replace \r\n with < br /> as text - javascript

Trying for 2 hours to replace \r\n with < br/> but it seems to be impossible.
I don't know what i'm doing! Please help!
const text = '"Hello!\r\n\r\nThis is a dog!'
const checkText = str=> {
const match = /\r|\n/.exec(text);
if (match) {
//return str.replace(/(?:\\[rn]|[\r\n]+)+/g, '<br/>');
return str.replace('/r/n', '<br/>');
return str;

Just do this:
text.replace(/\r\n/g, '<br/>');

Covering all the possible new line character combinations.
String tmp = s.replaceAll("\r\n", "<br>"); // Windows
tmp = tmp.replaceAll("\r", "<br>"); // Old MAC
return tmp.replaceAll("\n", "<br>"); // Linux / UNIX

You may try:
(text+ '').replace(/([^>\r\n]?)(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, '$1<br/>$2');

There are multiple things wrong with your code:
String.prototype.replace only replaces the first occurrence of a string. You need to use a regex argument with the /g flag to replace all occurrences.
Escapes use a backslash, not a forward slash: Use \r\n, not /r/n.
checkText returns a string, but your call-site doesn't do anything with the returned string - it's just dropped. Strings are immutable in JavaScript.
I don't recommend using strings to hold HTML because it can (very easily) cause HTML-injection (including <script>-injection) attacks.
Instead, do one of the following:
Use String.prototype.split and HTML-encode each string in the array and join with "<br />".
Add the string directly to the document with .textContent (don't use innerText anymore) and give the parent element the CSS style whitespace: pre-wrap;.


Uppercase for each new word swedish characters and html markup

I was pointed out to this post, which does not seem to follow the criteria I have:
Replace a Regex capture group with uppercase in Javascript
I am trying to make a regex that will:
format a string by adding uppercase for the first letter of each word and lower case for the rest of the characters
ignore HTML markup
Accept swedish characters (åäöÅÄÖ)
Say I've got this string:
<b>app</b>le store östersund
Then I want it to be (changes marked by uppercase characters)
<b>App</b>le Store Östersund
I've been playing around with it and the closest I've got is the following:
Resulted in
<b>app</b>le Store Östersund
Or this
Resulted in
<B>App</B>Le store Östersund
Here's a fiddle:
Any help or advice is much appreciated.
It is not possible to do this with regexp alone, since regexp doesn't understand HTML structure. [*] Instead, we need to process each text node, and carry through our logic for what is the beginning of the word in case a word continues across different text nodes. A character is at start of the word if it is preceded by a whitespace, or if it is at the start of the string and it is either the first text node, or the previous text node ended in whitespace.
function htmlToTitlecase(html, letters) {
let div = document.createElement('div');
let re = new RegExp("(^|\\s)([" + letters + "])", "gi");
div.innerHTML = html;
let treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(div, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT);
let startOfWord = true;
while (treeWalker.nextNode()) {
let node = treeWalker.currentNode; =, function(match, space, letter) {
if (space || startOfWord) {
return space + letter.toUpperCase();
} else {
return match;
startOfWord =\s$/);
return div.innerHTML;
console.log(htmlToTitlecase("<b>app</b>le store östersund", "a-zåäö"));
// <b>App</b>le Store Östersund
[*] Maybe possible, but even if so, it would be horribly ugly, since it would need to cover an awful amount of corner cases. Also might need a stronger RegExp engine than JavaScript's, like Ruby's or Perl's.
Even if just specifying really simple html tags? The only ones I am actually in need of covering is <b> and </b> at the moment.
This was not specified in the question. The solution is general enough to work for any markup (including simple tags). But...
function simpleHtmlToTitlecaseSwedish(html) {
return html.replace(/(^|\s)(<\/?b>|)([a-zåäö])/gi, function(match, space, tag, letter) {
return space + tag + letter.toUpperCase();
console.log(simpleHtmlToTitlecaseSwedish("<b>app</b>le store östersund", "a-zåäö"));
I have a solution which use almost only regex. It may be not the most intuitive way to do it, but it should be effective and I find it funny :)
You have to append at the end of your string every lowercase character followed by their uppercase counterpart, like this (it must also be preceded by a space for my regex) :
(I don't know which letters are missing, I know nothing about swedish alphabet, sorry... I'm counting on you to correct that !)
Then you can use the following regex :
Replace by :
Test it here
Here is a working javascript code :
// Initialization
var regex = /(?![^<]*>)(\s<[^/]*?>|\s|^)([\wåäö])(?=.*\2(.)\S*$)|[\wåÅäÄöÖ]+$/g;
var string = "test <b when=\"2>1\">ap<i>p</i></b>le store östersund";
// Processing
result = string + " aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZåÅäÄöÖ";
result = result.replace(regex, "$1$3");
// Display result
Edit : I forgot to handle first word of the string, it's corrected :)

extracting middle OR final part of a string

I want to extract only the first fontname out of a URL-string from the Google Webfont Directory. Here are some examples of possible strings and what part should be returned: // "Raleway" // "Caesar Dressing",400 // "Raleway"|Fondamento // "Raleway"|Raleway:300,400|Fondamento // "Caesar Dressing"
So sometimes it's just one fontname, sometimes it has a weight indicated by a colon (:) and sometimes there are more fontnames divided by a pipe (|).
I have tried /family=(\S*)[:|]/ but it only matches the strings with :or |. I could do it like this, but it's not a nice solution:
var fontUrl = "|Raleway:300,400|Fondamento";
var fontName = /family=(\S*)/.exec(fontUrl)[1].replace(/\+/, " ");
if (fontName.indexOf(':') != -1){
fontName = fontName.split(':')[0];
if (fontName.indexOf('|') != -1){
fontName = fontName.split('|')[0];
Is there a nice regex solution to this?
Instead of matching the character that (might) follow the string you want, match only the string you want except those characters:
Alternatively, you'd use a lookahead like this:
That should be better:
Of course for the + case, you'll have to replace it afterwards (or before maybe).
You can use (choose the i and m modifier in all case):
or more simply
or to avoid matching the + char:
but it is an easyer way to use the second solution, and to replace the + chars with a space after.
try this:
No regex is required in this case, unless you are good with regex's or test them thoroughly then you are likely to make mistakes.
var fontUrls = [];
function getFirstFont(url) {
return url.split("=")[1].split("|")[0].split(":")[0];
fontUrls.forEach(function (fontUrl) {
on jsfiddle

javascript - replace dash (hyphen) with a space

I have been looking for this for a while, and while I have found many responses for changing a space into a dash (hyphen), I haven't found any that go the other direction.
Initially I have:
var str = "This-is-a-news-item-";
I try to replace it with:
str.replace("-", ' ');
And simply display the result:
Right now, it doesn't do anything, so I'm not sure where to turn. I tried reversing some of the existing ones that replace the space with the dash, and that doesn't work either.
Thanks for the help.
This fixes it:
let str = "This-is-a-news-item-";
str = str.replace(/-/g, ' ');
There were two problems with your code:
First, String.replace() doesn’t change the string itself, it returns a changed string.
Second, if you pass a string to the replace function, it will only replace the first instance it encounters. That’s why I passed a regular expression with the g flag, for 'global', so that all instances will be replaced.
replace() returns an new string, and the original string is not modified. You need to do
str = str.replace(/-/g, ' ');
I think the problem you are facing is almost this: -
str = str.replace("-", ' ');
You need to re-assign the result of the replacement to str, to see the reflected change.
From MSDN Javascript reference: -
The result of the replace method is a copy of stringObj after the
specified replacements have been made.
To replace all the -, you would need to use /g modifier with a regex parameter: -
str = str.replace(/-/g, ' ');
var str = "This-is-a-news-item-";
while (str.contains("-")) {
str = str.replace("-", ' ');
I found that one use of str.replace() would only replace the first hyphen, so I looped thru while the input string still contained any hyphens, and replaced them all.
In addition to the answers already given you probably want to replace all the occurrences. To do this you will need a regular expression as follows :
str = str.replace(/-/g, ' '); // Replace all '-' with ' '
Use replaceAll() in combo with trim() may meet your needs.
const str = '-This-is-a-news-item-';
console.log(str.replaceAll('-', ' ').trim());
Imagine you end up with double dashes, and want to replace them with a single character and not doubles of the replace character. You can just use array split and array filter and array join.
var str = "This-is---a--news-----item----";
Then to replace all dashes with single spaces, you could do this:
var newStr = str.split('-').filter(function(item) {
item = item ? item.replace(/-/g, ''): item
return item;
}).join(' ');
Now if the string contains double dashes, like '----' then array split will produce an element with 3 dashes in it (because it split on the first dash). So by using this line:
item = item ? item.replace(/-/g, ''): item
The filter method removes those extra dashes so the element will be ignored on the filter iteration. The above line also accounts for if item is already an empty element so it doesn't crash on item.replace.
Then when your string join runs on the filtered elements, you end up with this output:
"This is a news item"
Now if you were using something like knockout.js where you can have computer observables. You could create a computed observable to always calculate "newStr" when "str" changes so you'd always have a version of the string with no dashes even if you change the value of the original input string. Basically they are bound together. I'm sure other JS frameworks can do similar things.
if its array like
arr = ["This-is-one","This-is-two","This-is-three"];
arr.forEach((sing,index) => {
arr[index] = sing.split("-").join(" ")
Output will be
['This is one', 'This is two', 'This is three']

Javascript textarea flatten string

var newString = someString.replace(/\n/, '#');
Works great, when i do an alert;
It appears as this:
I wish for it to display:
This is screwing up my other coding!
Can anyone help?
Some OS have \r\n for newlines. So, add an optional carriage return character to the RegExp. Also, add a global flag to your RegExp if you want to replace all occurrences:
var newString = someString.replace(/\r?\n/g, '#');
Try using...
var newString = someString.replace(/\n\r?/g, '#'))
someString.replace(/[\r\n]+/, '#');
If you are trying to prepend # to each line you might want this:
someString.replace(/^/gm, "#")
I would recommmend the following
function flatString(s) {
// remove line separators (windows and linux) and trim multiple spaces
s = s.replace(/\r\n/g, ' ')
.replace(/\r/g, ' ')
.replace(/\n/g, ' ')
.replace(/[ ]+/g, ' ')
return s;
You first delete the Windows line ends (\r\n are always together), then you remove the single characters (for linux line ends).
At this point, you flatted the string. However, depending on how many newline characters you had, you may end up with many spaces. So we try to convert all n-spaces to single spaces, and lastly do a trim so we get the shortest string as possible.
NOTE: this can be further optimized to try to run the most regex possibilities in a single execution, but it makes the cut at least.

How to replace multiple strings with replace() in Javascript

I'm guessing this is a simple problem, but I'm just learning...
I have this:
var location = (jQuery.url.attr("host"))+(jQuery.url.attr("path"));
locationClean = location.replace('/',' ');
locationArray = locationClean.split(" ");
And here is what I am getting in Firebug: discussed/the-ideas-behind-my-redesign
["", "discussed/the-ideas-behind-my-redesign"]
So for some reason, the replace is only happening once? Do I need to use Regex instead with "/g" to make it repeat? And if so, how would I specifiy a '/' in Regex? (I understand very little of how to use Regex).
Thanks all.
Use a pattern instead of a string, which you can use with the "global" modifier
locationClean = location.replace(/\//g,' ');
The replace method only replaces the first occurance when you use a string as the first parameter. You have to use a regular expression to replace all occurances:
locationClean = location.replace(/\//g,' ');
(As the slash characters are used to delimit the regular expression literal, you need to escape the slash inside the excpression with a backslash.)
Still, why are you not just splitting on the '/' character instead?
You could directly split using the / character as the separator:
var loc = + location.pathname, // loc variable used for tesing
locationArray = loc.split("/");
This can be fixed from your javascript.
findstring: Required. Specifies a string value to find. To perform a global search add a 'g' flag to this parameter and to perform a case-insensitive search add an 'i' flag.
newstring: Required. Specifies the string to replace the found value from findstring
Here's what ur code shud look like:
locationClean = location.replace(new RegExp('/','g'),' ');
locationArray = locationClean.split(" ");

