How to consolidate an array of multiple objects into single object? - javascript

So, I have an array like this:
{ tags__region: "Stockholm" },
{ tags__region: "Lund" },
{ tags__region: "Mora" },
{ tags__user: "Johan" },
{ tags__user: "Eva" }
and I want to turn that into an object like this:
tags__region: ["Stockholm", "Lund", "Mora"],
tags__user: ["Johan", "Eva"]
Is there a way with lodash?
Are vanilla Array/Object -methods simple enough?
Keep in mind the keys on my array are unknown, so they are not always the same.

Simple Javascript.
let arr = [{
tags__region: "Stockholm"
tags__region: "Lund"
tags__region: "Mora"
tags__user: "Johan"
tags__user: "Eva"
arr = arr.reduce((acc, val) => {
let key = Object.keys(val)[0];
let value = Object.values(val)[0];
acc[key] = acc[key] ? [...acc[key],value] : [value]
return acc;
}, {})

You can use Lodash's _.mergeWith() with array spread to combine all items in the array to a single object. If the same property exists in two object, the values will be collected to an array:
const arr = [{"tags__region":"Stockholm"},{"tags__region":"Lund"},{"tags__region":"Mora"},{"tags__user":"Johan"},{"tags__user":"Eva"}]
const result = _.mergeWith({}, ...arr, (objValue = [], srcValue) =>
[...objValue, srcValue]
<script src=""></script>
With Lodash/fp you can generate a function (fn) using _.mergeAllWith(), and _.concat() that will do the same thing:
const fn = _.mergeAllWith(_.concat)
const arr = [{"tags__region":"Stockholm"},{"tags__region":"Lund"},{"tags__region":"Mora"},{"tags__user":"Johan"},{"tags__user":"Eva"}]
const result = fn(arr)
<script src=''></script>


How to convert array of objects to object made up of only values

I have [ { key1:value1, key2:value2 }, { key3:value3, key4:value4 }, .... ]. I want to convert it to
{ value1: value2, value3: value4 }
Use Array#reduce to accumulate your object-data. Foreach object take from the values the first and add a new property with this name to the accumulated object with the value from the second object-value.
let array = [ { key1:'value1', key2:'value2' }, { key3:'value3', key4:'value4' }];
let res = array.reduce((acc, cur) => {
values = Object.values(cur);
acc[values[0]] = values[1];
return acc;
}, {});
Assuming the inner objects always have 2 keys:
const arr = [ { key1:'value1', key2:'value2' }, { key3:'value3', key4:'value4' }]
const obj = {};
for (const innerObj of arr) {
const values = Object.values(innerObj);
obj[values[0]] = values[1];
console.log(obj) // { value1: 'value2', value3: 'value4' }
Note: you're question assumes an order for the keys in the inner objects, but that may not be guaranteed

How to convert object key value pair with array as values to multi objects of key value pair?

I have an object with key-value pair and its value as an array of elements.
status: ["new", "old"],
place: ["york", "blah"]
I'm trying to convert it into multiple array objects of key-value pair like below.
"newObj1": [
{ "status": "new" },
{ "status": "old" }],
"newObj2": [
{ "place": "york" },
{ "place": "blah" }]
Is there any way to achieve the above structure? I have tried couple of methods using array reduce methods but it doesn't give in the desired output.
let value= {
status: ["new", "old"],
place: ["york", "blah"]
Object.keys(value).map((key) => [key, value[key]]);
You can do something like this
const obj = {
status: ["new", "old"],
place: ["york", "blah"]
const result = {};
Object.keys(obj).forEach((key, index) => {
result[`newObj${index + 1}`] = obj[key].map(item => ({[key]: item}));
Here's a solution that uses Array.reduce():
const value = {
status: ["new", "old"],
place: ["york", "blah"]
const result = Object.keys(value).reduce((acc, key, i) => {
acc["newObj" + (i + 1)] = value[key].map(k => ({ [key]: k }));
return acc;
}, {});
Here is my way of accomplishing that.
let source = {
status: ["new", "old"],
place: ["york", "blah"]
let destination = {}; // make room for the destinoation object
Object.keys(source).forEach((key, index) => {
let obj = "newObj" + (index + 1); // assume all objects are named "newObj1,2,3,etc"
if (!destination[obj]) { // check if the object exists already
// if not, then crate an empty array first
destination[obj] = [];
// loop through all items in the source element array
source[key].forEach(value => {
// create an object from the array element
let subObj = {};
subObj[key] = value;
// push that object to the destination
const data = {
status: ["new", "old"],
place: ["york", "blah"]
let result = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(data).map( ([key, [first, second]], index) => {
return [ `newObj${index}`, [ { [key]: first }, { [key]: second } ] ];
} ) );
Here's an idiomatic solution using .reduce inside .reduce:
.reduce((result, [key, value], index) => !(result['newObj' + (index + 1)] = value
.reduce((arr, text) => !arr
.push({ [key]: text }) || arr, [])) || result, {});
Here's a live example:
const data = {
status: ['new', 'old'],
place: ['york', 'blah']
const result = Object.entries(data)
.reduce((result, [key, value], index) => !(result['newObj' + (index + 1)] = value
.reduce((arr, text) => !arr
.push({ [key]: text }) || arr, [])) || result, {});
newObj1: [
{ status: 'new' },
{ status: 'old' }
newObj2: [
{ place: 'york' },
{ place: 'blah' }
For those who fail to understand map and reduce, here's a fairly naive solution but it will work:
newObjCounter = 1
orig = { status: [ 'new', 'old' ], place: [ 'york', 'blah' ] }
newObject = {}
//Initialise object with new keys with arrays as values
for(var key in orig){
newObject["newObj"+initialCounter] = []
//Loop through keys of the original object and dynamically populate the new object
for(var key in orig){
index = "newObj"+objCounter

Javascript remove array objects with duplicate properties while keeping the latest occurance

I've searched a lot for this but couldn't find anything that match my requirement.
I want to remove all the duplicates but keeping the last entry not the first.
The array is already presorted I don't want to mess with sorting
So it looks like this :
status:"foo1" },
The expected output looks like:
I'd be thankful if someone can help me!
You can simply use reduce
let arr = [{ name:"Joe", status:"foo1" }, { name:"Joe", status:"foo2"}, { name:"Vani", status:"foo5" }]
let op = arr.reduce((op,inp)=>{
op[] = inp
return op
You can make use of ES6 Map. As from Docs:
The Map object holds key-value pairs and remembers the original insertion order of the keys. Any value (both objects and primitive values) may be used as either a key or a value.
const data = [
{ name:"Joe", status:"foo1" },
{ name:"Joe", status:"foo2" },
{ name:"Vani", status:"foo5" }
const removeDupes = (arr, map = new Map()) => {
arr.forEach(o => map.set(, o));
return [];
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Try using simple forEach,
const arr = [{ name:"Joe", status:"foo1" }, { name:"Joe", status:"foo2"}, {
name:"Vani", status:"foo5" }];
let result = {};
arr.forEach((val) => { result[] = val; });
Hope this helps...
The accepted answer doesn't actually keep the order, it amends the object at the initially found index
You could amend it to look like this:
const data = [
{ name:"Joe", status:"foo1" },
{ name:"Vani", status:"foo2" },
{ name:"Joe", status:"foo3" }
const removeDupes = (arr, map = new Map()) => {
arr.forEach((o, i) => map.set(, {...o, order: i}));
return [].sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order);
Or perhaps do something more simple like:
const data = [
{ name:"Joe", status:"foo1" },
{ name:"Vani", status:"foo2" },
{ name:"Joe", status:"foo3" }
let newData = [];
data.forEach(x => {
newData = newData.filter(y => !=;
I'll let someone else figure out a more performant solution...

How can i get an object from an array of objects

At the entrance I have such an array with objects.
Function that converts an incoming array of objects into an object.
Using the function, I need to bring it to this form.
var array = [
{ k1:v1 },
{ k2:v2 },
{ k3:v3 }
function arrayToObject(array) { return object }
var object = {
v1: k1,
v2: k2,
v3: k3,
You could taske Object.assign and spread the reversed objects.
var array = [ { k1: 'v1' }, { k2: 'v2' }, { k3: 'v3' }],
object = Object.assign( => Object
.reduce((r, [k, v]) => Object.assign(r, { [v] : k }), {})
Use forEach loop
var array = [
{ k1:'v1' },
{ k2:'v2' },
{ k3:'v3' }
function a()
var obj={};
You can use Object.entries() and .reduce() methods to get the desired output:
const array = [
{ k1:'v1' },
{ k2:'v2' },
{ k3:'v3' }
const obj = Object.entries(
array.reduce((r, c) => Object.assign(r, c), {})
).reduce((r, [k, v]) => (r[v] = k, r), {});
Array.reduce and use Object.keys over each array element.
var array = [
{ k1: 'v1' },
{ k2: 'v2' },
{ k3: 'v3' }
var obj = array.reduce((obj, item) => {
Object.keys(item).forEach(key => obj[item[key]] = key)
return obj
}, {})
And another one:
const result = {};
for(const [[key, value]] of
result[value] = key;
I am not sure why the other answers go through hoops to make this as clever as possible.
I find this more readable. I am not using reduce because I find the word misleading. A simple forEach makes more sense to me
const array = [
{ k1:'v1' },
{ k2:'v2' },
{ k3:'v3' }
let newObj={};
array.forEach((obj) => {
let key = Object.keys(obj)[0];
your answer..
var array = [
{ k1: v1 },
{ k2: v2 },
{ k3: v3 }
function arrayToObject(array) {
obj = {};
for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
o = array[i];
key = Object.keys(o)[0];
obj.key = o.key;
return obj;

How to concatenate object values with same id

I have an array:
let ar = [
flat_no: 1
flat_no: 2
If uid are same then I want to remove duplicate uid and concatenate its flat_no. The output array should be like this:
flat_no: [1,3]
flat_no: 2
You can use a combination of Array.reduce and Array.find.
If you find an existing item in your accumulator array, just update it's flat_no property, otherwise push it to the accumulator array.
let arr = [
uid: 1,
flat_no: 1
uid: 2,
flat_no: 2
uid: 1,
flat_no: 3
arr = arr.reduce((arr, item) => {
const existing = arr.find(innerItem => innerItem.uid === item.uid)
if (existing) {
existing.flat_no = Array.isArray(existing.flat_no)
? existing.flat_no
: [existing.flat_no]
} else {
return arr
}, [])
You can iterate over your array and fill an object (used as a hashmap here).
Once done, you extract the values to get your result.
let hashResult = {}
ar.forEach(element => {
if (hashResult[element.uid] == undefined) {
hashResult[element.uid] = { uid: element.uid, flat_no: [] }
let result = Object.values(hashResult)
console.log(new Date(), result)
You can do this in a concise way with a single Array.reduce and Object.values to match your desired output:
let data = [ { uid:1, flat_no: 1 }, { uid:2, flat_no: 2 }, { uid:1, flat_no:3 } ];
const result = data.reduce((r, {uid, flat_no}) => {
r[uid] ? r[uid].flat_no = [r[uid].flat_no, flat_no] : r[uid] = {uid, flat_no}
return r
}, {})
1)Reduce the initial array to an object which has uid as the key and the flat_no as the value.
2)Then run a map on the keys to convert it into an array of objects with uid and flat_no.
1) First Step Code
let ar = [{uid:1, flat_no: 1},{uid:2, flat_no: 2},{uid:1, flat_no:3}];
let outputObj = ar.reduce((outputObj,currObj,currIndex) => {
let {uid,flat_no} = currObj
if (outputObj[uid]) {
else {
outputObj[uid] = [flat_no]
return outputObj
let finalOutput = Object.keys(outputObj).map(key =>

