't make a difference.
I'm running this using npm like so npm run noodle which just points to the file.
The generator is synchronous and blocks the event loop
Readable.from processes the whole generator in one go, so if the generator is synchronous and long running it blocks the event loop.
Here is the annotated code that it runs:
async function next() {
for (;;) {
try {
const { value, done } = isAsync ?
await : // our generator is not asynchronous;
if (done) {
readable.push(null); // generator not done
} else {
const res = (value &&
typeof value.then === 'function') ?
await value :
value; // not a thenable
if (res === null) {
reading = false;
} else if (readable.push(res)) { // readable.push returns false if it's been paused, or some other irrelevant cases.
continue; // we continue to the next item in the iterator
} else {
reading = false;
} catch (err) {
Here is the api for readable.push, which explains how this keeps the generator running:
Returns: true if additional chunks of data may continue to be pushed; false otherwise.
Nothing has told NodeJs not to continue pushing data, so it carries on.
Between each run of the event loop, Node.js checks if it is waiting for any asynchronous I/O or timers and shuts down cleanly if there are not any.
I raised this as a NodeJs Github Issue and ended up workshopping this solution:
cosnt yieldEvery = 1e5;
function setImmediatePromise() {
return new Promise(resolve => setImmediate(resolve));
const iterStream = Readable.from(async function* () {
let i = 0
for await (const item of baseGenerator) {
yield item;
if (i % yieldEvery === 0) await setImmediatePromise();
This is partly inspired by this blog, which goes into more detail on this issue.

How to create your own setTimeout function?

I understand how to use setTimeout function, but I can't find a way to create a function like it.
I have an example:
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);
The result is setTimeout callback never call so I think it use the same thread like every js other functions. But when it's check the time reach or not? and how it can do that?
To avoid misunderstanding I update my question.
I can't find a way to create a async function with callback after specify time (without using setTimeout and don't block entire thread). This function setTimeout seen like a miracle to me. I want to understand how it work.
Just for the game since I really don't see why you couldn't use setTimeout...
To create a non-blocking timer, without using the setTimeout/setInterval methods, you have only two ways:
event based timer
run your infinite loop in a second thread
Event based timer
One naive implementation would be to use the MessageEvent interface and polling until the time has been reached. But that's not really advice-able for long timeouts as this would force the event-loop to constantly poll new tasks, which is bad for trees.
function myTimer(cb, ms) {
const begin =;
const channel = ??= new MessageChannel();
const controller = new AbortController();
channel.port1.addEventListener("message", (evt) => {
if( - begin >= ms) {
else if( === begin) channel.port2.postMessage(begin);
}, { signal: controller.signal });
myTimer(() => console.log("world"), 2000);
myTimer(() => console.log("hello"), 100);
So instead, if available, one might want to use the Web Audio API and the AudioScheduledSourceNode, which makes great use of the high precision Audio Context's own clock:
function myTimer(cb, ms) {
if(!myTimer.ctx) myTimer.ctx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
var ctx = myTimer.ctx;
var silence = ctx.createGain();
silence.gain.value = 0;
var note = ctx.createOscillator();
note.onended = function() { cb() };
note.stop(ctx.currentTime + (ms / 1000));
myTimer(()=>console.log('world'), 2000);
myTimer(()=>console.log('hello'), 200);
Infinite loop on a different thread
Yes, using Web Workers we can run infinite loops without killing our web page:
function myTimer(cb, ms) {
var workerBlob = new Blob([mytimerworkerscript.textContent], {type: 'application/javascript'});
var url = URL.createObjectURL(workerBlob);
var worker = new Worker(url);
worker.onmessage = function() {
myTimer(()=>console.log('world'), 2000);
myTimer(()=>console.log('hello'), 200);
<script id="mytimerworkerscript" type="application/worker-script">
self.onmessage = function(evt) {
var ms =;
var now =;
while( - now < ms) {}
And for the ones who like to show off they know about the latest features not yet really available (totally not my style), a little mention of the incoming Prioritized Post Task API and its delayed tasks, which are basically a more powerful setTimeout, returning a promise, on which we can set prioritization.
(async () => {
if(globalThis.scheduler) {
const p1 = scheduler.postTask(()=>{ console.log("world"); }, { delay: 2000} );
const p2 = scheduler.postTask(()=>{ console.log("hello"); }, { delay: 1000} );
await p2;
else {
console.log("Your browser doesn't support this API yet");
The reason callback of setTimeout() is not being called is, you have while(1) in your code which acts as infinite loop. It will keep your javascript stack busy whole time and that is the reason event loop will never push callback function of setTimeout() in stack.
If you remove while(1) from your code, callback for setTimeout() should get invoked.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);
To create your own setTimeout function, you can use the following function, setMyTimeout() to do that without using setTimeout.
var foo= ()=>{
console.log(3,"Called after 3 seconds",new Date().getTime());
var setMyTimeOut = (foo,timeOut)=>{
let timer;
let currentTime = new Date().getTime();
let blah=()=>{
if (new Date().getTime() >= currentTime + timeOut) {
timer= setInterval(blah, 100);
console.log(1,new Date().getTime());
console.log(2,new Date().getTime());
Following is the implementation of custom setTimeout and setInterval, clearTimeout and clearInterval. I created them to use in sandbox environments where builtin setTimeout and setInterval doesn't work.
const setTimeouts = [];
export function customSetTimeout(cb, interval) {
const now =;
const index = setTimeouts.length;
setTimeouts[index] = () => {
setTimeouts[index].active = true;
const handleMessage = (evt) => {
if ( === index) {
if ( - now >= interval) {
window.removeEventListener('message', handleMessage);
if (setTimeouts[index].active) {
} else {
window.postMessage(index, '*');
window.addEventListener('message', handleMessage);
window.postMessage(index, '*');
return index;
export function customClearTimeout(setTimeoutId) {
if (setTimeouts[setTimeoutId]) {
setTimeouts[setTimeoutId].active = false;
const setIntervals = [];
export function customSetInterval(cb, interval) {
const intervalId = setIntervals.length;
setIntervals[intervalId] = function () {
if (setIntervals[intervalId].active) {
customSetTimeout(setIntervals[intervalId], interval);
setIntervals[intervalId].active = true;
customSetTimeout(setIntervals[intervalId], interval);
return intervalId;
export function customClearInterval(intervalId) {
if (setIntervals[intervalId]) {
setIntervals[intervalId].active = false;
Hi you can try this. ]
HOpe it will help. Thanks
function customSetTimeOut (callback, ms) {
var dt = new Date();
var i = dt.getTime();
var future = i + ms;
while( <= future) {
//do nothing - blocking
return callback();
console.log("Timeout success");

How to calculate the execution time of an async function in JavaScript?

I would like to calculate how long an async function (async/await) is taking in JavaScript.
One could do:
const asyncFunc = async function () {};
const before =;
asyncFunc().then(() => {
const after =;
console.log(after - before);
However, this does not work, because promises callbacks are run in a new microtask. I.e. between the end of asyncFunc() and the beginning of then(() => {}), any already queued microtask will be fired first, and their execution time will be taken into account.
const asyncFunc = async function () {};
const slowSyncFunc = function () {
for (let i = 1; i < 10 ** 9; i++) {}
const before =;
asyncFunc().then(() => {
const after =;
console.log(after - before);
This prints 1739 on my machine, i.e. almost 2 seconds, because it waits for slowSyncFunc() to complete, which is wrong.
Note that I do not want to modify the body of asyncFunc, as I need to instrument many async functions without the burden of modifying each of them. Otherwise I could just add a statement at the beginning and the end of asyncFunc.
Note also that the problem is not about how the performance counter is being retrieved. Using, console.time(), process.hrtime() (Node.js only) or performance (browser only) will not change the base of this problem. The problem is about the fact that promise callbacks are run in a new microtask. If you add statements like setTimeout or process.nextTick to the original example, you are modifying the problem.
Any already queued microtask will be fired first, and their execution time will be taken into account.
Yes, and there's no way around that. If you don't want to have other tasks contribute to your measurement, don't queue any. That's the only solution.
This is not a problem of promises (or async functions) or of the microtask queue specifically, it's a problem shared by all asynchronous things which run callbacks on a task queue.
The problem we have
process.nextTick(() => {/* hang 100ms */})
const asyncFunc = async () => {/* hang 10ms */}
const t0 = /* timestamp */
asyncFunc().then(() => {
const t1 = /* timestamp */
const timeUsed = t1 - t0 /* 110ms because of nextTick */
/* WANTED: timeUsed = 10ms */
A solution (idea)
const AH = require('async_hooks')
const hook = /* AH.createHook for
1. Find async scopes that asycnFunc involves ... SCOPES
(by handling 'init' hook)
2. Record time spending on these SCOPES ... RECORDS
(by handling 'before' & 'after' hook) */
asyncFunc().then(() => {
const timeUsed = /* process RECORDS */
But this wont capture the very first sync operation; i.e. Suppose asyncFunc as below, $1$ wont add to SCOPES(as it is sync op, async_hooks wont init new async scope) and then never add time record to RECORDS
/* A */
(async function asyncFunc () { /* B */
/* hang 10ms; usually for init contants etc ... $1$ */
/* from async_hooks POV, scope A === scope B) */
await /* async scope */
To record those sync ops, a simple solution is to force them to run in a new ascyn scope, by wrapping into a setTimeout. This extra stuff does take time to run, ignore it because the value is very small
/* force async_hook to 'init' new async scope */
setTimeout(() => {
const t0 = /* timestamp */
const timeUsed = /* process RECORDS */
const t1 = /* timestamp */
t1 - t0 /* ~0; note that 2 `then` callbacks will not run for now */
}, 1)
Note that the solution is to 'measure time spent on sync ops which the async function involves', the async ops e.g. timeout idle will not count, e.g.
async () => {
/* hang 10ms; count*/
await new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
/* hang 10ms; count */
}, 800/* NOT count*/)
/* hang 10ms; count*/
// measurement takes 800ms to run
// timeUsed for asynFunc is 30ms
Last, I think it maybe possible to measure async function in a way that includes both sync & async ops(e.g. 800ms can be determined) because async_hooks does provide detail of scheduling, e.g. setTimeout(f, ms), async_hooks will init an async scope of "Timeout" type, the scheduling detail, ms, can be found in resource._idleTimeout at init(,,,resource) hook
Demo(tested on nodejs v8.4.0)
// measure.js
const { writeSync } = require('fs')
const { createHook } = require('async_hooks')
class Stack {
constructor() {
this._array = []
push(x) { return this._array.push(x) }
peek() { return this._array[this._array.length - 1] }
pop() { return this._array.pop() }
get is_not_empty() { return this._array.length > 0 }
class Timer {
constructor() {
this._records = new Map/* of {start:number, end:number} */
starts(scope) {
const detail =
this._records.set(scope, {
start: this.timestamp(),
end: -1,
ends(scope) {
this._records.get(scope).end = this.timestamp()
timestamp() {
timediff(t0, t1) {
return Math.abs(t0 - t1)
report(scopes, detail) {
let tSyncOnly = 0
let tSyncAsync = 0
for (const [scope, { start, end }] of this._records)
if (scopes.has(scope))
if (~end) {
tSyncOnly += end - start
tSyncAsync += end - start
const { type, offset } = detail.get(scope)
if (type === "Timeout")
tSyncAsync += offset
writeSync(1, `async scope ${scope} \t... ${end - start}ms \n`)
return { tSyncOnly, tSyncAsync }
async function measure(asyncFn) {
const stack = new Stack
const scopes = new Set
const timer = new Timer
const detail = new Map
const hook = createHook({
init(scope, type, parent, resource) {
if (type === 'TIMERWRAP') return
detail.set(scope, {
type: type,
offset: type === 'Timeout' ? resource._idleTimeout : 0
before(scope) {
if (stack.is_not_empty) timer.ends(stack.peek())
after() {
// Force to create a new async scope by wrapping asyncFn in setTimeout,
// st sync part of asyncFn() is a async op from async_hooks POV.
// The extra async scope also take time to run which should not be count
return await new Promise(r => {
setTimeout(() => {
.then(() => hook.disable())
.then(() => r(, detail)))
}, 1)
// arrange
const hang = (ms) => {
const t0 =
while ( - t0 < ms) { }
const asyncFunc = async () => {
hang(16) // 16
try {
await new Promise(r => {
hang(16) // 16
setTimeout(() => {
hang(16) // 16
}, 100) // 100
hang(16) // 16
} catch (e) { }
hang(16) // 16
// act
process.nextTick(() => hang(100)) // 100
measure(asyncFunc).then(report => {
// inspect
const { tSyncOnly, tSyncAsync } = report
∑ Sync Ops = ${tSyncOnly}ms \t (expected=${16 * 5})
∑ Sync&Async Ops = ${tSyncAsync}ms \t (expected=${16 * 5 + 100})
}).catch(e => {
async scope 3 ... 38ms
async scope 14 ... 16ms
async scope 24 ... 0ms
async scope 17 ... 32ms
∑ Sync Ops = 86ms (expected=80)
∑ Sync&Async Ops = 187ms (expected=180)
Consider using API
var time_0 =;
var time_1 =;
console.log("Call to function took " + (time_1 - time_0) + " milliseconds.")
As is the bare-bones version of console.time , it provide more accurate timings.
you can use console.time('nameit') and console.timeEnd('nameit') check the example below.
const asyncFunc = async function () {
const slowSyncFunc = function () {
for (let i = 1; i < 10 ** 9; i++) {}
// let's slow down a bit.
asyncFunc().then((data) => {

