Assign observable within callback in Angular 9 - javascript

I am completely a newbie to Angular. Some how struggled to get the initial code working now I am stuck here.
Use case : Show loading bar. Fetch merchant list to an observable. Stop loading bar.
fetchUsers($event) {
let searchTerm = $event.term;
if (searchTerm.length > 3) {
this.people$ = null;
--> this.isLoading=false;
this.isLoading becomes false even before getting the response from getMerchantsBySearch call. I know I will need to perform this step in callback but I am not sure how to.
I want to do something like this but I a missing something. What is the correct way to do it.
fetchUsers($event) {
let searchTerm = $event.term;
if (searchTerm.length > 3) {
this.people$ = null;
---> this.people$ =res;
---> this.isLoading=false;
people$: Observable<IMerchant[]>;
fetchUsers($event) {
let searchTerm = $event.term;
if (searchTerm.length > 3) {
this.people$ = null;
var options = this.getOptions();
return this.http.get<IMerchant[]>(environment.APIBaseURL+"/getMerchantProfile/"+id,options);
export interface IMerchant{
mobile : String,
password: String,
businessName : String,

i prefer using the teardown method .add(). it doesn't pollute your pipe chain of data manipulation and is also executed after an error is handled:
// manipulate data here
res => {
// handle final data
error => {
// handle error
).add(() => {
// teardown here (e.g. this.isLoading=false;)
By the way: if this.people$ is an observable, you can not assign it inside the subscribe callback. you'll need to assign it to the response of the userService method you are using. Be careful not to call subscribe on the stream since it will return you a subscription instead of an observable:
this.people$ = this.userService.getMerchantsBySearch(searchTerm).pipe(...)

You can actually pipe it and add a finalize
.pipe(finalize(() => this.isLoading=false))
res => {
this.people$ =res;


How do I make sure one Subcription finishes before another?

globleVariable: any;
ngOnInit() {
// This doesn't work. methodTwo throws error saying "cannot read someField from null. "
methodOne() {
this.firstService.subscribe((res) => { this.globleVariable = res });
methodTwo() {
this.secondService.subscribe((res) => { console.log(this.globleVariable.someField) });
As shown above, methodOne set the value of globleVariable and methodTwo uses it, therefore the former must finish running before the latter.
I am wondering how to achieve that.
Instead of subscribing in the methods, combine them into one stream and subscribe to that in ngInit(). You can use tap to perform the side effect of updating globaleVariable that you were previously performing in subscribe().
In the example below the "methods" are converted into fields since there is no reason for them to be methods anymore (you can keep them as methods if you want). Then the concat operator is used to create a single stream, where methodOne$ will execute and then when it's complete, methodTwo$ will execute.
Because concat executes in order, you are guaranteed that globaleVariable will be set by methodOne$ before methodTwo$ begins.
globleVariable: any;
methodOne$ = this.someService.pipe(tap((res) => this.globleVariable = res));
methodTwo$ = this.someService.pipe(tap((res) => console.log(this.globleVariable.someField));
ngOnInit() {
concat(this.methodOne$, this.methodTwo$).subscribe();
You can create a subject for which observable 2 will wait to subscribe like below :-
globalVariable: any;
subject: Subject = new Subject();
methodOne() {
this.someService.subscribe((res) => { this.globleVariable = res;; });
methodTwo() {
this.subject.pipe(take(1), mergeMap(() => this.someService)).subscribe((res) => {
console.log(this.globleVariable.someField) });
The only way to guarantee a method call after a subscription yields is to use the subscription callbacks.
Subscriptions have two main callbacks a success and a failure.
So the way to implement a method call after the subscription yeilds is to chain it like this:
globleVariable: any;
ngOnInit() {
methodOne() {
this.someService.subscribe((res) => {
this.globleVariable = res
this.methodTwo(); // <-- here, in the callback
methodTwo() {
this.someService.subscribe((res) => { console.log(this.globleVariable.someField) });
You might want to chain the calls with some other rxjs operators for a more standard usage.
ngOnInit() {
tap(res1 => this.globleVariable = res1)
switchmap(res1 => this.someService.method2), // <-- when first service call yelds success
catchError(err => { // <-- failure callback
return throwError(err)
).subscribe(res2 => { // <-- when second service call yelds success
console.log(this.globleVariable.someField) });
Please remember to complete any subscriptions when the component is destroyed to avoid the common memory leak.
my take,
so it's a bit confusing when you use same service that throws different results, so instead of someService I used firstService and secondService here.
switchMap(globalVariable) =>
map(fields => Object.assign({}, globalVariable, { someField: fields }))
).subscribe(result => {
this.globalVariable = result;
What I like about this approach is that you have the flexibility on how you want to use the final result as it is decoupled with any of the property in your class.

Get observable return value without subscribing in calling class

In TypeScript / Angular, you would usually call a function that returns an observable and subscribe to it in a component like this:
this.productsService.getProduct().subscribe((product) => { this.product = product });
This is fine when the code runs in a class that manages data, but in my opinion this should not be handled in the component. I may be wrong but i think the job of a component should be to ask for and display data without handling how the it is retrieved.
In the angular template you can do this to subscribe to and display the result of an observable:
<h1>{{ product.title | async }}</h1>
Is it possible to have something like this in the component class? My component displays a form and checks if a date is valid after input. Submitting the form is blocked until the value is valid and i want to keep all the logic behind it in the service which should subscribe to the AJAX call, the component only checks if it got a valid date.
class FormComponent {
datechangeCallback(date) {
this.dateIsValid$ = this.dateService.checkDate(date);
submit() {
if (this.dateIsValid$ === true) {
// handle form submission...
You can convert rxjs Observables to ES6 Promises and then use the async-await syntax to get the data without observable subscription.
export class DateService {
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
async isDateValid(date): Promise<boolean> {
let data = await, date, httpOptions).toPromise();
let isValid: boolean;
// perform your validation and logic below and store the result in isValid variable
return isValid;
class FormComponent {
async datechangeCallback(date) {
this.dateIsValid = await this.dateService.isDateValid(date);
submit() {
if (this.dateIsValid) {
// handle form submission...
If this is a simple HTTP request, which completes on receiving one value, then using Promises won't hurt. But if this obersvable produces some continuous stream of values, then using Promises isn't the best solution and you have to revert back to rxjs observables.
The cleanest way IMHO, using 7.4.0 < RxJS < 8
import { of, from, tap, firstValueFrom } from 'rxjs';
const asyncFoo = () => {
return from(
tap((foo) => {;
// Outputs "World" once
asyncFoo().subscribe((foo) =>;
// Outputs "World" twice
The "more cleanest" way would be having a factory (in some service) to build these optionally subscribeable function returns...
Something like this:
const buildObs = (obs) => {
return from(firstValueFrom(obs));
const asyncFoo = () => {
return buildObs(
tap((foo) => {;

Angular RXJS retry a task based on a value

Ok, so I have a service that checks to see if a particular 3rd party JS plugin has loaded. I want to listen in for when it has entered the DOM, meanwhile it is in an undefined state. How do I do that? So far I have tried using a subject and retrying periodically but I can't get it to work:
$apiReady: Subject<boolean> = new Subject();
RegisterOnNewDocumentLoadedOnDocuViewareAPIReady(reControl: any): any {
this.$apiReady.asObservable().subscribe((isReady: boolean) => {
if (isReady) {
//Do something
return of(isReady);
let IsreControlInitialized = ThirdPartyAPI.IsInitialized(reControl);
if (IsreControlInitialized) {
return throwError(false);
Then in the component:
retryWhen(error => {
return error.pipe(delay(2000)); //<---- Doesn't work
})).subscribe((response: boolean) => {
if (response) {
//Do some stuff
My intentions were to check if the API element had been loaded, if not retry in 2 seconds but this doesn't work, can anyone help?
Throwing and catching an error until some condition is met is a little counter-intuitive to me.
My approach consists of using the interval operator along with takeUntil operator.
apiReady = new Subject();
interval(2000) // Check every 2s
map(() => this.isApiReady())
.subscribe(isReady => {
if (isReady) {;

How to return a response from a request(post | get)?

There is a variable in the service that checks if the user is authorized:
get IsAuthorized():any{
return this.apiService.SendComand("GetFirstKassir");
SendCommand(within the usual post request orget):
ApiService.SendComand(Command: string, Params?: any): Observable<any>
And I have to process the component as follows:
res => {
if (res.Name.length === 0) this.router.navigate(['/login'])
How do I make get IsAuthorized () returned string Name(not Observable<any>) (which is inside thesubscribe. And the component I could write console.log(this.authorizeService.IsAuthorized);
Here the thing you are handling is asynchrony. So the IsAuthorized attribute can either be a promise/observable. I believe all you are looking for is a simpler syntax. So for that we can use async/await.
get IsAuthorized():any{
return this.apiService.SendComand("GetFirstKassir").toPromise();
and to use in the component lets say in ngOnInit we can use it as below:
async ngOnInit() {
const isAuthorized = await this.authorizeService.IsAuthorized;
if(isAuthorized) { // works like normal boolean variable
Hope it helps!!! Cheers

Angular subscribe within subscribe: data doesn't load at the same time within view

I know it is bad practice to call subscribe within subscribe but I don't know how to handle it differently with my special case.
The code as it is now works, but my problem is that if I update my website for example every second, parts of the table are loaded first and other parts are loaded afterwards (the content of the subscibe within my subscribe).
I have a service containing a function that returns an Observable of a list of files for different assets.
Within that function I request the filelist for each asset by calling another service and this service returns observables.
I then iterate over the elements of that list and build up my data structures to return them later on (AssetFilesTableItems).
Some files can be zip files and I want to get the contents of those files by subscribing to another service (extractZipService). To be able to get that correct data I need the name of the file which I got by requesting the filelist. I then add some data of the zip contents to my AssetFilesTableItems and return everything at the end.
The code of that function is as follows:
getAssetfilesData(assetIds: Array<string>, filter: RegExp, showConfig: boolean): Observable<AssetFilesTableItem[][]> {
const data = => {
// for each assetId
return this.fileService.getFileList(assetId)
map((datasets: any) => {
const result: AssetFilesTableItem[] = [];
// iterate over each element
datasets.forEach((element: AssetFilesTableItem) => {
// apply regex filter to filename
if (filter.test( {
this.logger.debug(`Filter ${filter} matches for element: ${}`);
// build up AssetFilesTableItem
const assetFilesItem: AssetFilesTableItem = {
type: element.type,
asset: assetId
// save all keys of AssetFilesTableItem
const assetFilesItemKeys = Object.keys(assetFilesItem);
// if file is of type ZIP, extract 'config.json' from it if available
if (showConfig && element.type.includes('zip')) {
this.extractZipService.getJSONfromZip(assetId,, 'config.json')
.subscribe((configJson: any) => {
const jsonContent = JSON.parse(configJson);
const entries = Object.entries(jsonContent);
entries.forEach((entry: any) => {
const key = entry[0];
const value = entry[1];
// only add new keys to AssetFilesTableItem
if (!assetFilesItemKeys.includes(key)) {
assetFilesItem[key] = value;
} else {
this.logger.error(`Key '${key}' of config.json is already in use and will not be displayed.`);
return result;
// return combined result of each assetId request
return forkJoin(data);
I update my table using the following code within my component:
getValuesPeriodically(updateInterval: number) {
this.pollingSubscription = interval(updateInterval)
.subscribe(() => {
getAssetfilesFromService() {
this.assetfilesService.getAssetfilesData(this.assetIds, this.filterRegEx, this.showConfig)
.subscribe((assetFilesTables: any) => {
this.assetFilesData = [].concat.apply([], assetFilesTables);
Edit: I tried ForkJoin, but as far as I understandit is used for doing more requests in parallel. My extractZipService though depends on results that I get from my fileService. Also I have a forkJoin at the end already which should combine all of my fileList requests for different assets. I don't understand why my view is not loaded at once then.
EDIT: The problem seems to be the subscribe to the extractZipService within the forEach of my fileService subscribe. It seems to finish after the fileService Subscribe. I tried lots of things already, like SwitchMap, mergeMap and the solution suggested here, but no luck. I'm sure it's possible to make it work somehow but I'm running out of ideas. Any help would be appreciated!
You are calling this.extractZipService.getJSON inside a for loop. So this method gets called asynch and your function inside map is not waiting for the results. When result does come as your items are same which is in your view they get refreshed.
To solve this you need to return from this.extractZipService.getJSON and map the results which will give you a collections of results and then you do forkJoin on results ( Not sure why you need to forkjoin as there are just the objects and not API's which you need to call )
this.logger.debug(`ConfigJson found for file '${}': ${configJson}`);
const jsonContent = JSON.parse(configJson);
const entries = Object.entries(jsonContent);
entries.forEach((entry: any) => {
// code
complete code should look on similar lines :-
getAssetfilesData(assetIds: Array<string>, filter: RegExp, showConfig: boolean): Observable<AssetFilesTableItem[][]> {
const data = => {
// for each assetId
return this.fileService.getFileList(assetId)
map((datasets: any) => {
// iterate over each element
datasets.forEach((element: AssetFilesTableItem) => {
return this.extractZipService.getJSONfromZip(assetId,,
})).map((configJson: any) => {
// collect your results and return from here
// return result
// return combined result of each assetId request
return forkJoin(data);
I have created a Stackblitz( which work along the same lines. You need to use concatMap and forkJoin for getting all the results.
Hope this helps.

