Slider is not working properly in wordpress website - javascript

I develop one website in WordPress.I use the plugin go portfolio plugin through I added the images but the slider is not working how to make the slider is working properly.I want to make the carousel slider.

You did not offer any code to analyse, so how do you think we can help you?
Do you have any errors in the console or something to start with?
If you cannot offer anything, I think you should have the plugin authors have a look at your backend, they often help you out, especially when you are using a paid version:


Single Page Web Design w/ Dynamic Navbar

Quite frankly I don't even know how to describe what I'm attempting to do. "Dynamic Navbar" is the best I have come up with.
Basically, I've created a single page website with 4 "pages" (sections) using purely HTML and CSS (as well as jQuery for smoothScroll).
I want the highlighted link on the navbar (the current page) to change when users scroll between pages. I've seen this done before, such as on this site:
I have little-to-no experience with JavaScript and jQuery and I'm really not sure where to start. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would greatly appreicate it!
What you're looking for is ScrollSpy. It's made for Mootools originally, I think: Scrollspy
Bootstrap have it as a plugin for their framework: Bootstrap Scrollspy
I found a standalone JQuery plugin for it, though not sure how good it is as I haven't used it myself: plugin
Obviously you could write something yourself, but with not much experience of JS/Jquery I reckon you're better off sticking to a plugin or something.

External control and hovering of jQuery UI Carousel 1.0.2

Recently I'm working with jQuery UI Carousel (1.0.2) on my Drupal website. So far so good, everything is working without a problem but I'm looking for a way to add some external controls. You know, those little dots beneath the images where the user can navigate from and pinpoint a certain slide.
I took a look to the JS file (you can see it here), but didn't find any proof of such a controls.
Right now, I was only able to write some crappy code who didn't work at all... (so I'm not gonna post it to save you some laughs :))
Anyone with some experience regarding this subject?
Thanks in advance!
I don't have specific experience with the jQuery UI Carousel module, but if you are using Views to generate the content in the carousel, you could always use Views Slideshow. It allows you to add a pager (either numbers or thumbnail images) to your slideshow (carousel).

Does anybody know of a tutorial for a gallery which works on mobile/touch devices?

I'm looking to use a javascript gallery to display images on mobile devices such as the iPhone.
I really like the look of the jqtouch gallery which is a jquery extension but can't find a tutorial on how to set it up anywhere.
I would appreciate any help, thanks!
Here is a documented image gallery with jquery.
Also you can use sencha touch, carousel will work fine for you. here is kitchen sink demo that you can see on your iphone.(it is not so much easy to learn at first, but sencha is my best mobile javascript framework. It will worth to learn it)
And you can also look for a jquery extension too that mocks this carousel, code is so short that you can easily understand.

Mini image browser (like on

I want to make small image browser like the one used on (link) in the sidebar under "More fonts like this".
I'm wondering if there is a jQuery plugin that could do that.
I know that this is some kind of carousel, but I couldn't find any with this cool resize function on scroll.
I would suggest you take the jCarousel plugin, as it has a very good base, and modify it to your liking. You could combine it with the jquery ui slider to somehow achieve the same effect as on
I did come across something similar although not exactly the same. It might help you figure out how the resizing effect is accomplished. See and
As of today I couldn't find any out-of-the-box plugin that does what you are trying to do, but maybe if you build this, you'll post it to the jquery gallery and everyone will live happily ever after :-)

jquery image slideshow with links per image

i'm in search of a simple jquery image flipper/fader, that will cycle through a bunch of images, each of them with it's own link.
the flipper will be used like so: my client wants to display logos of his own clients in succession where each logo will link to the respective website.
i know this can be implemented in flash, but i (and my client) think it would be cool if it's implemented in jquery in such a way that the outgoing links are visible to google. i have seen some jquery plugins and code that implement galleries, but they were either too complex or too simple, anyone got a code snipplet that would do this?
google the cycle plugin

