Unexpected identifier count - javascript

I try to count how much ice-creame i will have. i can add and delete icecreame.
class Ice-creame {
constructor (size) {
this.size = size;}
function crCount(){
let Count = 0;
crCount.prototype.inc = function () {
crCount.prototype.dec = function () {
crCount.prototype.getValue = function () {
return Count};
let counter = new crCount();
addToping () {
let size1 = new Ice-creame('size1');
for example , i have ice-creame size 1 , after 2 times addToping, getValue must be 2

You can't have - in Javascript variable names such as Ice-cream. you need to remove the - from it.
And why are you defining a class inside another class and mixing old class definition syntax with the new one !
Your code could be much simpler like this:
class IceCream {
constructor(size) {
this.size = size;
this.crCount = 0;
addTopping() {
this.crCount += 1;
removeTopping() {
this.crCount -= 1;
getValue() {
return this.crCount;
const icecream = new IceCream("size1");


JQuery - How can I check my cards in memory game?

I have a course where I learn JS+JQuery and I have to write a memory game. I want to check if the turned cards are in the same classes so I can delete them and count the points, but I just cannot do it. I tried a lot of ways but I cannot figure it out.
I tried with .is(), === but nothing...
Here's my code:
let gameArea;
let size = 6;
let card_size = 600 / size;
let images = ['arbalest', 'armored', 'arms', 'cannoner', 'cataphract', 'cavalier', 'centurion', 'champion', 'composite',
'conquistador', 'eagle', 'heavy', 'heavyhorse', 'hussar', 'knight', 'legion', 'paladin', 'skirmisher'
$(function() {
gameArea = $('<div></div>');
gameArea.attr('id', 'gameArea');
gameArea.on("click", "div", function(e) {
if ($(e.target).is(".unturned")) {
let unturnedCardNum = $("#gameArea").find("div:not(.unturned)").length;
if (unturnedCardNum === 3) {
//I'd like to check here
function generate() {
let generatedImage = images[Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length)];
if ($("#gameArea").find(`.${generatedImage}`).length === 2) {
images = images.filter(function(e) {
return e !== generatedImage
generatedImage = generate();
return generatedImage;
function drawMap() {
for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < size; j++) {
let pic = $('<div></div>');
let shuffledImages = generate();
width: card_size,
height: card_size,
top: i * card_size,
left: j * card_size
Assuming that the string in the images array will have been assigned to the associated card as a class name and that, after removing the "unturned" class, this will be the only class name left then maybe the following might help you:
Inside the $("#gameArea").on("click"...) function replace the lines
let unturnedCardNum = $("#gameArea").find("div:not(.unturned)").length;
if (unturnedCardNum === 3) {
let unturnedCards = $("#gameArea").find("div:not(.unturned)");
case 3:
case 2:
if (unturnedCards[0].className===
console.log("you found a pair!");
// score[currentPlayer]++;
Further hint:
Instead of calling the generate() function recursively, you could simply shuffle an array made up of two copies of the images array by using a Fisher-Yates algorithm:
function shuffle(a,n){ // shuffle array a in place (Fisher-Yates)
let m=a.length;
for(let i=0,j;i<n;i++){
if (j-i) [ a[i],a[j] ] = [ a[j],a[i] ]; // swap 2 array elements

Clar Ajax data after each OnClick and then append new data

I'm doing a project for school. A memory game that uses the pokéAPI to get images.
I have three buttons depending on the game level (easy, medium, hard) and it generates the amount of cards.
When I click a button it generates the pictures but when I click it again it append the new data into the same selector.
I have tried with: $('#output').html(''), $('#output').append(''), $('#output').remove(), $('#output').empty()
// Settings for game level. Each integer represents number of cards * 2.
let easy = 4;
let medium = 6;
let hard = 8;
// Arrays for PokemonImgUrl.
let originalPokemonImgUrl = [];
let duplicateAllPokemonImgUrl = [];
let allPokemonImgUrl = [];
// PokéAPI URL.
const pokemonDataUrl = 'https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/';
// This function creates a random number depending on the settings below.
function randomNumber() {
// Settings for max randomnumbers starting from index 1.
let randomNumberMax = 500;
let fromIndex = 1;
// Math random function with values from randomnumbers.
return Math.floor(Math.random() * randomNumberMax) + fromIndex;
// Function for getting data from PokéAPI.
function getData() {
$.ajax ({
type: 'GET',
url: pokemonDataUrl + randomNumber(), // Calling randomnnumber to get a random pokémon.
success: function(pokemonData) {
var pokemonImgUrl = pokemonData.sprites.front_default; // Store and extract pokemon images.
originalPokemonImgUrl.push(pokemonImgUrl); // store ImagesURL to a global array called allPokemonImgUrl.
// Shuffle code from css-tricks.com.
function Shuffle(cards) {
for(var j, x, i = cards.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = cards[--i], cards[i] = cards[j], cards[j] = x);
return cards;
// function iterates through allPokemonImgUrl array and outputs it into the DOM.
function output() {
allPokemonImgUrl.forEach(function (i) {
$('#output').append('<img src="'+ [i] +'">');
/* This function copies the array so that we always have two of the same cards.
Then concat into a new array and shuffles it. After that it outputs the result.*/
function startGame(){
setTimeout( function(){
duplicateAllPokemonImgUrl = originalPokemonImgUrl.slice();
}, 1000 );
setTimeout( function(){
allPokemonImgUrl = originalPokemonImgUrl.concat(duplicateAllPokemonImgUrl);
}, 1500 );
setTimeout( function(){
}, 2000 );
setTimeout( function(){
}, 2500 );
/* Events for clicking on game levels. It iterates to check how many cards it needs
and calls the function getData accordingly. */
$(document).on('click', '#easy', function() {
for (var cards = 0; cards < easy; cards++) {
$(document).on('click', '#medium', function() {
for (var cards = 0; cards < medium; cards++) {
$(document).on('click', '#hard', function() {
for (var cards = 0; cards < hard; cards++) {
When I click a button I get the images as expected.
But when I click it again it appends the new data after the old data. I want to remove the old ajax data first and then append the new data.
I found the solution:
Adding a clear function:
function clear() {
originalPokemonImgUrl = [];
duplicateAllPokemonImgUrl = [];
allPokemonImgUrl = [];
Then just call it:
$(document).on('click', '#easy', function() {
for (var cards = 0; cards < easy; cards++) {

Change properties of a class from time to time

I have two functions. In the first one I increase a variable by adding 100 to it and I put a setInterval so the funcion repeats itself after some time. The other function is a class, a contrusctor to create an object. I want this.x_origen to get increased by adding aumento to it after some time and repeat it. However what I'm getting here is that the first function increases aument and then it finishes and then the second function starts. How can I solve this?
var aument = 0;
function aumento(){
aument = aument + 100;
return aument;
setInterval(function () {aumento()}, 1000/50);
function create_class_brick (x_origen_in, y_origen_in, x_final_in, y_final_in, mi_estado, mi_velocidad, mi_id){
this.x_origen = x_origen_in + aumento();
this.y_origen = y_origen_in;
this.x_final = x_final_in + aumento();
this.y_final = y_final_in;
this.estado = mi_estado;
this.velocidad = mi_velocidad;
this.id_elemento = mi_id;
this.DESPLAZAR_LADRILLO = desplazar_ladrillo;
this.F0 = f0;
this.F2 = f2;
this.crear_ladrillo = crear_ladrillo;
this.obtener_x_origen_ladrillo = obtener_x_origen_ladrillo;
this.obtener_y_origen_ladrillo = obtener_y_origen_ladrillo;
this.obtener_x_final_ladrillo = obtener_x_final_ladrillo;
this.obtener_y_final_ladrillo = obtener_y_final_ladrillo;
An example on how to wait for the initial call:
function brick (x_origen_in){
this.x_origen = x_origen_in;
function aumento(brick){
brick.x_origen += 100;
setTimeout(aumento.bind(this, brick), 500);
var brick = new brick(100);
You can use Object.defineProperty to dynamically generate the value whenever it is accessed.
First, lets simplify the auto-incrementing of aument:
var aument = 0;
function aumento(){
aument += 100;
// The first argument for setInterval is the function to execute
// No need to figure out the interval value at runtime as there are no dynamic values
setInterval(aumento, 20); // 1000/50 === 20
Now lets make an object that will have a the correct value:
function create_class_brick (x_origen_in, y_origen_in, x_final_in, y_final_in, mi_estado, mi_velocidad, mi_id){
Object.defineProperty(this, 'x_origen', {
get: function () { return x_origen_in + aument; }
// Other stuff
// ...
A quick test:
> aument
> var obj = new create_class_brick(23);
> obj.x_origen
> obj.x_origen
> obj.x_origen

Javascript for loop doesn't work (adding numbers to a total)

I am using Jasmine for JS testing, and unfortunately I can't get the following test to pass.
it('should know the total game score', function() {
frame1 = new Frame;
frame2 = new Frame;
game = new Game;
frame1.score(3, 4);
frame2.score(5, 5);
The error message I get is as follows: Error: Expected 0 to equal 17.
The code is as follows:
function Game() {
this.scorecard = []
Game.prototype.add = function(frame) {
// Why is this not working!!???
Game.prototype.totalScore = function() {
total = 0;
for(i = 0; i < this.scorecard.length; i++)
total +=this.scorecard[i].rollOne + this.scorecard[i].rollTwo;
return total;
function Frame() {};
Frame.prototype.score = function(first_roll, second_roll) {
this.rollOne = first_roll;
this.rollTwo = second_roll;
return this
Frame.prototype.isStrike = function() {
return (this.rollOne === 10);
Frame.prototype.isSpare = function() {
return (this.rollOne + this.rollTwo === 10) && (this.rollOne !== 10)
Adding the numbers together manually seems to work e.g. total = game.scorecard[0].rollOne + this.scorecard[0].rollTwo , but the for loop (even though it looks correct) doesn't seem to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
I am not pretty sure, but it seems that you are not calling the "Add" method, so no data is added to the scorecard.
You have to add the Frames to your game i guess
it('should know the total game score', function () {
frame1 = new Frame;
frame2 = new Frame;
game = new Game;
// those lines are missing
frame1.score(3, 4);
frame2.score(5, 5);
otherwise, the scorecard-array is empty and the total score is therefore equal to 0.
missing (so no data is added to the scorecard.)

Javascript code not working properly(works for some time and crashes)

I've made a javascript slideshow for text but it gets bugged after a couple of loops.
This is what it should be like(don't mind the cursor in gif):
This is what happens after a couple of loops:
The Javascript code:
var quote_array = [
"Aš supratau, kad kuo daugiau dirbu,<br/>tuo labiau man sekasi.",
"Dirbdamas sau malonų darbą<br/>pasieki tobuliausių rezultatų.",
"Tikras darbas yra darbas<br/>kurio tu nemėgsti."
var quoteName_array = [
"-Tomas Džefersonas",
"-Bilas Watersonas"
var quote_i = Math.floor(Math.random()*quote_array.length);
var quote_elem;
var quoteName_elem;
var patikrinti
function quoteNext()
quote_i = Math.floor(Math.random()*quote_array.length);
quote_elem.style.opacity = 0;
quoteName_elem.style.opacity = 0;
function quoteSlide()
patikrinti = quote_i;
quote_elem.innerHTML = quote_array[quote_i];
quoteName_elem.innerHTML = quoteName_array[quote_i];
quote_elem.style.opacity = 1;
quoteName_elem.style.opacity = 1;
I didn't see the recurion at first, but in quoteNext() you're (randomly) calling quoteNext() a second time - which will add another setTimeout("quoteSlide()",1100) so over time more and more "loops" are running in parallel, leading to total flickering in the end. Change your function to
function quoteNext() {
quote_i = Math.floor(Math.random()*quote_array.length);
if (patikrinti==quote_i) {
quoteNext(); // try again
} else { // but do not continue
quote_elem.style.opacity = 0;
quoteName_elem.style.opacity = 0;
setTimeout(quoteSlide, 1100); // pass functions, not code strings

