Pass selected value to other component html - javascript

I am not much familiar with Angular . I have a code where I am inputting some values using dropdown select
html 1:-
[dropdownList]="['Solid', 'Liquid', 'Gas']"
Component 1:-
triggerStateSelect(event) {
console.log('state select ', event);
Here event stores the value.
HTML 2:-
<div class="title-container">
<p class="title">
{{}} -Dashboard
Now I want to pass selected value to a different component and also to display the selected in HTML
Whenever a value is selected , the second component must get the value and shows the value. Also when nothing is selected the second component must not show any previous selected value. It must get cleared.
How can I achieve this ?

You could use a service which provides you the Information with Observables. You create a service.ts file in which you declare your observable and observer. Everytime a value is selected you simply .next(value) in your service and then subscribe to it in the .ts file where you .html file is. Here is a good explanation on how to use Observables. I hope it helps

If they have parent-child relationship you can interact via input
If not, you can achieve it via service:
Create Service:
import { Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs';
#Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class SelectStateService {
private subject = new Subject<any>();
triggerStateSelect() {;
onStateSelect(): Observable<any> {
return this.subject.asObservable();
Component 1:
constractor(private selectStateService : SelectStateService ){}
Component 2:
constractor(private selectStateService: SelectStateService){}
this.$subscription = this.selectStateService.onStateSelect().subscribe((event) => {
this.state = event;
ngOnDestroy() {
Html 2:
<div class="title-container">
<p class="title">
{{state}} -Dashboard


Angular - How to get data from subscribed service few times and not overwrite previous results

I have a service which has following method:
export class RoomService {
private readonly _equipment: BehaviorSubject<EquipmentDto[]> = new BehaviorSubject([]);
public equipment$ = this._equipment.asObservable();
getEquipmentForRoom(roomId: number) {
this.restService.getEquipmentForRoom(roomId).subscribe(res => {;
export class RoomsComponent implements OnInit {
#Input() room: RoomEntity;
equipment$: Observable < EquipmentDto[] > ;
equipmentList: Array < EquipmentDto > ;
constructor(private equipmentService: EquipmentService) {}
ngOnInit() {$ =$;
this.equipmentService.getEquipmentForRoom(;$.subscribe(items => {
this.equipmentList = items;
<div *ngFor="let eq of room.equipmentList">
<!-- list my equipment here -->
Now I have a parent component which contains multiple Room Components (those are added programmatically based on the amount of rooms). Anyway, list of equipment is the same for each of the rooms. It looks like once subscribed, the data in first components is overwritten by the component created as the last one.
My question is, how can I get a proper data for each of the rooms using the observable from my service?
You can use this approach with single BehaviorSubject only when your data is the only source of this data.
Instead, you can change your getEquipmentForRoom(roomId: number) like this:
getEquipmentForRoom(roomId: number) {
return this.restService.getEquipmentForRoom(roomId);
And then subscribe to it in the compoment:
this.equipmentService.getEquipmentForRoom( => {
this.equipmentList = items;
And I agree with Alexander, this component should be dumb as possible.
try to build pipes instead of subscriptions
export class RoomService {
// return an observable.
getEquipmentForRoom$(roomId: number) {
return this.restService.getEquipmentForRoom(roomId);
export class RoomsComponent implements OnInit {
#Input() room: RoomEntity;
equipment$: Observable<EquipmentDto[]>;
constructor(private equipmentService: EquipmentService){}
ngOnInit() {
// simply share observable.$ = this.equipmentService.getEquipmentForRoom$(;
<div *ngFor="let eq of equipment$ | async"> <!-- add async here -->
<!-- list my equipment here -->
You can fetch the data once in your parent and pass the data to your child components.
That child component (RoomsComponent) should be dumb and not doing requests
Adding onto Alexander’s answer.
The problem is that you are subscribing to the same BehaviourSubject for all the components and the components are taking the latest roomData that is emitted by the BehaviourSubject, which would be the last RoomComponent.
It would work if the BehaviuorSubject holds all the rooms which are fetched by the parent component, and passing each room data to each RoomComponent using #Input.

how to grap input value in html component from service class in order to update a variable this service has

Good Day developers, im trying to find the way to grap a value an input html tag has from my service class in the same angular class.This input is attached to an ngForm thus is linked to a model interface component in order to validate this form once is submitted.I tried to import the same model interface component in the service class in order to access it from there too, but doesn't work.
This is the service:
***variable type model interface***
formSignup: signUpForm = {
nameUser: '',
}=========>model interface component also imported to service in order to access whichever values user insert in it
***method where in the variable gets updated accesisng the model interface***
async signUpUser(emailUser: string, passwordUser: string) {
some code.....
await responseOk.user.updateProfile({
displayName:this.formSignup.nameUser});===>this is the value i want to update dynamically from the
input value
more code......
Here my html, model and component.ts components related to my issue:
<form #submitSign='ngForm' (submit)="signUp(submitSign.value)">
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="formSignup.nameUser" name="nameUser" class="form-control"
id="nameUser" placeholder="Name " #nameUser="ngModel"
export interface signUpForm{
formSignup: signUpForm = {
emailUser: '',
passwordUser: '',
confirmPasswordUser: '',
imageUser: '',
private signUserUp: service){}
ngOnInit(): void {}
signUp(value: signUpForm) {
.signUpUser(value.emailUser, value.passwordUser)
.then((response) => {
some code.......
.catch((error) => error.messages);
Any idea about how to improve this ?Thanks in advance!!!

Textarea to ignore enter but need to trigger Save button

A bit tricky situation. For the code below, I have added (keydown.enter)="false" to ignore the break line/enter button in textarea
This is causing a user issue and would like the existing behaviour where Pressing enter should automatically trigger the "Save button"
Any idea how to trigger the Save button when still focusing in textArea but ignore the breakline?
<textarea #textArea
style="overflow:hidden; height:auto; resize:none;"
[attr.readonly]="readonly ? true : null"
[attr.required]="required ? true : null"
[tabindex]="skipTab ? -1 : ''"
</textarea >
Extending the answer by #Pengyy
You can bind the bind the enter key to a pseudoSave function, and preventDefault inside of that, thus preventing both the Save function and the newline. Then you can either call the save function from there(assuming it is accessible such as a service) or you can emit an EventEmitter, and have that emit get caught to trigger the Save function.
you can bind the same function of Save button to keydown.enter of texterea, and call $event.preventDefault to avoid the newline.
sample plunker.
Assuming that your textarea is inside a form element.
{Plunker Demo}
You can achieve it by using a hidden submit input, like this
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<form (submit)="formSubmitted($event)">
<input #proxySubmitBtn type="submit" [hidden]="true"/>
<textarea #textArea (keydown.enter)="$event.preventDefault();">
export class App {
formSubmitted(e) {
alert('Form is submitted!');
You can create a service which can send a notification to other components that will handle the command. The service could look like this:
import { Injectable } from "#angular/core";
import { Subject } from "rxjs/Subject";
export class DataSavingService {
private dataSavingRequested = new Subject<void>();
public dataSavingRequested$ = this.dataSavingRequested.asObservable();
public requestDataSaving(): void {;
... and should be registered in the providers section of the module. Note: if data must be passed in the notification, you can declare a non-void parameter type for the dataSavingRequested Subject (e.g. string).
The service would be injected in the component with the textarea element and called in the handler of the Enter keypress event:
import { DataSavingService } from "./services/data-saving.service";
template: `
<textarea (keypress.enter)="handleEnterKeyPress($event)" ...></textarea>
export class ComponentWithTextarea {
constructor(private dataSavingService: DataSavingService, ...) {
public handleEnterKeyPress(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the insertion of a new line
The component with the Save button would subscribe to the dataSavingRequested$ notification of the service and save the data when notified:
import { Component, OnDestroy, ... } from "#angular/core";
import { Subscription } from "rxjs/Subscription";
import { DataSavingService } from "../services/data-saving.service";
export class ComponentWithSaveButton implements OnDestroy {
private subscription: Subscription;
constructor(private dataSavingService: DataSavingService, ...) {
this.subscription = this.dataSavingService.dataSavingRequested$.subscribe(() => {
public ngOnDestroy(): void {
private saveData(): void {
// Perform data saving here
// Note: this method should also be called by the Save button
The code above assumes that the saving must be performed in the component with the Save button. An alternative would be to move that logic into the service, which would expose a saveData method that could be called by the components. The service would need to gather the data to save, however. It could be obtained with a Subject/Observable mechanism, or supplied directly by the components as a parameter to saveData or by calling another method of the service.
it could be 2 solutions:
Use javascript to handle enter event and trigger Save function in it
Use Same thing from Angular side as describe in this.
This may also help you

how can I listen to changes in code in angular 2?

I'm using angular 2. I have a component with an input.
I want to be able to write some code when the input value changes.
The binding is working, and if the data is changed (from outside the component) I can see that there is change in the dom.
selector: 'test'
template: `
export class MyComponent {
_data: Data;
set data(value: Data) { = value;
get data() {
return this._data;
constructor() {
dataChagedListener(param) {
// listen to changes of _data object and do something...
You could use the lifecycle hook ngOnChanges:
export class MyComponent {
_data: Data;
set data(value: Data) { = value;
get data() {
return this._data;
constructor() {
ngOnChanges([propName: string]: SimpleChange) {
// listen to changes of _data object and do something...
This hook is triggered when:
if any bindings have changed
See these links for more details:
As mentioned in the comments of Thierry Templier's answer, ngOnChanges lifecycle hook can only detect changes to primitives. I found that by using ngDoCheck instead, you are able to check the state of the object manually to determine if the object's members have changed:
A full Plunker can be found here. But here's the important part:
import { Component, Input } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'listener',
template: `
<div style="background-color:#f2f2f2">
<li *ngFor="let item of log">{{item}}</li>
export class ListenerComponent {
#Input() protected primitive;
#Input() protected objectOne;
#Input() protected objectTwo;
protected currentPrimitive;
protected currentObjectOne;
protected currentObjectTwo;
protected log = ['Started'];
ngOnInit() {
getCurrentObjectState() {
this.currentPrimitive = this.primitive;
this.currentObjectOne = _.clone(this.objectOne);
this.currentObjectTwoJSON = JSON.stringify(this.objectTwo);
ngOnChanges() {
this.log.push('OnChages Fired.')
ngDoCheck() {
this.log.push('DoCheck Fired.');
if (!_.isEqual(this.currentPrimitive, this.primitive)){
this.log.push('A change in Primitive\'s state has occurred:');
this.log.push('Primitive\'s new value:' + this.primitive);
if(!_.isEqual(this.currentObjectOne, this.objectOne)){
this.log.push('A change in objectOne\'s state has occurred:');
this.log.push('\'s new value:' +;
if(this.currentObjectTwoJSON != JSON.stringify(this.objectTwo)){
this.log.push('A change in objectTwo\'s state has occurred:');
this.log.push('\'s new value:' +;
if(!_.isEqual(this.currentPrimitive, this.primitive) || !_.isEqual(this.currentObjectOne, this.objectOne) || this.currentObjectTwoJSON != JSON.stringify(this.objectTwo)) {
It should be noted that the Angular documentation provides this caution about using ngDoCheck:
While the ngDoCheck hook can detect when the hero's name has changed,
it has a frightful cost. This hook is called with enormous frequency —
after every change detection cycle no matter where the change
occurred. It's called over twenty times in this example before the
user can do anything.
Most of these initial checks are triggered by Angular's first
rendering of unrelated data elsewhere on the page. Mere mousing into
another input box triggers a call. Relatively few calls reveal actual
changes to pertinent data. Clearly our implementation must be very
lightweight or the user experience will suffer.

Update the data in one component based on what is clicked in another component in Angular 2

I have two components let's call them CompA and CompB. I would like for the clicked item object in CompA to appear in CompB. Here is what I have done so far.
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
import {CompB} from './compB';
selector: 'comp-a',
template: '<ul>
<li *ngFor="#item of items" (click)="show(item)">
providers: [CompB]
export class CompA {
constructor(public _compB: CompB){}
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';
selector: 'comp-b',
template: '<div>
export class CompB {
public newItem: Object;
this.newItem = {name: "TEST"};
this.newItem = item;
The problem is that when I click an item it doesn't change anything in CompB. I did a console log on CompB and I am getting the item object just fine but I view doesn't update with the clicked item's name. It just stays as 'TEST'.
Even if I set this.newItem in the displayItem function to a hardcoded string, it still doesn't change.
Both components are siblings in a main.html like this...
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-3">
<div class="col-sm-9">
Thats because the Component B you got injected in the constructor is not the component B used in the application. Its another component B that the hierarchical injector created, when Component B was added to the list of providers.
One way to do it is to create a separate injectable service, and inject it in both components. One component subscribes to the service and the other triggers a modification. For example:
export class ItemsService {
private items = new Subject();
newItem(item) {;
This needs to be configured in the bootstrap of the Angular 2 app:
boostrap(YourRootComponent, [ItemsService, ... other injectables]);
And then inject it on both components. Component A sends new items:
export class CompA {
constructor(private itemsService: ItemsService){}
And component B subscribes to new items:
export class CompB {
constructor(itemsService: ItemsService){
itemsService.items.subscribe((newItem) => {
//receive new item here
Have a look at the async pipe, as its useful to consume observables in the template directly.
If you get a CompB instance passed to
constructor(public _compB: CompB){}
it's not the instance you expect but a different (new) one.
There are different strategies to communicate between components. This depends on how they are related in the view. Are they siblings, parent and child or something else. Your question doesn't provide this information.
For parent and child you can use data binding with inputs and outputs.
For siblings you can use data binding if you include the common parent (use it as mediator)
You always can use a shared service.
For data-binding details see

