Why Model.find is not storing data in variable? - javascript

Im trying to create and save new model instances and assign a unique id to each of them in my MONGODB Atlas database. To do this Im trying to get data from my models using Model.find() and store it in a variable where I can loop through the array and check if id assigned already exists in the collection objects. I can succesfully log the collection but it seems that I cant store the colletion array in a variable.
Whenever I try to console.log(dbData) I get undefined, should I also have to call model.find in a get request that points to the form action path whenever a form is submited?
var formModel=mongoose.model("Form-Model", newFormSchema)
let dbData =formModel.find({}, function(err,data){
if(err) console.error(err)
return data
let rndm=2
function isUnique(rndm){
let unique=dbData.some(element=>element.id===rndm)
return rndm
var newForm= new formModel({
res.send("new user submited")
I saw somewhere else that you need either a promise or async/await to wait for model.find to finish getting objects array but when console.logging(dbData) I get promise pending ,
async function dbData() {
let dbData= await formModel.find({})
return dbData
console.log(dbData()) // returns Promise { <pending> }

use .then(function(res)
//execude code with returned result from async function here


problems with an array awaiting for a function that reads from firestore

I'm trying to build a method which reads from firestore an array of elements (object):
I have a service which retrieves the data from firestore, first it gets an array of document references
var data = snapshot.get('elements');
and then it gets all the objects:
return new Promise(res =>{
.then( user => {
this.useruid = user.uid;
this.db.firestore.doc(`/users/${this.useruid}`).get().then(snapshot =>{
var data = snapshot.get('elements'); //This gets the array of elements
data.forEach(element => {
this.db.firestore.doc(element).get().then(object =>{
var elem = object.data() as object;
this.array.push(elem);//I kind of push in the array instances of object
console.log("Error. Doc doesn't exist")
}).catch(err =>{
console.log("Error. Doc doesn't exist")
}).catch(function(error) {
// An error happened.
.catch(function(error) {
// An error happened.
Then in a component I have an async method which calls the service, and tries to push into another array all the names from each object in the first array:
async retrieveArray(){
this.array = await this.service.getElements();
this.array.forEach(element => {
However when I look to the console, the first array (array) gives me indeed an array of objects, but the other array (names) is empty.
I used the method get to retrieve the data because I don't want to listen to it, I might need the value just once.
Personally I find the async/await syntax infinitely more elegant and easier to deal with than a good old .then() callback hell :
async getElements() {
let user;
user = await this.AngularAuth.currentUser();
} catch(err) {
this.useruid = user.uid;
const snapshot = await this.db.firestore.doc(`/users/${this.useruid}`).get();
if (!snapshot.exists) {
console.log("Error. Doc doesn't exist")
const data = snapshot.get('elements'); //This gets the array of elements
let toReturn = [];
for(let element of data){ // can also use 'await Promise.all()' here instead of for...of
const object = await this.db.firestore.doc(element).get();
return toReturn;
async retrieveArray(){
this.array = await this.service.getElements();
this.names = this.array.map( element => element.name ) // Also use .map() here
If you use for...of, all calls will be made one after the other, in order. If you use await Promise.all(), all calls will be made and awaited simultaneously, which is faster but recommended only if you have a small number of calls to make (otherwise this could overload the server you're calling, or even be considered as a DDoS attack.)
I think the issue is in this part of your code:
var data = snapshot.get('elements'); //This gets the array of elements
data.forEach(element => {
this.db.firestore.doc(element).get().then(object =>{
var elem = object.data() as object;
this.array.push(elem);//I kind of push in the array instances of object
console.log("Error. Doc doesn't exist")
}).catch(err =>{
You're looping through the elements and fetching the object from firebase for each one. Each time is an async call, but you're not waiting for each of these calls to finish before calling res(this.nombres).
As for why the console.log(this.array) shows a populated array is that the console can be misleading. It provides the data in a kind of 'live' way (it's a reference to the array), and sometimes by the time the data arrives on the console, it's different to what the data looked like when console.log was called.
To make sure you see the data precisely as it was when console.log was called, try this:
As for the issue with your code, you need to wait for all the elements to have been fetched before you call the resolve function of your promise. Because you don't necessarily know the order in which the responses will come back, one option is to simply have a counter of how many results are remaining (you know how many you are expecting), and once the last response has been received, call the resolve function. This is how I would do it, but obviously I can't test it so it might not work:
var data = snapshot.get('elements'); //This gets the array of elements
// *** we remember the number of elements we're fetching ***
let count = data.length;
data.forEach(element => {
this.db.firestore.doc(element).get().then(object =>{
// *** decrement count ***
var elem = object.data() as object;
this.array.push(elem);//I kind of push in the array instances of object
// *** If count has reached zero, now it's time to call the response function
if (count === 0) {
console.log("Error. Doc doesn't exist")
}).catch(err =>{
// *** remove this line because it's calling the resolve function before nombres is populated
You might want to add behaviour for when the result of snapshot.get('elements') is empty, but hopefully with this you'll be on your way to a solution.
** EDIT **
I'm keeping this up just because the console.log issue might well be useful for you to know about, but I highly recommend the async/await approach suggested by Jeremy. I agree that's it's much more readable and elegant

Retrieving values from browser cache

I've created a service worker that performs a fetch and then immediately stores the data in the cache.
self.addEventListener('install', async function(e) {
try {
const fileCache = await caches.open(CACHE_NAME);
await fileCache.addAll(FILES_TO_CACHE);
const dataCache = await caches.open(DATA_CACHE_NAME);
const dataFetchResponse = await fetch('/api/transaction');
return await dataCache.put('/api/transaction', dataFetchResponse);
} catch (error) {
After performing this I'm trying to make it so that I can test how long it's been since the last data fetch in order to determine if the data needs to be updated. My Transaction model adds a timestamp onto the data so I'd ideally want to test the timestamp of the last transaction against the current time but I'm not sure how to do it.
I've attempted to do cache.match() but it doesn't return the entire object of the matched key. I know localStorage has a .getItem() method but I don't see any methods for cache that are similar.
Any ideas on this one?
Figured out how to get the information. You have to .match() the key of the data stored in the cache and since it returns a promise you convert that into a .json() object.
async function getCachedData(cacheName, url) {
const cacheStorage = await caches.open(cacheName);
const cachedResponse = await cacheStorage.match(url); // Returns a promise w/ matched cache
if(!cachedResponse || !cachedResponse.ok) {return false}
console.log(await cachedResponse);
console.log(await cachedResponse.json()); // prints json object with value of key matched
return await cachedResponse.json();

How to save firebase returned data to a variable

I am coding for my React Native app and I am having trouble getting the data from the firebase return outside of the firebase.firestore().collection("test_data").doc(ID) loop. Whenever I check the dataArray variable after the loop it is empty. If I check it within the loop, the data is there. I think that it is a scope problem, but I just do not understand it. I also cannot call any user defined functions inside of the loop.
try {
let dataArray = [];
// get the document using the user's uid
.then((userDoc) =>{
// if the document exists loop through the results
if (userDoc.exists) {
data = userDoc.data().saved_data; // an array store in firebase
data.forEach(ID => { // loop through array
.then((doc) => {
console.log(dataArray) // the data shows
console.log(dataArray) // the data does not show
catch (error) {
You're looping through asynchronous calls, so your final console.log will trigger before the data has been received. Your first console.log only triggers after the data has been received.
So the code is working, but the function (promise) will resolve (as undefined, or void) before all the data has been received from your firebase calls.
If you want to return the array to the caller, you could do something like this:
function getDataFromServer() {
// get the document using the user's uid
return firebase.firestore().collection('users').doc(uid).get().then(userDoc => {
// now we're returning this promise
const dataArray = []; // can move this to lower scope
// if the document exists loop through the results
if (userDoc.exists) {
const savedData = userDoc.data().saved_data; // an array store in firebase
return Promise.all(
// wait for all the data to come in using Promise.all and map
savedData.map(ID => {
// this will create an array
return firebase.firestore().collection('test_data').doc(ID).get().then(doc => {
// each index in the array is a promise
console.log(dataArray); // the data shows
).then(() => {
return dataArray; // now data array gets returned to the caller
return dataArray; // will always be the original empty array
Now the function returns the promise of an array, so you could do...
const dataArray = await getDataFromServer()
getDataArrayFromServer().then(dataArray => {...})

Firebase Promises in array not resolving in time

I am trying to return 3 promises from my firebase DB and once all three promises have been fulfilled I basically want to render a new page or do whatever. So I do a Promise.All(...) but my lists are still empty afterwards.
My queries are correct because when I console.log() within each of those functions, I get the objects returned from my DB but my Promise.All isn't waiting for those promises to resolve and instead executes the code within the Promise.All which is returning empty lists.
app.get('...', function (req, res) {
//Return first promise from DB save to zone_obj list
var zone_key = req.params.id;
var zone_obj = [];
firebase.database().ref(...).once('value').then((snapme) => {
//Return second promise from DB save to members list
var members = [];
firebase.database().ref(...).on("value", function (snapshott) {
snapshott.forEach((snapper) => {
//Return third promise from DB save to experiences list
var experiences = [];
firebase.database().ref(...).on("value", function (snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach((snap) => {
firebase.database().ref(...).once("value").then((snapit) => {
//once all promises have resolved
Promise.all([experiences,zone_obj,members]).then(values => {
console.log(values[0]); //returns []
console.log(values[1]); //returns []
console.log(values[2]); //returns []
This is not actually firebase's problem. Firebase method .on("value") is actually a listener that will be bound to firebase to get real-time updates and that is not actually a promise and your callback function will be called every time when data on that node is changed. so if you want to save or get data only once use firebase.database().ref(...).set() and firebase.database().ref(...).once() method respectively.
According to firebase docs
On method
on(eventType, callback, cancelCallbackOrContext, context) returns function()
once method
once(eventType, successCallback, failureCallbackOrContext, context) returns firebase.Promise containing any type
So change your code to following
app.get('...', function (req, res) {
var promises = []
//Return first promise from DB save to zone_obj list
//Return second promise from DB save to members list
//Return third promise from DB save to experiences list
//once all promises have resolved
Promise.all(promises).then(values => {
console.log(values[0]); // zone_obj
console.log(values[1]); // members
console.log(values[2]); // experiences

Can Bluebird Promise work with redis in node.js?

Here's my original code to fetch a user php session which is stored in redis:
var session_obj;
var key = socket.request.headers.cookie.session
if( err )
return console.error(err);
if ( !data === false)
session_obj = PHPUnserialize.unserializeSession(data);
/* ... other functions ... */
I would like to rewrite the code with Promise, but I can't get the data returned:
return data;
console.log(session); // this returns true, but not the session data
session_obj = PHPUnserialize.unserializeSession(session);
The session returned just boolean true instead of the session data. The original redis get function has two arguments. I assumed the promise just returned the first argument which was err in the original. So I tried
console.log(data) // return undefined
but it wasn't working either.
Does anyone know if redis could work with Promise?
You were trying to use Promise.resolve wrong, it expects a Promise and session.get by default doesn't return a Promise. You first need to promisify it. (or promisifyAll)
session.getAsync = Promise.promisify(session.get);
// OR
Promise.promisifyAll(session); //=> `session.getAsync` automatically created
// OR
Promise.promisifyAll(redis); //=> Recursively promisify all functions on entire redis
Then use the new function which returns the promise like you would use a promise, you don't even need to wrap it with Promise.resolve, just this:
session.get('PHPREDIS_SESSION:' + key).
then(function(data) {
// do something with data
catch(function(err) {
// handle error with err

