How to works setState function? - javascript

I want to create a basic crud app. So i want to create a basic live search. For this reason, i have written a simple code. Like this
searchProduct = (e) => {
const query =;
const data = [...this.state.exampleProducts];
const filteredData = data.filter(p => {
When I use the setState function, the console.log output gives different results.

guessing you are new in Reactjs, please check this one first
Do not depend on this.state immediately after calling setState() and make use of the updater function instead.
setState has a callback function that you can use, but DO NOT use setState inside of it.
When I need to log something inside the state, prefer to use console.log in the render function in this way you won't miss anything.

The setState dose doesn't apply the change immediately. You can pass callback function like this:
this.setState({value: 'updated-value'}, () => {
console.log(this.state.value); // updated-value
// You can use your updated state here
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


Javascript object vs array ask Axios.get [duplicate]

Is there a reason that calling setSate() in a loop would prevent it from updating the state multiple times?
I have a very basic jsbin that highlights the problem I am seeing. There are two buttons. One updates the state's counter by 1. The other calls the underlying function of One in a loop -- which seemingly would update the state multiple times.
I know of several solutions to this problem but I want to make sure that I am understanding the underlying mechanism here first. Why can't setState be called in a loop? Do I have it coded awkwardly that is preventing the desired effect?
From the React Docs:
setState() enqueues changes to the component state and tells React that this component and its children need to be re-rendered with the updated state. This is the primary method you use to update the user interface in response to event handlers and server responses.
Think of setState() as a request rather than an immediate command to update the component. For better perceived performance, React may delay it, and then update several components in a single pass. React does not guarantee that the state changes are applied immediately.
setState() does not always immediately update the component. It may batch or defer the update until later. This makes reading this.state right after calling setState() a potential pitfall.
Basically, don't call setState in a loop. What's happening here is exactly what the docs are referring to: this.state is returning the previous value, as the pending state update has not been applied yet.
There's a nice way to update state in a loop. Just make an empty variable, set its value to the updated state, call setState(), and pass it this variable:
const updatedState = {};
if (vars.length) {
vars.forEach(v => {
updatedState[v] = '';
You have to use something like that:
const MyComponent = () => {
const [myState, setMyState] = useState([]);
const handleSomething = (values) => { => {
setMyState((oldValue) => [...oldValue, { key: value.dataWhatYouWant }]);
return (<> Content... </>);
I had the same problem. But tried with a little different approach.
//data to render
let copy=[];
for(let i=0;<data.length;i++){
copy.push(<SomeComp data=[i] />)
I hope this helps.
Basically setState is called asynchronously. It also has a callback function which you can utilise to do something once the state has been mutated.
Also if multiple setStates are called one after the other they are batched together as written previously.
Actually setState() method is asynchronous. Instead you can achieve it like this
manyClicks() {
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
//this.setState({clicks: this.state.clicks + 1}); instead of this
clicks: ++prevState.clicks
I was having this issue when creating a feature to import items.
Since the amount of the importing items could be huge, I need to provide feedback (like a progress bar) to the site user so that they know that they aren't sitting there and waiting for nothing.
As we know that we can't setState in a loop, I took a different approach by running the task recursively.
Here's a example code
You can try this one using the previous value to increase the count.
function handleChange() {
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
setState(prev => {
return prev + 1
I was able to make your code work, calling setState in the loop by doing the following:
manyClicks() {
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
this.setState({clicks: this.state.clicks += 1})
enter code here
Hopefully this helps!

Difference between ComponentDidUpdate and SetState callback function

I've done some research about an error I got in my react native app
Warning: An update (setState, replaceState, or forceUpdate) was scheduled from inside an update function. Update functions should be pure, with zero side-effects. Consider using componentDidUpdate or a callback..
I've done research but I still can't understand the difference between them. My theoretical idea is to remove an element from an array of objects, but when I use setState with a callback function I get the error. Can anyone point me in the right direction or show me an example of how I can use componentDidUpdate. The code example below works for now but I feel it could be improved on, and I believe that is why I'm getting my error
Delete_Task = (e) => {
this.setState(prevState => {
const tasks = prevState.daily.filter(task => task.ID !== e);
this.setState({daily: tasks});
You need to return the new state object instead of calling another setState inside the outer setState callback
this.setState({daily: tasks});
return {daily: tasks};
// OR
return {...prevState, daily:tasks}

How to make a generic callback function react

I am creating a callback function for passing setState up from child to parent. However, I have found myself creating tonnes of functions for each type of state im using and was wondering if there would be a way to make this generic. Here is an example of one of the functions:
const setIsModalVisible = useCallback(val => {
}, [setModalVisible]);
Each function is the same but using a different setState. Any help would be great! Thanks
Create a function which returns callback
const GetCallback = (func) => {
return useCallback(
(val) => {
and call that function by passing the setState as a argument.
CodeSandbox Link -
React hooks (so useCallback too) must be used in root of the component function. Therefore You cannot make some generator for creating multiple useCalback.

Best practise to handle with responses and incoming props

with redux, we uses actions to handle with crud operations. But I stuck at some points. If we send async requests inside of component. We can easly handle with response. But when we send request through actions, we dont know what happened. Is request send successfully ? it took how much amount of time ? What kind of response is returned ? we don't know that
I will clarify question with samples..
lets update a post.
onClick () { | we know how much time
.then(res => | has took to execute
.then(res => { | request
console.log(res) // we have the response
.catch(err => console.log(error))
But if we use actions
onClick () {
this.props.updatePost( // we know nothing what will happen
or handling with incoming props. lets say I have fetchPost() action to retrieve post
render method and componentDidUpdate will run as well. It's cool. But what if I want to update my state by incoming props ? I can't do this operation inside of componentDidUpdate method. it causes infinity loop.
If I use componentWillUpdate method, well, things works fine but I'm getting this warning.
Warning: componentWillReceiveProps has been renamed, and is not
recommended for use. Move data fetching code or side effects to
componentDidUpdate. If you're updating state whenever props change,
refactor your code to use memoization techniques or move it to static
I can't use componentDidUpdate method for infinty loop. Neither getDerivedStateFromProps method because it's run everytime when state change.
Should I continue to use componentWillMethod ? Otherwise what should I use and why (why componentWillMethod is unsafe ?)
If I understand correcty, what you would like to do is to safely change your local state only when your e.g. updatePost was successful.
If indeed that is your case, you can pass a callback function on your updatePost and call this as long as your update was succefull.
successfulUpdate() {
// do your thing
this.setState( ... );
onClick () {
this.props.updatePost(, this.successfulUpdate) // we know nothing what will happen
You can also keep in mind that if your action returns a promise, then you can just use the then method:
onClick () {
this.props.updatePost(, this.onRejected)
I think we can use redux-thunk in this cases. What if we dispatch an async function instead of dispatch an action object?
"Neither getDerivedStateFromProps method because it's run everytime when state change." - does it matter? You can avoid setting state with every getDerivedStateFromProps call by using a simple condition inside.
static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
if ( !== { // or anything else
return {
return null;
An infinite loop will not occur.
Here is my way for such cases. We can redux-thunk for asynchronous calls such as api call. What if we define the action that returns promise? Please check the code below.
export const GetTodoList = dispatch => {
return Axios.get('SOME_URL').then(res => {
// dispatch some actions
// return result
onClick = async () => {
const { GetTodoList } = this.props;
try {
const data = await GetTodoList();
// handler for success
success: true,
} catch {
// handler for failure
success: fail,
data: null
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
So we can use actions like API(which returns promise) thanks to redux-thunk.
Let me know your opinion.

React's setState doesn't change state and update component

I'm calling console.log as a callback from setState and it seems like setState doesn't work. I'm trying to write a function which takes state defined like this:
this.state = {
this.props.substate is an array of objects, so I'm transforming it to object.
Here is a function that transforms state back to array, removes last element and then transforms array into object:
handleClickRem = event => {
const arrayFromState = Object.values(this.state);
const newArray = arrayFromState.slice(0, -1);
const newState = {...newArray};
//newState is exactly what I want it to be
this.setState(newState, () => console.log(this.state));
All console logs works perfectly apart from the last one. I'm also checking state in render(), but it also seems to show no change of state.
I've done similarly a function, which adds elements to state and it works perfectly.
I'll be very thankful for help and patience :)

