My state open all of my submenu but i just want one submenu open - javascript

I have a left-menu and when you click on a element, the sub-menu of the element appear.
But with my actual code, when a click on a element, all of my submenu appear.
I know my method is not right, but i don't know how to do :(
My example code :
import { useState } from 'react'
export default function Menu(){
const [visibleSubCategorie, setVisibleSubCategorie] = useState(false)
const Menu = [{
name: 'Homme', link : '/homme-fr', subCategory: false
}, {
name: 'Femme', link : '/femme-fr', subCategory: [{
name: 'haut', link : '/femme-haut-fr'
name: 'bas', link : '/femme-bas-fr'
name: 'Enfant', link : '/enfant-fr', subCategory: [{
name: 'haut', link : '/enfant-haut-fr'
name: 'bas', link : '/enfant-bas-fr'
console.log("Menu -> Menu", Menu)
{item.subCategory ?
<button type="button" onClick={() => setVisibleSubCategorie(!visibleSubCategorie)}>{}</button>
{visibleSubCategorie &&>
<a href={}>{}</a>
example : when i click at the button "Femme" to see the sub-category of femme, it's like i click too on the button "Enfant".
I can create a composant and make the usestate "const [visibleSubCategorie, setVisibleSubCategorie] = useState(false)" inside and this composant inside the map but i know another method exist.

You are using the same piece of state to control all of your subCategories. A possible solution would be to useState as an array of string values for each subcategory.
const [visibleSubCategorie, setVisibleSubCategorie] = useState([])
Then check to see if that name exists in the array to know if you should show the subcategory.
{visibleSubCategorie.includes( &&>
You will then have to remove that item from the array when closing.

You could solve this using a method similar to what #Kyler suggested.
I suggest using a HOC, like this:
const setOpen = (setOpen, opened) => () => setOpen(!opened);
And then in your JSX:
onClick={setOpen(setVisibleSubCategorie, visibleSubCategorie)}
Note that in order for this to work, you'd have to have state for each of your sections.


Map function is not working properly when I hit onClick

So I am making this project in ReactJs, which has a sidebar, where I am trying to implement dropdown menu.
Required Behavior
If I click in any of the option of the sidebar, if it has a submenu, it will show. And close upon again clicking.
Current Behavior
If I click any of the options, all the submenus are showing at once.
For example if I click publications option, it shows me all the options, such as featured publications, journal publications.
How do I fix that?
My sidebarItems array
const sidebarItems = [
title: "Publications",
url: "#",
subMenu: [
title: "Journal Publications",
url: "#",
title: "Featured Publications",
url: "#",
title: "Team Members",
url: "#",
subMenu: [
title: "Current Members",
url: "#",
title: "Lab Alumni",
url: "#",
title: "Projects",
url: "#",
subMenu: [
title: "Project 1",
url: "#",
title: "Project 2",
url: "#",
title: "Project 3",
url: "#",
title: "News",
url: "#",
title: "Contact Us",
url: "#",
export default sidebarItems;
The Sidebar Component
import { useState } from "react";
import { Box, Text } from "#chakra-ui/react";
import sidebarItems from "./sidebarItems";
export default function Sidebar() {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
return (
{ => {
return (
onClick={() => {
? items.subMenu?.map((item) => {
return <Text>{item.title}</Text>;
: ""}
You have to use an array state variable. Your single state variable isOpen is dictating all the subMenus here:
? items.subMenu?.map((item) => {
return <Text>{item.title}</Text>;
: ""}
You need to have an array state variable here, so each sidebar item has a corresponding boolean to dictate opening/closing of value.
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(Array(sidebarItems.length).fill(false));
Now you have to ensure that you are setting it correctly and manipulating the right array element.
onClick={() => {
let newIsOpen = [...isOpen];
newIsOpen[index] = !isOpen[index];
I hope this helps you reach your solution
This is happening because you are using wrong logic and you don't specify which submenu should be shown.
First, delete the current state and dont use it.
Then, you should define another state like:
const [selectedMenu, setSelectedMenu] = useState("");
then, define this function:
const handleClick = (title) => {
after that, once you click on Box, you should invoke function like this:
onClick={() => handleClick(item.title)}
consequently, you should write your logic like this:
{item.title === selectedMenu
? items.subMenu?.map((item) => {
return <Text>{item.title}</Text>;
: ""}
I think the problem is occurring because you have only 1 state variable set for every sidebar option. Every sidebar option should have its own variable keeping track of whether its submenu should open or not.
In your code, when the isOpen state variable is set to true then when the function maps over all the options the variable's value will always be true.
Try setting a variable for each of the menu options which contains whether the submenu should open or not.

React AntDesign Menu Sub Item ... make it work like component

For the AntD menu ... we utilise <Menu>, <Menu.Item>, <SubMenu>.
But I don't want to use these for navigation but rather for representation. I want to display the attributes of an object using a dropdown as such.
For eg. Apple -> red, fruit; Cucumber -> green, vegetable; would be displayed as a menu with Apple and Cucumber as the Submenu headings, and the dropdowns for each would be red, fruit and green, vegetable respectively.
But I don't want to predefine attributes and Submenu headings. If it was a component (cards for example), I could've made the component render per object, so that if there were 10 objects, 10 cards (for example) would be rendered.
Is it possible to do the same for <SubMenu> and <Menu.Item> where I send the data and it first looks at the key 'Name' and renders as a Submenu Heading and renders attributes individually as Menu Items within the Submenu?
Are there any alternatives I can make use of?
Not sure If my question is very clear ... I'm happy to clarify anything if confused.
Not sure if this is what you want
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "antd/dist/antd.css";
import "./index.css";
import { Menu } from "antd";
const { SubMenu } = Menu;
const data = [
Name: "Apple",
Colour: "red",
Type: "fruit"
Colour: "green",
Type: "vegetable",
Name: "Cucumber",
Season: "spring"
Name: "Book",
Title: "hello",
Author: "nick"
const Sider = () => {
const [openKeys, setOpenKeys] = React.useState(["sub1"]);
const onOpenChange = (keys) => {
const latestOpenKey = keys.find((key) => openKeys.indexOf(key) === -1);
if (data.indexOf(latestOpenKey) === -1) {
} else {
setOpenKeys(latestOpenKey ? [latestOpenKey] : []);
return (
<Menu mode="inline" onOpenChange={onOpenChange} style={{ width: 256 }}>
{ => (
<SubMenu key={each.Name} title={each.Name}>
([key, value]) =>
key !== "Name" && (
<Menu.Item key={each.Name + "-" + key}>{value}</Menu.Item>
ReactDOM.render(<Sider />, document.getElementById("container"));
CodeSandbox Demo
Let me know if this works for you

React: Add/Trigger active class to mapped items

I have this component and I map over my array to create a the 10 nav items. How do I add an onClick method to add an active class to the clicked item. Is there a best practice here with Hooks/the newer React way of doing things? Not really looking for a React Router solution here.
Did I miss up by making them <a> and <span> versus <ul> & <li>? Does it matter?
import React from "react";
var sections = [
export default function Masthead() {
return (
<div className="masthead">
{, idx) => {
return (
<a href={section} key={idx}>
I would do something like this:
import React from "react";
var sections = [
export default function Masthead() {
const [cur_section, setCurSection] = React.useState('')
return (
<div className="masthead">
{, idx) => {
return (
<a href={"#"+section} key={idx}
onClick={() => setCurSection(section)}
className={section === cur_section ? "active": ""}
This is how you would add an active class to an element onClick. The challenger you have with a tags of course is that, I assume, they will take you to a different page. So that needs to be addressed in some way.
Notice how I added {"#"+section} to href. That's so that we can remain on the current page.
Here is the general idea:

How to render react component from a json object?

I made a menu component that accepts a json object with all menu itens.
For icons i use react-icons/io.
The json object is something like this:
const menus = {
Item1: { buttonText: 'Item 1 text', icon: { IoLogoAndroid }, path: 'item 1 path' },
Item2: { buttonText: 'Item 2 text', icon: { IoLogoAndroid }, path: 'item 2 path'},
This is the Menu function that will render the menu items as buttons:
const buttons = Object.keys(this.props.menus).map((menu) => {
return (
<a key={menu} href={this.props.menus[menu].path}
onClick={this.changeMenu.bind(this, menu)}>
{...this.props.menus[menu].icon} <- fail here
I tried many ways to render the icon, but i am clueless on how this could work. Not sure if this is even possible. Any pointers?
If you are importing the icon from where you are defining the object then just tag it <IoLogoAndroid/>;, so react knows it should treat it as an element to render.
const menus = {
Item1: { buttonText: 'Item 1 text', icon: <IoLogoAndroid/> , path: 'item 1 path' },
Item2: { buttonText: 'Item 2 text', icon: <IoLogoAndroid/>, path: 'item 2 path'},
And then just call it directly (remove the ...)
<a key={menu} href={this.props.menus[menu].path}
onClick={this.changeMenu.bind(this, menu)}>
Alternatively you could just call React.createElement if you don't want to tag it in your object definition.
<a key={menu} href={this.props.menus[menu].path}
onClick={this.changeMenu.bind(this, menu)}>
Here is a sample showing the 2 implementations
I was just working with a similar project, and I managed to make it work, with a syntax like this
I here have an array of objects (like yours)
links: [
name: 'Frontend',
link: '',
icon: <FaCode size={40} />,
id: 1
name: 'Backend',
link: '',
icon: <FaCogs size={40}/>,
id: 2
name: 'Mobile',
link: '',
icon: <FaMobile size={40} />,
id: 3
I then render my component by mapping, where I pass in the entire object as a prop
const projects =, i) => {
<Project key={`Project key: ${i}`} project={project} />
I then use objectdestructing to get the prop
const { logo } = this.props.project
then it can just be displayed
//in my case I use antd framework, so I pass the FAIcon component in as a prop
I suppose you could do the same thing, by just passing the entire menu object in as a prop, and then accessing the icon?
You need to change the following:
icon: <IoLogoAndroid />
And in the code (remove the spread operator):
Also, a few refactoring suggestions.
Do you really need to have an object of objects? Why not an array of objects, where every item has a "name" prop? It will be easier to iterate through, as you can access props directly from map, unlike with object keys.
You are creating a button list, so you should have ul and li tags aswell.
Consider passing only a reference to onClick such as:
If you need to pass data around, you should use dataset for that. Pass a name/path then find it inside the change handler to avoid rebinding inside every re-render.
Refactored suggestion with an array of objects
changeMenu = e => {
const { menus } = this.props;
const { menuName } =;
const menu = menus.find(menu => === menuName);
// Do something with menu
renderMenu() {
return (
{ => (
<li key={} style={{ listStyle: "none" }}>

React ES6: Get selected value in dropdown list using semantic UI

Given the following data, how can I get the birds name and push it (Using the add button) to a new array to be displayed in another div (Using react es6)? So basically I want a user to click a bird from the semantic dropdown and display it in a different div for example shown below. This is probably simple but I can't seem to find a way to it when I'm using Semantic elements. Do I need to use onChange?
I need to to do this in a class I am exporting (react) (just havent shown the class/constructor/state definitions)
<p>How can i display 'Bird_Name' here?<p>
addClick = () => {
const {
} = semanticUIReact
const birds = [
"value": "001",
"Bird_Name": "Eurasian Collared-Dove"
"value": "002",
"Bird_Name": "Bald Eagle"
"value": "003",
"Bird_Name": "Cooper's Hawk"
const options ={ ID, Bird_Name }) => ({ value: ID, text: Bird_Name }))
const App = () => (
<Divider hidden />
<Header as='h1'>Semantic-UI-React</Header>
renderLabel={({ Bird_Name }) => 1}
<button className="ui primary button add" onClick={this.addClick}>Add</button>
// ----------------------------------------
// Render to DOM
// ----------------------------------------
const mountNode = document.createElement('div')
ReactDOM.render(<App />, mountNode)
So, what you basically want is the onChange function which will display.
renderLabel={({ Bird_Name }) => 1}
and make a getBird function
getBird = (event, {value}) => {
let bird_name =;
The value and text variable in the getBird function are basically the value and bird_name of the selected bird from the dropdown.

