How to remove all cy.route from beforeEach in Cypress - javascript

I'm creating a lot of tests for application in my firm. Before each test I need to create a state to work on it, and it's always the same, so I created some routes in my own method and then in support/index.js file I created beforeEach that looks like this
beforeEach(() => {
cy.mockSearches(SHORTEN_SEARCHES); // this only creates mocks
And in 99% percent of tests it's working fine, but there is one test, that needs to work on real data. What should I do? Is there a way to ignore global beforeEach? I guess I can move this part of code to each test before each, but that's code repetition? Or maybe I should override this cy.route with empty responses?

You can add a condition to your beforeEach() to exit before your setup:
beforeEach(() => {
if (shouldUseRealData) return;
cy.mockSearches(SHORTEN_SEARCHES); // this only creates mocks
As stated in the docs about environment variables, you can set an environment variable in different ways. One way would be to set it in your command line when calling cypress run:
cypress run --env use_mock=true
And then you would use it with Cypress.env('use_mock').
beforeEach(() => {
if (Cypress.env('use_mock')) {
cy.mockSearches(SHORTEN_SEARCHES); // this only creates mocks


Does loading multiple json files in single test suit is a good practice in cypress?

Does loading multiple json files in single test suit is a good practice in cypress?
Something like this:
before(() => {
cy.fixture('productCatalogData').then((datajson) => {
recipeData =;
return recipeData;
cy.fixture('loginData').then((datajson) => {
loginData = datajson;
return loginData;
If you need both the json files in one suite, I don't think there should be a problem using fixtures multiple times. However you can shorten the cy.fixture() code a bit like this:
before(() => {
it('Access fixtures data', function () {
// The test has to use "function" callback to make sure "this" points at the Mocha context
//Access fixtures data using this.productCatalogData and this.loginData
But one thing to add here, cypress removes aliases after every tests. So if you have just one test inside the suite then before() will work fine, but if you have multiple tests you have to use beforeEach().

Jasmine Async test generation

let's imagine we have a promise that does a large amounts of operations and return helper functions.
A banal example:
const testPromise = testFn => () => {
const helper = Promise.resolve({testHelper: () => 'an helper function'}) // I/O Promise that returns an helper for testing
return helper.then(testFn).finally(() => console.log('tear down'));
// This describe would work as expected
describe('Async test approach', () => {
it('A test', testPromise(async ({testHelper}) => {
expect(testHelper()).toBe('an helper function')
// This part doesn't work
describe('Async describe approach', testPromise(async ({testHelper}) => {
it('Test 1', () => {
expect(testHelper()).toBe('an helper function')
it('Test 2', () => {
expect(testHelper()).not.toBe('A chair')
What I would like to achieve is something like the second example where I can use async code within describe without re-evaluating testPromise.
describe doesn't handle async so I am not even able to loop and create dynamic tests properly.
I did read many comments around saying that describe should only be a simple way to group tests but... then... how can someone make async generated tests based on I/O result?
Regarding all the comment you guys kindly added, I should have added few additional details...
I am well aware that tests must be defined synchronously :), that is exactly where problems starts. I totally disagree with that and I am trying to find an alternative that avoids before/after and doing it without specifying an external variable. Within Jest issues there was an open one to address that, it seems they did agree on making describe async but they won't do it. The reason is... Jest is using Jasmine implementation of describe and this "fix" should be done in there.
I wanted to avoid beforeAll and afterAll, as much as I could. My purpose was creating an easy (and neat) way to define integration tests tailored on my needs without letting users to worry about initialize and tear down stuff around. I will continue to use the Example 1 above style, that seems the best solution to me, even if it would be clearly a longer process.
Take a look at Defining Tests. The doc says:
Tests must be defined synchronously for Jest to be able to collect your tests.
This is the principle for defining test cases. Which means the it function should be defined synchronously. That's why your second example doesn't work.
Some I/O operations should be done in beforeAll, afterAll, beforeEach, afterEach methods to prepare your test doubles and fixtures. The test should be isolated from the external environment as much as possible.
If you must do this, maybe you can write the dynamically obtained testHelper function to a static js file, and then test it in a synchronous way
As it was noted, describe serves to group tests.
This can be achieved with beforeAll. Since beforeAll should be called any way, it can be moved to testPromise:
const prepareHelpers = (testFn) => {
beforeAll(() => {
return helper.then(testFn);
describe('Async describe approach', () => {
let testHelper;
prepareHelpers(helpers => { testHelper = helpers.testHelper });

Jest testing, make the variable accessible for all test files

The thing is that I have some preparations to do before starting tests. I've got several test files and each of them requires rabbit connection to be opened before each test file, and close it after the ending of all tests in every file. The thing is that I've got to duplicate code in test files to open and close connection. How can deal with connection in one file. I am using TypeScript so several solutions as jest-environment-node, jest-set are not helpful in this case. Also there is a chance that I can solve this proble using setup files as:
"setupFiles": [
And write in setup file something like:
let channel: PubChannel;
beforeAll(() => {
channel = new PubChannel('amqp://localhost', true); = new SystemService(channel); // or using globals but it doesn't actually work in both cases.
afterAll(async () => {
await channel.closeConnection();
The thing is that I need ss variable to use in tests in order to call some functions. But I don't know how to make them available from setupt.ts file as I can't use export kew word because the value has been modified inside beforeAll scope. Is there any chance to solve this ridiculous problem?

Global beforeEach and afterEach in protractor

In each spec I have beforeEach and afterEach statements. Is it possible to add it somehow globally to avoid code duplication between specs ?
Purpose of beforeEach() and afterEach() functions are to add a block of repetitive code that you would need to execute every time you start or complete executing each spec(it). There are other ways to add generalised code to avoid code repetition, here are few -
If you have a piece of code that you would require to run only once before starting a test suite(describe), then you can use beforeAll() and afterAll() functions that jasmine provides.
If you want to run a piece of code that you want to run only once when the execution starts before starting all the test scripts, then add it in your onPrepare() and onComplete() function.
If you want to add a piece of code that should run even before protractor has started instantiating itself or after it has shut itself down, then use beforeLaunch and afterLaunch.
So it all depends on the scenario that you want to use them in. Hope it helps.
My team has the same desire, to run bits of boilerplate code at the start of every test file. From the discussion here, it doesn't sound like there are hooks to globally add to the beforeEach(), afterEach(), etc.
However, we do use the onPrepare() function to abbreviate the amount of before/after boilerplate code that gets repeated in each spec file. Below is a beforeAll() example, but the pattern could be used for beforeEach()/afterEach(). In this case, we're setting up test users in the database with a DataSeeder class, which we do in the outer-most describe() block in every spec file. (I'm also leaving in my catchProtractorErrorInLocation pattern, because it's super useful for us.)
In protractor.conf.ts add boilerplate code to browser.params object.
onPrepare: function () {
const browser = require('protractor').browser;
// Define the ConsoleHelper & DataSeeder instances, which will be used by all tests.
const DataSeeder = require('./e2e/support/data-seeder.js');
browser.params.dataSeeder = new DataSeeder();
browser.catchProtractorErrorInLocation = (error, location) => {
throw new Error(`Error in ${location}\n ${error}`);
browser.catchProtractorErrorInBeforeAll = (error) => browser.catchProtractorErrorInLocation(error, 'beforeAll()');
// Return a promise that resolves when DataSeeder is connected to service and ready to go
return browser.params.dataSeeder.waitForConnect();
With that in place, we can easily do beforeAll() setup code in an abbreviated set of lines.
beforeAll(() => {
return browser.params.dataSeeder.createTestUsers()
You obviously need to do different things in your setup, but you can see how the pattern can apply.

Global BeforeEach for mocking HTTP request with Mocha and Angular

I have few requests that are triggered in
angular.module('demo').run(function($http) {
And when I use $rootScope.$apply in my tests to resolve mock promises, I get unexpected request errors for '/some/thing' and '/some/other/thing'.
One way to fix it is to set $httpBackend in the beforeeach:
$httpBackend.when('GET', mockData.API_URL + '/some/thing').respond(200, {});
$httpBackend.when('GET', mockData.API_URL + '/some/other/thing').respond(200, {});
This will work but it means that I have to put it into beforeeach of every test file where I use $rootScope.$apply.
How can I make those $httpBackend configs global for every test file?
Or is there a better solution to this problem?
From the Mocha website, at "Root-Level Hooks":
You may also pick any file and add "root"-level hooks. For example,
add beforeEach() outside of all describe() blocks. This will cause the
callback to beforeEach() to run before any test case, regardless of
the file it lives in (this is because Mocha has a hidden describe()
block, called the "root suite").
beforeEach(function() {
console.log('before every test in every file');
If you really need it in all tests VinceOPS answer is best. What I would do if you don't need it in every test but just a lot is move the $httpBackend calls into a separate function and put that in a shared js file. Then you just call that function from beforeEach when needed.
For more complex configurations I often create my own wrapper functions for either describe(), it() or the function where you define the test to prevent writing (too much) duplicate code.

