Sisense - How To Customize UI - javascript

I'm a total Sisense noob, but am being tasked with customizing the look and feel of the Sisense app. Out of the box, it looks similar to:
For starters, I need to customize the header and left nav (highlighted in the screenshot above). I've read some of the Sisense documentation and lots of forums and posts, but am having trouble getting a straight answer to how to customize the UI. How do I modify/override the existing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for various elements on the page? (may be 3 separate questions)
(note: Answers can include "it's actually easier to embed dashboards and widgets into your existing application")

You need to have an add-on to your Sisense license to customize the sisense web app.


Open source javascript editor / designer, draggable boxes of fonts & images?

I need to build a visual designer image or card designer that lets you add text boxes of text (multiple fonts), or images, drag them around, and resize them.
This seems rather simple but I would yet think common - but so far I haven't found anything I could use as a basis for this.
What I'm looking for is something like Keynote but super basic.
I've looked at:
remark.js: presentation only
reveal.js: Pretty close, but only the presentation engine is open source. The visual editor is a closed source service.
mxgraph / jgraph: designed for directed graphs or flowchart
gojs: designed for directed graphs or flowchart
contentbuilder: its a layout engine for a page with stacked layout modules, I need something that authors a card
Of course also staple javasript editors like ACE, CK and TinyMCE but they solve the font editing / font selection problem, but not the drag & drop boxes & layout issue.
What I'm trying to build is something you might use on or minted when you design your card, or
But my needs are really basic - so I'm thinking that possibly the reason there isn't a library for this is that its pretty easy to build it? Anyway, would love some input.
It's less of a layout editor/designer but Fabric JS has a lot of the features you are looking for (multiple fonts, dragging images around and resizing). It's Canvas-based but can export to JSON if you need to transfer to a non-raster format. Might be adaptable if this is still a need.

Create a numbered editor inside a panel or htmleditor

I'm trying to create an app with a database containing examples of scripts that I use in my apps for my personal use.
It is a very simple app: the west region has a grid with the name of the items, and the central region has a hbox with an editor and a panel with my notes.
My difficulty is building the editor.
The editor can be read only and load the script from database.
I do not need to be as complete as the Sencha Fiddle, the JS Fiddle or the Walking Tree app.
However I needed that has a numbered column on the left, as the editors mentioned above.
Any idea how to do this within a panel or a HTMLEditor or a textarea, or another solution that suits my purpose?
Thanks in advance.
If it is read only you most likely don't need it to be an editor and you can find some functionality like how here in Stackoverflow you can post code:
<div>like this</div>
Which I know there are plenty of those out there and probably already include line numbering natively. For example Prism.

Completely redesigning the front-end for the Drupal forum

I only have web development experience with CakePHP, and I've recently started a Drupal project. My main task is to re-skin the Drupal forums so instead of a normal comment chain, there is a timeline of icons connected by a tree structure that display a comment when you click on them.
This is a pretty radical overhaul, and while I'd feel confident about doing this in CakePHP, where I can just write HTML as I please, the structure of Drupal confuses me. I've located the theme file that themes individual comments, but I'm not sure how to rewrite the page as a whole. A forum topic appears to just be a node with comments, so I'm not completely sure how to re-theme the whole page.
To Summarize, I need to:
Determine if any given node is a forum topic and replace the normal body with a scrollable timeline
Display simple shapes representing posts taking place at a certain time on the timeline connected as a tree
Hide the normal comments until the corresponding icons are clicked.
Additionally, I need a way for the user to filter posts on the timeline by their tags, but once I figure out the Javascript for showing the posts, this shouldn't be terribly difficult.
Thanks for helping out a confused web dev.

Animated panels like on Stackexchange Sites page

I would like to add a page to my website with a layout with animated panels that auto-slide around based on which one is clicked, as in Stackexchange's Sites page:
What language and what specific methodology did the designers of Stackexchange use for laying out that page, or more meaningfully, what language and methodology would you recommend I research, in order to learn to create something similar? Perhaps there is a tutorial somewhere for creating something similar to it?
From looking at the sources of that page (achieved by activating the developer console in Chrome and looking at the scripts panel.) I can see they are making use of the Isotope layout engine.
Isotope is a jQuery plugin written in JavaScript and the site linked above contains some solid documentation; however if you are new to JavaScript then they may be a little difficult to follow. A quick google brings up the following Isotope tutorial which may help you get started.

How to create draggable widgets?

I am tasked with developing the front-end to an analytics product that presents the information to the user in a customizable dashboard like the one used by Google Analytics:
- Dashboard is comprised of draggable widgets arranged in a grid layout
- Widgets have a drag handle which can be clicked by the user to start dragging
- Widgets can be re-ordered by dragging and dropping the widget
Part 1. Using jQuery (or any other open source Javascript API) can anyone explain to me how such a feature is implemented, from a high level overview.
Part 2. Can you recommend any resources for me to read that may be relevant to implementing this feature, or any foreseeable related features? (books, links, api docs, tutorials)
EDIT This one looks even better and more maintained! GRID by UberVU
Next one on the list is gridster.js
PS: I know this is an old thread but since this question is the first hit in Google I think its worth listing some newer libraries.
You can easily implement this.
You will get required info from
First what comes to head is jQuery UI.
Use HTML 5
You can find a lot of info here:
Use jQuery, and get on the Demo & Doc page to see how D&D is being used.
If you wanna dive into a Widget Page/Dashboard architecture, and would like to see how others did it, take a look at Omar AL Zabir's book
I am pretty sure this one is going to make you happy!

