php cannot get value from html - javascript

I have questions that why my html file cannot connect with php file.
But I am sure that after I click the submit button, value of <input type="hidden" id="t1_response" name="t1_response" value=""> can be given.
However, url doesn't change to php form(like tocsv.php?t1_response=...).
And php gives me an notice :
Notice: Undefined index: t1_response in C:\xampp\htdocs\colors\tocsv.php on line 2
How can I fix it?
function pressSubmit() {
for (var i = 1; i <=3; i++) {
rt = rt + parseFloat(document.getElementById("t"+i+"_rt").value);
if (document.getElementById("t1_response").value === "diff") {acc=acc+1};
if (document.getElementById("t2_response").value === "diff") {acc=acc+1};
if (document.getElementById("t3_response").value === "same") {acc=acc+1};
document.write("<div>The average react time: " + rt/3 +" ms</div>");
document.write("<div>Acc Rate:" + acc/3*100+"%</div>");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>Remember the colors</h3>
Press 's' if the two displays are the same. Press 'd' if a color changed (different).<br>
<form action="tocsv.php" method="get">
<input type="hidden" id="t1_response" name="t1_response" value="">
<input type="hidden" id="t1_rt" name="t1_rt" value="">
<input type="submit" id="submitButton" name="submitButton" onclick="javascript:pressSubmit()">
pressSubmit() contains calculating average number and document.write() to display the value to user.
echo $_GET["t1_response"];

Error code is clear: you have to define the var t1_response in your php file.
I bet you write:
t1_response = $_POST['t1_response ']
but you need:
$t1_response = $_POST['t1_response ']
The html file you post here is ok.

I have solved the problems.
Thanks everyone's help.
Here, in pressSubmit(), I wrote doucument.write(...), which make the page to be overwritten. Thus, it came out to be unable to get the value and I have no idea why so.
Thus, I use alert to avoid to overwrite the page. And everything works.
Thanks everyone's help again!


I have a problem with javascript, Giulio Cesare's cipher

I have to create a javascript code that implements the Cipher of Caesar, I tried but it doesn't work, I think that the problem is in the for loop in the functions that I used, I thank everyone who will help me.
function Figure() {
text = eval(send.t.value);
key = eval(send.k.value);
for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
tf.charCodeAt(i) = t.charCodeAt(i) + k;
if (t.charAt(i) > 'Z') {
tf.charCodeAt(i) = (('A' - 1) + (tf.charCodeAt(i) - 'Z'));
} = messaggiocifrato;
<title>Cryptography of Giulio Cesare</title>
<h1>Cryptography of Giulio Cesare</h1>
<form name="send">
Enter text to encrypt
<input type="text" name="t"> <br/><br/> Enter key
<input type="text" name="k"> <br/><br/> Encrypted text.
<input type="text" name="tf"> <br/><br/>
<input type="button" value="Figura" onclick="Figure()">
<input type="reset" value="Reset">
There are a number of issues with your code, I'll point out the first one and leave the rest for you to solve (lest I write all your code for you, and undermine the lessons you'll learn by debugging yourself!)
You're not using a library which enables you to refer to the values of your fields as send.t.value or send.k.value, which is why you're getting the error message "ReferenceError: t is not defined". send is undefined, so trying to get the t property of undefined is causing this error.
You want to use something like document.getElementsByName("t")[0].value instead to get the value of t. You can read the MDN docs on this function here

Spacing in HTML textbox

How do I remove this spacing from the textbox. PS: I've checked and confident that my variable does not contain any spacing to begin with.
At firstpage.php, I changed the php variable '$pcodevar' to javascript variable 'pcode' and pass it to upload.php.
function upload() {
var pcode=" <?php echo $pcodevar;?>";
var uploadwindow ="upload.php", "_blank", "toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,top=500,left=500,width=400,height=400");
uploadwindow.pcode= pcode;}
At upload.php, i wrote a script to receive the variable and identify it as fid_17.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function initInput()
document.forms[0].fid_17.value = pcode;
Next still at upload.php,
<body onLoad="initInput()">
<form name="form1" method="post" action="upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"/>
Project ID:
<input name="fid_17" id="fid_17" value=""/><br><br>
Upload File:
<input type="text" name="t" placeholder="File name" />
<input class="button blue" type="submit" name="upload" value="Upload/View!"/><br>
<input type="file" name="f" /><br>
Thank you for helping!
I think you should just trim the 'pcode' value before setting value.
Try to use trim function in php and js.
Also remove the leading space when setting $pcodevar(see below)
var pcode = "<?php echo trim($pcodevar);?>";
pcode = pcode.trim();
I would suggest using .trim() on the "pcode". Please see,
If you don't need to support older browsers (i.e. IE8), please avoid using regular expression way
You should use trim in PHP and JavaScript sides.
function upload() {
var pcode="<?php echo trim($pcodevar);?>";
pcode = pcode.trim();
var uploadwindow ="upload.php", "_blank", "toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,top=500,left=500,width=400,height=400");
uploadwindow.pcode= pcode;}
trim out the value you assigned to fid_17:-
document.getElementById('fid_17').value= pcode.trim()
also console out the value of pcode. hope this will help

javascript undefined input value despite of writing in it

I have a strange problem: I am getting a undefined alert window by running this code. I looked up all the entrys here but I couldn't find a solution.
I've checked, there is no identical id except this one
running the php file the result of var_dump($user_id) shows the right value
this is why I don't understand why the value in javascript is undefined all the time...
<form action="?atn=surveyCode" method="post" class="form mg_top">
<label id="entersID" for="usersID">Enter your prolific ID:</label>
<input id="usersID" value="" type='text' class="form-control talign_center input" name="usersID">
<button id="survey" class="btn btn-primary form-control">Go to questions</button>
JavaScript: every alert is returning "undefined". I never get in the else part. This is really strange. I've many parts like this in my code and they are working perfectly.
var prolific = $("usersID").val();
private function surveyCode(){
$userID = $_POST["usersID"];
var_dump($userID); //shows a value
Please help me, maybe this is a silly bug but I can't find it....
Change the line into
var prolific = $("#usersID").val();
You have to add the "#" sign before the id selector like below :
var prolific = $("#usersID").val();

Updated HTML from JavaScript variable

im trying to build a form with a few number type inputs that the users picks and one checkbox.
im not using php its all java cause im trying to count a bill using his inputs and print out the result.
how do i print those variables? document.write wont do cause its immidetly prints the var without the calculation.
here is some of the script (which is nothing):
$(document).ready(function(e) {
var shutter_price
shutter_price = ($('#shutter').val())*200;
if (shutter != '0' )
and the form's input:
<label for="shutter">shutter </label>
<input style="margin-right:98px" name="shutter" type="number" id="shutter">
any suggestions?
Instead of document.write it would be better to update or add an element on the page.
For example, modifying your provided code and markup:
Javascript (jQuery)
$(document).ready(function(e) {
$('#shutter').on("change", function(e) {
var shutter_price = $(this).val()*200;
if (shutter_price >= 0) {
<label for="shutter">shutter </label>
<input style="margin-right:98px" name="shutter" type="number" id="shutter" min="0" step="1" pattern="\d+" />
<div id="shutter-result"></div>
I think you can create a div on your HTML,
and use: $('#id_of_div_where_you_want_to_write').html("text you want to write");
p.s. This is javascript
javascript != java o/
Hope it helps bro!
i've typed the whole calculation.
i have a submmision button which by clicking needs to retrive the sum.
it doesnt work... im pretty new at javascript so i cant really tell where is the problem.
here is the code:
var shutter_price, lights_price, socket_price, screen10_price, screen7_price, dimmer_price, x
var total_price = 3000;
shutter_price = ($('#shutter').val())*200;
light_price = ($('#lights').val())*200;
socket_price = ($('#socket').val())*200;
screen10_price = ($('#screen10').val())*700;
screen7_price = ($('#screen7').val())*200;
dimmer_price = ($('#dimmer').val())*400;
total_price = total_price + shutter_price + light_price + socket_price + screen10_price + screen7_price + dimmer_price + x*400;
if($('#home_pricing').val() < 6000)
alert('the solution invalid');
alert(" total: " + $('#home_pricing').val());
and a piece of the html code:
<label for="screen7"> 7inch screen </label>
<input style="margin-right:70px" name="screen7" type="number" id="screen7"> <br><br>
<label for="dimmer"> dimmer</label>
<input style="margin-right:174px" name="dimmer" type="number" id="dimmer"> <br><br>
<label for="boiler"> bolier </label>
<input style="margin-right:148px" type="checkbox" name="boiler" id="boiler" > <br><br>
<input type="submit" name=" home_pricing " id="home_pricing" value=" calculate " >
any suggestion of how to make the computation and retrive an alert window or other sort of window with the answer?
I know you did not say that you are using jquery, but I would highly recommenced it, because it makes javascript a lot easier. If you need to display this value to the user then you can use jquery's html function. Here is the link, I would just write the value to a div that's is suppose to display the answer.
Let me know if you need it, and I can give you a quick plunker.

How to copy and output text from another textbox with Javascript?

<input type="hidden" id="prevTicketNo" value="6"/>
var ticketNo = document.getElementById(prevTicketNo).value +1;
document.getElementById('currentTicketNo').value = ticketNo;
<input id="currentTicketNo" value=""/>
What I am trying to do:
The prevTicketNo is a value captured from somewhere else. I need that to load as a hidden field so I used type="hidden". Once the value in this textbox is loaded, I need to +1 so that the number increases for my current ticket.
Is the right approach?
You must change the value of the first input to integer.
var ticketNo =parseInt((document.getElementById('prevTicketNo').value),10)+1;
document.getElementById('currentTicketNo').value = ticketNo;
var hiddenVal = document.getElementById("prevTicketNo");
var newTicketNo = Number(hiddenVal.value) + 1;
<input type="hidden" id="prevTicketNo" value="6"/>
If you can get the previous ticket number and output it into a hidden field (obviously via some kind of server side script), why can't you just output it directly into your text input?
eg. In PHP write this:
<input id="currentTicketNo" value="<?php echo $prevTicketNo + 1; ?>" />

