How to filter array in javascript - javascript

Here is my array of two values .
let dataList = ["x","y","z","a","b"]
let data2= {
here is my trying code:
let filters = dataList.filter(item=>Object.keys(data2).includes(item))
I want to filter dataList based data2 - hide:true . For example, if values object property hide:true inside data2 , key will be removed .
expected output :

I believe it is a simple as this
let dataList = ["x","y","z","a","b"]
let data2= {
let filters = dataList.filter(item=> data2[item] && !data2[item].hide)

You can check if the key exists on data2 and check for hide to be true
dataList.filter(item => data2[item] && !data2[item].hide )


Array of object - get id for selected user name inside function

const user = [
{name:"jonh" ,id:EAD1234},
{name:"peter" ,id:EAD1235},
{name:"matt" ,id:EAD1236},
{name:"henry" ,id:EAD1237},
I have above mentioned array of object,
I want to get selected user id dynamically based on user selection using es6 and javascript e.g. if i select john i should get EAD1234. and it must suitable on large number of records
I tried using filter method
No need to filter through the whole array if the id values are unique:
function getUserByID(id, users) {
for (const u of users) {
if ( === id) {
return u;
return null;
If your data really is exceptionally large and it makes sense to store it on the front-end look into using IndexedDB.
Edit: Someone in the comments somewhere mentioned Array.prototype.find(), so you might as well just use the built-in.
function getUserByID(id, users) {
return users.find((u) => === id) || null;
If the data is samll,then just combine Array.filter() and can do it.
If the data is too large,we can store the data into a database such as mysql or redis,then query it dynamiclly
const user = [
{name:"jonh" ,id:'EAD1234'},
{name:"peter" ,id:'EAD1235'},
{name:"matt" ,id:'EAD1236'},
{name:"henry" ,id:'EAD1237'}
let id = 'EAD1234'
let result = user.filter(u => === id).map(u =>
const user = [
{name:"john" ,id:'EAD1234'},
{name:"peter" ,id:'EAD1235'},
{name:"matt" ,id:'EAD1236'},
{name:"henry" ,id:'EAD1237'},
let userName = "john";
let userId = user.filter(user => === userName)[0].name;

Get max top 10 element in array in javascript

I have an array something like that and I want to sort by population property.
const countries = [
{"name":"Burkina Faso",population:19034397},
Then I want to get top max 10 object with name and property into something like that
const data = {
labels=[<country names>]
{data:[<population numbers>]}
I tried some code
const sortItem = () => {
let arr =[]
let values = => arr.push({,population:item.population}))
let topValues = values.sort((a,b) => b.population-a.population);
console.log(topValues) // output 1,2,3,4,5...
But I can't get what I want. How can I achieve the solution ?

Get cypress database query output objects in to variables

I have a cypress test which has been set up with mysql node module. When I run bellow mentioned test Its giving output as follows.
const executeQuery = (query) => {
cy.task('DBQuery', query).then(function (recordset) {
var rec = recordset
select *
from Users
where email = ''
OUTPUT: log [Object{23}]
select firstname
from Users
where email = ''
OUTPUT: log [{firstname: Edward}]
instead of cy.log(rec) I want to get the output of 23 columns to assign in to different variables based on the column name.
Appreciate if someone can help me to resolve this...
You can use Object.values in js to retrieve values from your object
Let's say you need to extract the value of the 3rd column, so your code will look like,
cy.task('DBQuery', query).then(function (recordset) {
var rec = recordset
const results = Object.values(rec[0])
// results[index of the column] will output the results
We can do a small modification to make your task easier,
cy.task('DBQuery', query).then(function (recordset) {
var rec = recordset
const Values = Object.values(rec[0]);
const keys = Object.keys(rec[0]);
let result = {};
let index = 0;
keys.forEach(key => {
result[keys[index]] = Values[index];
//result.firstName will give you your results
In this way, we are generating key-value pairs having the key as the column name. So you can use the column name to find the value.
Hope this helps.

How to get result from json object with angular js?

I have a json file and want to count the rows by specific value and load to my page using angular js models.
The json is look like this:
{"id":"1","district":"AL"," name":"Lisa Lz","gender":"Female"},
{"id":"2","district":"AL"," name":"Arnord Bk","gender":"Male"},
{"id":"3","district":"NY"," name":"Rony Rogner","gender":"Male"}
The json file loaded by $http service.
How can I run such query on the json data:
select COUNT(`name`) as a from tbl_ben where ` gender` = 'Female' and `district` = 'LA';
any idea? 
You can't run SQL queries on JSON out-of-the-box, so let's work through it in JavaScript.
We have some data in an array, let's call it people:
let people = [
{"id":"1","district":"AL"," name":"Lisa Lz","gender":"Female"},
{"id":"2","district":"AL"," name":"Arnord Bk","gender":"Male"},
{"id":"3","district":"NY"," name":"Rony Rogner","gender":"Male"}
Now, let's filter it down based on their gender and district like in your query:
let filtered = people.filter(p => (p.district === "LA") && (p.gender === "Female"));
Now instead of using COUNT, we can just check the length property of our filtered array:
let count = filtered.length;
We can abstract this code away into a nice function which will do the work for us:
let getCount = (array, predicate) => {
return array.filter(predicate).length;
And we can then use this function like so:
let people = [
{"id":"1","district":"AL"," name":"Lisa Lz","gender":"Female"},
{"id":"2","district":"AL"," name":"Arnord Bk","gender":"Male"},
{"id":"3","district":"NY"," name":"Rony Rogner","gender":"Male"}
getCount(people, p => p.district === "NY" && p.gender === "Male"); // 1
Note that based on your example data, the count is 0 as you have nobody in the district "LA".

How to get JSON Data depending on other data values in JavaScript

My Json is like this:
{"isoCode":"BW","name":"Botswana ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"","MMT":null},
{"isoCode":"BR","name":"Brazil ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"Y","MMT":null},
{"isoCode":"BG","name":"Bulgaria ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"Y","MMT":"Y"},
{"isoCode":"BF","name":"Burkina Faso","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"","MMT":null},
I want all the names which have BankOut value as "Y" into an array using JavaScript, in order to use those names in my protractor automation.
You need to use filter method of array. It takes function as it argument. And runs it against each element of array. If function returns true (or other truthy value) then that element stays in newly created array.
var list =[ {"isoCode":"BW","name":"Botswana ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"","MMT":null},
{"isoCode":"BR","name":"Brazil ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"Y","MMT":null},
{"isoCode":"BG","name":"Bulgaria ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"Y","MMT":"Y"},
{"isoCode":"BF","name":"Burkina Faso ", "CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"","MMT":null},
var onlyBankOutY = list.filter(function (item) {
return item.BankOut === 'Y';
document.body.innerHTML = (item) {
return JSON.stringify(item);
var list =[
{"isoCode":"BW","name":"Botswana ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"","MMT":null},
{"isoCode":"BR","name":"Brazil ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"Y","MMT":null},
{"isoCode":"BG","name":"Bulgaria ","CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"Y","MMT":"Y"},
{"isoCode":"BF","name":"Burkina Faso ", "CashOut":"Y","BankOut":"","MMT":null}, {"isoCode":"BI","name":"Burundi","CashOut":"","BankOut":"","MMT":"Y"},
var names = [];
list.forEach(function(el) {
if (el.BankOut === 'Y') {

