Using event listeners with React.useEffect - javascript

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Hi, I want to create a container so that if you click the button inside of the container, a box appears. I have added an event listener so that if you mouse out of the container, the box will no longer show. Of course, I need to also add an event listener to the button inside of the container so that hovering over the button won't hide the box if you have the box already visible.
However, I am having difficulty with this and am seeing some side effects. For example, if you as click the button to show the box, and then click it again to hide the box, then hovering over the button will show the box again, which is not the desired affect.
I believe there is something I am doing wrong using React.useEffect and not tracking state properly, but I am unsure.

When writing a useEffect that manually adds some kind of event listener, 99% of the time you must have it return a cleanup function that will remove said event listener. Otherwise you end up with dangling event listeners that haven't been cleaned up between useEffect calls.
React.useEffect(() => {
const handleButtonMouseOver = (): void => {
if (show) {
// const handleMouseOut = (): void => {
// if (show) {
// setShow(false);
// }
// };
// Save reference to this element in the scope of the function
// buttonRef.current may change between triggers
const buttonElement = buttonRef.current;
if (buttonElement) {
buttonElement.addEventListener("mouseover", handleButtonMouseOver);
// if (containerRef.current) {
// containerRef.current.addEventListener("mouseout", handleMouseOut);
// }
// Add this
return () => {
buttonElement.removeEventListener("mouseover", handleButtonMouseOver);
}, [buttonRef, containerRef, show]);


Undo .removeAtribute function

I'm looking for a solution to restore a removed attribute. I'm not an experienced programmer, so I'm not sure where to start when sharing my code, so I'll try to give some context below.
I have an image of a map that has several hidden overlays. These overlays are activated by a series of adjacent buttons.
Each of these buttons has a mouseover and mouseout event, which temporarily reveals the overlay. They also have an onclick event that permanently displays the overlay. I've used a .removeAtribute function to remove the mouseout event so that my overlay is permanent.
All other layers are still visible with the mouseover and mouseout events (so that you can make comparisons).
When I onclick another overlay button, it clears the previous one, however, now the mouseout event for the previously selected button is still inactive, so hovering over it causes the overlay to appear permanently.
How can I restore the mouseout event after I've removed it?
I have tried to use .setAttribute("onmouseout"), but I've had no luck in making that work.
Hopefully, this all makes some sense; I'll post some of my code below, which might help give further context.
function btn01On() {
function btnClear() {
<button id="btn01" class="map-button map-button1"
onclick="MM_showHideLayers('InfoCurrentExc','','show','OverlayCurrentExc','','show');btn01On();" onmouseover="MM_showHideLayers('OverlayCurrentExc','','show')" onmouseout="MM_showHideLayers('OverlayCurrentExc','','show')">
Current Excavation
Usually setting up event handlers using onevent attribute, (although oldest method for event handling) is not the recommended way, See
I recommend using EventTarget.addEventListener and EventTarget.removeEventListener for your case. Try the code below
const mouseoutHandler = function() {
MM_showHideLayers('OverlayCurrentExc', '', 'show');
const mouseOverHandler = function() {
MM_showHideLayers('OverlayCurrentExc', '', 'show');
const button01 = document.getElementById("btn01");
button01.addEventListener("mouseover", mouseOverHandler);
function btn01On() {
if (!mouseoutListener)
button01.addEventListener("mouseout", mouseoutHandler);
function btnClear() {
if (mouseoutListener) {
button01.removeEventListener("mouseout", mouseoutListener);
mouseoutListener = null;
const clickHandler = function() {
MM_showHideLayers('InfoCurrentExc', '', 'show', 'OverlayCurrentExc', '', 'show');
button01.addEventListener("click", clickHandler);
I was lucky enough to find someone who had a fix for this problem. I'll share the code below for anyone who might land here with a similar request.
I don't fully understand how this code works so if someone has a good explanation feel free to share it.
// Remove mouse outs
function btn01On() {
// keep mouse outs
const buttonIds = ["btn01"];
const mouseOuts = {};
buttonIds.forEach((id) => {
const el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el) {
mouseOuts[id] = el.getAttribute('onmouseout');
const restoreMouseOutEvent = () => {
buttonIds.forEach((id) => {
const el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el && mouseOuts[id]) {
el.setAttribute('onmouseout', mouseOuts[id]);

Force a HtmlButton to lose focus

I have a VueJS app where a HTML button is on the screen and when it's clicked it's appropriate to have "focus" but I'd like the option to remove the focus after a short delay.
if (props.defocus === "true" || props.defocus === true) {
// de-focus the button after 400ms
setTimeout(() => {
if (el.value !== null) {
}, 400);
Now I did mention that this is a VueJS project but really this is just DOM API and JS/TS. I use setTimeout to wait 400ms and I am able to call the blur() function on the button. However, this does not appear to do anything. Now I guess this could be two things:
I have successfully removed the focus on the button element according to the DOM but somehow VueJS is not picking this up and reacting to it (aka, the focus styling remains)
The call to focus() is somehow silently ignored (there are no errors)
Is there a way to inspect the focus state in developer tools? Is there something I'm missing in getting the behavior I'm looking for?
Just for the visual minded in the group, the component above is where when I click on a button and make it selected the focus state is represented by a purple outline. I want that to go away after a user has clicked it.
Trying to use the pointer to the button didn't work but instead I found that simply querying for the focus element gives me a handler where I can call blur and have it work:
if (props.defocus === "true" || props.defocus === true) {
// de-focus the button after delay
setTimeout(() => {
const e2 = document.querySelector(":focus");
if (e2 && (e2 as HTMLButtonElement).blur) {
(e2 as HTMLButtonElement).blur();
}, Number(props.defocusDelay));
This works without issue and unless someone else has a better solution I will mark this as the correct one.
Make a directive file Defocus.ts;
export default {
name: 'defocus',
priority: 700,
bind(el: any, binding: any) {
el._onClick = () => {
setTimeout(()=> {
}, 400)
el.addEventListener('click', el._onClick);
unbind(el: any) {
el.removeEventListener('click', el._onClick);
Then you import and use
import Defocus from "#/shared/directives/Defocus";
#Component ({
directives: {
Then in template:
<button v-defocus>Click Me</button>

onClick doesn't work on first click after rerender

const NavigationButtons = ({onBtnClicked, btnClass, label, route, btnAct}) => {
return (
className={`btn ${btnClass} ${btnAct}`}
onClick={() => onBtnClicked(route)}>
This is my button component, I'm giving it to another component as btns1 props
Basically, when isSigned is false, btns1 is rendered. There's really no problem here. When isSigned is true, it checks if windowPixel is true, this is changed to true by App.js as a state by measuring the current window. It works perfectly unless I click the button. Resize the window where windowPixel will be false, then on my first click, it doesn't trigger onClick. After that onClick works again.
componentDidMount() {
if (window.matchMedia(`(max-width: 990px)`).matches) {
window.addEventListener("resize", () => this.resizeWindow(window.matchMedia(`(max-width: 990px)`).matches));
This is what checks the window size for windowPixel. chatScroll, is for the panel that expands when btn1 is clicked, btnAct is just for a css that change the color of the button while the panel is expanded. For now, I've put click(), like a bandaid.
resizeWindow = (windowPixel) => {
const {chatScroll, btn1Act} = initialState;
if (windowPixel !== this.state.windowPixel) {
if (windowPixel === false) {
if (this.state.isSigned) {
this.setState({chatScroll, btn1Act});
The Reason Is Simple Brother in First Click Your Object or function or variable what ever it is , Just Initialize in first click and when you click second time it will Work as per your code.

React trouble with event.stopPropagation()

I have two components here, the first one is a table, and I have an on-click event attached to one of the <td>'s in every row that summons a little tooltip-like window:
<td onClick={ () => loadSelectorWindow(p.product_id) }>
p.selectorActive &&
The function bound to the <td> click will search through all products in state and flip a boolean on the selected product to display the tooltip.
loadSelectorWindow = (product_id) => {
this.setState({ products: p => {
if (p.product_id == product_id) {
p.variationSelectorActive = true
} else {
p.variationSelectorActive = false
return p
However, the tooltip also needs a button with a window cancel event linked to it:
// within <SelectorWindow />
<p onClick={ () => {cancelWindow(event)} }> X </p>
This function cycles through state and sets all of the display booleans to false.
cancelSelectorWindow = (event) => {
this.setState ({ products: p => {
p.variationSelectorActive = false
return p
Putting breakpoints in the code I can see that the cancel button is correctly calling the cancel function and setting the displayTooltip boolean to false, temporarily. The problem is, the loadSelectorWindow is ALSO getting fired when the cancelWindow button is clicked, and the boolean is set back to true DX.
This is why I attempted to put the event.stopPropagation call in there but obviously something is still calling it. There is no other place in my code that the loadSelectorWindow function is mentioned... Any ideas how I can stop it from getting called?
I forgot to pass event to the cancelWindow callback function. React why is your syntax so confusing sometimes...
<p onClick={ (event) => {cancelWindow(event)} }> X </p>
You have one html element nested inside the other, so if you click the inner one then you will receive onClick events for both. So that is what you are getting. You need to redesign the layout of the page so that does not happen.

Vanilla javascript Trap Focus in modal (accessibility tabbing )

This should be pretty simple but for some reason it isn't working, I'm getting the proper console.logs at the right time, but the focus isn't going to the correct place, please refer to my jsfiddle
function checkTabPress(e) {
"use strict";
// pick passed event of global event object
e = e || event;
if (e.keyCode === 9) {
if (e.shiftKey) {
console.log('back tab pressed');
console.log('last a focus left');
console.log('tab pressed');
console.log('last a focus left');
modal.addEventListener('keyup', checkTabPress);
I had to lock focus within a modal that we had used within a React component.
I added eventListner for KEY DOWN and collected Tab and Shift+Tab
class Modal extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
window.addEventListener("keyup", this.handleKeyUp, false);
window.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleKeyDown, false);
componentWillUnmount() {
window.removeEventListener("keyup", this.handleKeyUp, false);
window.removeEventListener("keydown", this.handleKeyDown, false);
handleKeyDown = (e) => {
//Fetch node list from which required elements could be grabbed as needed.
const modal = document.getElementById("modal_parent");
const tags = [...modal.querySelectorAll('select, input, textarea, button, a, li')].filter(e1 => window.getComputedStyle(e1).getPropertyValue('display') === 'block');
const focusable = modal.querySelectorAll('button, [href], input, select, textarea, li, a,[tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"])');
const firstFocusable = focusable[0];
const lastFocusable = focusable[focusable.length - 1];
if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) {
const keys = {
9: () => { //9 = TAB
if (e.shiftKey && === firstFocusable) {
if ( === lastFocusable) {
if (keys[e.keyCode]) {
One of the problems is that you are using keyup instead of keydown. The keyup will only fire after the tab has already fired. However, making that change to your code results in the keyboard being trapped on one of the links. The code is flawed.
Here is some code that does what you want (using jQuery)
// Add keyboard handling for TAB circling
$modal.on('keydown', function (e) {
var cancel = false;
if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.altKey) {
switch(e.which) {
case 27: // ESC
cancel = true;
case 9: // TAB
if (e.shiftKey) {
if ( === links[0]) {
links[links.length - 1].focus();
cancel = true;
} else {
if ( === links[links.length - 1]) {
cancel = true;
if (cancel) {
You can see a working version of this dialog here
Click the text in one of the colored boxes to see the dialog pop up.
The e.preventDefault() has no effect on the keyup event (as the default browser action has already been fired)
Despite this, your example works. But only if there are links before and after the modal
If you change your HTML code with the following, adding one link before and one link after the modal; you will see that your focus is trapped in the modal:
other link
<div id="modal">
Link One
Link Two
other link
That's because there is no default browser action in such case, and then no action to prevent.
Trapping focus within a modal is very hard to do it on your own. If you're able to install third-party dependencies in your project, you can use the focus-trap package.
You can easily trap focus to any component with vanilla Javascript;
import { createFocusTrap } from 'focus-trap'
const modal = document.getElementById('modal')
const focusTrap = createFocusTrap('#modal', {
onActivate: function () {
modal.className = 'trap is-visible'
onDeactivate: function () {
modal.className = 'trap'
document.getElementById('show').addEventListener('click', function () {
document.getElementById('hide').addEventListener('click', function () {
or even React;
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
// Use the wrapper package of `focus-trap` to use with React.
import FocusTrap from 'focus-trap-react'
const Demo = () => {
const [showModal, setShowModal] = React.useState(false)
return (
<button onClick={() => setShowModal(true)}>show modal</button>
<FocusTrap active={showModal}>
<div id="modal">
Modal with with some{' '}
focusable elements.
<button onClick={() => setShowModal(false)}>
hide modal
ReactDOM.render(<Demo />, document.getElementById('demo'))
I did a small write-up about the package here, which explains how to use it with either vanilla Javascript or React.
I thought I had solved trapping the focus on a modal by using tab, shift+tab, and arrow keys detection on keyup and keydown, focus, focusin, focusout on the first and last focusable elements inside the modal and a focus event for the window to set the focus back on the first focusable element on the form in case the focus "escaped" the modal or for situations like jumping from the address bar to the document using tab, but something weird happened. I had activated "Caret Browsing" in one of my browsers accidently, and that's when I realized all methods to trap focus failed miserably. I personally went on a rabbit whole to solve this for a modal. I tried focusin, focusout on the modal, matching focus-within pseudo classes, {capture: true} on the focus event from the modal and window, nothing worked.
This is how I solved it.
I recreated the modal to have a different structure. For the sake of simplicity, I am omitting a lot of things, like the aria attributes, classes, how to get all focusable elements, etc.
#shadow-root (closed)
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="backdrop"></div>
<div class="window>
<div tabindex="0" class="trap-focus-top"> </div>
<div class="content">
<div class="controls"><!-- Close button, whatever --></div>
<header><slot name="header"></slot></header>
<div class="body"><slot></slot></div>
<footer><slot name="footer"></slot></footer>
<div tabindex="0" class="trap-focus-bottom"> </div>
Search the contents div for focusable elements, to save the first and last one. If you find only one then that one will be first and last. If you find zero, then set the div for the body (.body) tabindex to "0" so that you have at least one element to set the focus on.
Before and after the content div we have two focusable divs, trap-focus-top and trap-focus-bottom, the first one when getting focus will jump the focus to the last focusable element detected on step one, and the second one will jump the focus to the first focusable element detected on step one. No need to capture any key events, just focus event on these elements. If you notice the non-breaking space on trap-focus elements, this is for mimicking content, because I noticed that the arrow keys went through these elements without firing any events when empty. When I realized this I added some content and everything worked, so I added a non-breaking space and styled the elements so that they do not occupy any space.
Capture all focus events from the window with the use capture flag set to true, so that every focus event whose target was different to the component (focus events inside the shadow-root wont't be captured with the actual target but the component itself) will result in the focus being set on the modal elements again.
Now there's another problem, let's say there's zero focusable elements on your modal outside of any controls, like a button to close the modal, then we set tabindex to 0 on the modal's body, your focus should go from the close button to the modal's body and vice versa, now, the caret browsing won't work on the content because the div.body will have the focus, not the actual content. This means I have to create another function that places the cursor at the beginning of the content whenever the body receives the focus.
startCursor = () => {
/* componentbody is a placeholder for the element with the actual content */
let text = componentbody.childNodes[0];
if (text) {
let range = new Range();
let selection = document.getSelection();
range.setStart(text, 0);
range.setEnd(text, 0);
componentbody.scrollTop = 0;/* In case the body has a scrollbar */
For anyone out there, this is what worked for me.

