Parsing part of a html text using javascript - javascript

The output on my page after generating a certain link is:
<string xmlns="">
What i'm interested in is the 78502 because it's an unique id i need to use in later protractor tests.
This is the html part of it.
<span xmlns="" class="text">SUCCESS|78502|25cca4bc-08f9-4a59-85f8-64e0d0700924|</span>
I'm prety blocked atm since i've never done something like this, the first step i took was getting the xpath of the html element and applying the getText method on it and console.log-ing it to check that i can at least get the value but that doesn't seem to give me the value of the element.
Any materials/links that can help me better understand what i need to do is appreciated!

Is that html element unique? If there isn't any other with same xmlns attribute and same class you can get that with pure Javascript:
// Get text inside the element
var text = document.querySelector('span.text[xmlns=""]').innerText;
// Get an array of the parts ["SUCCESS", "78502" ...]
var text_parts = text.split('|');
// If that array has a second element (that id) get that second element
var id = '';
if (text_parts.length >= 2) id = text_parts[1];
If there's a way to generate that html with an id so it's unique it would be more safe, so you are sure the querySelector will pick the right one.
So if you have
<span id="span-with-id" xmlns="" class="text">SUCCESS|78502|25cca4bc-08f9-4a59-85f8-64e0d0700924|</span>
you could use
var text = document.querySelector('#span-with-id').innerText;
Note that you have to do that with Javascript, after this HTML element is inserted into the document.


How to assign HTML text to a JavaScript variable?

Is it possible to assign HTML text within an element to a JavaScript variable? After much Googling, I note that you can assign HTML elements to a variable, but I want the actual text itself.
Details about my goal:
I am currently working on a CRUD application, and with the click of a delete button, a modal will display and ask the user for confirmation before deleting the record. Once the button has been clicked, I want to retrieve HTML text within a specific element used for AJAX call data. However, what I have tried so far is not being logged to the console; even when I change the global variable to var deleteLocationID = "test"; I doubt the modal displaying will affect the click function?
The code:
var deleteLocationID;
$("#deleteLocationBtn").click(function () {
deleteLocationID = $(document).find(".locationID").val();
What I have tried so far:
Changing "deleteLocationID = $(document).find(".locationID").val();" to the following variations:
deleteLocationID = $(document).find(".locationID").html();
deleteLocationID = $(".locationID").val() / deleteLocationID = $(".locationID").html();
deleteLocationID = document.getElementsByClassName("locationID").value;
Any help would be much appreciated.
Use the text() method from JQuery, with this you can get the text inside of your element.
Use this way, it may help you:
deleteLocationID = $(document).find(".locationID").text()
Here is example of getting text from class element:
<script src=""></script>
<div class="locationID">45</div>
It depends on the type of element you are trying to find your value.
for input types you can find the value by .val() in jQuery like:
you can grab innerHTML of the element by .html() in jQuery like:
but if you want to grab innerText of an element you can use .text() in jQuery like:

Creating dynamic divs

Trying to make a dynamic div but i don't know how. Wrote a solidity smart contract that accepts an array of struct. In the smart contract i can use a get function to display the data inside. Data in the array is treated like a history, it consists of amount (making a crowdfund site), date, currency used, etc. Since the get function in the smart contract can only extract one part of the array, i thought of putting the get function into the while loop and extract the whole history array..
<div id=set>
I'm trying to dynamically create another div with the same amount of < a > in the div. If i had 10 sets of data to display in that div, i wish to create only 10 sets of that div. Can createElement() be used to do that? Couldn't find any solution that works. Totally have no idea on how to create it. Can someone please help.
Would it be rational to extract the data from the array using a while loop and putting it in a div to display or would it use too much gas for this to work?
I don't get why would you want to do this, but you can do like this:
$('#set a').each(function(){
$('#set').after( "<div></div>");
It selects all of the <a>...</a> inside the <div id="set">...</div> element, and for each one of those inserts a <div></div> element. It inserts the element right next to #set but you can change that to any other element you could select.
I'm supplying jQuery code since you tagged the question as jQuery.
Hope it helps,
You can get the number of anchor tags by using this function getElementsByTagName('a').length from the hosting div. Then use that number to create new divs. This solution is done using vanilla JS.
function createDynamicDivs(){
var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
var noOfAnchors = document.getElementById('set').getElementsByTagName('a').length;
for(var i=0;i<noOfAnchors;i++){
var newContent = document.createElement("a");
newContent.textContent= "Test ";
<div id=set>
<div id="new"></div>
<button onclick="createDynamicDivs()">Generate</button>

jQuery "add" Only Evaluated When "appendTo" Called

this has been driving me crazy since yesterday afternoon. I am trying to concatenate two bodies of selected HTML using jQuery's "add" method. I am obviously missing something fundamental. Here's some sample code that illustrated the problem:
<script src=""></script>
<p id="para1">This is a test.</p>
<p id="para2">This is also a test.</p>
var para1 = $("#para1").clone();
var para2 = $("#para2").clone();
var para3 = para1.add(para2);
alert("Joined para: " + para3.html());
I need to do some more manipulation to "para3" before the append, but the alert above displays only the contents of "para1." However, the "appendTo appends the correct, "added" content of para1 and para2 (which subsequently appears on the page).
Any ideas what's going on here?
As per the $.add,
Create a new jQuery object with elements added to the set of matched elements.
Thus, after the add, $para3 represents a jQuery result set of two elements ~> [$para1, $para2]. Then, per $.html,
Get the HTML contents of the first element in the set of matched elements or set the HTML contents of every matched element.
So the HTML content of the first item in the jQuery result ($para1) is returned and subsequent elements (including $para2) are ignored. This behavior is consistent across jQuery "value reading" functions.
Reading $.appendTo will explain how it works differently from $.html.
A simple map and array-concat can be used to get the HTML of "all items in the result set":
$.map($para3, function (e) { return $(e).html() }).join("")$para3, function (e) { return $(e).html() }).join("")
Or in this case, just:
$para1.html() + $para2.html()
Another approach would be to get the inner HTML of a parent Element, after the children have been added.

Extract div data from HTML raw DIV text via JS

I'm trying to extract data from a JS function that only renders an element's HTML - and I need the element's ID or class.
JS Element Value:
x = '<div class="active introjs-showElement introjs-relativePosition" id="myId">Toate (75)</div>';
I need to do get the element's id or class (in this case the id would be myId).
Is there any way to do this? Strip the tags or extract the text via strstr?
Thank you
The easiest thing to do would be to grab the jQuery object of the string you have:
Now you have access to all the jQuery extensions on it to allow you to get/set what you need:
$(x).attr('id'); // == 'myId'
NOTE: This is obviously based on the assumption you have jQuery to use. If you don't, then the second part of my answer is - get jQuery, it's designed to make operations like these very easy and tackle compatibility issues where it can too
You may want to take a look at this:
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '<div class="active introjs-showElement introjs-relativePosition" id="myId">Toate (75)</div>';

extracting text from html file

I'm trying to get nodes containing text from html file using Javascript and jQuery.
if I have a node like
How can I select elements that meets this criteria??
Meaning, I need to retrieve thedivand thespan` , and it would be even better to know location of the text.
I'm trying to get the text to replace it with images in a later function.
I tried this
$('*').each(function(indx, elm){
var txt = $(elm).text();
// my code to replace text with images here
but it does not get the required results.. it does all the parsing in the first element, and changes the html totally.
I don't know exactly what you're trying to solve, but perhaps you can be a bit more specific with your selector?
$("div span").text(); // returns 'txt1'
$("div").text(); // returns 'txt0txt1txt2'
By adding ids and/or classes to your html, you can be very specific:
<div class="name">Aidan <span class="middlename">Geoffrey</span> Fraser</div>
// returns all spans with class
// "middlename" inside divs with class "name"
$(" span.middlename").text();
// returns the first span with class
// "middlename" inside the fourth div
// with class "name"
$("[3] span.middlename[0]").text();
JQuery has pretty good documentation of these selectors.
If this doesn't help, consider explaining the problem you're trying to solve.
Your markup structure is a bit uneasy. Consider changing to something like this
Then using jQuery
$("div span").each(function(k,v) {
$(this).html("<img src=\""+v+".jpg\" />"); //replace with the image

