React: How to render only visible elements - javascript

I built a component, that gets a json in props, and display it, and the user can edit it, and with a lot of functionality, and looks like this:
When the user loads a big json, the render time of the component is very slow. So, I want to render only the visible elements, instead all elements in json, so it will be faster. (As you can see, there is a scrollbar when overflow-y).
I saw there are a lot of libraries which support what I want, like react-window, or react-virtualized etc. The problem is those libraries expect to receive a list of components, like this:
and in my component, all the components are nested in each other, like json, and very complex with the functionalities.
1) Is there a library which resolve my problem?
2) Is there another solution for the slow render, besides render only the visible elements?


HTML component when placed in react doesn't follow styling

I am currently using an HTML template and am trying to return those as react components, however when I run the HTML code natively the page looks like this.
However, running the same code being returned by a react component, it is almost as if the components are only taking up half the page. Some of the elements such as the text of the name and collar have been changed but I haven't touched any of the DOM elements so I don't know why the proportions are not correctly outputted. Any advice on how I can combat this issue?
Here are some suggestions:
Check your css.
You have some styling overrides on your react side. Those styles are overriding the ones defined on the html template that you are trying to render. Look for any styling your react app is doing on list items.
Its not exactly a good idea, returning a whole html template from the react component. Since we don't know your use-case, can't give any advice on this.
Try a react component library, if you want to create a similar page using pure react components. Will be a more sensible approach.

React DIV dynamic layout algorithm to create a box-in-box view

I am trying to represent the following onto a web page. - that is a data model representation illustrating objects, attributes and child objects in a parent child hierarchy.
I was thinking to create a generic React component that would be able to store a single data object, but then also have that same object accept child instances in a sort of dynamic mechanism.
The result would be a nested-box type view, which would show all elements and nested children.
the child div, would need to have some sort of layout feature (much like the grid-layout features of popular UI frameworks (material-ui, Scemantic-ui, Zurb foundation)
at the end, The "model" would look something like this.
I dont even know where to start to build something like this. I am looking for some ideas to build a UI like this... the intention at a later stage would be to enable something like React-draggable to allow dragging of elements.
For infinite tree structure rendering purposes, you might need to look at recursion usage in React. I found some resources for you:
Basically, you need to create a function in the class which returns an instance of your class.

Correct way to hide components in React.js

Say you are passing a prop called show to a component. If the prop value is true, you should render the full component normally. If it is false, you should not display anything.
You can do this two ways.
return null in the render method of the component.
apply a CSS class containing display: none attribute to the component's DOM element.
Which ones is the correct or the preferred way?
I do not think there will be any definite answer for this question.
Each approach has its benefits and drawbacks.
With CSS you have:
it might work faster
no need to think about restoring child control states if control is shown again.
With returning null:
the total rendered DOM might be considerably smaller. This is important if you have many such components that might be hidden.
there will be no collisions in rendered html. Lets say you have tabular view. Each tab is its own complex form with many child controls. If you have some raw javascript/jquery/whatever working with their ids/classnames etc. - its quite hard to ensure each tab/form has unique ids, unless you do not render them.
From my point of view the decision will be based upon the structure of your control. If it have complex structure with many nested children and you do not have any means of restoring their states when switched on again - go with CSS, but I would say this is a short term solution for quite simple controls only. In all other cases I would go with not rendering a component.
If you think you would need to display the component again, during that page life, then I would recommend using css way, as the impact on DOM manipulation would be less in that case. In some other cases probably returning null would be more helpful.
For the most part, your two solutions are interchangeable. They both "work" fine.
I would warn against preemptive optimization in choosing which of these methods to choose. If you do need to eventually modify your code and try the other method, this is an absurdly simple swap to make and shouldn't be an obstacle. So don't worry about it until there's a reason to worry about it.
I'm the OP.
If components are hidden depending on the screen size, CSS media queries and display: none works the best if the app is pre-rendered using something like react-snap. This is because, if the pre-rendered device and the viewing device don't match, the layout would change when the app rehydrates if the component hiding logic is in JS.
Related to that, we need to be careful that even though the component is not "shown" with CSS display: none, the component is still there and if there are effects, they will still fire.

Render all possible elements or render on request

So I have an app that has a right sidebar whose visibility is toggled via a button. In that sidebar there can be one of several things [at a time] - chat, help, search. I was looking at some plain HTML from apps which have a similar feature and noticed that they have all nodes rendered, but are just hidden via CSS.
Since I need to do the same thing, I was thinking whether this would be a good idea to do with React. But then I realized that React elements have a state which when updated calls the render method. So I can use the state to store both whether the sidebar is opened, and what is inside the sidebar.
Is that the React way of doing things? Is it better to have all nodes rendered even if they are not visible, or is it better to have the nodes rendered on request via state changes?
My feeling is that only rendering what is visible would be the more standard React way, but in this case, this is mainly a performance decision. If you render everything and just toggle visibility with CSS, the first render will take longer (but the time difference may not be relevant or even noticeable). If you render only the part that's visible, React needs to do a small rerender every time the sidebar content changes. (This may also not be noticeable time.)
My recommendation would be to try both, if you want to test the performance. But I think you won't go too wrong either way.

How to preserve a component's instance while moving it to another parent component in react?

Suppose we have two sibling react components called OldContainer and NewContainer. There is a child component inside OldContainer that contains a <video> tag, and the video is currently playing.
The user can now drag the child component (with the video) and drop it in the NewContainer, and they expect the video to keep playing while it's being dragged and after being dropped.
So the video appears to stick to the mouse position, and when dragged and dropped in the new container, it animates to its new position (again, it doesn't get paused).
How would you implement this? Can we implement this in a pure way (in line with the spirit of pure functions)?
Clarification: I could have used some other element instead of a video tag for explaining this problem. A NumberEasing element would be a better example, since it would require the props and state of the component to be preserved during and after the interaction.
Update 1: Code examples obviously would be nice, but what I'm mainly looking for is just a general description of how you would approach this problem in a "functional" way. How do you keep your view code simple and easy to reason about? Who handles the drag-and-drop gesture? How do you model the data that's fed into the views?
Take a look at this library : react-reverse-portal
What is it that you want to preserve? Is it Javascript objects that the component holds as state, or is it state in the DOM (like how long a video has played, or text selection in an input box)?
If it's just Javascript objects as state, you're better of moving the source of that state to another service (something like Flux). That way, it doesn't matter if the component gets recreated because it can be recreated with the state that was there before.
The way to keep your view code simple and easy to reason about is to not keep state inside your components. Instead, all data that the component needs should be passed into the component as props. That way, the component is "pure" in that it renders the same output given the same props. That also makes the problem of wanting to reuse a component instance a non-issue, since it doesn't matter when the same input gives the same output.
For drag and drop, I'd suggest looking at:
How you model the data you pass to view components is up to you and the needs of your application. The components shouldn't care, they should just expect to get data passed as props, and to render them. But the popular approach to dealing with this is of course Flux, and there are many libraries that implements Flux in different ways.
Regarding if you have a subtree with hundreds of components that you want to move: I'd still start off by making the state external (pure components), and render that tree in a new place. That means that React will probably recreate that entire subtree, which is fine. I wouldn't deviate from that path unless the performance of it turned out to be horrible (just guessing that it might be horrible isn't enough).
If the performance turned out to be horrible, I would wrap that entire subtree in a component that caches the actual DOM tree and reuses it (if it gets passed the same props). But you should only do this when absolutely needed, since it goes against what React tries to do for you.
About gestures: I'd start out with listening to gesture events in componentDidMount, and in the event callback call setState on the component with the coordinates it should have. And then render the component in render with the coordinates given. React won't recreate the component when you call setState but it will re-render it (and diff the output). If the only thing you changed was the coordinates, it should render fast enough.
If that turns out to be too slow, like if the subtree of that component is huge and it becomes a bottleneck to recreate the subtree of vDOM, I'd reposition the DOM node directly in a RAF-loop outside of Reacts control. And I'd also put a huge comment on why that was needed, because it might seem wierd for some other developer later.
Create a new variable using const or var. Put the instance of data using rest spread operator, update the necessary data to pass and send the data to the component without mutating the state of component.
Just like:
const data = {
new_data : 'abc'

