RxJs operators are not recognized while running angular tests - javascript

So, I have a component where I subscribe to change in value in one of the form control on ngOnInit life cycle. But while writing tests the tests for it, I get an error relating to skip not being a function.
My Component file looks like this
ngOnInit() {
this.cronTextSubscription = this.cronForm.get('emailCron').valueChanges
.subscribe(cronPattern => {
While running the test, I get the following error.
TypeError: this.cronForm.get(...).valueChanges.skip is not a function
I am new to testing in angular, so any help would be highly appreciated.

If this code works in the project but has issues in tests then you need to verify that in the test this.cronForm.get('emailCron') returns correct data.
Also you use here quite old rxjs syntax, please check your rxjs version. perhaps it's 6 (but in this case the project should fail too).
Then your code should look like:
ngOnInit() {
this.cronTextSubscription = this.cronForm.get('emailCron').valueChanges.pipe(
).subscribe(cronPattern => {


[vue-test-utils]: overwriting methods via the `methods` property or setMethods is deprecated

I am trying to test the methods of my Vue components; the test is seems working fine. But the problem is that it's giving a depreciation warning in the console.
I believe that the vue-test-utils teams would be removing the setMethods and methods property in their next major release.
My problem is that there are no alternative ways to achieve the same things provided for both setMethods and methods property.
Just they suggested a warning:
To stub a complex method extract it from the component and test it in isolation. Otherwise, the suggestion is to rethink those tests.
My Question: How can we extract the method and test the functionalities of the method clicked from the component level or not?
Below is my simple example where I mocked a method and checking if it gets called inside the component when triggered click.
const downloadStub = jest.fn()
const wrapper = mount(Documents, {
methods: { downloadNow: downloadStub },
it('check download button clicked and calling downloadNow method', () => {
Note: No issues in running the above code; I want to know the alternative ways to achieve the same result and avoid the warning?
After some research, I found one solution that works the way I expected. I am able to achieve this, without using any methods properties and setMethods.
This way, I got rid of the warning message methods property is deprecated and will be removed.
const wrapper = mount(Documents, {
it('check download button clicked and calling downloadNow method', () => {
const downloadSpy = jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'downloadNow')
I use the jest.spyOn method and pass the wrapper.vm and method name.
Other solutions are also welcome.

How to let react electron ignore undefined error?

React electron on windows, if A is null, call A.test will make the application stop working, then the user has to close the application and restart it.
How to let react ignore the error, and continue work. The code has many A.test, I can't write everywhere if(A) A.test.
If this can't be resolved, can I print the error on the web view? So I don't have to remote visit the user's computer to see the console error.
I think the solution is to use react error boundaries, as suggested in the console.
You already pointed out that you're using error boundaries, so after testing your scenarios in this fiddle I believe your implementation might be incorrect.
Given a similar implementation for ErrorBoundary in the docs:
class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
state = { hasError: '' };
render() {
return this.state.hasError ? (
<span>Oops! Something went wrong:<br />{this.state.hasError}</span>
) : this.props.children;
ErrorBoundary.getDerivedStateFromError = (error) => ({ hasError: error.toString() });
This component will render the fallback when any of its children breaks.
Error boundaries are React components that catch JavaScript errors anywhere in their child component tree, log those errors, and display a fallback UI
It will look similar to:
<ChatContent />
Now any error in ChatContent will be catch by ErrorBoundary giving you the opportunity to render the fallback like:
Oops! Something went wrong:
ReferenceError: test is not defined
The code has many A.test, I can't write every where if(A) A.test
But why? You can use some editor for multi file editing.
So you can replace A.test() to safeTest(A) function.
export const safeTest = (Obj) => {
if (Obj) {
} else {
// Any action you want
It is hard to offer an answer to your question because I don't see your project codes, but if your react version is 16 you can use a special component lifecycle method that name is componentDidCatch.
Inside this method you will have these values:
componentDidCatch(error, info) {
// Do something with error and info
Even you can use setState inside this method and show you want. I think this method can help you for your second desire, the printing error in web view.
I tend to favor using default props. You can set a value for the component to assign to a prop if the prop is passed in undefined. For example, if your component depends on an array nested within an object, you could set that value as an empty array by default. This is especially handy when your component depends on an array of results from an API call, but the component renders before the request finishes.
If you want to make the minimal effort to catch all the unhandled errors from both main and renderer processes within Electron as well as showing them to the user via a dialog, the easy way is to use electron-unhandled which does exactly that:
After having installed it (npm i electron-unhandled), in both your main and renderer entry files (likely their root index.js), you just have to add, at the beginning:
const unhandled = require('electron-unhandled');
unhandled({ showDialog: true });
Now, that being said, it's a good practice to use a global error catcher but it's a really bad one if you use only that. You should try covering your error handling more accurately, at least method by method:
.then() { ... }.catch(err => ...) for your promises,
(..., (err, res) => { if (err !== null) { ... } ... ) for your callbacks,
try { ... } catch(err) { ... } for non-async or await-based code code parts.
And, as a side-note, I myself created a dependenciless library to make it safe and easy to create a global errors dictionary in order to well-organize your errors but there are other alternatives if this one doesn't fit your needs.
I guess the best possible solution to this would be surrounding your A.test in try and catch. In this case what you can do is catch the error is A is null and perform some error page from your side incase you want it or just keep the error silent incase you dont want to perform any operation and suppress the error and continue execution.
You can also wrap A.test in a function with try-catch and use that function instead of A.test. In this way you can avoid multiple try-catch block and you can handle the error as per your requirement here.

using a destroyed view for changeDetection in ngAfterViewInit

A private (but open source) Angular package in the organisation I work for has some code that looks like this:
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
setTimeout(() => {
// do more things
We implement this package in our application (the package is to introduce common components so that front-end devs across the org don't implement things multiple times, and to enforce a common design language for consistency). However, when using the component this is called in, and showing and then destroying the component repeatedly, eventually it will stop working, with this error in the console:
Error: ViewDestroyedError: Attempt to use a destroyed view: detectChanges
I'm trying to find a way of making sure the code above is not being run if the component has already been destroyed. I have considered using the ngOnDestroy lifecycle method:
ngOnDestroy(): void {
but I'm not sure what else I would put in there to check the view is ok. I also thought about something like:
if (!this.changeDetector.destroyed) {
but nothing like destroyed exists on ChangeDetectorRef.
What is the correct way of ensuring this error does not show and the component works, even when repeatedly showing and destroying it?
I think the best solution I have found is to use !ViewRef.destroyed and if that returns truthy then proceed, otherwise don't.
if (!(this.changeDetector as ViewRef).destroyed) {
// do other tasks
I think destroyed does work but the syntax is like this:
if (!this.changeDetector['destroyed']) {
Then obviously, just keep the code you have on your ngOnDestroy hook.

Angular 2 Testing: Spying on ngOnInit() in beforeEach?

My issue is that my ngOnInit function calls many sub functions asynchronously by using Firestore to populate a form from one document as well as subscribing to various collections to display lists of data. This gets very tedious to test as I then have to ensure things are subscribing properly and values are being returned in the correct order.
According to the Angular docs:
However, it's often more productive to explore the inner logic of application classes with isolated unit tests that don't depend upon Angular. Such tests are often smaller and easier to read, write, and maintain.
Which in my opinion would make preventing the ngOnInit (through a spy) a valid way of
Isolating tests and
Reducing complexity when initializing the tests
You can then explicitly call each function separately and only test what is needed, instead of having ngOnInit calling the functions (and possible you as well).
This is exactly how I have gone about it so far:
ngOnInit() {
setup() {
this.firebaseService.setup(_ => {
beforeEach(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Component);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
spyOn(component, 'ngOnInit');
it('should be created', () => {
fixture.whenStable().then(_ => {
it('should call checkNewOrEdit() on setup()',
() => {
spyOn(component, 'checkNewOrEdit');
callbackValue = 'success';
Which is working fine for me so far.
Is this an acceptable solution? Or are there better ways of going about this?
I had problems further down the line in terms of variables not being set previously.
This solution does work but it just adds further complexity further down the line. I would recommend solving the problem initially, then you don't have to worry about how and where variables where set later
I solved my problems by editing my firebase mocks to include all the collections and docs I subscribe to throughout the initialisation chain. I think I must have forgotten a a doc or collection somewhere.

Performance of an angular 2 application with Firebase

I have been creating a web application using angular2 with firebase (angularfire2),
I want to know if my development method is optimized or not.
When user select a group, I check if he is already member of the group.
ngOnInit() {
this.af.auth.subscribe(auth => {
if(auth) {
this.userConnected = auth;
this method is work, but when I place the function AlreadyPaticipe(this.group.id,this.userConnected.uid) outside getGroupById(this.idgroup).subscribe() ,I get an error group is undefinded ,I now because angular is asynchrone. I don't khow how I can do it?. How I can optimize my code ?,How I can place the function AlreadyPaticipe(this.group.id,this.userConnected.uid) outside getGroupById(this.idgroup).subscribe()
Thanks in advance.
Everything as stream :
Well first, you shouldn't subscribe that much, the best practice is to combine your observables into one and subscribe to it just once, because everytime you subscribe, you need to cleanup when your component is destroyed (not for http, neither ActivatedRoute though) and you end up managing your subscription imperatively (which is not the aim of RXjs). You can find a good article on this topic here.
You must think everything as a stream, all your properties are observables :
this.user$ = this.af.auth.share(); //not sure of the share, I don't know firebase, don't know what it implies...
this.group$ = this.router.params.map(params => params["idgroup"])
.switchMap(groupID => this.groupService.getGroupById(groupID)).share();
// I imagine that AlreadyPaticipe return true or false, but maybe i'm wrong
this.isMemberOfGroup$ = Observable.combineLatest(
this.user$.filter(user => user !== null)
).flatMap(([group, user]) => this.AlreadyPaticipe(groupID, user.uid));
You don't even have to subscribe ! in your template you just need to use the async pipe. for example:
<span>user: {{user$|async}}</span>
<span>group : {{group$|async}}</span>
<span>member of group : {{isMemberOfGroup$|async}}</span>
Or if you don't want to use the pipe, you can combine all those observable and subscribe only once :
this.subscription = Observable.combineLatest(
).do(([group, user, memberofGroup]) => {
this.group = group;
this.user = user;
this.isMemberofGroup = memberofGroup;
in this case, don't forget to this.subscription.unsubscribe() in ngOnDestroy()
there is a very handy tool on rxJS docs (at the bottom of the page) that helps you to choose the right operator for the right behavior.
I don't care about streams, I want it to work, quick n' dirty :
If You don't want to change your code too much, you could use a Resolve guard that will fetch the data before your component is loaded. Take a look at the docs:
In summary, you want to delay rendering the routed component until all necessary data have been fetched.
You need a resolver.

