react render data array map - javascript

I have facing an issue in react js, i use array map function to render data on component but they show last value of data.
react component
if (
{{ full_name }, i) => (
name = (
<p key={i}>{[i].full_name }</p>
return (
<div className="row">
show all values of data but they show last value
names data
smith //they show last value
what should i change in my code?
anyone help me?

Try this :
const names = > 0 && => <p key={name}>{name}</p>);
return (
<div className="row">

edited based on comment feedback below
const names = => (
<p key={item}>{item.full_name }</p>
const names ={full_name}) => (
<p key={full_name}>{full_name}</p>
here's a sandbox example


in react when I remove a dynamic input, the input does not show the right value on the browser

I'm new in React and i'm learning to use it with hooks.
I tried to put dynamics inputs which works so far but I have a display problem.
If I delete the last input, no problem but if I delete others inputs than the last one then the correct values does not show on the browser.
For example I add 2 inputs.
first one titled "one" and second titled "two".
If I delete "one", the remain input on screen shows "one" or it should show "two".
However, in the array where I collect the inputs infos, there is the correct remaining input.
(see screenshot).
How can I do to show the correct title in the input on the browser ?
const [titleSelected, setTitleSelected] = useState(true);
const [questionType, setQuestionType] = useState([]);
const [questionsTitle, setQuestionsTitle] = useState([]);
{questionType ? (, index) => {
return (
<div key={index} className="questions">
<div className={questions === "texte" ? "orange" : "red"}>
<span>{questions === "texte" ? "1" : "2"}</span>
<img src={Minus} alt="" />
src={questions === "texte" ? FileWhite : StarWhite}
placeholder="Ecrivez votre question"
onChange={(event) => {
let tab = [...questionsTitle];
// si index de l'objet existe on update index de l'objet par index sinon on push le nouvel objet
let tabIndex = tab.findIndex(
(element) => element.index === index
if (tabIndex !== -1) {
tab[tabIndex].type = questionType[index];
tab[tabIndex].title =;
} else {
index: index,
type: questionType[index],
<img src={ChevronUp} alt="move up" />
<img src={ChevronDown} alt="move down" />
alt="delete question"
onClick={() => {
let tab = [...questionType];
tab.splice(index, 1);
let tabTitle = [...questionsTitle];
tabTitle.splice(index, 1);
) : (
<div className="questionType">
onClick={() => {
let tab = [...questionType];
<img src={File} alt="" />
<p>Ajouter une question "Texte"</p>
onClick={() => {
let tab = [...questionType];
<img src={Star} alt="" />
<p>Ajouter une question "Note"</p>
You are mutating the array you are mapping so don't use the array index as the react key. If you remove the ith element all the elements shift up, but the keys remain unchanged and react bails on rerendering.
Lists & Keys, index) => (
<div key={index} className="questions">
The array index as a React key doesn't "stick" to the element object it "identifies".
You've also some state object mutation occurring.
tab[tabIndex].type = questionType[index];
tab[tabIndex].title =;
This is masked by the shallow copy let tab = [...questionsTitle];.
Select a react key that is unique among siblings and related to the elements, like an id.
Since you enclose the index when adding new elements to the array I think you can resolve the key issue by simply using the saved index., index) => (
<div key={questionsTitle[index].index} className="questions">
This may be a little confusing so I suggest changing the property to id., index) => (
<div key={questionsTitle[index].id} className="questions">
onChange={event => {
id: index,
type: questionType[index],
A further suggestion is to avoid using the array index at all. The following code can quickly get out of sync when the array index being mapped doesn't align to the saved index in the element.
let tabIndex = tab.findIndex(element => element.index === index);
Generate id's for your elements and use that to determine if elements should be updated or appended. When updating make sure to shallow copy the array and then also shallow copy the element object being updated.

How to separate items from array?

I'm making weather app for 7 days and I need to create abillity for users to open some of days to see more information about weather of current day. So, it means that every item choosen by user has to contain unique id (i don't know could I use in this situation index instead of id) to show information only about some of day. So before this I had some code:
const DailyWeatherData = ({dailyData, isLoading}) => {
const getWeatherStatistic = (value0,value1) => {
if(dailyData && Array.isArray(dailyData.daily)){
return (
<div className="col-lg-3 box-daily-weather">
<NavLink to={'/WeatherDayStat'}>
<div className="temp-day">{Math.ceil(dailyData.daily[value0]}°C</div>
<div className="feels-like">Feels like: {Math.ceil(dailyData.daily[value0]}°C</div>
<div className="daily-weather-condition">Conditions: {dailyData.daily[value0] => e.main)}</div>
}else {
return isLoading === true ? <Preloader /> : null
const setDay = (param) => {
return checkCod ? null : setCurrentDate(new Date(),param)
return (
<div className="daily-weather-container">
{checkCod ? null : <div className="daily-title">Daily Weather</div>}
<div className='row scrolling-wrapper justify-content-center'>
export default DailyWeatherData
In function getWeatherStatistic you can see 2 arguments, value0 - doesn't matter here, value1 - using to show only 1st-6 object, because array which i have got from ajax request contains more days(10) but I need to show only 6 of them. And most importantly, each of them is separate. Logically I'd use map, but It shows all items, so I can use slice but it also shows 6 items in 1 column.
The next problem, this array has not contain parameter like ID, that's why I can't add to NavLink id. If there were ID, I would make something like that => <NavLink to={'/WeatherDayStat' +}>)
Also, just in case, add the state code (daily - array which I need):
So I have 2 questions:
How to show only 6 days from array?
How to add unique ID to every Item from array?
Making something like this:
//making new array with data I need
let sliceDailyData = dailyData.daily ? dailyData.daily.slice(1,7) : null
//using map with new array
{sliceDailyData ? => <div key={i.dt} className="col-lg-3 box-daily-weather">
{getCurrentDate(new Date())}
<NavLink to={'/WeatherDayStat'}>
<div className="temp-day">{Math.ceil(}°C</div>
<div className="feels-like">Feels like: {Math.ceil(} °C</div>
<div className="daily-weather-condition">Conditions: { => i.main)} </div>
): null}
Speaking about ID, I have created variable which generte id and push it to array.
You can store your dailyData.daily array in an object and then retrieve it with key, you can use something simple but SEO friendly like obj['day'+(dailyData.daily.indexOf(d)+1)]

React - Split on string not having any effect

I am trying to split a given text at each \n in order to put them on individual lines.
The problem is, in React, I am using the following code:
const details = property.details !== undefined
? property.details.split("\n").map((item, i) => {
return <p key={i}>{item}</p>;
: "";
but there is no splitting made whatsoever. The returned array is simply the whole string. I tried the same string in the console of the browser and it works there.
Also, the typeof property.details is string.
What am I missing?
My render function for this component is:
render() {
const property =;
const details =
property.details !== undefined
? property.details.split(/\r?\n/).map((item, i) => {
return <p key={i}>{item}</p>;
: "";
return (
{this.state.isLoading ? (
<div className="sweet-loading" style={{ marginTop: "120px" }}>
) : (
<div className="container p-4" style={{ marginTop: "4rem" }}>
<div className="row align-items-center">
<div className="row display-inline p-3">
<h5 className="fontw-300">{}</h5>
<h1 className="mt-5 price-font-presentation">
{property.sale_type} -{" "}
<strong>{property.price.toLocaleString()} EUR</strong>
{ => (
<img key={} src={image.image} />
<div className="row p-3">
<h3 className="border-bottom">Detalii</h3>
Maybe I should mention that the information is taken with a django_rest api. Maybe there is a problem with returning \n in a string from there.
It might happen because client OS uses different symbols for new lines. Try this, it's multi-platform:
const details = property.details !== undefined
? property.details.split(/\r?\n/)
: [];
typeof property.details is string because it's string. calling split on property.details returns array, but string remains to be string.
From your updated code sample I can see that you are basically rendering details, which results in array transforming to string back again but without line seperators.
Maybe you have to map it to paragraphs for example:
<h3 className="border-bottom">Detalii</h3>
{ => <p>{detail}</p>)}
Also, try white-space: pre; css property as alternative
Have you tried this version:
const details = property.details !== undefined
? property.details.split('\r\n').map((item, i) =>
<p key={i}>{item}</p>;
: '';
(It's the extra \r)

How to add a <br> tag in reactjs between two strings?

I am using react. I want to add a line break <br> between strings
'No results' and 'Please try another search term.'.
I have tried 'No results.<br>Please try another search term.'
but it does not work, I need to add the <br> in the html.
Any ideas how to solve it?
render() {
let data =;
let isLoading = this.props.isLoading;
let isDataEmpty = Object.entries(data).length === 0;
let movieList = isLoading ? <Loader /> : isDataEmpty ? 'No results. Please try another search term.' :
Object.entries(data).map((movie, index) => <MovieTile key={index} {[1]} />);
return (
<div className='movieList'>{movieList}</div>
You should use JSX instead of string:
<div>No results.<br />Please try another search term.</div>
Because each jsx should have 1 wrapper I added a <div> wrapper for the string.
Here it is in your code:
render() {
let data =;
let isLoading = this.props.isLoading;
let isDataEmpty = Object.entries(data).length === 0;
let movieList = isLoading ? <Loader /> : isDataEmpty ? <div>No results.<br />Please try another search term.</div> :
Object.entries(data).map((movie, index) => <MovieTile key={index} {[1]} />);
return (
<div className='movieList'>{movieList}</div>
You can use CSS white-space to solve the problem.
React Component
render() {
message = `No results. \n Please try another search term.`;
return (
<div className='new-line'>{message}</div>
.new-line {
white-space: pre-line;
No results.
Please try another search term.
break text to line:
render() {
{'\n').map( (it, i) => <div key={'x'+i}>{it}</div> )}
Some HTML elements such as <img> and <input> use only one tag. Such tags that belong to a single-tag element aren't an opening tag nor a closing tag. Those are self-closing tags.
In JSX, one has to include the slash. So, remove <br> and try <br />
Here is how I got around this. Let message be the prop/variable that has the string containing line breaks to be displayed in HTML as follows:
message = 'No results.<br>Please try another search term.';
To make this work, we need to use \n instead of break tag <br> and set the following css on the wrapper element of this message as follows:
message = 'No results.\nPlease try another search term.';
<div className="msg-wrapper">
.msg-wrapper {
white-space: pre-wrap;
No results.
Please try another search term.
If you don't want put the string inside a <div> you could use <> to do it.
Like this:
var text = <>This is a text in the first line;<br />this is a text in a second line</>;
Just split text by /n, I do this in this way:
{text.split('\n').map((item, i) => <p key={i}>{item}</p>)}
Try with span
return (
<div className='movieList'><span>{movieList}</span></div>
If you are like in my situation and you don't want to add css, you can do that :
render () {
return (
<Typography component="p">
{(contact.lastname)?<div>Hello {contact.firstname} {contact.lastname}</div>:''}
using ` worked for me however i am not sure if it is the exact solution to the problem :
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
let element = (
<h1> Hello world</h1>
This is just a sentence <br></br>
But This line should not be in the same previous line. <br></br>
The above content proves its working. <br></br>
npm v6.14.6 | react : {React.version}
You can add a span tag and add block as a class.
Pomodoro Technique Timer <span className="block">with Bla</span>
The simplest thing which I did is by creating a component.
const EmptySpace = ({ spaceCount = 0 }) => {
return (
{Array.from({ length: spaceCount }, (item, index) => {
return <br key={index} />;
export default EmptySpace;
<EmptySpace spaceCount={1} />
In your case you could do something like this:
const msg = (
No results <EmptySpace spaceCount={2} />
Please try another search term.

React component with two sets of children

I'm creating a component that needs to take in two sets of children and to be placed in two different parts of a component.
let CreditCardForm = ({icons, fields}) => (
<div className='some'>
<div className='special'>
<div className='nesting'>
let CreditCardFormUsage = () => {
let icons = () => (
let fields = () => (
return (
<CreditCardForm icons={icons} fields={fields}/>
The code above should work, my question is it possible to grab those property values based on the children in the element itself, and have something more natural?
Yes, this.props.children will return an array so if you always want to load specific children, then just reference those children by index in your wrapper. Then you could just turn icons and fields into wrapper components. Here is a working jsfiddle. See how the render method of App is exactly what you want.
CreditCardForm render:
<div className='some'>
<div className='special'>
<div className='nesting'>
Fields and Icons render:
App render:
<IconBogus />
<FieldCardNumber />
<FieldName />
yes, you can do it with child props. Read more #docs:
And of course check out React.Children

