Nodejs running function on background - javascript

I’ve nodes program which I need to run two function in the beginning of the program
And later on access the function results, currently with await each function at a time this works,
However in order to save a time and not waiting to GetService and GetProcess as I need the data later on in the project
It takes about 4 seconds to get this data and I want to run it on the background as I don’t need the results immediately,
How I can do it in node js, If I run promise.all It would wait until the getService and getProcess and then go to rest of the program.
an example
function main() {
//I want to run this both function in background to save time
let service = await GetServices();
this.process = await GetProcess();
…..//Here additional code is running
//let say that after 30 second this code is called
Let users = GetUser(service);
Let users = GetAdress(this.process);
im actually running yeoman generator
export default class myGenerator extends Generator {
//here I want run those function in background to save time as the prompt to the user takes some time (lets say user have many questions...)
async initializing() {
let service = await GetServices();
this.process = await GetProcess();
async prompting() {
const answers = await this.prompt([
type: "input",
name: "name",
message: "Your project name",
default: this.appname // Default to current folder name
type: "confirm",
name: "list",
choises: this.process //here I need to data from the function running in background

Let's assume that getServices() may take 3 seconds and getProcess() may take 4 seconds, so if you run these both functions at the same time you will be returned in total 4 seconds with the return values from both promises.
You can execute the code while this process is running in the background there will be a callback when the promises resolved, your late functions will be called at this stage.
Check the below simple example;
let service;
let process;
function main() {
// Both functions will execute in background
Promise.all([getServices(), getProcess()]).then((val) => {
service = val[0];
process = val[1];
console.log(service, process);
// Aafter completed this code will be called
// let users = GetUser(service);
// let users = GetAdress(process);
console.log('I am called after all promises completed.')
// Current example.
// let service = await GetServices();
// this.process = await GetProcess();
/* Code blocks.. */
console.log('Code will execute without delay...')
function getServices() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve("service is returned")
}, 3000);
function getProcess() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve("process is returned")
}, 4000);

You can start the asynchronous operation but not await it yet:
function suppressUnhandledRejections(p) {
p.catch(() => {});
return p;
async function main() {
// We have to suppress unhandled rejections on these promises. If they become
// rejected before we await them later, we'd get a warning otherwise.
const servicePromise = suppressUnhandledRejections(GetServices());
this.processPromise = suppressUnhandledRejections(GetProcess());
// Do other stuff
const service = await servicePromise;
const process = await this.processPromise;
Also consider using Promise.all() which returns a promise for the completion of all promises passed to it.
async function main() {
const [ services, process, somethingElse ] = await Promise.all([
// Use the results.

To do what who you need, you have to understand the event loop.
Nodejs is designed to work in a single thread unlike languages like go, however nodejs handle proccess on different threads. so you can use nextTick () to add a new event to the main thread and it will be executed at the end of the whole block.
function main() {
//I want to run this both function in background to save time
let service = await GetServices();
this.process = await GetProcess();
…..//Here additional code is running
//Let say that after 30 second this code is called
Let users = GetUser(service);
Let users = GetAdr(this.process);
function someFunction(){
// do something...
process.nextTick(someFunction());// happens after all main () processes are terminated...


How do I queue incoming websocket events in javascript for slow execution?

I have an open Websocket connection and it's handing out events. All good, but once a new event arrives, I need to do a whole lot of things and sometimes events arrive so quickly one after the other that there is no time to get the stuff done properly. I need some sort of queue inside this function that tells the events to take it easy and only keep going at most one per second, and otherwise wait in some sort of queue until the second elapses to go ahead and continue.
edit: No external libraries allowed, unfortunately.
ws = new WebSocket(`wss://`);
ws.onmessage = readMessage;
async function readMessage(event) {
//do important things
//but not too frequently!
How do I do that?
I found this but it goes over my simple head:
"You can have a queue-like promise that keeps on accumulating promises to make sure they run sequentially:
let cur = Promise.resolve();
function enqueue(f) {
cur = cur.then(f); }
function someAsyncWork() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve('async work done');
}, 5);
}); } async function msg() {
const msg = await someAsyncWork();
console.log(msg); }
const main = async() => {
web3.eth.subscribe('pendingTransactions').on("data", function(tx) {
enqueue(async function() {
console.log('1st print: ',tx);
await msg();
console.log('2nd print: ',tx);
}) }
I'd honestly use something like lodash's throttle to do this. The following snippet should solve your problem.
ws = new WebSocket(`wss://`);
ws.onmessage = _.throttle(readMessage, 1000);
async function readMessage(event) {
//do important things
//but not too frequently!
For achieving queuing, you can make use of "settimeout" in simple/core javascript.
Whenever you receive a message from websocket, put the message processing function in a settimeout, this will ensure that the message is processed not immediately as its received, but with a delay, hence in a way you can achieve queuing.
The problem with this is that it does not guarantee that the processing of messages is sequential as they are received if that is needed.
By default settimeout in javascript does give the guarantee of when the function inside will be triggered after the time given is elapsed.
Also it may not reduce the load on your message processor service for a high volume situation and since individual messages are queued two/more functions can become ready to be processed from setimeout within some time frame.
An ideal way to do so would be to create a queue. On a high level code flow this can be achieved as follows
var queue = [];
function getFromQueue() {
return queue.shift();
function insertQueue(msg) { //called whenever a new message arrives
console.log("Queue state", queue);
// can be used if one does not want to wait for previous message processing to finish
// (function executorService(){
// setTimeout(async () => {
// const data = getFromQueue();
// await processData(data);
// executorService();
// }, 1000)
// })()
(function executorService(){
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
setTimeout(async () => {
const data = getFromQueue();
console.log("Started processing", data)
const resp = await processData(data); //waiting for async processing of message to finish
}, 2000)
}).then((data) =>{
console.log("Successfully processed event", data)
}).catch((err) => {
}).finally(() => {
// to simulate async processing of messages
function processData(data){
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
setTimeout(async () => {
console.log("Finished processing", data)
}, 4000)
// to simulate message received by web socket
var i = 0;
var insertRand = setInterval(function(){
insertQueue(i); // this must be called on when web socket message received
}, 1000)

How do I prevent a function from being called from within a specific promise?

I'm working on a library and I'd like to prevent users from calling a specific function in order to prevent infinite loops.
Usually I'd go about doing it like this:
let preventFooCalls = false;
function fireUserCallbacks() {
preventFooCalls = true;
// Fire callbacks of the user here...
preventFooCalls = false;
function foo() {
if (preventFooCalls) throw Error();
// Run the content of foo() ...
// It will probably call fireUserCallbacks() at some point
However, if fireUserCallbacks is async, this method is not possible. It might be called multiple times, and with async user callbacks, preventFooCalls is not guaranteed to have the correct value. For instance:
let preventFooCalls = false;
async function fireUserCallbacks() {
preventFooCalls = true;
// Fire callbacks of the user here one of which being:
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
preventFooCalls = false;
// Then when doing:
foo(); // This will throw even though it's being called from outside fireUserCallbacks()
How can I detect if code is running from within a specific promise?
The only thing I can think of is new Error().stack, but oof that sounds like a terrible way to do it.
Some context
The reason why I want this is because I'm working on a part of a library that takes care of loading assets. Some of these assets might contain other assets with the possibility of infinite recursion. In order to handle recursion I have another function that I want users to call instead. Therefore I want to warn users when they call foo() from within one of the fireUserCallbacks() callbacks. While this will only be an issue when assets actually contain infinite loops, I'd rather block the usage of foo() completely to prevent unexpected hangs due to infinite loops.
edit: Here's a somewhat more sophisticated example of my actual code. I would share my actual code but that is really way too long for this format, tbh this example is already getting a bit too complex.
class AssetManager {
constructor() {
this.registeredAssetTypes = new Map();
this.availableAssets = new Map();
registerAssetType(typeId, assetTypeConstructor) {
this.registeredAssetTypes.set(typeId, assetTypeConstructor);
fillAvailableAssets(assetDatas) {
for (const assetData of assetDatas) {
const constructor = this.registeredAssetTypes.get(assetData.type);
const asset = new constructor(,;
this.availableAssets.set(, asset);
async loadAsset(assetId, recursionTracker = null) {
// I have some extra code here that makes sure this function will only have
// a single running instance, but this example is getting way too long already
const asset = this.availableAssets.get(assetId);
let isRootRecursionTracker = false;
if (!recursionTracker) {
isRootRecursionTracker = true;
recursionTracker = new RecursionTracker(assetId);
const assetData = await asset.generateAsset(recursionTracker);
if (isRootRecursionTracker) {
// If this call was made from outside any `generateAsset` implementation,
// we will wait for all assets to be loaded and put on the right place.
await recursionTracker.waitForAll();
// Finally we will give the recursionTracker the created root asset,
// in case any of the sub assets reference the root asset.
// Note that circular references in any of the sub assets (i.e. not
// containing the root asset anywhere in the chain) are already taken care of.
if (recursionTracker.rootLoadingAsset) {
return assetData;
const assetManager = new AssetManager();
class RecursionTracker {
constructor(rootAssetId) {
this.rootAssetId = rootAssetId;
this.rootLoadingAsset = null;
this.loadingAssets = new Map();
loadAsset(assetId, cb){
let loadingAsset = this.loadingAssets.get(assetId);
if (!loadingAsset) {
loadingAsset = new LoadingAsset(assetId);
this.loadingAssets.set(assetId, loadingAsset);
if (assetId != this.rootAssetId) {
} else {
this.rootLoadingAsset = loadingAsset;
async waitForAll() {
const promises = [];
for (const loadingAsset of this.loadingAssets.values()) {
await Promise.all(promises);
class LoadingAsset {
constructor(assetId) {
this.assetId = assetId;
this.onLoadCbs = new Set();
this.loadedAssetData = null;
async startLoading(recursionTracker) {
const loadedAssetData = await assetManager.loadAsset(this.assetId, recursionTracker);
onLoad(cb) {
if (this.loadedAssetData) {
} else {
setLoadedAssetData(assetData) {
this.loadedAssetData = assetData;
this.onLoadCbs.forEach(cb => cb(assetData));
async waitForLoad() {
await new Promise(r => this.onLoad(r));
class AssetTypeInterface {
constructor(id, rawAssetData) { = id;
this.rawAssetData = rawAssetData;
async generateAsset(recursionTracker) {}
class AssetTypeFoo extends AssetTypeInterface {
async generateAsset(recursionTracker) {
// This is here just to simulate network traffic, an indexeddb lookup, or any other async operation:
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 200));
const subAssets = [];
for (const subAssetId of this.rawAssetData.subAssets) {
// This won't work, as it will start waiting for itself to finish:
// const subAsset = await assetManager.loadAsset(subAssetId);
// subAssets.push(subAsset);
// So instead we will create a dummy asset:
const dummyAsset = {}
const insertionIndex = subAssets.length;
subAssets[insertionIndex] = dummyAsset;
// and load the asset with a callback rather than waiting for a promise
recursionTracker.loadAsset(subAssetId, (loadedAsset) => {
// since this will be called outside the `generateAsset` function, this won't hang
subAssets[insertionIndex] = loadedAsset;
return {
assetManager.registerAssetType("foo", AssetTypeFoo);
class AssetTypeBar extends AssetTypeInterface {
async generateAsset(recursionTracker) {
// This is here just to simulate network traffic, an indexeddb lookup, or any other async operation:
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 200));
// We'll just return a simple object for this one.
// No recursion here...
return {
assetManager.registerAssetType("bar", AssetTypeBar);
// This is all the raw asset data as stored on the users disk.
// These are not instances of the assets yet, so no circular references yet.
// The assets only reference other assets by their "id"
id: "mainAsset",
type: "foo",
data: {
subAssets: ["subAsset1", "subAsset2"]
id: "subAsset1",
type: "bar",
data: {},
id: "subAsset2",
type: "foo",
data: {
subAssets: ["mainAsset"]
// This sets the loading of the "mainAsset" in motion. It recursively loads
// all referenced assets and finally puts the loaded assets in the right place,
// completing the circle.
(async () => {
const asset = await assetManager.loadAsset("mainAsset");
Maintain a queue and a set. The queue contains pending requests. The set contains pending requests, requests in progress, and successfully completed requests. (Each item would include the request itself; the request's status: pending, processing, complete; and possibly a retry counter.)
When request is made, check if it is in the set. If it is in the set, it was already requested and will be processed, is being processed, or was processed successfully and is already available. If not in the set, add it to both the set and the queue, then trigger queue processing. If queue processing is already running, the trigger is ignored. If not, queue processing starts.
Queue processing pulls requests off the queue, one by one, and processes them. If a request fails, it can either be put back onto the queue for repeat attempts (a counter can be included in the item to limit retries) or it can be removed from the set so it can be requested again later. Queue processing ends when the queue is empty.
This avoids recursion and unnecessary repeat requests.

retrieve logs from server while performing a "parallel" promise.all( request to the server) (parallel challenge!)

Arriving with a theory question :)
I have a front that sends (axios) N requests in a Promise.all() with a map function. This works fine. Each time one of the promises is good, I have a little table that gets updated with each request's answer until I get the full table and the array of the answers at the end. ✅
The problem comes when I want to read, at the same time, the logs of the server
So my objective is to run another axios request to my express.js server that will run each 2 seconds to retrieve the logs of the last 2 seconds, this way I could show the logs of what is happening with each answer in real time.
Any ideas of how doing this two tasks in parallel?
In the front I'm using react and the promise.All has this is structure:
setIsLoading(true); // setting a flag to know this is running
const doAllTheTable = await Promise.all( (lineOfMyTable) => {
const answer = await doMyRequest(lineOfMyTable) // my axios.get request
return updateTableLine(answer) // the functions that update the good line
//all promises are good now
So, basically I want to have another loop that runs each 2 seconds while "isLoading" is true to update another part of my front and show the logs meanwhile. But I need both things to happen at the same time!
Thank you for your ideas :)
Rather than awaiting your Promise.all immediately, store a reference to the promise so you can start checking the logs:
const doAllTheTablePromise = Promise.all( lineOfMyTable => {
const answer = await doMyRequest(lineOfMyTable); // my axios.get request
return updateTableLine(answer); // the functions that update the good line
let cancelled = false;
(async () => {
while (!cancelled) {
// Check your logs..
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 2000)); // 2 second delay
await doAllTheTablePromise;
cancelled = true;
Once your doAllTheTablePromise has resolved, you can stop checking the logs.
Must be many ways to write this. Here's one involving a token provided by the caller of two async processes, foo() and bar(), for communication between them.
async function foo(tableData, token) {
try {
await Promise.all( (lineOfMyTable) => {
const answer = await doMyRequest(lineOfMyTable);
return updateTableLine(answer);
token.setIsLoading = false; // lower flag when all requests are complete
} catch(error) {
token.setIsLoading = false; // lower flag if synchronous or asynchronous error occurs
async function bar(token) {
function delay(ms) { // this can be written as inner or outer function, whichever suits.
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
if(token.setIsLoading) {
let logs = await retrieveLogs();
// process/display logs here
await delay(2000);
return bar(token); // recursive call
} else {
return "complete"; // optional
async function myCaller() {
// ... preamble
let loadingToken = { // passed to foo() and bar() as a means of communication between them.
'setIsLoading': true // raise flag before calling foo() and bar().
return Promise.all(foo(tableData, loadingToken), bar(loadingToken));
Maybe better written like this, with the caller looking after lowering the flag:
async function foo(tableData) {
return Promise.all( (lineOfMyTable) => {
return updateTableLine(await doMyRequest(lineOfMyTable));
async function bar(token) {
function delay(ms) { // this can be written as inner or outer function, whichever suits.
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
if(token.setIsLoading) {
let logs = await retrieveLogs();
// process/display logs here
await delay(2000);
return bar(token); // recursive call
} else {
return "complete"; // optional
async function myCaller() {
// ... preamble
let loadingToken = { // passed to bar().
'setIsLoading': true // raise flag before calling foo() and bar().
return Promise.all(
foo(tableData).finally(() => { loadingToken.setIsLoading = false }),

Nested multilayered async/await doesn't seem to wait

I have a piece of code simplified version of which looks like this:
let dataStorage1; //declare global vars for easier access later on
let dataStorage2;
let stopLight = true; //this variable is used to 'mark' an iteration as successful (= true) or
//failed (= false) and in need of a retry before continuing to the next
let delay = 2000; //the standard time for a delay between api calls
async function tryFetch() {
try {
dataStorage1 = await api.fetch('data_type_1'); //fetch needed data trough api, which
//fills the global variable with an
dataStorage2 = await api.fetch('data_type_2'); //do the same
stopLight = true; //change the value of stopLight to true, thus marking this iteration
//as successful
} catch (err) {
stopLight = false;
async function fetchData() {
stopLight = true; //change the stopLight to default before execution
await tryFetch(); //fetch data and assign it to variables
//this section is needed for retrial of fetching after a 2s delay if the first attempt was
//unsuccessful, which is repeated until it's either successful or critical error occurred
while (stopLight == false) {
setTimeout(async () => await tryFetch(), delay);
(async function main() {
await fetchData(); //finally call the function
setTimeout(main, delay); //repeat the main function after 2s
As you can see, self-executing, pseudo-recursive main() calls for await fetchData(), then fetchData() calls for await tryFetch() and finally tryFetch() calls for await api.fetch('~'), as it's defined in the api.
However, once I started the script and paused it after a couple of iterations, I noticed that both dataStorage1 and dataStorage2 remain undefined. If I go through the code step by step in debugger, what happens is that the execution starts at the beginning of fetchData(), moves to the await tryFetch(); line, skips it, and then goes onto the next iteration.
For the reference, if I call dataStorage1/2 = await api.fetch(`~`); in the body of main() directly without any nesting, it works perfectly (unless error occurs, since they are not handled properly).
So, my question is what have I missed?
Indeed, if in an async function you call setTimeout you cannot expect it to perform an await on anything that relates to the callback passed to setTimeout. The call to setTimeout returns immediately, and your while loop is effectively a synchronous loop. It is a so called "busy loop" -- blocking your GUI as it potentially will loop for thousands of times.
As a rule of thumb, use setTimeout only once: to define a delay function, and then never again.
Also avoid using a global variable like stopLight: this is bad practice. Let the async function return a promise that resolves when this is supposed to be true, and rejects when not.
// Utility function: the only place to use setTimeout
const delay = (ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function tryFetch() {
try {
let dataStorage1 = await api.fetch('data_type_1');
let dataStorage2 = await api.fetch('data_type_2');
return { dataStorage1, dataStorage2 }; // use the resolution value to pass results
} catch (err) {
// retry
throw err; // cascade the error!
async function fetchData() {
while (true) {
try {
return await tryFetch(); // fetch data and return it
} catch (err) {} // repeat loop
(async function main() {
let intervalTime = 2000; //the standard time for a delay between api calls
while (true) { // for ever
let { dataStorage1, dataStorage2 } = await fetchData();
// ... any other logic that uses dataStorage1, dataStorage2
// should continue here...
await delay(intervalTime); //repeat the main function after 2s
I think the problem is in this line: setTimeout(async () => await tryFetch(), delay);. The await statement inside the callback makes the promise returned by that callback wait, not the whole function. So async () => await tryFetch() is a function that returns a promise, but nothing waits for that promise to complete.
Try replacing that code with something line
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
await tryFetch();

Await a promise multiple times in parallel

I have some server API methods I call during startup of my application at different places, which can't be refactored in terms of where they are called, let's say getSettings() and getSchedule(). Both methods are based on a login(): Promise<Account> method as settings as well as the schedule are user-based.
Now I have solved the beginning of getSettings() and getSchedule() like the following:
class UserFunctions {
private fetch_login: Promise<AccountItem> = undefined;
async getSchedule(): Promise<any> {
var account = getAccount();
if (!account) {
// No account loaded
let isLogginIn = this.fetch_login;
if (!this.fetch_login) {
// Not logging in from any parallel method
this.fetch_login = login();
account = await this.fetch_login;
this.fetch_login = undefined;
// Now get schedule...
The idea behind is that the login() function is only called once no matter how often it could be called. That's why I keep a reference on the Promise to await it multiple times. This works, but I noticed that sometimes when login() is done getSettings() gets earlier the okay to continue work and getSchedule() stays a few seconds until it continues executing. Sometimes it's the other way around and sometimes both methods return in the same time.
Here I have a print of the output:
06-05 16:46:08.126 27376 27397 I ReactNativeJS: Logging in back
06-05 16:46:08.690 27376 27397 I ReactNativeJS: Logged in back
06-05 16:46:08.696 27376 27397 I ReactNativeJS: Schedule downloaded
06-05 16:46:09.274 27376 27397 I ReactNativeJS: Logged in back
Do you have any idea how the code can be improved that once login() is done, both methods continue working?
I think you've got the right idea, but the logic needs a little tweaking:
var account = getAccount();
if (!account) {
// No account loaded
if (!this.fetch_login) {
// Not logging in from any parallel method
this.fetch_login = login();
account = await this.fetch_login;
Basically the idea is that you'll set fetch_login to have the value of the promise the first time it gets called. After that, you can await that same promise as many times as you need to.
Two things:
You're calling fetch_login. You should just be referring to it:
account = await this.fetch_login; // <== No ()
Remove this line:
this.fetch_login = undefined;
async getSchedule(): Promise<any> {
var account = getAccount();
if (!account) {
// No account loaded
if (!this.fetch_login) {
// Not logging in from any parallel method
this.fetch_login = login();
account = await this.fetch_login;
// Now get schedule...
You keep the promise resulting from the login attempt, so you can await it each time. (Nothing about awaiting a promise prevents your doing so again.)
It seems like this should be handled at the level of getAccount and login, though, rather than within UserFunctions. getAccount and login appear to be global (within your app or module or whatever). I would probably have them manage this, with getAccount returning a promise:
var accountPromise = null;
function getAccount() {
if (!accountPromise) {
accountPromise = login();
return accountPromise;
async getSchedule(): Promise<any> {
var account = await getAccount();
// Now get schedule...
var accountPromise = null;
function getAccount() {
if (!accountPromise) {
accountPromise = login();
return accountPromise;
function login() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
console.log("Logging in...");
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Logged in");
resolve({}); // {} = the account
}, 800);
class UserFunctions {
/*private*/ fetch_login/*: Promise<AccountItem>*/ = undefined;
async getSchedule()/*: Promise<any>*/ {
var account = await getAccount();
// Now get schedule...
console.log("Got account, getting schedule");
// The first time it's used
const u1 = new UserFunctions();
u1.getSchedule(); // Logs in and gets schedule
// The second time it's used
setTimeout(() => {
const u2 = new UserFunctions();
u2.getSchedule(); // Gets schedule (already logged in)
}, 2000);

