How can I reset the timer again using clearInterval()? - javascript

I have looked at the other threads about this question, but so far I have found no solution that fits my problem. I want to create a timer that activates using an addEventListener, in which I will use a setInterval(). Then I want to have a "pause" button that can pause the setInterval(), which I did by using clearInterval().
My problem is that, once I pause my timer once, I cannot get the timer to continue counting again by clicking the same button that starts the timer in the first place. This is my code:
var countdown;
start.addEventListener("click", function clicked() {
countdown = setInterval(function() {
if (second.textContent!="59") {
let new_second=Number(second.textContent)+1;
else {
if (minute.textContent!="59") {
let new_minute=Number(minute.textContent)+1;
else {
let new_hour=Number(hour.textContent)+1;
}, 1000)
}, false);
pause.addEventListener("click", function() {
reset.addEventListener("click",function() {
Thank you all for your help!

outerHTML destroys the original start button (and creates a new instance), and thus the event listener you attached to it is no longer valid. Fixed code here:
var countdown;
start.addEventListener("click", function clicked() {
// alternatively you can clearInterval here every time
countdown = setInterval(function() {
if (second.textContent!="59") {
let new_second=Number(second.textContent)+1;
else {
if (minute.textContent!="59") {
let new_minute=Number(minute.textContent)+1;
else {
let new_hour=Number(hour.textContent)+1;
}, 1000)
}, false);
pause.addEventListener("click", function() {
reset.addEventListener("click",function() {
<div id="hour"></div>
<div id="minute"></div>
<div id="second"></div>
<div id="start">start</div>
<div id="reset">reset</div>
<div id="pause">pause</div>


Run the function until the mouse button is pressed in JavaScript

I want the function to run continuously as long as the user presses the mouse button
But it runs only once and is printed once on the console
I do not know how to solve this problem
please guide me
function handleBye() {
return console.log("BYE");
function handleHello() {
return console.log("HELLO");
<button onmousedown="handleHello()">hello</button>
<button onmousedown="handleBye()">bye</button>
Maybe you are looking for setInterval and clearInterval:
let timer;
function stop() {
function handleHello() {
repeat(() => console.log("HELLO"));
function handleBye() {
repeat(() => console.log("BYE"));
function repeat(what) {
timer = setInterval(what, 200); // Schedule
what(); // Also do it immediately
<button onmousedown="handleHello()" onmouseup="stop()">hello</button>
<button onmousedown="handleBye()" onmouseup="stop()">bye</button>

JavaScript Timeout reset mechanism

What I want:
There are two pictures that are being switched/swapped every three seconds.
I want to make it so that when the button is clicked, the picture switches and the auto-swap resets. So if the button is clicked, the image swaps and three seconds later, it will auto-swap, until the button is clicked again in which the cycle will repeat.
What I have right now
Currently, the problem is that: when the button is clicked, it messes up the timing of the auto-switches.
Please don't create a new code base. Just modify mines. The code doesn't have to be an expert super concise level. I'm only three weeks into JavaScript (and it's my first programming language). I have to explain to classmates and it wouldn't be nice the code had elements I don't understand. So sorry for the inconvenience.
Right now I just need the button to correctly stop and restart the time.
let reset = setTimeout(change, 3000);
function change() {
if(document.getElementById("picture").src == "") {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "";
else {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "";
setTimeout(change, 3000);
function fastChange() {
if(document.getElementById("picture").src == "") {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "";
else {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "";
<input type="button" onclick="fastChange();">
<img src="" id="picture">
The reason why your timer resets is because you are not clearing the timeout.
you need to make a reference to the timeout and then use clearTimeout() on it whne you make the fast change. I don't think it is possible or wise to do that inline the way you have it so you code needs to be refactored
let imgSrc1 = ''
let imgSrc2 = ''
let imgElement = document.getElementById('picture');
let timeout;
function change() {
if(imgElement.src === imgSrc1) {
imgElement.src = imgSrc2;
} else {
imgElement.src = imgSrc1;
if (timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(change, 3000);
You don't even need the second function fastChange. Now you can sent the onClick listener to change() like this
document.getElementById('whatever you want to click').onCLick = change;
Setting and clearing timeouts in multiple places will work, but I prefer using a "main loop" and a variable to count frames.
Here's an example that uses setInterval and resets a timer variable when the button was clicked:
const url1 = "";
const url2 = "";
function change() {
picture.src = picture.src == url1 ? url2 : url1;
var timer = 0;
setInterval(function() {
time.textContent = timer;
if (timer === 30) fastChange();
}, 100);
function fastChange() {
timer = 0;
picture.src = url1;
swap.onclick = fastChange;
#picture {
height: 70vh
<button id="swap">SWAP</button> <span id="time"></span><br>
<img id="picture">
You can do this by calling setTimeout and updating the index as necessary. Just be sure to store the most recent timeout id so that it can be cancelled on reset using clearTimeout.
// store the reference to the <img> that contains the picture
const pic = document.getElementById('picture')
// store a list (array) of the two picture urls
const sources = [
// used to store a reference to the interval timer you created.
var lastTimer
// a starting index of the list (i.e. which image we are up to right now)
var index = 1
// this functions swaps the image and sets a timer
function startRotation() {
// update the index to the next one (goes 0-1-0-1->etc)
index = 1 - index
// sets the .src of the image element
pic.src = sources[index]
// starts a 3 second timer to call this same function again
// but also stores a reference to the timer so that it can be cancelled
lastTimer = setTimeout(startRotation, 3000)
// this functions resets the timer and restarts the process
function reset() {
// stop the current timer if there is one
// restart the process
// start the swapping process on start
<input type="button" onclick="reset();">
<img id="picture">
var i;
function change() {
if(document.getElementById("picture").src == "") {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "";
else {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "";
i = setTimeout(change, 3000);
function fastChange() {
if(document.getElementById("picture").src == "") {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "";
else {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "";
i = setTimeout(change, 3000);
<body onload="setTimeout(change, 3000)">
<input type="button" onclick="fastChange();">
<img src="" id="picture">

Javascript timer - How do I prevent the timer from speeding up each time .deck is clicked?

I am building a memory card game. the class .deck represents a deck of cards. Each time I click a card the timer speeds up. How do I prevent the timer from speeding up?
function startTimer() {
$(".deck").on("click", function () {
nowTime = setInterval(function () {
second = second + 1
}, 1000);
You start multiple intervals, one each click. You probably should just start one. If you want to start it for the first card that is clicked:
function startTimer() {
// Maybe remove old timer? Should happen somewhere in your code.
// Possibly "stopTimer" if you have such a function.
let started = false;
$(".deck").on("click", function () {
if (started) return;
nowTime = setInterval(function () {
second = second + 1
}, 1000);
started = true;
That code should have some more cleanup, though. Otherwise you accumulate a lot of dead event listeners.
(Furthermore, i believe that jQuery should never be used.)
You need to stop the previous timer before starting a new one because, if you don't, you wind up with multiple timer callback functions all executing one immediately after the other, which gives the illusion that your single timer is speeding up.
function startTimer() {
$(".deck").on("click", function () {
clearInterval(nowTime); // Stop previous timer
nowTime = setInterval(function () {
second = second + 1;
}, 1000);
Another way to deal with this is to only allow the click event callback to run the very first time the button is clicked:
function startTimer() {
$(".deck").on("click", timer);
function timer() {
nowTime = setInterval(function () {
second = second + 1;
}, 1000);
$(".deck").off("click", timer); // Remove the click event handler

Temporarily disabling javascript function from repeating after mouseleave

I have an image gallery that rotates through the rotator class divs on that pauses on mouseenter and then fires again 1 second after mouseleave.
However, if a user moves the mouse in and out of the rotator class div quickly the function calls stack up and the visible changes until the 'stack' is completed.
I want the 1 second delay that has not been completed to be cancelled on the 2nd and subsequent mouseenter so that this does not happen.
I have tried using clearTimeout within the mouseenter function but it does not seem to work.
I know there is also the stop() function but that did not work either.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
var initList = setInterval('RotateIt()', 4000);
$('.rotator').mouseenter(function () {
}).mouseleave(function () {
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
initList = setInterval('RotateIt()', 4000);
function RotateIt() {
if ($('#rotator-visible').next('.rotator').length == 0) {
$('.rotator:first').attr('id', 'rotator-visible');
} else {
$('#rotator-visible').removeAttr("id").next('.rotator').attr("id", "rotator-visible");
If a user moves the mouse in and out of the rotator class div quickly the function calls stack up
Then clearTimeout it - and in exactly that place, not only in the delayed RotateIt. The simplest solution would be to call clearTimeout every time before setTimeout, so that you can be sure there is only one active timeout at once.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var initList = setInterval(rotateIt, 4000),
delay = null;
$('.rotator').mouseenter(function(e) {
}).mouseleave(function(e) {
delay = setTimeout(function () {
initList = setInterval(rotateIt, 4000);
}, 1000);
function rotateIt() {
if ($('#rotator-visible').next('.rotator').length == 0) {
$('.rotator:first').attr('id', 'rotator-visible');
} else {
$('#rotator-visible').removeAttr("id").next('.rotator').attr("id", "rotator-visible");

How to auto refresh HTML only if there has been no activity on a page?

I have a website which I would like to auto refresh ONLY if user is not using it for a specific time (ie.180 sec).Is there a way to auto refresh HTML only if there has been no activity on a page?
Thank you!
Two approaches:
1. Use a once-a-second timer and a "timeout" value.
You probably want to wrap this up in an object:
var activityHandler = (function() {
var timerHandle = 0,
function start() {
timerHandle = setInterval(tick, 1000);
function stop() {
if (timerHandle != 0) {
timerHandle = 0;
function flagActivity() {
timeout = new Date() + 180000;
function tick() {
if (new Date() > timeout) {
return {
start: start,
stop: stop,
flagActivity: flagActivity
Then start it on page load:
And ping it every time you see "activity":
So for instance, you might do this:
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('mousemove', activityHandler.flagActivity, false);
else if (document.attachEvent) {
document.attachEvent('onmousemove', activityHandler.flagActivity);
else {
document.onmousemove = activityHandler.flagActivity;
2. Use a timer you reset every time there's "activity".
This is less ongoing work (we don't have something happening every second), but more work when you flag that activity has happened.
Set up a timer to do the refresh:
var handle = setTimeout(function() {
}, 180000);
...and then cancel and reschedule any time you see whatever you consider to be "activity":
handle = setTimeout(...);
You can wrap this up in a function:
var inactivityTimerReset = (function() {
var handle = 0;
function reset() {
if (handle != 0) {
handle = setTimeout(tick, 180000);
function tick() {
return reset;
// Kick start
// ...and anywhere you see what you consider to be activity, call it
// again
Then, again, ping it on every activity. But this is a lot more work than I'd put in a mousemove handler, hence solution #1 above.
var docTimeOut;
function bodyTimeOut()
function resetTimeOut()
document.onload = bodyTimeOut;
document.body.onmouseover= resetTimeOut;
you could declare a variable pageActive or something, set it to false, and whenever user does something set it to true.
Then, set a function to execute periodically as frequently as you want with setinterval() that checks this variable, if it's true set it to false to start again, if is false then refresh page.
You can use onblur and onfocus on body element to see if there is a kind of activity on your page.

