How can I make a button appear on scroll just using 'plain' html, CSS and Javascript - javascript

I've tried to accomplish this, (since I am a noob at coding...) with a concept I found online... it didn't work out very well, and offline the scroll padding and "Sign In' button appears for a second than disappears...
To view web:
Click Here
if someone can please send me a simple code including: Html, (Css,) JavaScript, (no Jquery) of how to accomplish the same idea (of the button) on that site...
Thank You!

You want to listen for window scroll events and check to see if the main button is visible. You can do this by checking it's position inside the window using Element.getBoundingClientRect();
The bottom property tells you how many pixels the bottom of the element is from the top of the screen. If the number is below zero, it means the bottom of the element is off the top of the screen.
At that point, just toggle the hidden button into view. In my demo, I did this by adding a CSS class to that button.
If the user scrolls up and the main button is visible again, you can hide the side button by removing the class you previously added to it.
JS Fiddle Demo Here

Using scroll event with getBoundingClientRect may decrease performance
You can use intersection observer for checking an element enter in viewport


Bootstrap 4 - how does automatic Popover re-positioning work?

I like letting my popovers stay open until the user explicitly closes them.
One of the nice features of the new Bootstrap Popovers is that they automatically re-position when the user changes device orientation, scroll or resize the window. They even follow along as the content re-flows - e.g. as a paragraph is wrapped and the element grows or shrinks in length while you resize the window - all the popovers on the screen will keep re-positioning to be near their target.
How does the Popover plugin know that the page is being re-flowed so that it triggers the popover re-positioning?
My webapp is dynamic, user actions cause elements to grow/shrink, toggle on/off, etc. At the moment, when I change the page via code, the popovers get left behind - they don't get re-positioned near their target.
One workaround to this, as a user, is to just scroll the screen a little bit and Bootstrap will re-position the popovers and everything looks right again.
I'm trying to figure out a way to re-position the popovers when I change the page layout via code.
Hence the question: how does Popover re-positioning work (and can I hook into it so I can trigger it automatically).
EDIT: I've just noticed that the popovers will re-position just fine if the "dynamic" content happens to be the Bootstrap navbar collapsing/expanding because of a tap on the navbar-toggler.
There's two parts to this question.
How does popper.js know when to update the popovers?
How does the popover change position?
Answering these backwards:
2: How does the popover change position?
You need the update method of the popover:
I've done a quick demo here:
First, click the green button to open the popover. Then use button 2 to move the popover toggle. Now the toggle and the popover no longer line up. So finally use button 3 to reposition the popover by its toggle.
The docs for this are tucked under the popover methods section here:
If you wanted to update every popover on your page and not just a specific one, then you could do:
How does popper.js know when to update the popovers?
Popper will be subscribing to events like window.scroll and window.resize. You can see this in a bit of their source code:
The update method won't be called immediately in that event handler - there'll be something that gets passed back to the Boostrap widget, which in turn will call the popover update method.
I am fairly sure Popper & the Popover widget will not be looking at the position of the individual toggles. This is partly because unless the toggles are positioned, their left/top properties will always be 'auto' so it will be hard to work out if they are moving. Or to put it another way, when the window scrolls, the toggle has not moved within the document, but the popover (which is absolutely positioned) needs updating. So this is a bit of a broad brush - they are looking out for the entire window changing, assuming the popovers are out of position, then triggering more events to update them.
If anyone knows more about this, though, please tell me in the comments!
You have a bit of an advantage in that you know when you change your UI, so you can call 'update' on all the Popovers at will. This to me seems like the ideal approach.
However, if your toggles are absolutely positioned, you could do this a bit more automatically by watching their position. Here's an example with an absolutely-positioned toggle and in this example, the popover moves automatically without the third button click.
I don't know how the logic work behind that because on Bootstrap we use Popper.js to handle that so if you want to understand the logic behind that you can browser this :

jQuery scroll to top freezing if called mid-scroll

I have some code using jQuery's scrollTop(0) method which is not working correctly on Chrome (Version 56.0.2924.87).
My code sets a 2 second timeout which does the following:
Scrolls to the top of the screen.
Un-hides a div which has 100% width and height and requests the user to complete some action.
Appends a class to the html tag which sets overflow: hidden.
Once users completes the action it will remove the class and hide the div so they can continue scrolling.
This is working relibaly on Firefox.
On Chrome, if the 2 second timeout executes while the user is not scrolling, then it works as expected. However, if the 2 second timeout is called while the user is in the middle of scrolling, it seems to freeze.
I have created this Plunker containing all the code. The issue does not occur if you test within the in-line demo window, you need to click on the Preview in a Separate Window (blue button top right inside the code demo).
In my demo, this is what happens if the timeout runs while I am not actively scrolling:
And this is what happens if the timeout is executed while I am scrolling down (mid-scroll):
How can I make this work reliably on Chrome even if the user is currently scrolling on the page?
Why you can not see the div when is display. When the event is called in the middle of the scrolling the scroll bar hidden and the div apper at the top of your page, but your viewport is not at the top position. If you set the div CSS position property to fixed it will work, css position. the fixed value of the position property is relative to the viewport.
So the problem is not on your jquery code.
code here
And check this:
Scrolls to the top of the screen.
Once users complete the action it will remove the class and hide the div so they can continue scrolling.
I think it will be best if they can continue at the position the wear before.
What about if you add stop(). before the .scrollTop(0)?
I am not an expert, but may be worth a shot.
Hope it helps.

Member action popup

So I wanted to do for my company's webpage, a thing where are links that belong to people, to make it when you click, you have a little menu where you can choose to send him a message or view his profile..
Before click:
After click:
I tryed to search for it, couldn't find anything of much valuable.. Maybe someone can help me out.
If you're looking for an easy way to do it, I recommend using jQuery ( with one of the popup plugins ( It's easy to install, and most of them have a working demo for you to test out before download.
Otherwise, coding a popup window with pure JS takes time.
This general method is to:
Create a hidden div
Position: absolute and play with the z-index so your div will be on top of all other elements.
Set the position to where you clicked, or somewhere around the area of the target.
Take into account the width and height of the window/screen. (i.e. No poing in showing a div that'll appear off screen).
Fill it in with information you need.
Make it appear.
The way I've done things like that in the past is to have a hidden absolute or fixed DIV layer that houses that message menu. Then have a click trigger make that div layer visible and positioned at the current mouse coordinates.
There should be a lot of articles on google telling you how to do the various stages of all those steps.

Detect when multiple elements are at top of browser screen

Here is the setup, I have multiple divs on a page which are full widths and have blocks of color. The number of divs can vary from page to page. Each div with have a class associated to it (light or dark) and I have a logo pinned to the top of the browser window.
What I am trying to accomplish is this. I want to detect when each on of these div (with a common class) reach the top of the browser window. I then want to see if it has a light or dark class (only this div that just reached the top.) and then change the logo on the page depending on that value.
The closest thing I have come across is some onscreen jquery plugins that will add an :onscreen value to the current div that is on the screen. This would be great if I could only add this onscreen attribute when it reaches the top rather than just into view.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how one might accomplish this?
// jsfiddle example
Funny, I was just looking at a library that does this very thing:
You can add listeners to your elements that will fire off when your element hits the top of the viewport:
$('#myDiv').waypoint(function() {
var color = $(this).css('background-color');
$('img.logo').attr('src', 'logo.png');
For an amazing demo of it in use:
I completely agree with Chris Hardie that Waypoints is the way to go. I built a simple example based on your description.
Here is the fiddle, I've used my own, because I've started before you posted your fiddle, but the idea is pretty the same.
I have a position of a logo element, and when scroll happens I check whether one of the desired blocks intersects logo block. On success a class from a custom data-trigger-class attribute is assigned to a logo element.

How to create modal dialog/pop up without title bar using javascript

Want to know How to create modal dialog/pop up without title bar using javascript which will work on both IE and FF.
You're going to have to make a div that sits--absolutely positioned--in the middle of the viewport (or wherever you want it) above all the other elements--using z-index. This is where your content goes. Now, I recommend a film to go behind it, but above everything else--again using z-index. Then place a handler on that film that places focus back on the "modal" div. Also, you might want to place a focus handler all the other elements (not the "modal" div), using event delegation, that places focus back on your "modal" div--just to be sure.
You also might want to look at how jQuery UI does it. You'd only need to remove the title bar from. In fact, you probably could just use that one and mess with the CSS to hide the title bar.
I do this with two divs. I lay one div over the whole screen and make it semi-transparent, then I lay my "popup" div in the center of the screen with a higher z-index. The popup div can then contain whatever content you want.

