How to make .env variables work inside JS class constructors? - javascript

I'm working on a Node/Express project. Most of the code is contained in files that are inside folders, so that a folder named 'controllers' contains all of the project's controllers, a folder named 'services' contains all of the project's services etc. The code that starts the server is inside a file called app.js which is directly in the project root.
All controllers and services are declared as JS classes and contain a constructor. Dotenv is loaded inside app.js and env variables work nicely everywhere BUT inside class constructors, as those seem to be loaded before dotenv is initialized.
An example of the class syntax used:
export default class exampleService {
constructor() {
console.log('This is not working', process.env.EXAMPLE); // process.env.EXAMPLE is undefined
myFunction() {
console.log('This works just fine', process.env.EXAMPLE); // process.env.EXAMPLE is exactly how it's defined in .env
// All other class methods are here.
Is there a way I could get dotenv variables to work inside class constructors without having to import and init dotenv in the beginning of each class file?
If I do resort to importing dotenv individually to each class file, will it have any other cons besides making the code less clean?

Try loading the application with preload on dotenv (copied from the source):
You can use the --require (-r) command line option to preload dotenv. By doing this, you do not need to require and load dotenv in your application code. This is the preferred approach when using import instead of require.
$ node -r dotenv/config your_script.js
The configuration options below are supported as command line arguments in the format dotenv_config_<option>=value
$ node -r dotenv/config your_script.js dotenv_config_path=/custom/path/to/your/env/vars
Additionally, you can use environment variables to set configuration options. Command line arguments will precede these.
$ DOTENV_CONFIG_<OPTION>=value node -r dotenv/config your_script.js
$ DOTENV_CONFIG_ENCODING=latin1 node -r dotenv/config your_script.js dotenv


Import ES6 Modules with absolute paths in NodeJS without using Babel/Webpack

I have a plain old NodeJS project (with Typescript) and I'm really struggling to find out how to do ES6 imports for local files without having to do "../../../foo/bar" all the time.
There are loads of similar questions but all seem to revolve around babel/Webpack which I'm not using.
If I do the following:
import foo from `/bar`
it looks for it in the root folder of my PC (e.g. c:/bar) and fails.
I have tried using a .env file with NODE_PATH set to various hings ("/", "." etc) but no luck. I have also tried setting "type: 'module'" in my package.json and my tsconfig.json file has {"baseUrl": "."}
So I think I've tried every answer I can find. Am I just doing them in the wrong combination or is the solution something different?
Here are two tricks I've used for this, with Node.js and native ES modules.
file: dependencies
If you want to access <project root>/bar from a sub package two levels down, adding this to the package.json dependencies:
"#local/bar": "file:../../bar",
..makes bar available to the said subpackage as #local/bar.
While relative paths are still present, they are now all in the package.json files and the sources never need to know..
Use dynamic import()
Pick the root folder's path to a constant and do this:
const foo = await import(`${rootPath}/bar`);
This was pretty simple to implement for me, using Typescript in VSCode.
In tsconfig.json, I added "baseUrl": "./", under compilerOptions
After a restart of VSCode, VSCode will automatically import using psuedo-absolute paths.
The paths won't begin with /, that still points to your drive root.
If the is below the current file, it will still use a ./relative/path, but no more ../../tree/traversing
Then I set dev in packages.json to
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"dev": "cross-env NODE_PATH=./ nodemon ./app.ts"
I use cross-env. You may use the set command and nodemon for automatic reloading of change files.
Setting NODE_PATH to ./ tells NodeJS to do what Visual Studio and TypeScript are doing.
I do have package.json in my src directory. You may not, and may need to change some pathing to adjust.
I am not sure what you mean by "local files without having to do "../../../foo/bar""
Let me explain how Javascript handles imports. Here is a basic folder structure.
- Project
- Random Folder
- foo.js
- bar.js
Option 1 Probably the better option for 95% of what you will do
Let's say you are trying to import foo.js into bar.js we first get our current location of bar.js using a . so it would be
import foo from "./Random Folder/foo.js"
If you are going the other way the . is still used to say get current location in the folder structure but you pass a second . so .. then a / to go up a folder. So to import bar.js into foo.js it would look like this:
import bar from "../bar.js"
We are going up a folder then looking for the file we want.
Option 2
But if you know you folder structure is going to be very big and you will be importing always a few folders up or down why not make a variable and then use string literals.
let folder = `../../../`
import test from `${folder}foo`
You have a few options of how to handle what you want to do.
Option 3 For NodeJS and modules
If you are using NodeJS and want to get the path not relative, the use the app-root-path module. It lets you always get your project root and then dig into to files accordingly. This can be accomplished with string literals.
var appRoot = require('app-root-path');
import foo from appRoot + "/foo/bar/folders/bla/bla"
import foo from `${appRoot}/foo/bar/folders/bla/bla` <-- string literals

If I set env vars using dotenv and PM2 ecosystem.config.js, which one will Node use?

I assume PM2 appends env vars the 'native' system way at startup, something like:
MYVAR=hey; node app.js
The difference with the dotenv npm package is it MUST append vars another way, because it works inside the script (it can't do MYVAR=someothervar; node app.js because the program is already started), so it works like this:
dotenv.config() //reads .env file and appends stuff to process.env at runtime
Now say PM2 launches MYVAR=hey; node app.js and then inside app.js we run dotenv.config() that reads an .env file containing MYVAR=foo. Which var will be in process.env?
//...standard pm2 config above
env: {
MYVAR: 'ecosystem',
dotenv.config() will not overwrite variables if it sees they already exist in the process.env (that they've been assigned the PM2 MYVAR=foo; node app.js way.
So process envs set before launch will take precedence.
This is actually in the README of dotenv.
What happens to environment variables that were already set?
We will never modify any environment variables that have already been set. In particular, if there is a variable in your .env file which collides with one that already exists in your environment, then that variable will be skipped. This behavior allows you to override all .env configurations with a machine-specific environment, although it is not recommended.
If you absolutely need to override existing env vars - use the dotenv-override package.

How to import file from public folder in react application?

I have a javascript file in the public folder and I want to import that file to components in the folder src/components.
But I can't do something like this in my component:
import Recorder from '../../public/recorder'
Because I get the following error:
Module not found: You attempted to import ../../public/recorder which
falls outside of the project src/ directory. Relative imports outside
of src/ are not supported. You can either move it inside src/, or add
a symlink to it from project's node_modules/.
As I've understood it's not allowed to import outside of /src directory, so I was wondering how I could "add a symlink" or if you know other ways to fix it.
I believe you are using create-react-app ... this is a feature included in the ModuleScopePlugin, and you can disable it by ejecting the app and editing your webpack configuration (as described in this answer).
But beware, the feature exists for a reason. The create-react-app build tool only processes the src/ directory, so for example your JavaScript outside of here will not be transpiled by Babel. Furthermore, you're typically trying to avoid polluting the global scope if you're using a bundler like Webpack. So unless you've got a really specific reason why you'd need to do this, I'd say try and move it.
You can modify the react-scripts config with the rescripts library
Create a file called .rescriptsrc.js in your root folder:
module.exports = config => {
const scopePluginIndex = config.resolve.plugins.findIndex(
({ constructor }) => constructor && === "ModuleScopePlugin"
config.resolve.plugins.splice(scopePluginIndex, 1);
return config;
If you're ok not using the actual file in public and having a duplicate js file in the src directory there's a hacky but cool solution if you use vscode. This vscode extension allows you to trigger a command on save (you can use regex to specify which file saves should trigger which commands) and you can specify a command to run on save as such:
"match": "public\\\\recorder.js$",
"cmd": "copy ${file} ${workspaceFolder}\\src\\recorder.js"
Now you can import from that duplicated file.
As i can see you want to import parent component in child component.
While defining path './' represents the current directory in which you are working so you can go one level up by following '../' for one level up and the same goes for the upper level directory.
So if you want to import from public folder inside Speech.js component you could do something like this.
// In Speech.js
import Recorder from './../../public/recorder';
Hope this will be useful to you.

How do I require something in root project directory from inside node package library?

I wanna create a node package modules, but I have difficulty to require a file from root project directory to use inside my node package module I created.
If I have directory structure like this
- node_modules
- library_name
- lib
- index.js
- bin
- config.js
If the called, it will run index.js. Inside index.js, how do I resolve to root directory which later I can require config.js inside index.js?
Package binary can accept configuration path explicitly as an argument.
If package binary doesn't run as NPM script, it shouldn't rely on parent project structure.
If package binary runs via NPM script:
"scripts": {
"foo": "library_name"
This will set current working directory to project root, so it could be required as:
const config = require(path.join(process.cwd(), 'config'));
Both approaches can be combined; this is often used to provide configuration files with default locations to third-party CLI (Mocha, etc).
If you're in index.js and config.js is in the directory above node_modules in your diagram, then you can build a path to config.js like this:
const path = require('path');
let configFilename = path.join(__dirname, "../../../", "config.js");
__dirname is the directory that index.js is in.
The first ../ takes you up to the library_name directory.
The second ../ takes you up to the node_modules directory.
The third ../ takes you up to the parent of node_modules (what you call project root) where config.js appears to be.
If you really want your module to be independent of how it is installed or how NPM might change in the future, then you need to somehow pass in the location of the config file in any number of ways:
By making sure the current working directory is set to the project root so you can use process.cwd() to get access to the config file.
By setting an environment variable to the root directory when starting your project.
By passing the root directory in to a module constructor function.
By loading and passing the config object itself in to a module constructor function.
I create module same your module.
And I call const config = require('../config'), it work.

How to use the 'main' parameter in package.json?

I have done quite some search already. However, still having doubts about the 'main' parameter in the package.json of a Node project.
How would filling in this field help? Asking in another way, can I start the module in a different style if this field presents?
Can I have more than one script filled into the main parameter? If yes, would they be started as two threads? If no, how can I start two scripts in a module and having them run in parallel?
I know that the second question is quite weird. It is because I have hosted a Node.js application on OpenShift but the application consists of two main components. One being a REST API and one being a notification delivering service.
I am afraid that the notification delivering process would block the REST API if they were implemented as a single thread. However, they have to connect to the same MongoDB cartridge. Moreover, I would like to save one gear if both the components could be serving in the same gear if possible.
Any suggestions are welcome.
From the npm documentation:
The main field is a module ID that is the primary entry point to your
program. That is, if your package is named foo, and a user installs
it, and then does require("foo"), then your main module's exports
object will be returned.
This should be a module ID relative to the root of your package
For most modules, it makes the most sense to have a main script and
often not much else.
To put it short:
You only need a main parameter in your package.json if the entry point to your package differs from index.js in its root folder. For example, people often put the entry point to lib/index.js or lib/<packagename>.js, in this case the corresponding script must be described as main in package.json.
You can't have two scripts as main, simply because the entry point require('yourpackagename') must be defined unambiguously.
To answer your first question, the way you load a module is depending on the module entry point and the main parameter of the package.json.
Let's say you have the following file structure:
|-- lib
| |-- module.js
|-- package.json
Without main parameter in the package.json, you have to load the module by giving the module entry point: require('my-npm-module/lib/module.js').
If you set the package.json main parameter as follows "main": "lib/module.js", you will be able to load the module this way: require('my-npm-module').
If you have for instance in your package.json file:
"name": "zig-zag",
"main": "lib/entry.js",
lib/entry.js will be the main entry point to your package.
When calling
in node, lib/entry.js will be the actual file that is required.
As far as I know, it's the main entry point to your node package (library) for npm. It's needed if your npm project becomes a node package (library) which can be installed via npm by others.
Let's say you have a library with a build/, dist/, or lib/ folder. In this folder, you got the following compiled file for your library:
Then in your package.json, you tell npm how to access the library (node package):
"name": "my-library-name",
"main": "lib/bundle.js",
After installing the node package with npm to your JS project, you can import functionalities from your bundled bundle.js file:
import { add, subtract } from 'my-library-name';
This holds also true when using Code Splitting (e.g. Webpack) for your library. For instance, this webpack.config.js makes use of code splitting the project into multiple bundles instead of one.
module.exports = {
entry: {
main: './src/index.js',
add: './src/add.js',
subtract: './src/subtract.js',
output: {
path: `${__dirname}/lib`,
filename: '[name].js',
library: 'my-library-name',
libraryTarget: 'umd',
Still, you would define one main entry point to your library in your package.json:
"name": "my-library-name",
"main": "lib/main.js",
Then when using the library, you can import your files from your main entry point:
import { add, subtract } from 'my-library-name';
However, you can also bypass the main entry point from the package.json and import the code splitted bundles:
import add from 'my-library-name/lib/add';
import subtract from 'my-library-name/lib/subtract';
After all, the main property in your package.json only points to your main entry point file of your library.
One important function of the main key is that it provides the path for your entry point. This is very helpful when working with nodemon. If you work with nodemon and you define the main key in your package.json as let say "main": "./src/server/app.js", then you can simply crank up the server with typing nodemon in the CLI with root as pwd instead of nodemon ./src/server/app.js.
From the Node.js getting started documentation, it states;
An extra note: if the filename passed to require is actually a directory, it will first look for package.json in the directory and load the file referenced in the main property. Otherwise, it will look for an index.js.
For OpenShift, you only get one PORT and IP pair to bind to (per application). It sounds like you should be able to serve both services from a single nodejs instance by adding internal routes for each service endpoint.
I have some info on how OpenShift uses your project's package.json to start your application here:

