public, src,and scripts folder not created while installing react-app - javascript

npx create-react-app clientwhen I tried to install react app using npx the files src, public folder are not created cmd is shown below
My react installation not being successful. Its been 2-3 days I'm searching for solution gone through many solutions but it didn't work as expected.

You should update node.js and react-app.
Seeing this maybe useful.


Javascript issue installing npm packages (nodemon, express)

I'm new to js and trying to setup a simple project with express and nodemon via npm.
However, installing these packages does give me multiple errors (see below).
I am on Win 10, using the PowerShell & Atom IDE. Project is saved on Google Drive.
"Calc.js" is simply the name of my project.
I have node & npm installed and restarted pc multiple times before.
Then I set up the npm init
I begin to install the first package and get this error:
I try to install express, but get the same result, adding -g also does not make a difference. Now I install "ci", which works for some reason.
Now I have the node modules folder in my project, try to install express again, and it seems to kinda work (got the files in the node_modules folder).
However when I try to run the calc.js via "node calc.js" it
does not work.
Already tried out many things and even accidentally made it work, then tried to reproduce it and failed. Would be super happy for some help.

While installing react it gets stuck in between

While installing react only half gets installed, only my node modules gt installed after that it just hangs, src and public folder are not getting installed is there any other way to do this.
Maybe install it not from VS Code, but directly from the terminal/command prompt.
npx create-react-app -name-

NPM is creating ton of cmd and ps1 files

I am using Windows 10 laptop, recently, I started getting the .cmd and .ps1 files getting created in the root Node js application.
It looks like the contents of node_modules/.bin/ folder are entirely pushed to root folder.
I have tried to uninstall and install the Node but no luck. I tried to install the latest Node and also Node 12.x.x but I am still getting the same issue.
I tried to create a fresh Node js application too. Any ideas, please?

How to create react app without git (skipping git)?

I don't want git initialized in my folder when I create react app by
npx create-react-app appName
When I was working with Angular, it was comparatively easier by just typing the command
ng new my-app --skip-git
Can anyone please tell me the related command for React? I tried searching but couldn't find any satisfactory answer.
There's an open GitHub issue for your case.
TL;DR: There are no current plans to include such an option. The React developers recommend you run rm -rf .git after npx create-react-app appName to achieve these results.
I had case where I have nodejs folder and I wanted to create react frontend project folder inside react project folder. I did it using this command npx create-react-app projectname --skip-git
Try npx create-react-app --skip-git.
If this is not working delete the .git folder manually .

Starting server - done! in IONIC 2 without run the project

I an having some little problem's when trying to command my project to run with the 'ionic serve', command, inside of the application folder. Every time that i use this command the cmd return the message 'Starting server - done!' and don't run my program.
I already tried to uninstall and reinstall my Cordova, npm and Node.js, at least five times, in each time using a different version of Node.js but without success. I tried to use gulp command in the last installation before the 'ionic serve' command, without success again.
This project of Ionic was downloaded in TFS, because my colleage create him im my enterprise and update to TFS, then i downloaded it.
Now my Node JS has the version 6.10.1 and my npm is in the version 3.10.10. I have a project to deliver in one week and are desperate to solve that.
I will be grateful for any help. Thank you everyone.
Delete the node_modules folder from your project.
Run the command npm install (It will recreate a fresh node_modules folder).
Then run ionic serve.
My friend, i solved in another way.
The person of my enterprise, who had uploaded the project don't put the node-modules folder. Than i copy the folder of him and put in my project, after i used 'ionic serve' command and everything just worked well.
Thank you for your help. I am very grateful.

