Not Accessing object using dropdown menus, ngFor [closed] - javascript

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Please find code sample below link for more details
I have created a dropdown menu inside table tr, I want to call some function over dropdown menus, as per expectations, each click on row should transfer rendered object through function parameter, but its always transferring the first element.

It is a conflict. You are loading jQuery in an Angular Project, because you are using Bootstrap, which depends on jQuery.
I deleted bootstrap and jQuery from your project and now it works, so it's a conflict between them.
Now I get this in the console :
> edit {text: "some text 3"} preview-e6e32bdb6d8102b4a83ab.js:1
> edit {text: "some text 4"} preview-e6e32bdb6d8102b4a83ab.js:1
In general, it is a very bad idea to load and use jQuery in an Angular project, this can only lead to this kind of conflicts.
If you want to use Bootstrap in your angular project, use ng-bootstrap.


Wix Revision and Modification [closed]

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Closed 3 days ago.
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So i'm trying to rewrite and revise code for my friend to help make his website better, i've removed a lot of the redundant code, and revised a lot of it, as well as separated some of the CSS components into an actual CSS file.
After I tried adding an email service for his website, the "submit" button grew to an insane size, and won't let you type anything in it.
i've tried to reduce the size in CSS but it didnt work. attached is the screenshot of what i'm talking about; there should be a "name" and "email" input box there but there's only the HUGE submit button
This is the code i've tried implementing as of now:
``<form class="pUnTVX"
Your email:
Your message:
i expected it to just work as expected, i've used code like this before on trial markups, but i've never encountered this problem.

How to fix : Uncaught ReferenceError: module is not defined in Jquery [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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i'm trying to make a dynamic dependent dropdown selection , so i got this error in the console when i try to ckeck if the function work or not !
I'am using laravel , ajax , jquery in this project
Also , when i delete the script of the dynamic dropdown box , the error stay
Hope that you can help me
thank you
Usually this has to do with location of your
<script src="something"></script>
make sure you don't have same cdn and make your your link goes before script
something like
All the link should go before script sentence

Website carousel stops working when second one is added [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've created a website with a simple non-controlable carousel with the following code before the /head tag
script src="jquery-1.8.2.min.js" type="text/javascript">/script
script src="jquery.carouFredSel-6.0.4-packed.js" type="text/javascript">/script
I have the jquery-1.8.2.min.js and jquery.carouFredSel-6.0.4-packed.js files downloaded in my folder.
It works perfectly, but when I add a second carousel, this second one works but the first one doesn't.
I've created the second carousel downloading the files: jquery-2.1.0.min.js and application.js.
Instead the case of the first carousel, in the second one I put the following instructions inside the tag, in the div element which defines the carousel-
script src="jquery-2.1.0.min.js">/script
script src="application.js">/script
It is due to having two different js files?
Many thanks for taking the time of reading my question and sorry for my english and my lack of knowledge
I think mostly thats because of html-tag conflicts. Make sure, they have different ID's and dont overwrite each other.

How to include javascript with HTML in google sites? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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html and javascript work properly there as you can see.
but when I add this to a htmlbox in google sites, it shows an error saying "1+1: URI unknown:///unknown is malformed"
Help me,
Here's my html and javascript
Make sure when you hit page create that "webpage" was chosen in the dropdown.
When the box comes up to edit the page, make sure that you click the html icon in the edit box.
Copy the html you provided, and pasted it into the page and below it wrote script tags to contain the javascript you provided.
//your js code here
Since Google restricts their sites, you have to use Google APIs to obtain the js code you need in order to make the Google Gadget work. Here's the API site
This should give you what you need in order to get you Google Gadget working with JavaScript.
You can view the working google site I just created here, then click on "include html" link on left bar under "Home".

Add just a </div> using JavaScript [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm going crazy! :)
I need a way to add a closing </div> before another element. But everything I try the </div> gets filtered out. The problem is, that this might be the only solution for me.
So please, please have a look to this and maybe you're able to give me a hint:
I'm building a bootstrap based template for LimeSurvey, a online survey tool. Their templates are completely done with tables and I try to find another way and to get it mobile friendly.
The template is separated into different files. For my issue this is:
-> Startpage
-> Navigator
-> Endpage
Normally it loads always a "Surveypage" between Startpage and Navigator. But there is an option which automatically puts all question directly under the startpage and therefore into my header. So in this case I need another '' or another way to close the header first.
So there's a
<div class="jumbotron">
and I have to close it before the element
<table id="ls-table" ... >
I already tried many JavaScript examples I've been able to find around the web. But none makes the job.
Thanks a lot!
There are only two ways to manipulate a web page using JavaScript.
The DOM, or document object model.
Via string-manipulation of the HTML.
Most web browsers will NOT allow you to do #2 directly on an already-loaded or loading document. At best, you could find a situation wherein you read the HTML of a <body> and then re-parse it. But doing so is an amazing amount of work for very little effort.
Look into the insertBefore method on the DOM, which will let you grab that <table id="ls_table" > element and move it from within that <div> to being a child of said <div>'s parent, immediately after the offending element.

