Vuex commit after await won't update state - javascript

I've read multiple similar questions about this here and elsewhere, but I can't figure it out.
I have a form with mapGetters and input values that should update based on Vuex state:
show: "getShow"
sample form input (I'm using Bootstrap Vue):
Then I have this method on the form component:
async searchOnDB() {
var showId =;
if (!showId) {
alert("Please enter a showId");
try {
await this.$store.dispatch("searchShowOnDB", showId);
} catch (ex) {
alert("error searching on DB");
and this action on the store:
async searchShowOnDB({ commit, rootState }, showId) {
var response = await SearchAPI.searchShowOnDB(showId);
var show = {
//I'm updating the object since it could already contain something
var new_show = Object.assign(, show);
commit("setShow", new_show);
setShow(state, show) {
Vue.set(state, "show", show);
export default {
searchShowOnDB: function (showId) {
return axios.get('/search/?id=' + showId);
Everything works, the API call is executed, I can even see the Vuex updated state in Vue Devtools, but the form is not updated.
As soon as I write something in an input field or hit commit in Vue Devtools, the form fields show_start, runtime, description all get updated.
Also, this works correctly and updates everything:
async searchShowOnDB({ commit, rootState }, showId) {
var show = {
show_start: "2010-03-12",
runtime: 60,
description: "something"
//I'm updating the object since it could already contain something
var new_show = Object.assign(, show);
commit("setShow", new_show);
I don't know what else to do, I tried by resolving Promises explicitly, remove async/await and use axios.get(...).then(...), moving stuff around... nothing seems to work.

On line 15 of your /modules/search.js you're using Object.assign() on This mutates the search prop of the state (which is wrong, btw, you should only mutate inside mutations!). Read below why.
And then you're attempting to trigger the mutation. But, guess what? Vue sees it's the same value, so no component is notified, because there was no change. This is why you should never mutate outside of mutations!
So, instead of assigning the value to the state in your action, just commit the new show (replace lines 15-16 with:
commit('setShow', show);
See it here:
This will completely replace with show. If you only want to merge the response into current (to keep some custom stuff you added to current show), you could spread the contents of and overwrite with contents of show:
commit("setShow", {, });
Also note you don't need Vue.set() in your mutation. You have the state in the first parameter of any mutation and that's the state of the current module. So just assign = show.
And one last note: when your vuex gets bigger, you might want to namespace your modules, to avoid any name clashes.

All props of objects in a state that is used in templates must exist or you should call Vue.set for such properties.
state: {
show: {
runtime: null // <- add this line
You call Vue.set for the whole object but it already exist in the state and you do not replace it by a new one you just replace props. In your case you have an empty object and add the 'runtime' prop it it using Object.assign.
Also all manipulations with state should be done in mutations:
var new_show = {
commit("setShow", new_show);
mutations: {
setShow(state, new_show) {
Object.assign(, new_show)


Is it ok to modify Vuex state using only the payload argument of a mutation?

For example, could I iterate over Vuex data in a Vue file and choose the data needing updating, then pass the found data to an action, which commits it and then the mutation only makes the update?
The reason I'm unsure about it is because the typical format of a Vuex mutation contains the parameter for 'state', so I assume it needs to be used, and the only way to do that is either by doing all the looping inside the mutation, or to pass indexes to it to more quickly find the exact fields needing changing.
For who asked, a code example:
computed: {
arrayOfObjects: (state) => state.someVuexStore.arrayOfObjects
methods: {
myUpdateMethod() {
let toBePassedForUpdate = null;
let newFieldState = "oneValue";
this.arrayOfObjects.forEach((myObject) => {
if (myObject.someDataField !== "oneValue") {
toBePassedForUpdate = myObject.someDataField;
if (toBePassedForUpdate) {
let passObject = {
updateThis: toBePassedForUpdate,
newFieldState: newFieldState
this.$store.dispatch("updateMyObjectField", passObject)
const state = {
arrayOfObjects: [],
/* contains some object such as:
myCoolObject: {
someDataField: "otherValue"
const mutations = {
updateMyObjectField(state, data) {
data.updateThis = data.newFieldState;
const actions = {
updateMyObjectField(state, data) {
state.commit("updateMyObjectField", data);
Yes, it's alright to mutate state passed in through the payload argument rather than state. Vuex doesn't bother to distinguish between the two. In either case, it's the same state, and neither option detracts from the purposes of using mutations.
To feel more sure of that, you can ask what are the purposes of mutations and of enforcing their use. The answer is to keep a centralized, trackable location for concretely defined changes to state.
To illustrate this is a good thing, imagine an app with 1000 components, each one changing state locally, outside of a mutation, and in different ways. This could be a nightmare to debug or comprehend as a 3rd party, because you don't know how or where state changes.
So mutations enforce how and a centralized where. Neither of these are damaged by only using the payload argument in a mutation.
I would do all of the logic from one action, you can desctructured the context object in the action signature like so :
actions: {
myAction ({ state, commit, getters, dispacth } ,anyOtherParameter) {
let myVar = getters.myGetter//use a getter to get your data
//execute logic
commit('myCommit', myVar)//commit the change
If you need to do the logic in your component you can easily extract the getter and the logic from the action.

Vue Component Props are not being updated

In my data I have an object program. I load a list of objects asynchronously and add it to program.sections.
async loadSections() {
if (this.user == null && this.program.sections) { return }
await this.$store.dispatch('loadProgramSections', {program: this.program, user: this.user});
console.log('loaded Sections', this.program);
// this.$set(this.program, 'sections', this.progrmm.sections)
// this.$nextTick(() => { this.$forceUpdate(); })
My UI looks like this:
<Section :program="program" ></Section>
So I pass my program object down to my Sections component
In my console log I can see that the field programm.sections is indeed my array of objects but my UI does not get changed. When I put my UI code from the Sections component directly in to my page, it gets updated and the data is dispalyed correctly but when I use the component the props are not being updated correctly.
I already tried the commented lines in my code but it doesn't work.
Any Ideas?
Assign a new object reference in this.program:
async loadSections() {
if (this.user == null && this.program.sections) { return }
await this.$store.dispatch('loadProgramSections', {program: this.program, user: this.user});
console.log('loaded Sections', this.program);
// assign a new object reference
this.program = Object.asssign({}, this.program);
Also make sure you initialize program in data() section.
The main issue is that Vue cannot detect the changes in some situations.
e.g. set a item to an array or set an additional property to an object
That's the crux of the problem. You might need Caveats.

Vuex: Observe logic in state

I don't know how to organize my Vuex store given the following problem.
I have an array of buttons / actions, like 100s of them. They are are organized in the store like this:
buttons: [
text: 'Button 1',
doAction (store) {},
mustShow (store) {
return state.variable > 10 && state.variable2.counter < 12 && !state.variable3
I can easily display them in my view and link their action to the click event:
<button v-for"button in buttons" #click="button.doAction()"></button>
The problem is that each button can be shown or not based on arbitrary complex logic that it only knows, as you can see in the mustShow function. Each button has its distinctive logic.
I can easily make a getter that returns only the buttons whose mustShow function returns true to have only the actions that must be shown in a specific state of the store:
availableActions (state) {
return state.buttons.filter(s => s.mustShow())
This works the first time, but the problem is that of course this getter is not reactive since it's not bound to state variables but to the result of a function that is not reactive.
How would you organize the code to make this work? Of course one could put all the display logic for all the buttons into a single getter. But what if I want the name of the button to be dynamic as well (as the result of a function that computes its value based on arbitrary variables in the state)?
I think you are going the wrong way here: as a thumb rule you shouldn't have complex objects, like function definitions, defining your store state. A way of thinking about the store state is that should be something that you should be able to encode in JSON, give it to a friend, and then your friend if parses it back and use it in the same program should get the same result, so clearly a function inside the state won't fit this.
My suggestion would be to do something like:
const state = {
buttons: [
text: 'Button 1',
id: 1
const actions = {
doAction ({commit}, {btnId}) {
// now you perform the action you want to do
// finally if you want to change the state of your store you
// should commit a mutation, *do not change the state here!*
// let the mutation do their job
// here you put all the things the mutation may need to perform
// the change of the state
const payload = { btnId }
commit(changeSomethingInState, { payload })
const mutations = {
changeSomethingInState (state, { payload }) {
state.something = payload
This is in the store definition. Now in your view you do like:
<button v-for"button in buttons" #click="dispatch('doAction', { btnId: })"/>

Can I do dispatch from getters in Vuex

Fiddle : here
I am creating a webapp with Vue 2 with Vuex. I have a store, where I want to fetch state data from a getter, What I want is if getter finds out data is not yet populated, it calls dispatch and fetches the data.
Following is my Vuex store:
const state = {
pets: []
const mutations = {
SET_PETS (state, response) {
state.pets = response;
const actions = {
FETCH_PETS: (state) => {
setTimeout(function() {
state.commit('SET_PETS', ['t7m12qbvb/apple_9', '6pat9znxz/1448127928_kiwi'])
}, 1000)
const getters = {
return state.pets
const store = new Vuex.Store({
But I am getting following error:
Uncaught TypeError: state.dispatch is not a function(…)
I know I can do this, from beforeMount of Vue component, but I have multiple components which uses same Vuex store, so I have to do it in one of the components, which one should that be and how will it impact other components.
Getters can not call dispatch as they are passed the state not context of the store
Actions can call state, dispatch, commit as they are passed the context.
Getters are used to manage a 'derived state'.
If you instead set up the pets state on the components that require it then you would just call FETCH_PETS from the root of your app and remove the need for the getter
I know this is an older post and I'm not sure if this is good practice, but I did the following to dispatch from a getter in my store module:
import store from "../index"
And used the store inside my getter like this:
I did this to make sure data was made available if it was not already present.
I want you to be aware of this: Vue form - getters and side effects
This is related to #storsoc note.
If you need to dispatch from your getter you probably are already implementing your state wrong. Maybe a component higher up should already have fetched the data before (state lifting). Also please be aware that getters should only be used when you need to derive other data from the current state before serving it to your template otherwise you could call state directly: this.$store.state.variable to use in methods/computed properties.
Also thing about your lifecycle methods.. you could for example in your mounted or created methods check if state is set and otherwise dispatch from there. If your getter / "direct state" is inside a computed property it should be able to detect changes.
had the same Problem.. also wanted all Vue-Instances to automaticly load something, and wrote a mixin:
store.registerModule('session', {
namespaced: true,
state: {
session: {hasPermission:{}},
mutations: {
changeSession: function (state, value)
state.session = value;
changeSessionLoaded: function (state)
state.sessionLoaded = true;
actions: {
// your Ajax-request, that will set context.state.session=something
computed: {
$session: function () { return this.$store.state.session.session; },
if(this.$parent==undefined && !this.$store.state.session.sessionLoaded)
because it loads only one per vue-instance and store and it it inlcuded automaticly in every vue-instance, there is no need to define it in every main-app
I use a getter to configure a dynamic page. Essentially, something like this:
getter: {
configuration: function () {
return {
fields: [
component: 'PlainText',
props: {},
setPropsFromPageState: function (props, pageState, store) {
// custom logic
Then in the page component, when I am dynamically setting the props on a dynamic component, I can call the setPropsFromPageState(field.props, this.details, this.$store) method for that component, allowing logic to be set at the config level to modify the value of the props being passed in, or to commit/dispatch if needed.
Basically this is just a callback function stored in the getter that is executed in the component context with access to the $store via it.

Is there a proper way of resetting a component's initial data in vuejs?

I have a component with a specific set of starting data:
data: function (){
return {
modalBodyDisplay: 'getUserInput', // possible values: 'getUserInput', 'confirmGeocodedValue'
submitButtonText: 'Lookup', // possible values 'Lookup', 'Yes'
addressToConfirm: null,
bestViewedByTheseBounds: null,
name: null,
address: null,
position: null
This is data for a modal window, so when it shows I want it to start with this data. If the user cancels from the window I want to reset all of the data to this.
I know I can create a method to reset the data and just manually set all of the data properties back to their original:
reset: function (){
this.modalBodyDisplay = 'getUserInput';
this.submitButtonText = 'Lookup';
this.addressToConfirm = null;
this.bestViewedByTheseBounds = null;
this.location = {
name: null,
address: null,
position: null
But this seems really sloppy. It means that if I ever make a change to the component's data properties I'll need to make sure I remember to update the reset method's structure. That's not absolutely horrible since it's a small modular component, but it makes the optimization portion of my brain scream.
The solution that I thought would work would be to grab the initial data properties in a ready method and then use that saved data to reset the components:
data: function (){
return {
modalBodyDisplay: 'getUserInput',
submitButtonText: 'Lookup',
addressToConfirm: null,
bestViewedByTheseBounds: null,
name: null,
address: null,
position: null
// new property for holding the initial component configuration
initialDataConfiguration: null
ready: function (){
// grabbing this here so that we can reset the data when we close the window.
this.initialDataConfiguration = this.$data;
resetWindow: function (){
// set the data for the component back to the original configuration
this.$data = this.initialDataConfiguration;
But the initialDataConfiguration object is changing along with the data (which makes sense because in the read method our initialDataConfiguration is getting the scope of the data function.
Is there a way of grabbing the initial configuration data without inheriting the scope?
Am I overthinking this and there's a better/easier way of doing this?
Is hardcoding the initial data the only option?
extract the initial data into a function outside of the component
use that function to set the initial data in the component
re-use that function to reset the state when needed.
// outside of the component:
function initialState (){
return {
modalBodyDisplay: 'getUserInput',
submitButtonText: 'Lookup',
addressToConfirm: null,
bestViewedByTheseBounds: null,
name: null,
address: null,
position: null
//inside of the component:
data: function (){
return initialState();
resetWindow: function (){
Object.assign(this.$data, initialState());
Caution, Object.assign(this.$data, this.$ does not
bind the context into data().
So use this:
Object.assign(this.$data, this.$
cc this answer was originally here
To reset component data in a current component instance you can try this:
Object.assign(this.$data, this.$
Privately I have abstract modal component which utilizes slots to fill various parts of the dialog. When customized modal wraps that abstract modal the data referred in slots belongs to parent
component scope. Here is option of the abstract modal which resets data every time the customized modal is shown (ES2015 code):
watch: {
show (value) { // this is prop's watch
if(value) {
Object.assign(this.$parent.$data, this.$parent.$
You can fine tune your modal implementation of course - above may be also executed in some cancel hook.
Bear in mind that mutation of $parent options from child is not recommended, however I think it may be justified if parent component is just customizing the abstract modal and nothing more.
If you are annoyed by the warnings, this is a different method:
const initialData = () => ({})
export default {
data() {
return initialData();
methods: {
const data = initialData()
Object.keys(data).forEach(k => this[k] = data[k])
No need to mess with $data.
I had to reset the data to original state inside of a child component, this is what worked for me:
Parent component, calling child component's method:
<button #click="$refs.childComponent.clearAllData()">Clear All</button >
<child-component ref='childComponent></child-component>
Child component:
defining data in an outside function,
referencing data object by the defined function
defining the clearallData() method that is to be called upon by the
parent component
function initialState() {
return {
someDataParameters : '',
someMoreDataParameters: ''
export default {
data() {
return initialState();
methods: {
clearAllData() {
Object.assign(this.$data, initialState());
There are three ways to reset component state:
Define key attribute and change that
Define v-if attribute and switch it to false to unmount the component from DOM and then after nextTick switch it back to true
Reference internal method of component that will do the reset
Personally, I think the first option is the clearest one because you control the component only via Props in a declarative way. You can use destroyed hook to detect when the component got unmount and clear anything you need to.
The only advance of third approach is, you can do a partial state reset, where your method only resets some parts of the state but preserves others.
Here is an example with all the options and how to use them:,js,output

